
Update, 9:35 pm Pacific Standard Time: So the FBI is reporting the following:

(Bloomberg) — The FBI has recovered personal and work- related e-mails from the private computer server used by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

Further down the article I read:

Once the e-mails have been extracted, a group of agents has been separating personal correspondence and passing along work- related messages to agents leading the investigation, the person said.

Well, here’s the thing about that: this yet again proves that Hillary Clinton was LYING.  She claimed she turned over ALL of her work-related emails.  She claimed that the ONLY emails she deleted were PERSONAL.  But here we are finding work-related emails that she didn’t turn over and went to the lengths of deleting.  She lied because she’s a liar and that’s what she does.

The Fox News version of this article – because Fox News is the only news program that is still worth watching any more – points that fact out:

Ed Henry reported on “The Kelly File” that if the FBI has indeed recovered work-related emails, it would be a “game-changer.”

He explained that Clinton has long claimed that she only deleted 30,000 personal emails from the server, so if the FBI recovers work-related emails, that would suggest that Clinton was not telling the truth.

Frankly, anybody who believes that Hillary Clinton is even CAPABLE of telling the truth is an idiot. [End update].

The bottom line comes down to this, Democrat voter: aside from the FACT that Hillary Clinton treated the national security of the United States like toilet paper by REPEATEDLY sending and receiving classified emails on an open system that most security experts say HAD to have been penetrated by foreign governments, my question is simply whether or not you would be all right with every single Republican politician and appointee having his or her own private server that he or she could wipe without anyone knowing what had been on it the way Hillary Clinton tried to do.

If your answer is, “I absolutely wouldn’t mind the people I most viscerally disagree with having the ability to wipe the records of their criminality,” then you’ve got terrible judgment, but at least you aren’t an abject moral hypocrite the way the rest of the 99.999999% of your party is.

But ever since this story first came out, it has been an amazing act of pure political chutzpah.

Hillary Clinton intentionally and deliberately from the very outset of her tenure as Secretary of State made herself completely unaccountable to transparency laws like Freedom of Information Act requests:

What can Hillary Clinton have been thinking? On January 13, 2009, she — or, more likely, someone on her staff — registered a new domain: clintonemail.com. And for her entire term as secretary of state, she would use private e-mail instead of government accounts for all her electronic correspondence. She never even got a government e-mail address, which must have taken some doing, because in most organizations, those e-mail accounts are created before the new employee even arrives.

As Politico points out, keeping Clinton’s e-mails off government servers means that they were invisible to Freedom of Information Act requests about her communications with anyone outside the State Department. Her staff has turned over e-mails from the private account, but this is not the sort of job that should be performed by someone personally employed by Hillary Clinton. Decisions about what to turn over and what to keep private should be made by career government lawyers whose job comes from the agency, not Hillary Clinton.

It’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that this was an attempt to avoid transparency and accountability for whatever it is she wrote. Such manipulations should severely hurt her presidential aspirations. Odds are, however, that Democrats will rally around her, because what choice do they have?

A spokesman for Clinton says that her actions comply with the “letter and spirit of the rules.” To put it kindly, this seems to be complete nonsense. Federal officials are not supposed to have private e-mail silos that are their sole means of official digital communication and are reviewed only by their personal staff. And that should apply doubly to the holder of one of the most important cabinet roles. Moreover, the fact that she never even got a State Department address certainly gives the impression that this was a deliberate attempt to avoid the public eye. She didn’t just sloppily default to her own personal e-mail address, as many people do; she also made sure that it was not possible to accidentally send her an e-mail on a work account that government oversight groups could access.

Even more troubling is the fact that a large number of people in the White House and the State Department must have known that she was using a private address that wouldn’t leave copies on government servers. Why didn’t any of them gently suggest that this was not OK?

For the official record, the SAME people who allowed her to bypass the government accounts “that are automatically created before the new employee even arrives” and the SAME people who HAD to have known that Hillary Clinton had created a system that would NOT leave copies on government servers are the ones “investigating” her now.  The only hope for justice being done to Hillary Clinton by the Obama “Justice” Department is if top FBI officials have sworn they will resign en masse if the West Wing interferes in any way, any shape or any form from the obvious criminal indictment that ought to have already fallen like a ton of bricks on top of Hillary Clinton’s head.

But I digress.  Let me continue on the point I had been making about transparency and how the Democrat Party is as “transparent” as fecal matter: Hillary Clinton likely violated THREE transparency laws with her paranoid fascism:

First, she may have violated the Federal Records Act. Even in 2009, this law required Clinton to “ensure that Federal records sent or received” on her private email “are preserved in the appropriate agency record keeping system.” Clinton claims to have fulfilled this law by turning over 55,000 pages of emails to the Department of State, but the full truth cannot be known until and unless investigators are able to access her private email server. The penalties for violating the Federal Records Act include fines, jail time or disqualification from holding any office under the United States.

The second law Clinton may have violated is Section 1924 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code, which forbids federal employees from retaining classified information in an unauthorized manner — such as in a personal email. A 2009 Executive Order by President Barack Obama has a similar ban on such activity. Clinton has sought to address this problem by claiming that her emails never dealt with classified information, yet this is highly unlikely given her role as Secretary of State.

And finally, Clinton may have violated the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). By utilizing a private email server beyond the control of the State Department, her email records will never be subject to FOIA requests — the most basic tool in keeping Washington transparent. In fact, Clinton may have used a private email server precisely to evade FOIA.

Given Clinton’s intransigence and unwillingness to give investigators access to her private email server, we cannot yet know with full certainty whether she broke these three laws.

And yes, Hillary Clinton is THE quintessential moral hypocrite par excellence.  When she became Secretary of State, she sent out a memo to all of her State Department employees on FOIA that read, “”Preserving the record of our deliberations, decisions, and actions will be at the foundation of our efforts to promote openness.”  And then she proceeded to disregard everything she said and document for all time and for all history that she is a hypocrite without shame, honor, integrity, virtue, honesty or decency.

The USA Today article that points out Hillary’s above-mentioned FOIA communique points out:

So much for that. Today, we know that Clinton took extraordinary steps to prevent any record of her “deliberations, decisions, and actions.” During her entire tenure as Secretary of State, she exclusively utilized a private email account run through servers located at her home in Chappaqua, New York. This arrangement prevented the federal government from maintaining any record of her email communications — a slap in the face to anyone who cares about government transparency and an obvious example of hypocrisy given the memo Clinton sent to her staff in 2009.

Clinton has since attempted to address this crisis of transparency by selectively releasing the emails which she claims pertained to her work as Secretary of State. Of the 62,320 emails she has admitted to sending between 2009 and 2013, she has handed over 30,490 — in the form of 55,000 printed pages which may have been edited — to the Department of State. The remaining emails — nearly 32,000 — were apparently destroyed.

Hillary Clinton and her henchmen have gone out and repeatedly claimed that Hillary did nothing wrong, broke no laws, violated no policies.  Bullcrap.  A State Department official testified that Hillary Clinton’s practices were NOT acceptable and employees were warned against what she did.  As Politico reports:

A senior State Department official testifying at the first congressional hearing focusing on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account for official business called such an arrangement “not acceptable” and said other employees have been warned against it.

“I think that the action we’ve taken in the course of recovering these emails have made it very clear what people’s responsibilities are with respect to recordkeeping,” Assistant Secretary of State for Administration Joyce Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “I think the message is loud and clear that that is not acceptable.”

A federal judge went even further when he blatantly stated that Hillary Clinton had violated government policy:

A federal judge has added fresh fuel to the incendiary controversy over Hillary Clinton’s email, asserting during a hearing Thursday that she violated government policy by storing official messages on a private server when she worked as secretary of state.

“We wouldn’t be here today if this employee had followed government policy,” said U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, apparently referring to Clinton, during a hearing on one of the many Freedom of Information Act lawsuits seeking access to her records as secretary of state.

If you vote for Hillary Clinton, Democrat, you are a criminal, a fascist, and a soon-to-be occupant of hell.  That’s the bottom line.  There is simply no excuse for what she did other than she had to hide her crimes because she is a criminal exploiting her high-level government position to enrich herself and her husband via secret deals made through their foundation.

And either Hillary should go to prison or government officials should be completely above the law for all time until America collapses under the weight of its corruption.

One of the funny things is how the Clinton team loves to point out that other officials – you know, Republican ones – have had private email accounts.  Without ever bothering to mention the vast gulf of difference between having a private email account as most Americans do and HAVING YOUR OWN PRIVATE SERVER THAT ENABLES YOU TO PURGE AND DELETE ALL RECORDS THAT WOULD OTHERWISE EXIST.  That said, I laughed at this NBC article because it never mentioned the PRIVATE SERVER, but it still demonstrates that NO, Hillary, NOBODY ELSE HAS EVER USED PRIVATE EMAILS THE WAY YOU DID:

Mar 3 2015, 7:36 pm ET
Hillary Clinton’s Personal Email Use Differed From Other Top Officials

by Perry Bacon Jr.

Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of a non-government email account to send messages to her staff during her time as Secretary of State is a break from what other top officials have done, raising concerns from both Democrats and Republicans about the propriety of the practice.

Aides to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former President George W. Bush said neither official routinely sent e-mails to staffers while they held those posts. Rice “did not use her personal e-mail for official communication as Secretary” and instead exclusively used her State Department account, according to a top aide who did not want to be quoted publicly.

Again, what Hillary Clinton did was UNPRECEDENTED for a government employee:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The computer server that transmitted and received Hillary Clinton’s emails — on a private account she used exclusively for official business when she was secretary of state — traced back to an Internet service registered to her family’s home in Chappaqua, New York, according to Internet records reviewed by The Associated Press.

The highly unusual practice of a Cabinet-level official physically running her own email would have given Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, impressive control over limiting access to her message archives. It also would distinguish Clinton’s secretive email practices as far more sophisticated than some politicians, including Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin, who were caught conducting official business using free email services operated by Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc.

Most Internet users rely on professional outside companies, such as Google Inc. or their own employers, for the behind-the-scenes complexities of managing their email communications. Government employees generally use servers run by federal agencies where they work.

Hypocrite?  We can go back to June 20, 2007 and see where Hillary Clinton demonized the Bush Administration with this and under HER OWN STANDARDS PROVE SHE IS THE WORST HYPOCRITE WHO EVER LIVED:

“We know our Constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps. We know about the secret military tribunals, the secret White House email accounts. It is a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run-amok. It is everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent.”

I remind you, I have already PROVEN for the factual record that Hillary Clinton has far and away surpassed ANYTHING that ANY Bush official did when it came to emails.  And she set out to do it IMMEDIATELY the MOMENT she came into her Secretary of State job.

At this point I have conclusively proven and documented and established that Hillary Clinton is a paranoid fascist.  She is “paranoid” because of her UNPRECEDENTED secrecy and sheer rabid determination to place herself beyond any transparency.  And she is a “fascist” because of her equally rabid determination to place herself above the laws that she herself imposed on the people under her who were not in her fascist inner circle.

What Hillary Clinton did and intentionally set out to do reveals her character, and her character is that of a paranoid fascist, period.  Just based on the above, no one who supports or votes for Hillary Clinton is a true “democrat” because you simply cannot support or vote for Hillary Clinton and give one rat’s hairy backside about “democracy.”  Not when your candidate went to such obvious lengths to sidestep and thwart “democracy.”

Just acknowledge what you truly are, Democrat Party: you are FASCISTS.

But now we get to the real criminality and incredible disregard for the national security of the United States of America.  Now we get to the FACTS that 1) Hillary Clinton now without any question sent and received emails that were clearly classified in violation of the law; and 2) that foreign hostile governments almost without any question have intercepted those emails and now know far better than the American people what Hillary Clinton actually thought about the world and the secrets she stupidly shared to the world’s worst governments.

Before I do that, let me first address Hillary Clinton’s constantly “evolving” email excuses (otherwise known as “lies”):

Back at the start, she claimed there was “no classified material” on the thousands of messages sent to and from her private server. Now the State Department has flagged more than 300 e-mails as containing classified information.

Her next explanation: “I did not send classified material, and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified.”

But even that excuse — the material was only classified later — doesn’t hold water.

Reuters reports that its careful examination of the “classified” stamps shows the e-mails are filled with information that, by State Department rules, automatically count as classified — whether or not they’re so marked.

At least 30 e-mail threads hold confidential information from foreign officials — material the former director of the Information Security Oversight Office says is “born classified.”

Sorry: As head of the State Department, Hillary should have known this. Indeed, she’s stressed that she was “certainly well aware” of classification requirements. Yet that “ridiculous rules” tweet still went out.

You see why The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward said this week that the whole mess “reminds me of the Nixon tapes.”


McClatchy  reported in late July that classified information from five US intelligence agencies were found on Hillary Clinton’s unsecure email server, contradicting her claim that “there is no classified material” on the server. Team Clinton adapted their talking points to say that the server didn’t contain anything that was classified at the time, allowing that retroactive classifications had occurred. Two independent Inspectors General said otherwise from the beginning, then Reuters debunked the updated spin conclusively last week, concluding: “[Emails on the server] are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department’s own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go.”

Watch the video:

And so, yeah, when it comes to Hillary Clinton or her cronies trying to claim that she didn’t do anything wrong, when it comes to her constantly shifting stories, well, it just depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is, the way Bill Clinton made his integrity a joke while denying he’d had any kind of “sexual relations with that woman” until his sperm somehow happened to end up on his intern’s blue dress.  It’s who Democrats are.  They’re bad people.  They are liars who support people who lie.

So Hillary Clinton is claiming that she didn’t send any classified material specifically MARKED classified at the time.  After she was first proven to be a liar when she claimed that she hadn’t sent classified material when in fact oh, yes, she HAD, and then she was proven to be a liar again when she said that none of the emails were classified at the time she sent or received them when, oh, yes, they WERE.  Then she pivoted to this esoteric and arcane argument (that legally is irrelevant, say the experts because it’s not classified because it’s MARKED classified; it’s marked classified because it is CLASSIFIED.  It’s classified because it is sensitive information that should remain highly restricted.  Which means it is CLASSIFIED whether it is marked classified or not.) that she never sent or received anything that was actually marked “classified” at the time it was sent.  But understand how that state of affairs was the case in those emails.  From the Los Angeles Times:

The Department of Justice said it is weighing whether to launch its own investigation after the inspector general for intelligence agencies notified the agency that classified information that went through the account appeared to have been mishandled. Administration officials and investigators declined to share details about the emails. But in a separate memo to lawmakers, the inspector general said that a review of just 40 of the 30,000 emails from the Clinton server found that four had information that should have been marked and handled as classified.

Clinton has made many assurances in recent months that she did not send or receive classified information on her personal server. Her campaign says the material in question had not been specifically marked as classified and, thus, Clinton broke no rules. The inspector general disputed that characterization in a statement late Friday, saying that the information in the emails was classified at the time, even if it wasn’t marked as such, and shouldn’t have been transmitted on a personal email system.

Even so, the revelation was an uncomfortable one for the candidate. And national security experts said the disclosure that that material that should have been marked classified made its way to Clinton’s personal email account at the very least fuels legitimate speculation about how the server was used.

“It tells us why this was such a bad idea,” said Stewart A. Baker, a former general counsel to the National Security Agency now in private practice. “It raises questions.”

Among them, Baker said, was whether staffers deliberately avoided marking sensitive emails to Clinton as classified so they could sidestep the bureaucrats who handle transmission of such material.

“She skipped the government circles and nobody was overseeing this and nobody was saying, ‘This info should not be on this system,’” Baker said. “If anything, there was an incentive for people to cross the line without making clear they were doing so.”

What happened?  Somebody in Hillary’s inner circle of witches and warlocks stripped the classification markers from the emails so Hillary Clinton could have just such a “plausible deniability.”  No matter how implausible it truly is:

The latest revelations about top secret information traversing Hillary Clinton’s private email server have triggered accusations that someone in her “inner circle” likely stripped the classification markings, illegally.

The claims come after the Clinton campaign stuck to the argument that the Democratic presidential candidate, while secretary of state, never dealt with emails that were “marked” classified at the time.

“Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them,” campaign Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri said in a statement to supporters Wednesday.

But a State Department official told Fox News that the intelligence community inspector general, who raised the most recent concerns about Clinton’s emails, made clear that at least one of those messages contained information that only could have come from the intelligence community.

“If so, they would have had to come in with all the appropriate classification markings,” the official said.

The official questioned whether someone, then, tampered with that message. “[S]omewhere between the point they came into the building and the time they reached HRC’s server, someone would have had to strip the classification markings from that information before it was transmitted to HRC’s personal email.”

This top secret, classified information came from the CIA, it came from the NSA, it came from the FBI, etcetera, and it was classified and it was MARKED as such.  But somehow by the time it got to Hillary Clinton’s private email server that was NOT legally allowed to have such sensitive, classified information, those classification markers were somehow gone.

This amounts to the orphan who brutally murdered his parents pleading for mercy because after all, he IS an orphan.

Now you need to understand the sheer, blasphemous magnitude as to just how incredibly cavalier Hillary Clinton and her team were regarding your national security and the lives of your children.

Hillary Clinton selected a private firm to maintain her private server. She made the choice out of political ideology, not competence or qualification. The company she chose was NOT legally authorized to possess or in any way, shape or form handle or deal with classified intelligence information. The company was so indifferent to security that they kept Hillary’s server in a BATHROOM CLOSET:

The IT company Hilary Clinton chose to maintain her private email account was run from a loft apartment and its servers were housed in the bathroom closet, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

Daily Mail Online tracked down ex-employees of Platte River Networks in Denver, Colorado, who revealed the outfit’s strong links to the Democratic Party but expressed shock that the 2016 presidential candidate chose the small private company for such a sensitive job.

One, Tera Dadiotis, called it ‘a mom and pop shop’ which was an excellent place to work, but hardly seemed likely to be used to secure state secrets. And Tom Welch, who helped found the company, confirmed the servers were in a bathroom closet.

It can also be disclosed that the small number of employees who were aware of the Clinton contract were told to keep it secret.

The way in which Clinton came to contract a company described as a ‘mom and pop’ operation remains unclear.

However Daily Mail Online has established a series of connections between the firm and the Democratic Party.

Well, this sounds safe to Democrats, I’m sure.  These ARE demon-possessed people who are incapable of reason or decency, after all.

But not in actual factual reality,  After pointing out the protections her emails WOULD have had if she had used the government account she shunned because she is a paranoid fascist who wanted to be above transparency, we learn:

Clinton’s email wouldn’t have the benefit of any of that expensive government security. If she had hosted her email with Google or even Yahoo! or Microsoft, there might be an argument that those private companies’ security teams are just as competent as the those of the feds. But instead, according to the Associated Press, Clinton ran her server from her own home. Any protection it had there—aside from the physical protection of the Secret Service—would have been limited to the Clintons’ own personal resources.

A more specific threat to Clinton’s private email relates to its domain name. Unlike the State Department’s State.gov domain, Clinton’s Clintonemail.com is currently registered with a private domain registrar, Network Solutions, as a simple Whois search reveals. The domain Clintonemail.com (and thus its registrar) was certainly known to at least one hacker: The notorious celebrity hacker Guccifer first revealed it in 2013 when he spilled the emails of Clinton associate Sydney Blumenthal.

Anyone who hacked Network Solutions would be able to quietly hijack the Clintonemail.com domain, intercepting, redirecting, and even spoofing email from Clinton’s account. And Network Solutions is far from the Internet’s hardest target: Hundreds of its domains were hacked in 2010, a year into Clinton’s tenure at the head of the State Department.

Even if Clinton used the account only for personal messages rather than those of international importance (say, something along the lines of: “Let’s go ahead and drop those bombs, Bibi”) the notion that they could be both intercepted and spoofed through a common hacking vector is particularly troubling. “Even the most mundane of communications can be interesting to an intelligence service,” says the ACLU’s Soghoian. The NSA, he points out, thought it was worthwhile to monitor German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s personal cell phone, for instance.1

And therefore:

Looking at it this way, a “homebrew” server was the worst possible choice. Even using a webmail system like Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo would have been better because those companies have the expertise and capability to meet at least some of the threat this class of information would face.

This is the most important point. You can liken this to the CFO of Chase taking billions of dollars in cash home and storing it in the mattress. It’s so inadequate to meeting the risks that it would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.

Unless we learn that this server was being protected by the government using the same levels of protection that official servers are, we have no choice but to assume that this server has been compromised by foreign intelligence agents. And let’s be clear, this isn’t just hostile governments: if the Snowden disclosures have shown us anything (reminded us, really) it’s that everyone spies on everyone, friend and foe alike. To put this in the starkest terms: we have to assume the Russians, the Chinese, the Israelis have had access to the Secretary of State’s official email.

And in point of fact we’ve learned it WASN’T.  In fact, there was a significant period of time where Hillary’s secret server wasn’t protected AT ALL.

It had absolutely NO encryption for the first three months whatsoever:

Venafi, a Salt Lake City computer security firm, has conducted an analysis of clintonemail.com and determined that “for the first three months of Secretary Clinton’s term, access to the server was not encrypted or authenticated with a digital certificate.” In other words: For three months, Clinton’s server lay vulnerable to snooping, hacking, and spoofing.

And when Hillary finally got around to bothering to install any security whatsoever, she screwed the pooch and ended up with a “misconfigured encryption system.”  I mean, it was kind of like her criminal incompetence with Benghazi, only with her own damn server that she installed so she could delete the evidence of her crimes and make her Orwellian disappearances of the factual record permanent.  And just like Orwell’s Oceania, Hillary couldn’t have cared less what the rival global power Eurasia and Eastasia that Oceania was at constant war with knew: her cover up was only against her OWN people.

Just like with the Iran Nuclear Deal and the secret side-agreements, Democrats have made it so that all of our enemies know everything; it’s the American people who are the mushrooms in all of this.  As in “KITDAFOHS”: an acronym that stands for being “Kept In The Dark And Fed On Horse Shit.”  Manure and fascism is all you’re ever going to get from now on by voting Democrat.

What Hillary did was tantamount to having your firewall and your anti-virus software turned off while you browsed the Internet.  Only she put us ALL at risk with her stupidity and selfish fascist paranoia.

In other words, it was completely open to foreign intelligence services and was undoubtedly penetrated.  Bob Gourley, former chief technology officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency, states that “I have no doubt in my mind that this thing was penetrated by multiple foreign powers, to assume otherwise is to put blinders on.”


Former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell said that he believes some foreign intelligence agencies possess the contents of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

“I think that foreign intelligence services, the good ones, have everything on any unclassified network that the government uses,” Morell said Friday in an interview on the Hugh Hewitt Show.


Hillary Clinton’s mushrooming email scandal will not end well no matter what conclusions are reached, Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and NSA, tells Newsmax TV.

“I would simply say that the sin in all of this is the original sin,” Hayden said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth, host of “Newsmax Prime.”

“Frankly, there is no way to make this come out happy if you comingle your government and your private emails and then put all of them on a private server as opposed to a government server.

“You’re just setting in motion a whole series of things and it doesn’t require anyone to be stupid or malevolent. If you set it up that way, it’s going to end up in a bad place and that’s the bad place we’re in now.”  […]

Does Hayden believe Clinton’s emails had a high probability of ending up in the hands of foreign intelligence services?

“I won’t give you a number, but a foreign intelligence service of some merit, if they were interested in those emails, I would give them a high probability of success that they would be able to penetrate that system,” he said.


The unfolding national security scandal involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the leading Democratic candidate for president, is expected to produce evidence of foreign intelligence service involvement in the compromise of U.S. secrets placed on an unsecure email server.

That’s the conclusion of a senior State Department official who told me at least three foreign intelligence services – the Chinese, Russians and Israelis – almost certainly were able to hack into the private email server used by Clinton from 2009 to 2013.

The day Hillary Clinton is sworn into office as President of the United States of America is the day that Russia, China, North Korea, and most of the rest of our worst global enemies, will notify her that they will expose her and she will go to prison for life if she doesn’t turn traitor.  We’ve had high-level traitors before, but this would be the first time a sitting president did so.  That’s what Democrats are itching to vote for.  These are people who literally cannot wait to take the mark of the beast on their right hands or on their foreheads.  They want to get the Antichrist ball rolling down the slope now.

Why did Hillary do all this?  It’s actually very simple:

Hillary designed her server with privacy and the ability to purge evidence of her criminality rather than security:

A week before becoming secretary of state, Hillary Clinton set up a private e-mail system that gave her a high level of control over communications, including the ability to erase messages completely, according to security experts who have examined Internet records.

“You erase it and everything’s gone,” Matt Devost, a security expert who has had his own private e-mail for years. Commercial services like those from Google Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. retain copies even after users erase them from their in-box.

There are so many damn shady deals involving Bill and Hillary Clinton, their half-million-dollar speeches and their corrupt Clinton Foundation.  Hillary Clinton sold access and corrupt, crony-capitalist-fascist “deals” to the highest bidder in situation after situation.  There were the “donations” made AFTER Hillary resolved a Swiss bank’s tax issues to their liking; there was the sale of a fifth of America’s uranium to Russia that Clinton was neck-deep in.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t belong in the White House; she belongs in the Big House.  She belongs in PRISON for her CRIMES against the national security of the United States of America.  General David Petraeus, a war hero who saved countless American servicemen’s lives with his heroic and skilled leadership in Iraq and Afghanistan, was CONVICTED of a crime for mishandling ONE classified record; Hillary Clinton mishandled classified material on HUNDREDS of occasions.

On August 17, 2015, we had a count of 305 classified emails that somehow found their way onto Hillary Clinton’s secret private server.  On September 1, 2015, still another 150 were added to that list of classified emails.  So with a long way to go sorting through her emails, she’s already more than four-hundred times more guilty than Petraeus was.  And that’s not even counting the more than 30,000 emails that she decided she didn’t want us to see and purged as she tried to wipe her server.

In the case of Richard Nixon, 18-and-a-half minutes of tape “somehow” got erased.  Out of more than 2,800 hours.  Hillary Clinton purged 32,000 of her emails, refused to turn over her server, wiped it AFTER having been served a lawful subpoena for it.  She claimed she had not been subpoenaed, but she lied.  And she only turned over the 55,000 emails after she and her staff screened them.  She falsely claimed that she had turned over ALL of her government emails and that she only deleted personal emails.  That is another proven lie: she got caught red-handed having NOT turned over relevant emails related to Libya.  We may never know how many official emails she purged.  Richard Nixon is the most moral man who ever lived standing next to Hillary Clinton.

That’s why Hillary Clinton installed a secret server in such reckless violation of national security.  Because she’s a horrible human being who cynically exploited her position in the most corrupt way imaginable.

We have multiple stories of military servicemen who went to PRISON for doing a tiny fraction of what Hillary Clinton did just for their petty violations of national security that don’t come CLOSE to what Hillary Clinton did.  And NONE of them had the corrupt, cynical, selfish and frankly fascist motives that Hillary Clinton had when she was doing far worse than what sent these men to prison.

Look, I’m not trying to reason with Democrats.  Democrats are horrible people who will all soon be burning in hell after they worship the beast and take his mark.  Democrats are not people who are capable of any degree of virtue or honesty or integrity or decency.  Any roach crawling around on your kitchen floor is a more moral being than a Democrat these days.  I am trying to reason with anybody who has so much as a shred of decency or honesty, who can look at the facts and realize that voting for Hillary Clinton is EVIL and ONLY an evil person would even consider doing so.

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