
Before I get to Trump let me reflect on the Obama presidency.  I’ve said it more than once.  And I actually openly PREDICTED it in June 2012: that OBAMA was the #1 engine of destruction of the Democratic Party because he governed as a fascist emperor rather than as a president representing an intentionally divided democratic republic.  When Obama won election in 2008 and the Republicans came to him hats-in-hand willing to compromise, Obama wouldn’t have it.  Instead he said, “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”  And that was his tone for the remainder of his presidency.

ObamaCare was crafted behind closed doors as a poison pill for Republicans such that not one single Republican – even the moderates – could not vote for it.  And that was Obama’s ONLY actual legislative accomplishment.  At the time ObamaCare passed, Democrats held the White House, had a MASSIVE majority in the House, and actually held a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.  As a direct result of the bitterness and already-perceived-failure of ObamaCare, Republicans regained control of the House in 2012 and then took over the Senate in 2014.  And the same Obama who said that elections have consequences dismissed the two massive midterm election victories for Republicans.  And Obama governed as a tyrant king through executive orders and never got anything accomplished.  And now all those sweeping executive orders are going to be blown away like fartgas in the hurricane and Obama’s legacy will come to nothing aside from the fact that he took his party from riches to rags.

What did Democrats do after their 2012 shellacking?  Did they listen to reason?  Nope; instead Harry Reid and Senate Democrats went nuclear and imposed their “nuclear option” by changing the Senate rules to favor themselves and squelch the voices of the people who elected Republicans to represent them.  And Democrats proceeded to use the nuclear option as an everyday tool to impose sweeping changes in the EPA rules that would NEVER have passed muster in any kind of decent Congress.  And so in 2014 Republican voters rose up in righteous rage and took the Senate away the same way we took the House away in 2012.  After the Democratic Party proved its name was the ultimate oxymoron and these fascists had nothing whatsoever to do with democracy.

In the current election just past, Democrats had everything in their favor particularly in terms of taking over the Senate, with 24 out of 34 Senate Seats that were up for grabs being held by Republicans and with many of those seats in purple or even blue states.  Everyone predicted that the Democrats would retake the Senate because Democrats would be able to ride anti-Trump sentiments to victory.  And they utterly failed.  In the House they were expected to take twenty seats and a BAD night would be only twelve seats; and what happened?  They took only six seats, which is HALF of what would have already been a bad night for them!  What was supposed to be a huge night for Democrats was a huge night for Republicans – and it’s all on Obama and the Hillary Clinton candidacy that ran as Obama’s third term.

Democrats lividly told us that it was the Republicans’ duty to get completely in line and abandon their platform and their values and do things the way Obama wanted.

Let’s watch these people prove that they are NOTHING but the very worst kind of naked hypocrites as they insist that it is only right, only decent, that Donald Trump compromise with them the way that Barack Obama NEVER ONCE compromised with Republicans as he shoved one poison pill after another after another down our throats and inspired the most bitterly partisan and divided climate in American history.

That’s history now.  Literally.

Today is a new day, a new opportunity for America.

One element that has to go if we are to have any chance of moving successfully forward is racism.  And I’m NOT talking about “racism” the way hypocrite Democrats keep falsely framing it.

I am one of tens of millions of Americans who are beyond disgusted and nauseated by the Democrats open embrace of naked racism as the fundamental core of their electoral and governing strategy while demonizing white people for even THINKING about doing what they brazenly do.  It was perfectly okay for Democrats to encourage – “incite” is actually a better word – blacks and Hispanics to vote on a nakedly racial basis AS a race; but these same hypocrites went apoplectic at the thought that Donald Trump would actually encourage white people to do what Democrats had encouraged THEIR races to do for YEARS.

Democrats long ago opened the floodgates of racist politicking.  And for once that flood swept over them as tens of millions of white people began to realize, “We have children too.  We have plans for the future, too.  We have dreams and thoughts and feelings, too.  And WE’RE going to vote for OUR rights and OUR survival!”

We USED to all be human beings, created in God’s image.  But abortionist Democrats crushed that in every way it could BE crushed.  Now we are the things that were lucky enough to make it out of the womb, lucky that our parents for whatever reason decided NOT to murder us and rip our bodies apart and suck us out of mommy’s womb with a medical vacuum cleaner.  And those same Democrats turned us into black and Hispanic against white and cynically demagogued and exploited every difference.

That history is all still very much with us.

And the question is, can Trump do better?

I haven’t said very much that is positive about Donald Trump.  If you were to read every article on my blog, you would notice that the ONLY things I’ve said about him were NEGATIVE.  But I realized that as bad a leader as Donald Trump might be, Hillary Clinton had ALREADY proven that she would be a vastly WORSE leader.  And I always viewed this as a binary choice between two unfortunate alternatives.

But now that Donald Trump actually did it, I ask myself in some hope for the future, what if I was wrong?

COULD Donald Trump actually be a good president?  If we’re lucky, even a great one?

Two things have come to my mind:

The first is that Donald Trump, in spite of the idiotic crap that more than occasionally came out of his mouth, actually has a history of surrounding himself with good, capable, competent people.

Now, having said that, you would never believe it reading the media accounts.  They say the OPPOSITE.

But let’s face it: WHAT THE HELL DO THESE POMPOUS TURDS KNOW?  Just keep in mind that these pseudo-intellectual fools just got proven wrong in absolutely EVERYTHING they confidently told us.

Donald Trump has actually built a huge, successful empire.  That is simply a fact.  He has been a major force in business for four decades.  How many businessmen can you name where everybody knows his or her name the way you can say “Beyoncé,” “J Lo,” etc.  Not many.  And if you believe as most on the left believe that he is some kind of dumbass, he clearly must have done it by riding the coattails of all the good people he picked to be his sub-chiefs.

As one example, Donald Trump groomed his children to succeed him not by giving them silver spoons for pacifiers, but by putting them to work beginning at the very lowest levels of his businesses and forcing them to be exposed to every facet of his operations from the very ground up.  That’s NOT the act of a self-entitled, spoiled-rotten fool.

Donald Trump did not like the direction his campaign was going and made a decision that began with Trump’s “infamous” “You’re fired!” and ended with Kellyanne Conway who became THE FIRST WOMAN TO SUCCESSFULLY RUN A VICTORIOUS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN.  She had NEVER BEEN the manager of a major campaign before.  The man who is despised as THE worst misogynist who ever lived chose THE FIRST WOMAN to EVER run a Republican presidential campaign.

Let me go not to a leftist side but to the “Anyone-But-Trump” fiasco that National Review became in describing the choice of Kellyanne Conway.  When Trump picked Conway, they came to the conclusion that he wasn’t even actually TRYING to get elected.

Trump chose well.  Everyone else chose … poorly.

Again, now that all the “experts” and all the damn liberal “intellectuals” who sold you a bunch of lies have been proven WRONG, WRONG, WRONG by this election, please allow your mind to be expanded by listening to somebody for once in your life who was NOT just refuted by reality.

If Donald Trump surrounds himself with quality leaders, he can have a truly great presidency IN SPITE OF HIMSELF.  Because, yes, he can come out and publicly say something stupid that really doesn’t mean anything aside from a chance for the liberal mainstream media to attack him; but behind the scenes good policies are being intelligently implemented by capable administrators.  And that latter thing will ultimately matter far, far more for the nation than the former thing.

The second thing that gives me hope about Trump is the way he won.

You tell me who predicted it.  Besides me – and my pointing out that the polls were POOP – and a very few people like me.  The “conventional wisdom” was that Trump was raw meat and Hillary Clinton was a hungry pit bull.

I for one never knew what would happen, but what I DID know was that liberal progressives never reflect reality; rather, they seek to IMPOSE it by framing a false narrative and then getting people to buy into their bogus false manufactured narrative.  They go from “There is no reality, only perception” to “perception is reality.”  And through media, through Hollywood, through the music industry, through the liberal universities, through mass culture, THEY are the ones who get to frame our perception.  And “political correctness” is their tactical weapon whereby people are not even allowed to THINK in terms that would undermine their false narrative as any thought outside of their box is demonized and slandered.

And I have said time and time again, BULLCRAP to that.

It boiled down to who was going to actually show up and vote, and in what numbers different groups of people who had been pitted against each other mobilized.

And the thing that now impresses me about Donald Trump is that he relied on his gut instincts – whereas Hillary Clinton has no instincts whatsoever and relied on focus group and an army of staffers and researchers and pollsters – to successfully identify his voter base and then personally communicate to those voters.

And that’s impressive.  Especially when you consider the massive and enormously successful political machine that Hillary Clinton had at her disposal.

Hillary Clinton had an ENORMOUS infrastructure advantage.  Her staff MASSIVELY DWARFED Trump’s.  Hillary outspent Trump $2-$1.

In August, Hillary outspent Trump on ads $52 million to $0 as she tried to Blitzkrieg her way to the presidency by framing Trump as a vile, horrible, hateful caricature.

Donald Trump had NO ground game, no turnout operation.  Whereas Hillary was busing people to the polls in droves and using every turnout gimmick known to mankind – even Beyoncé and JZ – to get people to vote for her.

Hillary Clinton had every single advantage there was by any measure of any previous campaign.  And Trump still managed to kick her ass in the states that most mattered.

What Donald Trump pulled off is THE biggest political upset in American history.  What the Chicago Cubs did in their 1-3 comeback to win the World Series for the first time since 1908 wasn’t even CLOSE – at least in terms of sheer national importance OR surprise.

Hillary Clinton decided to hold her victory party at a venue featuring a glass ceiling.  Because, after all, she was the first woman to shatter it.

And her instincts were COMPLETELY WRONG.  As her own top advisors lamented in their emails that we know about courtesy of WikiLeaks.

“We’ve taken on a lot of water that won’t be easy to pump out of the boat. Most of that has to do with terrible decisions made pre-campaign, but a lot has to do with her instincts,” Mr. Podesta wrote.

“You know I’m not a sycophant to you by any means. But the thing that makes me most confident she will prevail is that you are there,” Ms. Tanden, now the the co-chair of Clinton-Kaine Transition Project, responded. “Almost no one knows better [than] me that her instincts can be terrible.”

Do you seriously wish THAT creature was making the most important decisions in the world, do you???

Democrats ran a campaign based on the fallacy of the false analogy.  Donald Trump is Hitler, that sort of crap.  No he’s NOT, you stupid dumbasses!  And the ONLY candidate who actually PROVED she would do horrible things and make horrible decisions in high office is Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Democrats ran a campaign of slander suggesting that Donald Trump was all of these horrible leaders of the past and it’s an obvious lie; whereas if you want to talk about PRESENT REALITY, consider that whereas Hitler murdered six million innocent human lives in the gas chambers, Hillary murdered SIXTY million innocent human lives in the abortion mills.

Trump’s entire political career is FUTURE and HASN’T HAPPENED YET.  Hillary’s entire political career is DEMONSTRATED PAST REALITY and it is OVER.  And we all – Republicans and Democrats alike – ought to be singing, “Ding-dong the witch is dead!”  Because she was nothing but an anchor and a political albatross on not only the Democratic Party, but on the United States of America.

There is absolutely no legitimate question right now whether Donald Trump has powerful instincts.  And unless you believed all along that he would win, he’s got better damn instincts than YOU.

And he certainly has better damn instincts than ANYBODY in the political class; he proved that positively by being right and by winning and they proved it negatively by being wrong and by losing.

This dig isn’t misogyny: I GLADLY would have voted for Carly Fiorina over Donald Trump if I had had the chance.  But Hillary Clinton ran on “the war on women” and she was probably the world’s worst mouthpiece for that slogan.  Her ENTIRE CAREER was derivative on men; first on Bill Clinton who propelled her into politics and then on Barack Obama whose machine she inherited and whose presidency she ran on.  On paper she was this and she was that; in reality she never accomplished one single damn thing.

I’ll take Donald Trump instead.  And I’m not even TALKING about her corrupt and frankly criminal behavior; I’m merely identifying her “terrible instincts” and her “terrible decisions” that her left even her own campaign manager smacking his forehead.

I assure you, America.  No matter what happens, WE ARE FAR BETTER OFF THAN WE WOULD HAVE BEEN.

If you have ANY fear of God at ALL, I suggest you PRAY for Donald Trump.  Pray that he have the humility of spirit that his predecessor appallingly lacked.  Pray that he have the wisdom that his predecessor appallingly lacked.  Pray that he is able in these next sixty days to assemble capable leaders and administrators who will be able to push and pull America back on track.  Ultimately it is GOD who is sovereign over the affairs of men:

He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. — Daniel 2:21

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. — Romans 13:1

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people–for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. — 1 Timothy 2:1-2

If you want that “peaceful and quiet life,” I more than suggest that you begin to pray for Donald Trump whether or not you voted for him.

Because like it or not, he is your next president.

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