
If you are among the 38% of Americans who pay out of pocket for alternative, integrative, and/or complimentary health care, please contact the White House today.

There is currently an opportunity to get more of these costs included in national health care reform. As an example S. 222 (Sen. Rand Paul’s) bill includes a clause for alternative care. It is a big improvement over Obamacare, which only gave a nod to increased testing of alternative modalities, yet Paul’s bill doesn’t go nearly far enough. Whatever you think about Donald Trump or Rand Paul, I’m asking you to unite in this unusual opportunity to speak to the administration in favor of health care that is relevant. Please send your request for significant inclusion of alternative health care via the form set up by Pres. Trump on https://www.whitehouse.gov/obamacare-share-your-story. Do it today, and don’t forget to send a copy to your elected representatives in DC. Please consider sharing this with others who are committed to alternative care. Thank you!

Here is a copy of the message I posted on the “share your story” form…

Personally, I find Obamacare completely useless for the type of health care I choose, which is alternative care. I am one voice of the 38% of the population that uses alternative and complimentary care, which includes things like nutraceuticals, homeopathics, orthomolecular, body work, etc. We also attempt to stay healthy by limiting a multitude of environmental toxins from our bodies. This includes organic juice fasts and organic and Non GMO diets,  which are more expensive than the FDA / USDA approved pesticide soaked foods.

These modalities may be discounted by the AMA and pharmaceutical companies, however, agree or not, this is the chosen method of health care for 1 out of 3 Americans because it works. To prove how much it works for us, please observe that we invest out of pocket to stay healthy. If you figure that most of us are living paycheck to paycheck, it won’t be hard for you to understand that we, who use alternative care, have to make a choice between Obamacare and our preferred methods, since we can’t afford both.

Senator Rand Paul’s S. 222 Obamacare replacement bill recognizes that we exist. It does not go far enough. I am respectively asking President Trump to triple Sen. Rand’s amount for alternative and complimentary services in the new national health care bill. Thank- you!


Filed under: Alternative Healing, Current Events & Signs of the Times Tagged: alternative health care, health care reform, obamcare, white house

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