PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Project Manager at Space and Defence sector, starting with small software SW projects, now in big multidisciplinary projects optics, electronic, SW, mechanical and thermal. Ive managed numerous IDi proposals for the 7th Frame Program, H2020, EMITS, and PROFIT. I have great capabilities to lead and manage teams, even when the team is geographically distributed. Im analyst, observant and with overview I get winwin solutions that satisfy the needs of clients, companies, and workers. Im motivated for continuous learning. Im passionate by challenge. COMPANY POSITION AREA CUSTOMER TASKS SENER, Ingeniera y Sistemas, S.A. Project Manager SPACE UAHESA MITYC ROSCOSMOS Project Manager Coordination of the optics, electronic, SW, mechanical and thermal activities SENER, Ingeniera y Sistemas, S.A. Project Manager IDi 7 FP AICIA EU Satellite Centre. Project manager and technical responsible. System requirement specification. Monitoring and coordination of the international team with the Spanish client. Management and logistics of final experiment involving the Guardia Civil and INTA el Arenosillo SENER, Ingeniera y Sistemas, S.A. Project Manager DEFENCE Armada Servicio Geogrfico del Ejrcito. CESAEROB Estado Mayor de la Defensa ASTRIUM Friedishafen. Germany. Project manager and technical responsible Definition, organization and design of the root product. Clients need analysis. Establishment of the requirements Customise design for each client. Marketing work Identification of potential clients, tracking and gaining. SENER, Ingeniera y Sistemas, S.A. Technical responsible SPACE DEFENCE MEDICINE E.T.S.I.A. H.G.U. Gregorio Maran EUCLID Analysis of infrared cameras, selection of them and contact with commercials. Testing of infrared cameras in extreme conditions. Parabolic flight. Specification, development and testing of software algorithms for medical image fusion applied to detection and spatial location of cerebral tumours Specification, development and testing of software algorithms applied to image preprocessing, image fusion and automatic target recognition SENER, Ingeniera y Sistemas, S.A. Intern DEFENCE INTERNAL Development of SW for automatic target detection and recognition of manmade objects in infrared images. Department of Tech. Electr. Bioing.T.E.B. of ETSIT UPM Coworker MEDICINE INTERNAL Intelligent card Development of user menus, libraries and logical interfaces. Implementation of digital signal techniques for analysis and synthesis of voice EDUCATION Academic education Telecommunication Engineering by the Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, 1991 Programa de Desarrollo Directivo. Universidad de Navarra, April to November2010 PMP certification, 29th August 2011. On going Languages Mother tongue Spanish. English B2 French fair Other education Project Manager. People manager. Risk management. Inteligencia Emocional. Liderazgo emocional. Programacin Neurolingstica PNL. La excelencia con PNL. Training PMP. Performance management. Agile Project Management. Effective presentations. ACHIEVEMENTS EPD Coordinate independent teams from different countries to obtain an scientific instrument that will be onboard of Solar Orbiter. WSOISSIS I was able to create a team, together with a viable proposal for the instrument that fulfilled the scientists requirements. This was made with a limited economical funds and a group of engineers, not only young, but also geographically distributed. I started up the project. I identified a design error from the earlier phases and I guided to my team to solve it, obtaining a new viable design in 3 weeks the previous design took 6 months. WIMAAS I coordinated the experiment involving the Guardia Civil and INTA in order to find the legislative exception that would allow us to fly the UAV which resulted in success. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 19912016 SENER Ingeniera y Sistemas. Aerospace Division. PROJECT EPD Energetic Particle Detector for Solar Orbiter ESA Feb2012 March2016. EPD is a set of scientific sensors onboard in SOLAR ORBITER ESA. The Project Office is carrying out by the Universidad de Alcala UAH, Madrid. SENER is in charge of the system engineer, quality assurance and technical expertise advice also it is in charge of the coordination of the activities carried out by the three involved Universities CAU Germany, APL EEUU and UAHSpain Activities Project Manager, and coordination of the electronic, SW, mechanical and thermal activities. PROJECT WSOISSIS World Space Observatory Image and Slitless Spectroscopy Instrument for Surveys Feb2010Feb2013. ISSIS phase B design and manufacture of the Structural and Thermal Model STM for the Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio MITYC in collaboration with the Russian Space Agency ROSCOSMOS. Activities Project Manager, coordinator of optic, electronic, mechanical and thermal activities. Planner of AIV activities to be carried out in future phases. PROJECT WIMAAS Wide Maritime Area Airborne Surveillance. 7th FP for the study of an integrated system of border maritime surveillance. Activities Project manager and technical responsible. System requirement specification. Monitoring and coordination of the international team with the Spanish client. Management and logistics of final experiment involving the Guardia Civil and INTA el Arenosillo PROJECT Diseo de una herramienta de ayuda a la interpretacin de Imgenes PROJECT INTERIMAG. This project is a technical collaboration between SENER and the Asociacin de investigacin y Cooperacin Industrial de Andaluca AICIA. Directed to the study of integrated image compressor install onboard of surveillance systems. Activities Project manager and technical advisor. Reviewer. PROJECT HGEN, GEMIS Gestin y Explotacin Militar de Imgenes de Satlite y PCI Puesto de Calidad de Imgenes for HELIOS II Oct2003Jun2010. SW updated to the new formats of products HELIOS II. For the Spanish Defence Ministry Activities Project manager and technical responsible. Definition of projects specifications with the client. Detailed design. Collaboration in developing task. PROJECT Development of guides for the identification of systemsequipment of industrial facilities Sep2004Nov2005. Client EU Satellite Centre. Activities Project manager and technical responsible. Definition of projects specifications with the client. PROJECT SIGESTREDI Fase II Mar2003Nov2005. Image exploitation and distribution system for military scope. For the Spanish Defence Ministry. Activities Project manager and technical responsible. Definition of projects specifications with the client. Detailed design. PROJECT Adaptacin de GEMIS Gestin y Explotacin Militar de Imgenes de Satlite y PCI Puesto de Calidad de Imgenes al Estado 4. Software updated to new formats of HELIOS products. Developed in C with ERDAS, working under Windows NT and 2000. For the Spanish Defence Ministry. Activities Project Manager and technical responsible. Definition of projects specifications with the client. Design of software. Collaboration in SW developing task. PROJECT GEMIS para Windows. Software for military image processing. Developed in C with ERDAS, working under Windows NT and 2000. For the Spanish Defence Ministry Activities Project Manager and technical responsible. Definition of projects specifications with the client. Design of software. Collaboration in developing task. PROJECT Mantenimiento del sistema IMINT. Complex system compose of several PC, one Silicon Graphics Workstation and peripheral used for satellite military images processing. For the Spanish Defence Ministry Activities Project Manager and technical responsible. Collaboration in maintenance task. PROJECT TRAHER TRAtamiento de imgenes Helios para Erdas. Developed with ERDAS, working in HP workstations. For the Spanish Defence Ministry. Activities Engineer. Definition of projects specifications with the client. Design, development and integration of software for HELIOS image conversion. Generation of orthoimages, in different projection systems, from satellite images and digital elevation data. Management for selective transmission of data between HP workstations and PC Windows NT. Management of the selective product and files elimination. PROJECT SCATER ZS. Working in SUN workstations. For the Spanish Defence Ministry Activities Engineer. Design, development and integration of software for the integration of HELIOS images in the system. Image visualisation. Generation of cartographic images. Export images to other formats. Testing. PROJECT PROA PReparacin de Operaciones Aereas. 3D visualization of satellite images using digital terrain elevation data. For the Spanish Defence Ministry Activities Engineer. Collaboration in design and testing phases. Users formation. PROJECT Sistema independiente de tratamiento de imgenes HELIOS. Developed with ERDAS and working in workstations Silicon Graphics, IBM, HP and SUN. Spanish Defence Ministry. Activities Engineer Design and software development applied to Import HELIOS images into the system. Geographic location in ERDAS with additional information from the satellite. Computation of measures, areas and perimeters. Automatic computation of height of objects in satellite images. PROJECT Combustin en condiciones de microgravedad Combustion in microgravity conditions. In collaboration with E.T.S.I.A. Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeronaticos Activities Engineer. Analysis of infrared cameras, selection of them and contact with commercials. Testing of infrared cameras in extreme conditions. Parabolic flight. PROJECT Fusin de imgenes mdicas Fusion of medical images. In collaboration with H.G.U Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maran. Activities Engineer. Specification, development and testing of software algorithms for medical image fusion applied to detection and spatial location of cerebral tumours. Changes according to requirements of the client. PROJECT HISPARS High Speed Pattern Analysis and Representation Systems. EUCLID project. Activities Engineer. Specification, development and testing of software algorithms applied to image preprocessing, image fusion and automatic target recognition. Working in workstations HP and SUN stations, and using KHOROS and ALADIN. Application and adaptation of image algorithms to HISPARS project. International meetings applied to design, pursuit and coordination of the project. PROJECT Fusin de imgenes visible e infrarroja trmica Fusion of visible and thermal images. Activities Engineer. Design and analysis of software for image fusion, working over UNIX, VMS and MS2. PROJECT HELIOS CTEIE Centro de Tratamiento y Explotacin de Imgenes Espaol. For the Spanish Defence Ministry Activities Engineer. Design and verification of projects specifications. Design, development and testing of software for image visualization in UNIX workstations 1990 1991 Intern in SENER Ingeniera y Sistemas. Space and Defence Division. PROJECT Deteccin y reconocimiento automtico de objetos en imgenes infrarrojas Automatic detection and reconnaissance of targets in infrared images. Activities Engineer. Development of general purpose digital image processing software. Development of algorithms for detection and automatic target recognition in infrared images. 1989 1991 Collaboration with the Departamento de Tecnologa Electrnica y Bioingeniera TEB of the Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicaciones ETSIT of Universidad Politcnica of Madrid UPM. FUNCTION Engineer. Activities Graduation project, PROTHOT Simulacin del terminal del personal sanitario, Proceso sanitario. TUTOR J. L. Zoreda Bartolom. Development de user menus, libraries and logical interfaces. September 1989December 1991. Implementation of digital signal techniques for analysis and synthesis of voice. January September 1989. PUBLICATIONS ISSIS the imaging and slitless spectroscopy instrument for surveys in the World Space ObservatoryUltraviolet telescope, Proc. SPIE Space Telescopes and Instrumentation, vol. 8443, id. 84432W84432W12, 2012. ISSIS the Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy Instrument in the World Space Observatory Ultraviolet telescope, Proc. SPIE Space Telescopes and Instrumentation, Poster 8443117, 2012. The imaging and slitless spectroscopy instrument for surveys ISSIS for the world space observatoryultraviolet WSOUV, Astrophysics and Space Science, September 2011, Volume 335, Issue 1, pp 283289. Optimization of System of Systems Architectures for Maritime Border Control using Genetic Algorithms. Ignacio Melgar, Carlos Ms, Marta Sanchs y M. T. Gmez. IECON IEEE November 2010. Optimization of System of Systems Architectures for Maritime Border Control using Genetic Algorithms. Ignacio Melgar, Carlos Ms, Marta Sanchs y M. T. Gmez. IECON IEEE November 2010 Fusin de imgenes y reconocimiento de formas. Aplicaciones aeronuticas. J.Santamara, C.A.Garriga and M.T. Gmez. II Congreso Nacional de la Ingeniera Aeronutica. November 1993. VisibleIR image fusion based on Gabor wavelets decomposition. J.Santamara and M.T.Gmez. Proceeding of European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Vol. 3, 9798 1993 Algoritmo para el reconocimiento automtico de objetos en imgenes infrarrojas. M.T.Gmez, J.Santamara y A.Domingo. OPA Optica Pruta y Aplicada Vol. 26 n3 1993 Algoritmo de seguimiento automtico de objetos mediante correlacin de imgenes. A.Domingo, J.Santamara y M.T.Gmez. OPA Vol. 26 n3 1993. Deteccin y reconocimiento automtico de objetos en imgenes infrarrojas. M. T. Gmez Calzado, J. Santamara Salazar. SENER Report B02847 1991. Poster prototipo de Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual e Inteligente Sistema automtico de Gestin de la cita previa. Masvidal J., Fernandez A., Gmez M. T., Zoreda J. L. I WONCA European Regional Conference On Family MedicinePractice. X Congreso de la Sociedad Espaola de la medicina Familiar y comunitaria. X1490 Barcelona.