PERSONAL INFORMATION Sex Male Date of birth 01051974 Nationality Italian PREFERRED JOB Research and Development in the field of Earth Observation WORK EXPERIENCE July 2011 Present October 2010 March 2011 Research Fellow Institute of Intelligent Systems for Automation National Research Council of Italy ISSIACNR, Via G. Amendola, 122D, 70126, Bari, Italy, Main research activities Design and development of algorithms aimed to retrieve high spatial resolution sea surface wind fields from satellite SAR data SARWIND LGMod, in the framework of the project RITMARE Ricerca Italiana per il MARE, funded by CNR National Research Council of Italy. Development of innovative SAR interferometric multifrequency techniques MCA, MultiChromatic Analysis mainly devoted to infer absolute phase and height measurements on the ground, in the framework of the WiMCA project A novel approach for WideBand SAR Interferometry extension, funded by the European Space Agency ESA. Development of algorithms for multitemporal and multifrequency analyses of Xband interferometric SAR data, in the framework of the research program Valutazione dei dati COSMOSkyMed in applicazioni di radarinterferometria multitemporale e multicromatica, funded by the Italian Space Agency ASI. Implementation of an interferometric SAR multitemporal procedure for detection and analysis of Permanent Scatterers, in the framework of the contract between the ISSIACNR and the Department Interateneo di Fisica M. Merlin of Bari. Business or sector Scientific Research Software Design July 2008 September 2010 Contract Researcher at Department Interateneo di Fisica M. Merlin Geophysical Application Processing GAP S.r.l., Via Amendola 173, 70126, Bari, Italy, Main research activities Design and development in Matlab environment and for Windows platform of algorithms for IfSARbased georeferencing to be used as backup to the navigation of a vehicle without a human pilot aboard UAVmissile in the case of errorsdisturbs to the IMUGPS system, in the framework of the project SARINA SARbased Augmented Integrity Navigation Architecture, funded by the European Defence Agency EDA. Design and development in Matlab environment and for Linux platform of algorithms to optimize InSAR integrated procedures, in the framework of the master course TESTATecnologie Satellitari per il Territorio e per lAmbiente. Generation of deformation maps and detection of terrain slope instability by means of advanced SAR techniques based on satellite data exploitation Definition of the test site in Daunia area and selection of X and Cband SAR datasets Research and development of algorithms for Xband data processing Generation of the output deformation maps at both C and X band Crosscomparison and validation of the output maps Integration of maps in a GIS system. All activities were conducted in the framework of the research project FRANE PUGLIA. Research and development in Matlab environment regarding the processing of Xband SAR data, in the framework of the Test preliminare di elaborazione di coppie interferometriche acquisite dalla costellazione COSMOSkyMed. Research and development in Matlab environment of procedures to obtain new geocoded products, starting from actual SAR geocoding algorithms. Software development in Matlab environment and for Linux platform aimed at updating the InSAR chain SPINUA, used by the Remote Sensing group at the Department Interateneo di Fisica M. Merlin of Bari, and in particular the SAR geocoding algorithms of the processing chain, in the framework of the project MORFEO MOnitoraggio e Rischio da Frana mediante dati EO Protezione Civile dalle frane. Design and development in Matlab environment of algorithms based on advanced techniques for SAR geocoding for highprecision PSC Persistent Scatterer Candidates localization, in the framework of the contract between the ISSIACNR of Bari and the Autorit di Bacino of the Puglia region. Review of methodologies for highprecision SAR forward and inverse geocoding. Business or sector Scientific Research Software Design December 2006 August 2007 IT Consultantat EDS Electronic Data Systems Italia S.p.A., Bitritto BA, Italy Mediatica S.p.A., Via Silvio DAmico 40, 00145, Rome, Italy Monitoring of any anomalies or criticalness in the flow of data relating to managed servers and networks, and restoration of proper functionalities of systems by using dedicated software. Business or sector IT Architectures, systems and services EDUCATION AND TRAINING January 2013 December 2015 Ph.D. in Electrical And Information Engineering Thesis Title Exploitation of Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Geophysical Parameters Retrieval over Land and Ocean, 28th cycle academic year 20122013 Polytechnicof Bari, Via Amendola 126B, 70126, Bari, Italy, Main topics of the doctoral research 1. MCA MultiChromatic Analysis technique, mainly devoted to infer absolute phase and height measurements from a wideband SAR interferometric pair. 2. Sea surface wind field retrieval by means of a single SAR image acquired offshore or in marine coastal area SARWIND LGMod. July 2015 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2015 Summer School GR4S on Data Fusion for Risk Mapping Universityof Pavia UniPV, Via Adolfo Ferrata 3, 27100, Pavia PV, Italy Lecturers F. DellAcqua Associate Professor, UniPV, P. Gamba Associate Professor, UniPV, A. Marinoni Technician, UniPV, C. LpezMartnez Scientist, UPC Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, S. Atzori Scientist, INGV Geophysics and Volcanology National Institute, Rome, Italy, A. Taramelli Associate Professor, IUSS University, Pavia, Italy, F. Zucca Scientist, UniPV, F. Bovolo Scientist, FondazioneBruno Kessler FBK, Trento, Italy, Vitor Silva Global Earthquake Model GEM Foundation. Main Topic The exploitation of remotely sensed data from different sources for purposes of mapping risk and its components, i.e. hazard, vulnerability, exposure, in a geospatial environment. Laboratory QGIS opensource tools and environment for geospatial information handling. Exercises. June 2012 Course on Parallel Computing with MATLAB, delivered by MathWorks Training Services Institute of Intelligent Systems for Automation National Research Council of Italy ISSIACNR, Via G. Amendola, 122D, 70126, Bari, Italy Topics and Labs Working with a MATLAB pool Speeding up computations Taskparallel programming Working with large data sets Dataparallel programming Increasing scale with multiple systems. September 2008 International Summer School attended as tutor on Applications with the NewestMultiSpectral Meteorological Satellites, sponsored by Consortium AUSI Consorzio per la promozione delle Attivit Universitarie del SulcisIglesiente, EUMETSAT European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites and SSEC Space Science and Engineering Center ConsortiumAUSI, Villa Bellavista, 09016, Monteponi, Iglesias CI, Italy Lecturers Paul Menzel Senior Scientist, SSEC, University of Wisconsin, Madison Verner Suomi Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison Paolo Antonelli Scientist, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Topics Radiation and the Radiative Transfer Equation Spectral signatures from Earths surface and atmosphere High resolution sounding using infrared high resolution spectral data Multispectral sensors for imaging RGB image combinations for cloud and severe weather studies Instrument considerations and CalVal. Laboratory Investigation of high spatial resolution visible and infrared data from MODIS and SEVIRI and high spectral resolution infrared data from AIRS and IASI Group work Tests. January 2007 June 2008 UniversityMaster 1st level degree in Tecnologie per il Telerilevamento Spaziale ThesisTitle Progettazione ed Implementazione di una Procedura per la Individuazione di Oggetti in Movimento con Andamento Lineare A Tratti in Algoritmi di Analisi Interferometriche SAR MultiTemporali Universityof Bari Aldo Moro, Piazza Umberto I, 70121, Bari, Italy, Theory Earth Observation EO programs InfraRed IR and Microwave MW Remote Sensing Remote Sensing by means of SAR systems Orbitography Reference Systems and Cartography GPS Fundamentals Probability and Statistics Stochastic Processes Segmentation and Classification of optical images Information Theory and Coding Digital Signal Processing DSP Digital Image Processing DIP SAR Systems SAR Interferometry InSAR Differential SAR Interferometry DInSAR Persistent Scatterers techniques. Laboratory Linux and bash scripting MATLAB and its use for optical and SAR image processing IDL DORIS interferometric tool and its use for SAR image processing GIS Systems Satellite Tool Kit STK software ENVI and remotesensed image processing. SixMonth Training Design and development of a procedure for the detection of targets on the ground characterised by piecewise linear movements to be integrated in multitemporal interferometric SAR algorithms. June 2007 International Summer School attended as student on Applications with the Newest MultiSpectral Meteorological Satellites Mediterranean Agency for Remote Sensing and environmental control MARSec, Via Perlingieri 1, 82100, Benevento, Italy Lecturers Paul Menzel Senior Scientist, SSEC, University of Wisconsin, Madison Kathy Strabala Scientist, SSEC, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Liam Gumley Scientist, SSEC, University of Wisconsin, Madison Paolo Antonelli Scientist, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Topics Radiation and the Radiative Transfer Equation Spectral signatures from Earths surface and atmosphere High resolution sounding using infrared high resolution spectral data Multispectral sensors for imaging Instrument considerations and CalVal Evolving to the Future Global Observing System. Laboratory Using HYDRA a JAVA based freeware tool to manipulate multispectral data Staging, Viewing, Interrogating MODIS, AIRS, MSG Data Group work Tests Final presentation. June 2006 Professional Engineer License, Member ofOrdine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Bari Polytechnicof Bari, Via Amendola 126B, 70126, Bari, Italy September 1993 March 2006 Laurea Degree in Electrical And Information Engineering Thesis Title Geocoding di immagini SAR Polytechnicof Bari, Via Amendola 126B, 70126, Bari, Italy Subjects included Mathematics, Geometry and Algebra, Physics, Chemistry, Computational Science, Mathematical Methods for Engineers, Information Technology, Information Systems, Operating Systems, Calculators, Telecommunication Networks, Systems Theory, Electrical Communications, Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Electrical Network, Electronic Devices, Analog and Digital Electronics, Electrical Measurements, Electromagnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Antennas, Economics Fundamentals. Thesis Topic Design and implementation of an algorithm C code in Linux environment for high precision geocoding of focused SAR images. Mark Grade 103110. September 1988 July 1993 Certificate of Secondary Education Liceo Scientifico Statale Cassano delle Murge, Via Abbruzzese, 38, 70020, Bitetto BA, Italy Subjects included Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Astronomy, Italian Language, Italian Literature, Latin Language, Latin Literature, History, Philosophy, English. Mark Grade 6060. PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongues Italian Other languages English Communication skills Excellent written communication skills acquired from writing technical reports and publications Confident and professional speaking abilities gained through my experience as speaker at a number of International workshops and conferences Excellent verbal communication skills derived from weekly English lessons Organisational skills Strong organizational skills derived from the ability to manage my activities through wise planning specific tasks, time optimization, detail orientation and prioritization as demonstrated in all projects I was involved Jobrelated skills Skilled at working as a team member as well as independently Strong problemsolving and analytical skills Great ability at interpreting data Skilled at working efficiently under pressure Selfmotivated, hardworking individual Computer skills Excellent knowledge of Operating Systems MS Windows, GNULinux and Apple MacOS Excellent knowledge of most MS Office and Apache OpenOffice applications 10 years of experience with MATLAB programming Good knowledge of programming languages FORTRAN, IDL and CC Good knowledge of software STK, HDFLook, HYDRA, ENVI, NEST,DORIS and ArcGISQGIS Technical skills 10 years of experience in the field of Earth Observation Research and Development in the field of Satellite Remote Sensing Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR specialist Knowledge of Spacecraft Systems Other skills A genuine desire to achieve, excel and evolve Excellent common sense, judgment, and decisionmaking abilities Hobbies Caving Paragliding Football Listening to music Watching movies Reading books Astronomy Driving licence Class B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Publications Papers on Journals Fabio M. Rana, Maria Adamo, Guido Pasquariello, Giacomo De Carolis, and Sandra Morelli, LGMod A Modified Local Gradient LG Method to Retrieve SAR Sea Surface Wind Directions in Marine Coastal Areas, Journal of Sensors, vol. 2016, Article ID 9565208, 7 pages, 2016. doi10.115520169565208. Adamo, M., Rana, F.M., De Carolis, G. and Pasquariello, G. Assessing the Bayesian inversion technique of Cband synthetic aperture radar data for the retrieval of wind fields in marine coastal areas. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 81, 083531, Nov 06, 2014. DOI10.11171.JRS.8.083531. Bovenga, F. Derauw, D. Rana, F.M. Barbier, C. Refice, A. Veneziani, N. Vitulli, R. MultiChromatic Analysis of SAR Images for Coherent Target Detection. Remote Sensing. 2014, 6, 88228843. DOI10.3390rs6098822. ISSN 20724292. Bovenga, F. Rana, F.M. Refice, A Veneziani, N. Multichromatic Analysis of Satellite Wideband SAR Data, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE , vol.11, no.10, pp.1767,1771, Oct. 2014. DOI 10.1109LGRS.2014.2308420. ISSN 1545598X. Conference Proceedings 12 F.M. Rana, M. Adamo, G. Pasquariello, G. De Carolis, S. Morelli and F. Bovenga A simplified Local Gradient method for the retrieval of SARderived sea surface wind directions. In Proceedings of EUSAR 2014, 10th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Berlin, Germany, 03 05 June 2014. ISBN 9783800736072. 11 F. Bovenga, D. Derauw, C. Barbier, F.M. Rana, A. Refice, N. Veneziani, R. Vitulli Multichromatic analysis of SAR images for target analysis. Proc. SPIE 8891, SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XIII, 889104 October 17, 2013. DOI10.111712.2028962. 10 M. Adamo, G. De Carolis, S. Morelli, G. Pasquariello and F.M. Rana Quantitative analysis of Bora events in the Adriatic sea by means of SARbased techniques and the ETA model. In Proceedings of IGARSS 2013, Melbourne, Australia, 21 26 July 2013. DOI 10.1109IGARSS.2013.6723009. ISSN 21536996. ISBN 9781479911141. 9 F. Bovenga, F. Rana, A. Refice, D.O. Nitti, N. Veneziani Frequency coherent vs. temporally coherent targets. In Proceedings of IGARSS 2013, Melbourne, Australia, 21 26 July 2013. DOI 10.1109IGARSS.2013.6721103. ISSN 21536996. ISBN 9781479911134. 8 D.O. Nitti, F. Bovenga, A. Morea, F.M. Rana, L. Guerriero, M. Greco, G. Pinelli On the use of SAR interferometry to aid navigation of UAV. In Proceedings of SPIE 8532, Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2012, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 24 27 September 2012. DOI10.111712.974563. ISSN 0277786X. ISBN 9780819492722. 7 F. Bovenga, F. Rana, A. Refice, D.O. Nitti, N. Veneziani Interferometric MultiChromatic Analysis of COSMOSkyMed data for height retrieval. In Proceedings of IGARSS 2012, Munich, Germany, 22 27 July 2012.DOI 10.1109IGARSS.2012.6350579. ISSN 21536996. EISBN 9781467311588. Print ISBN 9781467311601. 6 D.O. Nitti, F. Rana, F. Bovenga, R. Nutricato, M. Tragni, M.T. Chiaradia, G. Ober, L. Candela Analisi del sisma del 6 Aprile 2009 in Abruzzo con tecniche di Interferometria SAR differenziale. Atti 13a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Fiera del Levante Bari, Italia, 1 4 Dicembre 2009. ISBN 9788890313226. 5 F. Agliardi, F. Bovenga, L. Candela, M.T. Chiaradia, G.B. Crosta, C. DAprile, G. Fornaro, P. Frattini, M. Gilardoni, F. Guzzetti, R. Lanari, D.O. Nitti, R. Nutricato, G. Ober, F. Rana, G. Venuti, G. Zeni Attivit di elaborazione di dati EO SAR su aree in frana nellambito del progetto ASI MORFEO. Atti 13a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Fiera del Levante Bari, Italia, 1 4 Dicembre 2009. ISBN 9788890313226. 4 R. Nutricato, D.O. Nitti, F. Bovenga, F. Rana, C. DAprile, P. Frattini, G. Crosta, G. Venuti, M.T. Chiaradia, G. Ober, L. Candela MORFEO PROJECT C and XBand SAR interferometric analysis over Alpine regions Italy. In Proceedings of FRINGE 2009 Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry, ESAESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 30 November 4 December 2009. ISBN 9789292212414. ISSN 1609042X. Publications Conference Proceedings 3 D.O. Nitti, F. Bovenga, F. Rana, R. Nutricato, M. Tragni, M.T. Chiaradia, G. Ober, L. Candela On the use of C and Xband SAR data for studying the ground deformations induced by the April 6th, 2009 Earthquake in Abruzzo. In Proceedings of FRINGE 2009 Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry, ESAESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 30 November 4 December 2009. ISBN 9789292212414. ISSN 1609042X. 2 D.O. Nitti, F. Bovenga, R. Nutricato, F. Rana, C. DAprile, P. Frattini, G.B. Crosta, M.T. Chiaradia, G. Ober, L. Candela C and Xband multipass InSAR analysis over Alpine areas ITALY. In Proceedings of SPIE Europe Remote Sensing, Berliner Congress Centre Berlin, Germany, 31 August 3 September 2009. DOI 10.111712.849210. ISBN 9780819477828. 1 D.O. Nitti, R. Nutricato, F. Bovenga, F. Rana, D. Conte, G. Milillo, L. Guerriero Quantitative Analysis of Stripmap And Spotlight SAR Interferometry with CosmoSkyMed constellation. In Proceedings of IGARSS 2009, Cape Town, South Africa, July 13 17 2009. DOI 10.1109IGARSS.2009.5418249. EISBN 9781424433957. Print ISBN 9781424433940. Abstracts G. Pasquariello, F.M. Rana, M. Adamo, F. Bovenga and G. De Carolis Sviluppo della componente SAR del sistema osservativo satellitare Sottosistema Vento. Workshop RITMARE, Bologna, 1415 Aprile, 2104. F.M. Rana, M. Adamo, G. Pasquariello, G. De Carolis, S. Morelli and F. Bovenga Assessment of methods for the retrieval of sea surface wind directions using Xband TerraSARX data. Abstracts of 5th TerraSARX 4th TanDEMX Science Team Meeting, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 10 14 June 2013. F. Bovenga, F. Rana, A. Refice, N. Veneziani, R. Vitulli Multichromatic analysis of SAR images for target analysis and absolute ranging. Abstracts of 5th TerraSARX 4th TanDEMX Science Team Meeting, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 10 14 June 2013. M. Adamo, G. De Carolis, S. Morelli and F. Rana Combined observations of a Bora event in the Adriatic Sea by means of ETA model and SAR data. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU20135062, 2013 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7 12 April 2013. eISSN 10297006. F. Bovenga, F.M. Rana, A. Refice, N. Veneziani Multichromatic analysis of high resolution Xband SAR data. Atti VII Riunione Annuale CeTeMAIT, Villa Larocca Bari, Italy, 4 5 Dicembre 2012. J. Wasowski, C. Lamanna, D. Casarano, F. Bovenga, D.O. Nitti, R. Nutricato, F. Rana, G. Colangelo Interpreting very slow surface movements on slopes detected by PS interferometry and GPS surveying case study from the Southern Apennines, Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010153801, 2010 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2 7 May 2010. eISSN 16077962. Guzzetti F., Mondini A., Candela L., Ober G., the MORFEO team F. Rana Results of the MORFEO project Exploiting remote sensing technology to detect, map, monitor, and forecast slope failures. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU201011871, 2010 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2 7 May 2010. eISSN 16077962. Date 07032016

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