
There’s always a war raging between SEO and PPC in the world of digital marketing. Search engine optimization is a gradual process.

Therefore, for the businesses with high competitors, it may not be able to fuel the response that is needed to set your place in the market.

This is where PPC advertising is beneficial. Here’s why one should hire a PPC management expert!

Keyword research

Effective keyword research is vital for the success of the business. This is why PPC experts spend most of their time on keyword research throughout the process.

To help you out, Google provides free and paid keywords tool, but it’s always the paid ones that make your campaign successful.

Wrong ad copy could result in your fall

The best reason to hire PPC experts is their ability to carry out competitive research. They understand your competition by proper study, find good copy and form ads according to their understanding that works. The copy experts prepare cannot be attained by a beginner when each word carries equal importance.


Tracking sales is an important element of a PPC program. Ability to track sales and identifying the source of sales can only be done by an expert. Better analysis can help you to know which placements and keywords are most effective in bringing conversions.

For tracking code installation, it is necessary to know at least one basic language like HTML. If not, it’s better to let the expert accomplish the task for you.

PPC terminology

Do you have a thorough study of PPC terminology like CPM, CPA, what is retargeting, difference between impressions and views? Probably not! Knowing these terms is very important to hold marketing campaign for your business.

Campaign settings

Campaign settings are important in order to provide the right exposure to your marketing campaign. For instance geographical settings will enable to target a specific part of the country.

Good landing page

A relevant landing page can save your money which will otherwise be spent on conversions. PPC experts are experts not only in understanding the principles but also in testing the landing page designs.

Experience matters

A PPC expert who would have worked with any other client within the same industry as yours can apply the same competitive knowledge to your account. This could save thousands of dollars on your part. Finding experts who have already worked with any of your other competitors are beneficial in paid search.

Click fraud

Make sure you know what a click fraud is and be able to suspect it, if any. For this, it is necessary to watch your stats and inform Google for refund if any click fraud is found.

Keep yourself updated

Be a good online marketer and update yourself with the latest trends, news and articles. Attend the probable industry trade shows and networking events.

Time bound

Do you have enough time to manage your PPC account? Though easier than SEO and costs money every time to use it, PPC gives you results by improving your ROI.

Therefore, if you have an experience of your own on PPC management, you can make it work on your own. Otherwise, it’s better to hire an expert to do so.

Simplio Web Studio offers professional ppc management services which includes all stages of the process from initial research and campaign creation to extensive research, analysis and optimization of the campaign results. Request a quote here.

Source: Search Engine Watch

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