Spudart. Helping others, art, finding the joy in little things, always learning, sharing, and patience.
Spudart. Helping others, art, finding the joy in little things, always learning, sharing, and patience.
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A few years ago, Bitcoin, the distributed digital currency, was the hottest thing to roll through the intersection of finance and technology. It gained significant interest amongst those keen to create a peer-to-peer, cashless currency. But its attempt...
In the last year, blockchain— the protocol best known for powering Bitcoin — has enjoyed an explosion in attention from industry publications and mainstream news outlets alike. It’s also made waves in some of the world’s most significant policy and economic...
(Ping! Zine Web Hosting Magazine) – ascribe is pleased to announce seed funding of $2M from Earlybird Venture Capital, Freelands Ventures, Digital Currency Group and angel investors from Silicon Valley, LA, Canada, Switzerland, and Germany. The investors...
Verifying the authenticity of a fine art work has become almost the raison d’être of the art world itself. Without either, an art work can be entirely worthless. For instance, in this year’s respected Hiscox Online Art Trade Report, “Certificates of...
12th Athens Digital Arts Festival | 19 – 22 May, 2016 – call for entries on the theme of Digital POP. Through this call, the festival invites proposals to unravel the notion of Pop in the digital era. Deadline for entries: 25 January 2016 ADAF 20...
All works displayed on this site are the property of their respective authors. If you are the author of any work published here an...
Toko ebook terbesar Indonesia. Ribuan ebook populer Indonesia dan internasional untuk Anda dibaca kapan saja, dimanapun menggunaka...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Spudart: the blog and webcomic filled with thoughtful fun
Creativity, helping others, art, finding the joy in little things, always learning, sharing, and patience.
Create or fill out a profile[1] Matt MaldreThe MaulerChicago, IL USA Joined: 8/30/2000Profile Updated: 9/1/2001More info[2] Gran...
Matt Maldre: Other Stuff: Aon Center Trivia and Facts
Aon Center Trivia and Facts Aon Center (formerly Amoco Building) Designed by Perkins & Will & Edward Durell Stone, this is the giant building that Chicagoans love to hate. Because of...
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