
It seems that the conversation surrounding the year that was 2016 has been nothing but negative, and everyone is dying. And it’s true. Just like any other year, people passed away, with some more notable in the popular culture than others. But you know what? Despite some of those losses, as well as social and political upheavals, 2016 was pretty fucking great for snowboard cinema.

We watch hours and hours of video at Snowboard Mag, and trust us, sifting through the shit is no easy task. We have a duty to uphold to you, the reader, that we offer nothing but the best across our website and social channels. Thus, we have compiled this extensive list of motion pictures, all with their own merits that make them worthy of our “Best Of” directory.

Enjoy, or don’t. Basking in your own misery is totally up to you.

Owen’s Picks


Snowboarding, and the sensation of “the glide,” is not only one of the most amazing feelings out there, but it is also equally impossible to put into words. We want to take an extra moment and praise Christian Haller for this beautifully artistic and inspiring film. GLUE is a close perspective on the feeling of snowboarding, and encapsulates the sensation and experience of snowboarding in a way we didn’t know was possible.

The Eternal Beauty of Snowboarding

While 2016 had its shortcomings, building this list continues to remind us of the overwhelming abundance of great snowboard cinema this season. Jerome Tanon, French snowboard photographer and cinematographer, has spent much of his life chasing snow and documenting snowboarding, and ultimately delving into questions about the existential journey and true life of snowboarders. His film The Eternal Beauty of Snowboarding is part documentary, part snowboard flick, and is filmed entirely on a Handycam which he had mounted to his camera. The Eternal Beauty of Snowboarding showcases snowboard lifestyle, as well as action, in a way snowboarding has never seen before.


If this doesn’t make you want to unplug, hike into the woods, and chase fresh snow, then nothing will. Nick Russel’s FREE, reminds us of our roots, and is yet another film to come out this year to showcase and exemplify the essence of snowboarding. No triple corks, or triple kinks here, this is soul surfing.


One of the most highly anticipated films of the year, Union’s first full length feature film, STRONGER certainly does not disappoint. With a crew of riders spanning from legends to rookies, and a location list just as diverse, there isn’t a single parameter that this film does not blow out of the water. Watch the full film here.

Yawgoons 16

Does anyone ever actually get tired of watching Yawgoons edits? Go right ahead and chalk Yawgoons 16 up as another big ‘W’. There is not much to say here other than we owe our sincere gratitude to Dr. B, Dylan Gamache, Marcus Rand, and Brian Skorupski for reminding us that snowboarding is the best thing in the world no matter how big your mountain is, or when the last snow fall came. If you want to see style and creativity in snowboarding, look no further, the Yawgoons are it.

Broken Mechanism, a short film featuring Bode Merrill

What can be said about the Boss man that hasn’t already been said? Bode is a machine, and if this somehow slipped under your radar last year don’t wait another day.

BYND x MDLS: Vacation Forever

Style is the name of the game for Kevin Backstrom and Tor Lundstrom . These videos will make you rethink what air awareness is all about.

Jens’s Picks

Close to Home

Welcome to the wild west of snowboarding, where good times and deep snow are plentiful, and where a cold Budweiser is always moments away. Basically, Wyoming is the shit. We back anything that WRKSHRT does, and this is no exception.


It’s on here twice, I know, but damn. It’s just too good. Snowboarding needs this now more than ever.

The Fourth Phase

Hate it or love it, Travis Rice’s new epic is one of the most ambitious projects in the history of action sports cinema. If you haven’t read it, I did an interview with Travis that might clear up some of your concerns about the film. Check it out.

Bonfire Free Range

An old fashioned road trip. There is something to be said about low budget production and great snowboarding, and the Bonfire team found magic with Free Range.

Statements: Onsen Tour

We are inundated with snow porn edits from Japan. Tits deep! Dick deep! We get it, the snow in Japan is stupid deep. However, this short film from Statements deviated from your standard Japan edit, and I can’t appreciate this enough.

Statements: Island Born

Eiki Helgason’s story is pretty damn remarkable, going from farm boy to Iceland’s first professional snowboarder. The dude has talent. Well filmed, edited, and narrated by our friend Stan Levielle. This is good shit.

Discover Chile with Jake Blauvelt

Jake Blauvelt rides like a perpetual 25-year-old and has the wisdom of an old man. I’m thankful for both.

Lucas Magoon’s Welcome to D-Day edit

Lucas Magoon is an acquired taste, but you cannot deny the talent in this video. This is iconic Bear Mountain snowboarding: Loose, fast, with just a touch of shade to keep the haters talking.

Aurora Boardealis

Ah Warp Wave. You hold a special place within snowboarding cinema. Purists, realists, whatever you want to call them, this is the kind of video that gets you stoked to go ride.

Korua Shapes: Yearning for Turning, Vol. 4

You thought this list would end without this gem?

The post Our top film picks of 2016 appeared first on Snowboard Magazine.

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