Just understand in preface that Barack Obama is a liar at heart and if he can’t lie about the nature of the “JayVee” threat of Islamic State terrorism because now hundreds of thousands of people have been tortured and murdered by beheading, by crucifixion, by being burned alive, just as they are dying in unprecedented numbers by bombs and shootings – if he can no longer minimize that horror – then he will lie about the extent to which that horror has succeeded by falsely and dishonestly claiming he has minimized a threat that in fact has EXPLODED because of his failed policies. And if that doesn’t work he will lie yet again and claim it isn’t terrorism but guns. Obama will argue that it is our founding fathers murdering us from the grave; it’s our Constitution that is murdering us; it is our Bill of Rights and specifically our 2nd Amendment that is murdering us. And our only hope is to dive into the wisdom of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao and confiscate the people’s right to defend themselves against the true threat that Obama has done NOTHING to so much as slow down.
And all the while this failed fool plays demonic games with WORDS to conceal REALITY.
If you don’t know who your enemy is, you can’t fight him, let alone have any chance of defeating him. What Obama has had us doing the last seven years is tantamount to a fighter putting a blindfold over his eyes and then going into the ring and swinging wildly in all directions while his opponent lines up his jaw for a vicious knockout.
Obama is denouncing “magic words.” I can document that Obama has used more “magic words” than ANYBODY. And this fascist thug is now upset that somebody else would dare use “magic words”??? And the difference between OUR words and Obama’s “magic words” is that OUR words are DESCRIPTIVE and describe REALITY whereas Obama’s “magic words” are DISINGENUOUS and mask reality.
Obama says:
(CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama rejected calls Tuesday for him to use the phrase “radical Islam” when talking about the war on terrorism, calling it “a political talking point” and “not a strategy.”
“There’s no magic to the phrase radical Islam. It’s a political talking point. It’s not a strategy, and the reason I am careful about how I describe this threat has nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with actually defeating extremism,” Obama said in reaction to criticism by Republicans and notably presumptive GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.
You need to understand why that statement is so beyond-pathologically stupid that it amounts to proof that Satan is alive and well for the simple reason that no human being could be that damn FOOLISH without a truly evil demonic intelligence using him like a puppet.
There’s that Dr. Phil question, “How’s that working out for you?” So let’s examine the fruit of this failed fool’s “strategy”:
Terrorism Toll 800% Higher Since 2010
“I don’t think people have grasped how significant these numbers are.”
3.29.2016 |
News | Mark Tapson
A new report blames the rapid expansion of Islamist groups across the Middle East and Africa for the booming death toll of terrorism worldwide: a nearly 800 percent rise since 2010.
According to Fox News, terrorism expert Steven Emerson’s nonprofit Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) found that an average of nearly 30,000 people per year have been killed by terrorists since 2010, when terrorism’s death toll was 3,284. The study identifies two troubling trends: more attacks are happening, and they are deadlier than ever.
Emerson, the executive director of IPT, said,
“Everyone has known that terrorist attacks have generally been increasing yearly since 9/11. But the magnitude of the increase of the attacks surprised us, especially in the past five years. Even if you look back at the annual reports issued by the most senior analysts in the top five intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies, there is not one report that predicted or forecasted that we would likely see such a massive escalation of attacks.”
The study credits the rise in part to the fact that Islamist terror groups like Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Shabaab in Somalia, a resurgent Taliban, Palestinian terrorists, and President Obama’s JB team ISIS are operating in more countries than ever, especially in the Middle East and Africa.
Terror Attacks and Deaths Due to Terrorism Since 2001 | Graphiq
Fox reports:
IPT’s report used data collected by the University of Maryland’s Global Terrorism Database. Looking at various intervals following the 9/11 attacks, and sorting out deaths caused by clear acts of terrorism — not simply war involving known terrorist groups — IPT found annual terror deaths have jumped 774 percent since the 2007-11 average.
‘[The numbers] are striking when you take into account where the numbers were at the beginning period,” said Pete Hoekstra, who chaired the House Intelligence Committee when he represented Michigan in the U.S. Congress. “I don’t think people have grasped how significant these [death toll] numbers are.” […]
When you click on that graph and seriously consider it, one thing very quickly leaps out: terrorism has essentially been doubling every 2 years throughout the entire cancer a.k.a. the Obama presidency. And so between 2012 and 2013 there were 15,000 deaths each year when there had been only 3,000 deaths a year back in 2010 before Obama’s failed policies had taken hold. Compared with 30,000 deaths each year by 2014 and 2015. So it is a simple matter of extrapolation to know how many deaths there will be each year due to terrorism by the next period of 2016 and 2017. We are looking at 60,000 deaths a year and a 1,700-PLUS percent increase under Obama by the time this arrogant, depraved, degenerate, metastatic fool leaves office.
I mean, understand, if terrorism had merely doubled and increased a hundred percent, it would have proved Obama had utterly failed and Bush’s strategy worked and his didn’t. But one thousand-seven hundred percent???
It is frankly beyond stunning even to me that the Democratic Party has become so pathologically demon-possessed that they actually view Obama’s wild FAIL as “success” in the “overseas contingency operation” against “man-caused disasters” that has mysteriously [to them] found our shores and is attacking us here.
This goes to show you how yes words DO matter. Would you like to see what “magic words” actually look like? Just consider it was OBAMA who refused to acknowledge we were in a “war on terror” and instead coined the euphemistic phraseology “overseas contingency operations” to replace it. And now terrorism has SKYROCKETED.
Obama decided that if he quit referring to “terrorist attacks” and instead used the PC-phrase “man-caused disasters” it would somehow make the world a prettier place. And we can now acknowledge the FACT that “prettier” here means fifty mangled bodies in an American nightclub gunned down by an “Allahu Akbar” laughing fanatic Muslim terrorist.
Now, those terrorism statistics are simply a grim FACT. They are what liberals most despise because they are actual, cold-blooded REALITY.
Consider another reality: even Obama’s own hand-picked CIA Director now says unequivocally that Obama has wildly failed and his “strategy” amounts to a load of unicorn poop:
CIA director grave warning: ISIS dangerous as ever
By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent and Ryan Browne
Updated 7:09 PM ET, Thu June 16, 2016
(CNN) — ISIS can draw on a “large cadre of Western fighters” that could attack in the U.S. and the terror threat posed by the group remains as dangerous as ever despite efforts to crush it militarily, the director of the CIA said Thursday.
“Unfortunately, despite all our progress against ISIL on the battlefield and in the financial realm, our efforts have not reduced the group’s terrorism capability and global reach,” CIA Director John Brennan testified to Congress using another acronym for the group.
“The resources needed for terrorism are very modest, and the group would have to suffer even heavier losses of territory, manpower and money for its terrorist capacity to decline significantly,” Brennan added. “In fact, as the pressure mounts on ISIL, we judge that it will intensify its global terror campaign to maintain its dominance of the global terrorism agenda.”
Brennan warned that the group already is preparing more attacks, including by infiltrating refugees into western nations.
“We judge that ISIL is training and attempting to deploy operatives for further attacks,” he said. “ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the West. And the group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West, including refugee flows, smuggling routes, and legitimate methods of travel.”
The CIA director, appearing just days after the massacre in Orlando that left 49 people dead, told the Senate Intelligence Committee that lone wolf attackers who are inspired by but not under the direct control of terror groups represent “an exceptionally challenging issue for the intelligence community.”
Two giant, key admissions from Director Brennan: 1) Islamic State – which exploded into being under Obama and which Obama has done nothing to so much as slow down – is as powerful as EVER; and 2) Islamic State is using Obama’s Muslim refugee immigration program to infiltrate TERRORISTS into America.
And Hillary Clinton defiantly says she wants to massively INCREASE THE NUMBER OF TERRORISTS BROUGHT INTO AMERICA. Now BOTH the CIA and FBI Directors have said that the terrorists will exploit this program, but Democrats literally don’t give a rat’s hairy ass how many mangled American bodies it causes; their political correctness trumps all rational thought. FBI Director Comey has repeatedly said there is NO WAY we can screen the wave of Muslims Obama and Hillary are hell-bent on bringing into America.
What we find is that Obama and the Obama administration have been LYING to us about their “success” on what they for years even refused to acknowledge was “terror” and even now won’t rightly call “Islamic terror.” Obama mocked Islamic State and called them “JayVee” EVEN WHILE THEY WERE OWNING HIS WORTHLESS ASS.
Then we found that somehow, somebody had ordered U.S. intelligence analysts to doctor their intelligence reports to make it falsely appear Obama was succeeding while in reality he was failing:
More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned.
The complaints spurred the Pentagon’s inspector general to open an investigation into the alleged manipulation of intelligence. The fact that so many people complained suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command charged with the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State assesses intelligence.
“The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command,” one defense official said.
Two senior analysts at CENTCOM signed a written complaint sent to the Defense Department inspector general in July alleging that the reports, some of which were briefed to President Obama, portrayed the terror groups as weaker than the analysts believe they are. The reports were changed by CENTCOM higher-ups to adhere to the administration’s public line that the U.S. is winning the battle against ISIS and al Nusra, al Qaeda’s branch in Syria, the analysts claim.
That complaint was supported by 50 other analysts, some of whom have complained about politicizing of intelligence reports for months. That’s according to 11 individuals who are knowledgeable about the details of the report and who spoke to The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity.
The accusations suggest that a large number of people tracking the inner workings of the terror groups think that their reports are being manipulated to fit a public narrative. […]
Still other intelligence analysts in other Obama Administration departments say the same thing, that they were and are being ordered to ignore reality to conform to an obviously LEFTIST political narrative that has been time-and-time again proved FALSE and DISHONEST.
News reports are just coming out now that FIFTY senior State Department officials in Obama’s OWN administration have signed a document notifying this failed fool of a president that his entire foreign policy is in absolute shambles.
The wheels of Obama are starting to come flying off as the United States of America under Obama struck another iceberg and is taking on water fast.
So now let’s go back to the article that describes the explosion of terrorist killings to the tune of over 800 percent and consider the quote, “if you look back at the annual reports issued by the most senior analysts in the top five intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies, there is not one report that predicted or forecasted that we would likely see such a massive escalation of attacks.” Why is that? Because Obama wouldn’t ALLOW his intelligence to produce an accurate report that depicted the situation the way it actually was. He pimped the numbers because he is a liar and the father of lies.
Obama’s handpicked Attorney General – the same one whom we can safely say WON’T indict corrupt Hillary Clinton for her CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY – is on public record having directly threatened anyone who says anything bad about Islam. In San Bernardino, citizens were AFRAID to speak out about what they knew. We don’t DARE cross a demonic Barack Obama and his satanic Attorney General. We now see the same damn thing as warnings were either ignored by the government or people were terrorized into silence by Obama and his leftist PC thugs.
The heroes who weren’t heroes because their warnings went ignored by the Obama Administration was a NON-PC GUN SHOP because they saw this Muslim terrorist was a psychotic murderer and refused to sell him ammunition and called the FBI to report him.
Warning after warning after warning went ignored because Barack Obama is our Terrorist-in-Chief and political correctness is the official religion of his realm.
We go back in time and in 2009 a terrorist Muslim Major named Nidal Hasan shot up his Army base screaming “Allahu Akbar!” and murdered thirteen soldiers and wounded another 30 and it was “workplace violence” to the Obama Administration even after it became known he was spouting terrorist gibberish to his fellow officers who were afraid to speak out due to political correctness; even after it became known he had been in email contact with known terrorist mastermind Anwar Awlaki; even after it became known that he was walking around with business cards identifying himself as a “Soldier of Allah.” And we’ve seen these despicable lies and denials from Obama and his regime over and over and over again since then, because the truth is a very inconvenient thing when everything Democrats believe are lies, LIES, LIES.
And so ALL the Democrats have is a diversionary tactic: THEY HAVE FAILED AND IT IS OBVIOUS THEY HAVE FAILED AND ALL THEY CAN DO IS TRY TO DISTRACT STUPID PEOPLE FROM REALIZING THEY HAVE FAILED by waving a completely different red-herring in front of the news cameras (the 2nd Amendment and the guns our Constitution and our American way of life guarantees).
Howard Stern nailed it yesterday:
Howard Stern Dismantles Calls for Gun Control After Orlando Attack With Chilling ‘Sheep’ and ‘Wolves’ Analogy
Jun. 16, 2016 10:14am Dave Urbanski
In the wake of the deadly Orlando terrorist attack, radio icon Howard Stern spent part of his Wednesday program berating those calling for gun control as the way to prevent further carnage in the future.
“I’m so upset about Orlando and what went down,” Stern said, “but I can’t believe these people would come out afterward and their answer to Orlando is to take away guns from the public. It’s f***ing mindblowing to me.”
Stern then illustrated his point with an analogy equating the public to sheep, the terrorists to wolves and the military and police as sheepdogs. And even as Stern humorously imitated a generally passive, sheep-like populace with bleating noises — baaaa — his analogy was chilling at a deeper level.
“Now, let’s say I walked up literally to a sheep herd, and they know that every night the wolves pick off a couple of them,” Stern said. “What if I went up to the sheep and I said, ‘You wanna have a shot at the wolves? I’m gonna give you a pistol. You can actually even the playing field with these wolves whose fangs are out — you could shoot them and save your family.’”
Stern then took on the role of the passive sheep: “Well, baaaa. We’re not gonna do that. We don’t want to fight baaaack. He didn’t hurt uuuus. He only hurt the family down the streeet. And the shepherd will protect us, the sheepdogs are out there, they’ll protect us.”
Stern’s hypothetical reply? “Well, the sheepdogs are protecting you, but some of them can’t be with you all day. There’s not a sheepdog for every citizen, and a wolf is still eating one of you every night.”
Against that backdrop, Stern continued the analogy with the sheep insisting on their guns being taken away as a way to protect themselves:
Now, why would the sheep — baaaa — say, “Oh, we’ve got an answer to all the terrorism, all these bad wolves that are coming after us. We’ll hand in all our guns. We’re gonna hand ‘em in. Baaaa. You know who’ll protect us? The government. Or the police. Baaaa.”
Stern then declared — now out of sheep mode — “That’s a baaaad f***ing idea.”
“I don’t like violence — I don’t like any of this stuff — but I consider myself a sheep, and I want the police to protect me. I support the police. And I want the government to protect me,” he explained. “But guess what? Most of your politicians … all have private security. … So they’re OK. Those are sheep that are very well protected. You on the other hand, you’re a sitting duck.”
“If you’re a sitting duck,” he asked, “do you want a fighting chance or not?”
“I’m not for taking away people’s rights. I’m not,” Stern continued. “I think the answer doesn’t lie in taking any kind of ability of the sheep to protect themselves from the wolves. I really don’t. I wish it was that simple.”
“In France they’ve done it very effectively,” he added, “the population is not armed — but unfortunately the wolves are.”
If you think that gun control works, then how do you explain the fact that it has wildly failed everywhere it’s been tried??? Chicago has gun-control laws as tough as any in the nation, but there are at least 3,000 shootings every single damn year because the criminals and gang members have been emboldened with the knowledge that THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES WITH ANY GUNS. And it should not be shocking that liberalism failed to solve those gun crimes NINETY PERCENT OF THE TIME. In San Bernardino, California kept the assault weapons ban, and yet somehow the terrorist had no trouble getting his hands on one.
So the leftist argument is that what spectacularly fails to work locally and regionally ought to be imposed nationally so we can spectacularly fail nationally. Because “Democrat” means “DEMOnic bureauCRAT” and these liberal fools are truly evil.
I denounce these fools with the Word of God that they mock: Isaiah 28:15 says, “You boast, we have struck a bargain to cheat death and we have made a deal to dodge the grave. The coming destruction can never touch us, because we have built a strong refuge made of lies and deception.” Colossians 2:8 says, “Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.” Everything these failed fools say amounts to “empty philosophies” and “high-sounding nonsense” if there ever was ANYTHING that has EVER amounted to nonsense. Every so-called “strategy” these failed fools are spouting is nothing more than a bargain to cheat death and a deal to dodge the grave. Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s ways are DEMONIC. They are leading us to our doom.
We are literally voting this November on whether we want to continue to survive as a nation, or whether we want to perish by PC.
And PC was a rhetoric tactic invented by COMMUNISTS. And it was the COMMUNISTS and the NAZIS who first took away guns from their people so they could terrorize their disarmed people who no longer had the power or capability to resist.