November 2015 to present Software Developer Caetec gmbh Industriestrae 1, 82140 Olching Software Development for Data loggers using CCQT in Scrum team. March 2014 June 2015 PhD student external jointly with DLR German Aerospace Centre Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ChristianAlbrechtsUniversity of Kiel ChristianAlbrechtsPlatz 4, 24118 Kiel, Germany, httpwww.unikiel.deindexe.shtml March 2009 June 2015 Research PhD Student Deutsches Zentrum fr Luft und Raumfahrt DLR German Aerospace Center , Oberpfaffenhofen, Mnchner Strae 20, 82234 Weling, Germany Development of algorithms to retrieve geophysical parameters from synthetic aperture radar SAR data from the TerraSARXTanDEMX satellites ocean wave height, period and direction, wave spectral information and sea surface wind. Processing and analysis of satellite data SAR, radar altimeter and radar scatterometer, numerical wave model data and insitu data. Tuning and validation of ocean surface measurements wave height and sea surface wind speed derived from data with insitu wave measurements, numerical wave model data and radar altimeter data. Development of a database composed of geophysical parameters derived from SAR. Development of software tools using C, IDL, and MATLAB to use on SAR data acquired by the satellite TerraSARX and TanDemX TSXTDX. Derivation off high resolution wave field maps from SAR data to determine the change in sea state variability in coastal areas and the changes of depth in the variability of the coastal ocean waves. Statistical analysis of data, study of correlations within the data, trends, parameterization of the results. Elaborations of project reports, organization and participation in project meetings and other administrative tasks. Presentation of results in staff, institute and national and international workshops and conferences and publishing of results in the form of proceeding or peerreviewed papers. Supervision from Masters students and interns Research Fellowship December 2007 to December 2008 LNEG National Laboratory of Energy and Geology Ocean Wave Energy Group Department of Renewable Energies Estrada do Pao do Lumiar, n. 22, Edifcio G, 1 andar 1649038 Lisboa, Portugal Wave and wind energy resource assessment using data from different sources remote sensed based, numerical model based and insitu to provide statistical information, which was in the form of geo based maps with multiple layer information, histograms, viewgraphs or other statistical displayed. Development of software tools Fortran 90, IDL, C to use with radar altimeter Jason1, Topex, ERS, ENVISAT, ASAR, ENVISAT satellite data, ocean colour Modis Aqua satellite data and numerical wave model WAM, WW3, swan data. Processing and statistical analysis of radar altimeter, buoy wave measurements sea surface wind and anemometer wind data. Implementation and testing of the wave numerical model for coastal applications SWAN , for the coast of Portugal, to study the ocean wave refraction, wave height and wavelength change. Elaboration of a webpage with information regarding wave and wind energy connected to a GIS based database. Project management, elaborations of reports. Publishing of results in the form of proceeding or peerreviewed papers. Elaboration of proceedings and presentationsposters held in national and international meetings and workshops. from October 2007 to November 2007 Exchange scientist IFREMER Institut franais de recherche pour lexploitation de la mere 155, rue JeanJacques Rousseau 92138 IssylesMoulineaux Cedex France Development of software tools to use with radar altimeter data. Processing of collocated radar altimeter and insitu wave data. Statistical analysis and verification of algorithms applied to satellite radar altimeter data. from June 2006 to September 2007 Research Fellowship Joint project 1 LNEG National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Department of Renewable Energies Estrada do Pao do Lumiar, n. 22, Edifcio G, 1 andar 1649038 Lisboa, Portugal 2 Institute of Oceanography Faculty of Science of Lisbon, ,Campo Grande, 1749016 Lisboa, PORTUGAL Development of software tools in Fortran90, IDL, CC to use with radar altimeter Jason1, TopexPoseidon, ERS, ocean colour hyper spectral Modis Aqua satellite data, and numerical windwaves model data. Processing and statistical analysis of the satellites TopexPoseidon and Jason radar altimetry data, Modis Aqua ocean colour and Quickscat wind vectors data. Construction of a remote sensed database composed of ocean observations sea surface parameters, wave height and wind, obtained by radar altimeters, sea surface wind speed estimation using radar scatterometers and of ocean colour, Chlorophyll Chla concentration obtained by Modis Aqua satellite. from May 2005 to June 2006 Internship LNEG National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Estrada do Pao do Lumiar, n. 22, Edifcio G, 1 andar 1649038 Lisboa, Portugal Processing and analysis TopexPoseidon radar altimeter data to evaluate the wave height, wave period, sea surface wind and its use for wave energy resource assessment. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2009 2015 Doctor of Natural Sciences. Grade very good ChristianAlbrechtsUniversitt zu Kiel Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Kiel, Germany PhD dissertation Sea state measurements using TerraSARXTanDEMXdata. In the aim of this thesis, the first algorithm to derive sea state ocean wave height, wavelength and direction information from TerraSARX and TanDemX synthetic aperture radar SAR data is developed. The algorithm development, its tuning and validation dataset are described. Wave height, period and direction and the wave spectra shape derived using the algorithm are validated against insitu wave measurements and numerical wave model data. Case study applications of high resolution wave field derived from SAR data acquired in coastal areas using the proposed algorithm are presented and its performance evaluated. 2006 2008 Masters in Geophysical Sciences Oceanography, Grade very good University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon , Portugal Masters thesis dissertation Directional wave spectra obtained by ENVISAT ASAR and its use for the ocean wave energy resource assessment. This study focuses on the use of ENVISAT SAR level 2 data acquired over the sea surface and the evaluation of its performance by comparing against insitu wave measurements, numerical wave model and radar altimeter data. Additional Seminars Remote Sensing Risk Analysis Statistical analysis Oceanography Meteorology Seismology Programming Astrophysics 1999 2006 Degree in Geophysics OceanographyMeteorology University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon Integrated in Masters, including one year internship, internship grade very good Internship thesis Evaluation of the ocean waves energy resource using remote TopexPoseidon radar altimeter sensed data the topic of this study focuses on the evaluation of the quality of sea surface parameters obtained by radar altimeters and its application to evaluate the wave energy resource wave height and energy period Numerical methods, Infinitesimal Calculus, Statistical methods, Physics Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Programming, Seminars in Meteorology and Oceanography, Astronomy, Seismology, Business and Administration and Economics. 1996 1999 High school Scientific field High school of the University City Lisbon Campo Grande Lisbon, Portugal Scientific field 1990 1996 German School Lisbon Deutsche Schule Lissabon Rua Prof. Francisco Lucas Pires, Lisbon , Portugal PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongues Portuguese Other languages UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 German C2 C2 C1 C1 C1 French B1 B2 A2 A2 A2 Spanish B2 B1 B1 A2 A2 Levels A12 Basic user B12 Independent user C12 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Good communications skills oral and written Oral Experience gained through professional career by discussing ideas, tasks, conclusions and results with students, team members, and project partners. Discussing in workshop meetings, presentation of results in meetings, workshops, conferences. Written elaboration of project reports, progress reports, documents, tutorials, drafts, project emails, code documentations, etc. Elaboration of diploma thesis, Masters thesis and PhD thesis, Elaboration from research papers in conference and peer reviewed scientific journal papers Organisational managerial skills Organization and management skills Gained experience through my university background and professional career by managing my several tasks in different projects, including my PhD. All tasks finished on time. Ability to work as an individual and in team Through my professional experience in big companiesinstitutes and university background I am used to work as an individual or team. Jobrelated skills Strong research and analytical mind Several years experience on different research projects in the remote sensing field, processing and analysing different types of data. analysis, development of algorithms and software development. Strong sense of responsibility Finished PhD successfully with grade very good. Responsible for the development of algorithms for the retrieval of sea state parameters from TerraSARX Synthetic Aperture Radar data. All project goals completed on time. Creative, flexible and adaptive Able to learn new topics very fast and work in different topics and tasks in parallel. Multicultural experience Experience in working in different projects with team members and project partners from different nationalities. Computer skills Windows and Linux OpenSuse, Solaris, Ubuntu Microsoft Office tools Main Programming languages CC, QT, MATLAB, IDL and Fortran90. Other Languages Shell, XML, KML, Java, HTML, CSS, javascript and C. Libraries QT, Openev, openCV. Software MSVisual Studio, Git, SVN, MATLAB, ArcGIS, Virtualbox Eclipse, Valgrind, ENVI, ESAEnviview, ESANEST, ESABEAM, NASASeaDAS, WAsP, Gimp, Notepad, Google earth, R, STATISTICA. Other skills .Drawing Driving licence B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Publications Peer Reviewed Publications Lehner, S., Pleskachevsky, A. and Bruck, M., High resolution satellite measurements of coastal wind field and sea state, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33, 23, pp. 73377360, 2012, doi 10.108001431161.2012.685975. Bruck, M., and Lehner S., Coastal wave field extraction using TerraSARX data, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 71, 073694, 2013, doi 10.11171.JRS.7.073694. Lehner, S., Pleskachevsky, A., Li, X., Brusch, S., Bruck, M. and Velotto D., SAR Oceanography Wind, Waves, Currents and Oil detection, Education TOOL, FriedrichSchillerUniversitt Jena, Germany, 2013. Lehner, S., Pleskachevsky, A., Brusch, S., Bruck, M., Soccorsi, M. and Velotto, D., Ship Surveillance with High Resolution TerraSARX Satellite in African Waters, Remote Sensing of the African Seas Springer Netherlands, pp. 285313. ISBN 9789401780070 P 9789401780087 E. ISSN, 2014, doi 10.1007978940178008715. Bruck, M. and Lehner S., TerraSARXTanDEMX Sea State Measurements Using the XWAVE Algorithm, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36, 15, pp. 38903912, 2015, doi 10.108001431161.2015.1051630. Peer Reviewed Proceedings Pontes, M.T., and Bruck, M., Using Remote Sensed Data for Wave energy Resource Assessment, In Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering OMAE2008 , OMAE200857775 ASME 2008, Estoril, Portugal, June 1520, 2008. Bruck, M., Pontes, M.T., Azevedo, E. and Lehner, S., Study of SeaState Variability and Wave Groupiness Using TerraSARX Synthetic Aperture Radar Data. In Proceedings of EWTEC 2011 on CD, pp. 17. 9th EWTEC 2011, Southampton, UK, 5 9 September, 2011. Bruck, M. and Lehner, S., Sea state measurements using TerraSARX data, In Proceedings of IEEE, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, Munich Germany, pp. 76097612,2, 2012, doi 10.1109IGARSS.2012.6351866. Proceedings Pontes, M. T., M. Gonalves, M. Bruck, , Using Satellite Altimeter Data for Wave Energy Resource Assessment, In Proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress IX and Exhibition, Florence , Italy,, 19 25 August, 2006. Pontes, M.T., M. Gonalves, and M. Bruck, Using Satellite Altimeter Data for Wave Energy Resource Assessment, In Proceedings of the 4th Coordinated Action on Ocean Energy CAOE Workshop on Performance Monitoring of Ocean Energy Systems, Lisbon,, 2006. Pontes, M. T. and M. Bruck, Satellite wave data for wave energy resource assessment, In Proceedings of Globwave Workshop Ocean wave data user workshop, Brest, France, 20 21 September 2007. Bruck, M., and M. T. Pontes, Satellite data for wave energy resource assessment, In Proceedings of European Geosciences Union, General Assembly EGU, Vienna, Austria, 13 18 April, 2008 Bruck, M., J. Silva, and M.T. Pontes, Is there a correlation between chlorophylla concentration and wave climate?, In Proceedings of European Geosciences Union, General Assembly EGU, Vienna, Austria ,13 18 April, 2008. Pontes M.T., P. Costa, M. Bruck and A. Carvalho, Joint Assessment of Offshore Wind and Wave Energy Resources for the Portuguese Pilot Zone, In ASME 2009 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Volume 4 Ocean Engineering Ocean Renewable Energy Ocean Space Utilization, Parts A and B, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 31June 5, 2009, ISBN 9780791843444 eISBN 9780791838440. Pontes, T., M. Bruck, S. Lehner, and A. Kabuth, Using satellite Wave data for wave Energy Resource Characterization, In Proceedings of ICOE 2010, 3rd International Conference on Ocean Energy ICOE, Bilbao, Spain, 6 8 October, 2010. Bruck, M. and S. Lehner, Extraction of wave field from TerraSARX data, In Proceedings of SEASAR 2010 Workshop ESASP 679 on CDROM. ESA Communication Production Office. SEASAR 2010 Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 25 29 Jan, 2010. Bruck, M. and Lehner S., Sea state measurements using TerraSARX data, In Proceedings of 4th Science meeting at the German Aerospace center DLR, Wessling, Germany, 1416 Feb., 2011. Lehner, S., and Pleskachevsky, A., and Bruck, Miguel and Li, XiaoMing and Brusch, Stephan 2011 Validation of Coastal Wind and Wave Fields by High Resolution Satellite Data. In Proceedings of 12th international workshop on wave hindcasting and forecasting,.Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii, 30. Okt. 4. Nov, 2011. Lehner, S., Pleskachevsky, A., and Bruck, M., Sea State Variability and Coastal Interaction Processes Observed by High Resolution TerraSARX Satellite Radar Images, In Proceedings of IGARSS 2012 pp. 56385641. IEEE Press. IGARSS 2012, ISBN 9781467311588 e 9781467311601 p. ISSN 21536996, Munich, Germany, 22. 27. July, 2012, DOI 10.1109IGARSS.2012.6352040. Bruck, M. and Lehner, S., Sea State Measurements Using TerraSARX Data. In Proceedings of SEASAR 2012 Abstract Book, p. 46. SEASAR 2012, Tromso ,Norway, 18 22 June, 2012. Bruck, M. and Lehner, S., Sea state measurements using TerraSARX data, In Proceeding of SPIE 2012 conference SPIE 8536, SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XII, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, November 21, 2012. Jacobsen, S., Lehner, S., Bruck, M., Gies, T., Pleskachevsky, A., Rosenthal, W. and Bruns, T., 2014, Investigation of coastal wave fields variations with TerraSARX. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, p. 1. EGU 2014, 27 April 2 May, 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2014. Jacobsen, S., Lehner, S., Pleskachevsky, A., Bruck M., Rosenthal, W., and Mayerle, R., 2014, Analysis of the spatial variability of meteomarine parameters An opportunity in assessing ocean renewable energy potential with high resolution spaceborne SAR. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Geoscience Remote Sensing Symposium and 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. IGARSS 2014, Qubec, Canada, 13. 18. Jul. 2014, ISBN 9781479957743. Jacobsen, S., Lehner, S., Pleskachevsky, A., Bruck, M., Gebhardt, C. Rosenthal, W., Zheng, X. and Mayerle, R. 2015 Strongly inhomogeneous meteomarine parameters in coastal waters A high resolution spaceborn SAR study to assess the local ocean renewable energy potential. In Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS 2015, pp. 14. IEEE. IGARSS 2015, Milan, Italy, 26 31 July, 2015. ANNEXES Master degree certificate PhD provisional certificate. German Aerospace Centre Graduate Program Certificate. Work certificates Recommendation letters. Courses certificates C, python, Java, Project management