
A few days ago I was riding the exercise bike at my gym and CNN was on.  The entire 35 minutes I was riding that stupid bike, CNN was “reporting” on the story that in the aftermath of the shooting in , racist white people were burning down six or seven black churches.

I went home assuming that all hell had been unleashed and white people were rising up in the kind of racist rage that they’d seen black people rise up in in city after city across the nation.

But, golly gee, later that night I turn on Megyn Kelly’s program and she points out the, you know, FACTS that NONE of the fires had actually linked to arson, that a rash of churches that primarily white people belonged to had burned down (due to lightning strikes), and that in the few actual cases OF arson against black churches, the arsonist was BLACK.

It takes at least two points to connect a line, but when liberal propaganda is concerned, it doesn’t even take ONE fact to draw a conclusion.

A few days after I saw the “news” story on CNN, I look at this on CNN’s website:

Why are black church fires associated with acts of hate?

By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN

Updated 6:51 PM ET, Thu July 2, 2015

(CNN)It’s a visceral and involuntary reaction, perhaps even knee-jerk: A black church burns in the South and our minds race immediately to hatred.

It must be arson. It must be the handiwork of some despicable white supremacist.

That was the sentiment on display across social and traditional media these past two weeks. The NAACP, while acknowledging only three of the recent fires were suspected arsons, called for vigilance, saying the blazes require “our collective attention.”

“For centuries, African-American churches have served as the epicenter of survival for many in the African-American community. As a consequence, these houses of faith have historically been the targets of violence. We will use every tool in our advocacy arsenal to preserve these beloved institutions,” Cornell William Brooks, the group’s president, said in a statement.

Brooks also cited the recent church massacre in South Carolina.

On June 17, Dylann Roof allegedly killed nine members of Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Four days later, black churches began burning across the South. To date, seven in five states have caught fire.

Are the events linked? It’s unclear, as investigators continue to gather details. Early indications are that most of the fires were not arson, let alone hate crimes.

But that doesn’t mean we haven’t connected the events in our minds, and that colors how we digest news that another African-American house of worship has gone up in flames, experts say.

“It isn’t unreasonable to speculate that at least some of the black churches are acts of arson, especially coming in the aftermath of the horrific massacre of nine people in a black church,” said Jack Levin, a professor emeritus at Northeastern University who has studied hate crimes for 30 years and serves as co-director of the Brudnick Center on Violence and Conflict. […]

But yes it is damn well TOO “unreasonable,” if you call yourself a “reporter” or a “journalist.”

REAL journalists and reporters have a natural skepticism.  Everyone else ASSUMES but they demand the FACTS.  And they don’t say “Good morning” unless they’ve fact-checked the weather.

The problem is that liberalism did to journalism what it did to babies.  It just plain slaughtered them.  And today journalism is DEAD.

In the same vein, I’ve watched city after city burn down in rioting perpetuated by the mainstream media’s blatantly false depictions of so-called police brutality.

The facts that actual JOURNALISTS and REPORTERS would wait for?

Well, I saw this in the newspaper on July 3rd:

California sees fewest complaints filed against police officers since since 1990

I’ll bet you anything that what is true in our largest state with over 30 million people is true across the nation.  There are giant cities and there are tiny towns and California is so vast and so diverse that it has been frequently suggested that it be broken up into six different states.

But again, every damn time a police officer shoots a black man – pretty much no matter HOW much justification there is – you can count on the mainstream media to run to Al Sharpton and report his race-baiting hatred as “news.”

And then wonder of wonders, their cameras are conveniently there to report the next “protest” (a synonym for “race riot” consisting of burning, looting, and the terrorist sniper-attacks of police officers).

Black people are being murdered at an astonishing rate.  But they’re being murdered by other black people.  And they’re frequently murdered in gun-free zones.  But let’s not report actual FACTS.  Let’s keep ginning up black rage.

The attitude of lies and dishonesty and deception are most manifest in the Democrat politicians that the media cover-up for.  As an example, the liberal-progressive mayor of Baltimore DENIES saying she gave the black rioters “space to destroy”:

“I never said, nor would I ever say, that we are giving people space to destroy our city. So my words should not be twisted.” — Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, April 27, 2015

Judge for yourself:

Hmmm. “We also gave those who wished to destroy space to Do That as well.”

“Let them loot, it’ only property,” she is on the documented factual record as having said.

That’s bad enough, of course, but it hardly ends there.  The SAME liberal-progressive Democrat mayor is on the record DENYING that she issued stand down orders.  The police commanders under her stated that no such orders had been issued.

But damn them damn facts:

Baltimore police commanders acknowledge that they ordered officers not to engage rioters multiple times on the day of Freddie Gray‘s funeral but said they did so to protect officers and citizens as they prioritized life over property.

In an interview with The Baltimore Sun, police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts and six top commanders who directed deployments on April 27 denied that they gave blanket orders to do nothing as rioters looted, raided businesses and even attacked officers with impunity.

The story ONLY changed because the audio of the police commanders issuing the stand-down orders became public – something that will NEVER happen to the emails Hillary Clinton purged from her private server to destroy the evidence of her myriad crimes.

Frankly, most Democrats – including President Obama himself – along with most reporters, should be arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned for inciting riots.  Al Sharpton incites them on a regular basis, and he’s sitting next to Obama in the White House when he’s not fomenting racial hate.

Even when the underlying “facts” that initiated the riots are proven to have been lies, Obama has been able to exploit the lies to enact sweeping policies that impose more fascist totalitarian federal raw naked power.

In the same way, liberals are screaming about the “war on women” and a “rape culture.”  And they have completely seized control of university policies as a result.  To what effect?  Well, don’t count on MSNBC or NBC or CNN or ABC to report this stuff for you, but what has been “fundamentally transformed” into a ruthless war on young white men is terrifying.

First of all, the very basis for seizing control of the college and university policies was based ENTIRELY on false reporting and lies, we can now document:

New DOJ Data On Sexual Assaults: College Students Are Actually Less Likely To Be Victimized

December 11, 2014 By The Federalist Staff

A new report on sexual assault released today by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) officially puts to bed the bogus statistic that one in five women on college campuses are victims of sexual assault. In fact, non-students are 25 percent more likely to be victims of sexual assault than students, according to the data. And the real number of assault victims is several orders of magnitude lower than one-in-five.

The full study, which was published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a division within DOJ, found that rather than one in five female college students becoming victims of sexual assault, the actual rate is 6.1 per 1,000 students, or 0.61 percent (instead of 1-in-5, the real number is 0.03-in-5). For non-students, the rate of sexual assault is 7.6 per 1,000 people.

The higher rate of victimization among non-students is important due in large part to recent accusations that U.S. colleges and universities are hotbeds of so-called “rape culture,” where sexual assault is endemic, and administrators and other students are happy to look the other way. The bogus “1 in 5″ statistic, which was the product of a highly suspect survey of only two universities and which paid respondents for their answers, has been repeatedly used as evidence of this pervasive rape culture on college campuses across the country.

Even more striking is that according to the BJS data, the likelihood of sexual assault has actually been trending downward across the board since 1997.


People capable of actual thought – rather than spouting left-wing screaming points – would understand that if one-in-five women are raped on university campuses, THEY WOULD BE BEING RAPED BY OBAMA-VOTING LIBERAL PUKES.  Because it’s those same college pukes voting Democrat more reliably than damn near any other group.  But, of course, either way it proves what swine liberals are: either they’re rapists, or they’re lying about being raped.  And either way, they’re horrible people.

But, that fact aside, because of that bogus “one-in-five college women are sexually assaulted” reporting, the Obama White House imposed the most fascist policies on sexual assault since Adolf Hitler was running a government.  To the extent that we now have a government policy imposed on colleges and universities that white men are guilty even AFTER they have been proven innocent.

I only recently wrote up a story about a young man who got EXPELLED from Amherst for a rape there is no question never occurred. And in fact HE was the victim of a sexual assault, given the definition that to be drunk is to be unable to turn down a sexual encounter and therefore it qualifies as sexual assault.  Because of Obama Administration Hitlerian NAZISM, that young man was not allowed the right to have an attorney, was not allowed the right to have any kind of trial by his peers, was not allowed to have any discovery process, was not allowed to face his accuser, and his accuser’s story was taken at face-value and entirely believed to be truthful even after evidence was offered that showed she was lying like you wouldn’t believe.

The same thing just basically happened to a male student at Columbia University as “mattress girl” became a media darling and a guest of a Democrat Senator.  The same thing happened at Vassar.

Which is to say, the same liberal-progressive propagandists masquerading as “journalists” and “reporters” who don’t need a single FACT to “report” arson fires in black churches blatantly ignore actual fact-after-fact-after-fact that proves their previous reporting on the so-called “rape culture” was a great big fat giant lie.

We’ve got the infamous Duke Lacrosse case and we’ve got a slew of other cases of a vicious war on men based on dishonest women and manufactured into an issue for dishonest politicians by dishonest reporters.

We’ve got the bogus story of Sandra Fluke – who was basically the heroine “mattress girl” was seeking to emulate and receive the same adoration – who just flat-out LIED to make a bogus claim about birth control.

But, true to form, Obama has cynically exploited the lies his ideologue army of cockroach “journalists” and “reporters” provided for him and issued sweeping fascistic controls to impose his agenda by fiat.

It goes back to the liberal progressive fascist theory of “You never want a serious crisis go to waste.”  Because for liberals, every crisis – especially they ones THEY created with their stupid, wicked policies – is another opportunity to expand the power of demonic government.

To be a liberal means to be a liar, and if you are a “journalist” or a “reporter” these days, you’re just a liar with a microphone and a camera.

As we speak, every reporter or journalist is shoving a microphone into the faces of every Republican presidential candidate they can find and demanding they give their position on Donald Trump’s remarks.  And the obvious response from the other candidates would be, “What the hell does that have to do with me?  Why don’t you ask me about MY positions and talk to Donald Trump about his own damn problems?”  But that’s not how the system works when the Grand Old Party is concerned.  The media says they do this because controversy sells and they are equal opportunity when controversy rears its head.

I’d love to be able to interview Hillary Clinton.  I’d love to ask her, “Do you believe that every political figure ought to be able to install his or her own private server and purge all their communications that would or could politically destroy or even criminally indict them the way you did? How are you NOT a damn fascist?”  I’d love to ask, “Given your enthusiastic support for Margaret Sanger, an avowed racist who was successful in building Planned Parenthood into a genocidal machine to exterminate negro babies, why shouldn’t you be called anything other than the worst kind of racist scum?”  No mainstream media reporter has or ever WILL ask Hillary Clinton such confrontational questions.  So no they AREN’T equal opportunity.

Why won’t the same media that goes after Republican politicians who oppose gay marriages as “intolerant” go after Democrats who support gay marriage as hating the Bible and despising biblical Christianity?  Because they are pathologically biased and unfair, that’s why.

Reporters and journalists are people who believe the 1st Amendment gives conservatives, Republicans and Christians the right to shut up and bow down to political correctness or be prepared to be targeted for slander.

I’ve been hitting it over and over and over again, I know.  But the Democrat Party is the party of deceit and slander and lies.  The Democrat Party is the party of the coming Antichrist.  The Democrat Party is the party of the deception and the mystery of lawlessness that the Bible foretold would characterize the last days.

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