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<h3 class="wFormTitle" id="tfa_0-T">Movie Party Fundraiser Registration Form</h3>
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<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_66"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_66-HTML"><b>Page 1 of 2 </b>- Your Details<br><br></div></div>
<div id="tfa_131-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_131-L" for="tfa_131" class="label preField reqMark">I am registering as an ...</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><span id="tfa_131" class="choices required"><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_132" class="" id="tfa_132" name="tfa_131"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_132-L" for="tfa_132">Individual</label></span><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_134" class="" id="tfa_134" name="tfa_131" data-conditionals="#tfa_17"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_134-L" for="tfa_134">Company</label></span><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_133" class="" id="tfa_133" name="tfa_131" data-conditionals="#tfa_17"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_133-L" for="tfa_133">Group</label></span></span></div>
<div id="tfa_17-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_17-L" for="tfa_17" class="label preField reqMark">Group or Company Name</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_17" name="tfa_17" value="" style="width: 350px" placeholder="" data-condition="`#tfa_134` OR `#tfa_133`" class="required"></div>
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<p> </p></div></div>
<div id="tfa_97" class="section group">
<label class="label preField" id="tfa_97-L"><b>Personal Details</b></label><br><div id="tfa_1-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_1-L" for="tfa_1" class="label preField reqMark">First Name</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_1" name="tfa_1" value="" style="width: 200px" placeholder="" class="required"></div>
<div id="tfa_2-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_2-L" for="tfa_2" class="label preField reqMark">Last Name</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_2" name="tfa_2" value="" style="width: 350px" placeholder="" class="required"></div>
<div id="tfa_3-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_3-L" for="tfa_3" class="label preField reqMark">Mobile Phone Number</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_3" name="tfa_3" value="" style="width: 200px" placeholder="" maxlength="10" class="validate-custom /^[0-9]{10}$|^\(0[1-9]{1}\)[0-9]{8}$|^[0-9]{8}$|^[0-9]{4}[ ][0-9]{3}[ ][0-9]{3}$|^\(0[1-9]{1}\)[ ][0-9]{4}[ ][0-9]{4}$|^[0-9]{4}[ ][0-9]{4}$/ required"></div>
<div id="tfa_5-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_5-L" for="tfa_5" class="label preField reqMark">Email</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_5" name="tfa_5" value="" style="width: 350px" placeholder="" maxlength="120" class="validate-email required"></div>
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_109"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_109-HTML"><i>If you are registering as a company, please use your work email address.<br></i></div></div>
<div id="tfa_6-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_6-L" for="tfa_6" class="label preField reqMark">Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_6" name="tfa_6" value="" style="width: 350px" placeholder="" class="validate-date required"></div>
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_136"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_136-HTML"><p> </p>
<p> </p></div></div>
<div id="tfa_94" class="section group">
<label class="label preField" id="tfa_94-L"><b>Address Details</b></label><br><div id="tfa_7-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_7-L" for="tfa_7" class="label preField reqMark">Street Address</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_7" name="tfa_7" value="" style="width: 350px" placeholder="" class="required"></div>
<div id="tfa_8-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_8-L" for="tfa_8" class="label preField reqMark">Suburb</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_8" name="tfa_8" value="" style="width: 350px" placeholder="" class="required"></div>
<div id="tfa_9-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_9-L" for="tfa_9" class="label preField reqMark">State</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><select id="tfa_9" name="tfa_9" class="required"><option value="">Please select...</option>
<option value="tfa_142" id="tfa_142" class="">ACT</option>
<option value="tfa_113" id="tfa_113" class="">NSW</option>
<option value="tfa_143" id="tfa_143" class="">NT</option>
<option value="tfa_116" id="tfa_116" class="">QLD</option>
<option value="tfa_138" id="tfa_138" class="">SA</option>
<option value="tfa_114" id="tfa_114" class="">VIC</option>
<option value="tfa_115" id="tfa_115" class="">WA</option></select></div>
<div id="tfa_10-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_10-L" for="tfa_10" class="label preField reqMark">Postcode</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_10" name="tfa_10" value="" style="width: 100px" placeholder="" maxlength="4" class="required"></div>
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_104"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_104-HTML"><p> </p>
<p> </p></div></div>
<div id="tfa_121" class="section group">
<div id="tfa_137" class="section group">
<label class="label preField" id="tfa_137-L"><b>Movie Party Details</b></label><br><div id="tfa_124-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_124-L" for="tfa_124" class="label preField reqMark">Venue</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_124" name="tfa_124" value="" placeholder="" class="required"></div>
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_125"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_125-HTML">Give us a short description of where you are having your event, eg at my residence, in our company's foyer.<div> </div></div></div>
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<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_128"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_128-HTML"><span style="font-size: 18px;"><b>Date you'll be having your Movie party</b></span><br></div></div>
<div id="tfa_126-D" class="oneField " data-repeatlimit="31">
<label id="tfa_126-L" for="tfa_126" class="label preField reqMark">Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy)</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_126" name="tfa_126" value="" placeholder="" class="validate-date required"></div>
<div id="tfa_144-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_144-L" for="tfa_144" class="label preField ">Will your event(s) be held over multiple days?</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><span id="tfa_144" class="choices "><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_148" class="" id="tfa_148" name="tfa_144" data-conditionals="#tfa_129"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_148-L" for="tfa_148">Yes</label></span><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_149" class="" id="tfa_149" name="tfa_144"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_149-L" for="tfa_149">No</label></span></span></div>
<div id="tfa_129-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_129-L" for="tfa_129" class="label preField reqMark">End Date (or end date range if multiple events)</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_129" name="tfa_129" value="" placeholder="" data-condition="`#tfa_148`" class="validate-date required"></div>
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_127"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_127-HTML"><br>The dates to hold a Movie Party is any time in September.<div><br></div><div>If you want to request a date(s) outside of these times fill it in above and we will let you know if it can still be held. </div><div> </div><div> </div></div></div>
<input type="hidden" id="tfa_122" name="tfa_122" value="UA-60611106-1" class="calc-GOOGLEACCOUNTID">
<div class="wfPage " id="wfPgIndex-2"><div class="section pageSection" id="tfa_71">
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_76"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_76-HTML"><b>Page 2 of 2</b> - Personal Consent</div></div>
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_118"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_118-HTML"><p> </p>
<p> </p>
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_141"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_141-HTML"><b>Terms and Conditions</b><br></div></div>
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_73"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_73-HTML"><br><div style="width: 640px; height: 400px; overflow: auto; padding: 5px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<p style="color: rgb(79, 50, 142);"> </p><font color="#4f328e">The Australian Government has developed legislation governing the conduct of fundraising. Under the 1991 Charitable Fundraising Acts in each state, anyone wishing to raise money for charitable purposes must hold an authority to fundraise issued by the organisation, Starlight Children’s Foundation. </font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">So before you get started in your fundraising for Starlight, we will need to authorise your fundraising activity. All individuals, groups or organisations who wish to fundraise must register with us, whatever the size of the event or the donation (cash or kind). The Fundraising Guidelines are designed to assist you in planning your fundraising activities in support of Starlight. We need you to read the guidelines, then complete, sign and send back the “Permit to Fundraise” to us.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">Thanks again for your support! We’re sure that you’ll enjoy fundraising for Starlight Children’s Foundation and sharing in our joy of brightening the lives of seriously ill and hospitalised children and their families.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><b style="color: rgb(79, 50, 142);">BECOMING A STARLIGHT CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION TEAM LEADER</b><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">Any person, organisation, group or other, fundraising in the name of the Starlight needs to accept the following guidelines and register their fundraising activity with Starlight. Please contact us if you have any questions – we are here to help! </font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><b style="color: rgb(79, 50, 142);">FUNDRAISING FOR STARLIGHT CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION</b><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">Due to limited resources, Starlight is not able to take a coordination role in your event, such as assistance with ticket sales, soliciting prizes or organising celebrities. </font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">The Team Leader’s arrangements for the Event must be planned with the approval of Starlight and Starlight expects a reasonable level of liaison and information about the Event. </font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">Any changes made from the original details provided on the Permit to Fundraise Form must be reported to Starlight and may result in a new permit to fundraise to be authorised.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><b><font color="#4f328e">FINANCIAL ASPECTS OF THE EVENT (MOVIE PARTY EVENTS ONLY) </font></b><br><br><font color="#4f328e">Any expenditure involved with the conduct of your Team Leader and any disposition of funds and profits resulting from a fundraising appeal must be properly authorised by Starlight beforehand.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">The Team Leader must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the expenses do not exceed a fair and reasonable proportion of the gross proceeds obtained from the event. The Charitable Fundraising Acts state this as expenses not exceeding 40% of the gross proceeds.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">The proceeds of the Event, with copies of receipts for all expenditure, are to be sent to Starlight within 14 days of the conclusion of the Event.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">Individual receipts for tax deductions for supporters of the Event can be issued by Starlight if that supporter makes a donation of $2.00 or more to Starlight.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">If supporters would like receipts, please send a list including name, address, and phone number and donation amount. If the total of individual receipts exceeds 10 individuals, please provide Starlight an electronic version of your register.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">When the supporter has received goods or services in return for money given (e.g. purchased raffle tickets or prizes at auction), a tax-deductible receipt cannot be issued. </font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">For donated goods and </font>services<font color="#4f328e"> Starlight requires correspondence from the company or individual stating the donated value of goods or services to the event. Accurate records of the donors’ details assist Starlight with financial reporting and thank you letters.</font><br><br><font color="#4f328e">A template is available from Starlight to assist you with capturing this information.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><b style="color: rgb(79, 50, 142);">THE USE OF STARLIGHT CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION NAME AND LOGO</b><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">The Team Leader has been granted only the use of any materials provided by Starlight for the fundraising event that contains the company logo or any branding. The Team Leader will adhere to any requirements specified by a site or authority offering a permit or use of their space. </font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><b style="color: rgb(79, 50, 142);">MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS</b><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">All media materials and press releases must be approved by the Starlight Children’s Foundation prior to circulation. Please allow 10 days for approval and we are happy to discuss any ideas you may have and provide an example press release.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">During the Starlight Day 2015 </font>campaign<font color="#4f328e"> your photo may be taken and may be used for promotional purposes. If you do not wish your photo to be used please refuse to pose for photos.</font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><b style="color: rgb(79, 50, 142);">PERMITS</b><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">Some sites require permits e.g. raffles where the total prize pool is over a certain amount. Permits are also required by councils and shopping centres for outdoor events. The Permit to fundraise must be signed by both Starlight and the site authority or the event will not be considered sanctioned by Starlight Children’s Foundation. </font><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><b style="color: rgb(79, 50, 142);">LIABILITY</b><br><font color="#4f328e"> </font><br><font color="#4f328e">Starlight maintains a certificate of currency for public and products liability which covers Team Leaders, Movie Parties, FOYER STALLS and VOLUNTEERS.</font><br><br></div></div></div>
<div class="htmlSection" id="tfa_140"><div class="htmlContent" id="tfa_140-HTML"><p> </p>
<p> </p>
<div id="tfa_102" class="section group">
<label class="label preField" id="tfa_102-L"><b>Please answer the following questions:</b></label><br><div id="tfa_83-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_83-L" for="tfa_83" class="label preField reqMark" style="width: 700px; min-width:0">
<span class="s1">Do you have any pending/current charges or past criminal convictions relating to a sexual offence?</span></label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><span id="tfa_83" class="choices required"><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_84" class="" id="tfa_84" name="tfa_83"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_84-L" for="tfa_84">Yes</label></span><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_85" class="" id="tfa_85" name="tfa_83"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_85-L" for="tfa_85">No</label></span></span></div>
<div id="tfa_77-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_77-L" for="tfa_77" class="label preField reqMark" style="width: 640px; min-width:0">Do you have any convictions of a violent nature or assault?</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><span id="tfa_77" class="choices required"><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_78" class="" id="tfa_78" name="tfa_77"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_78-L" for="tfa_78">Yes</label></span><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_79" class="" id="tfa_79" name="tfa_77"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_79-L" for="tfa_79">No</label></span></span></div>
<div id="tfa_80-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_80-L" for="tfa_80" class="label preField reqMark">Have you ever been convicted, with or without trial of, pleaded guilty or no contest to a theft or fraud charge?</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><span id="tfa_80" class="choices required"><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_81" class="" id="tfa_81" name="tfa_80"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_81-L" for="tfa_81">Yes</label></span><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_82" class="" id="tfa_82" name="tfa_80"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_82-L" for="tfa_82">No</label></span></span></div>
<div id="tfa_86-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_86-L" for="tfa_86" class="label preField reqMark" style="width: 700pxpx; min-width:0">Are you currently awaiting or attending a trial or been arrested for a theft, fraud charge, sexual offence, assault or crime of a violent nature?</label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><span id="tfa_86" class="choices required"><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_87" class="" id="tfa_87" name="tfa_86"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_87-L" for="tfa_87">Yes</label></span><span class="oneChoice"><input type="radio" value="tfa_88" class="" id="tfa_88" name="tfa_86"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_88-L" for="tfa_88">No</label></span></span></div>
<div id="tfa_89-D" class="oneField ">
<label id="tfa_89-L" for="tfa_89" class="label preField reqMark" style="width: 670px; min-width:0">I declare that I have read, fully understand and agree to the STARLIGHT TERMS AND CONDITIONS </label><br><div class="inputWrapper"><span id="tfa_89" class="choices vertical required"><span class="oneChoice"><input type="checkbox" value="tfa_90" class="" id="tfa_90" name="tfa_90"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_90-L" for="tfa_90"></label></span></span></div>
<div class="actions" id="tfa_0-A"><input type="submit" class="primaryAction" value="Submit"></div>
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