The first look of Ravi Teja’s upcoming Telugu film Touch Chesi Chodu was revealed early this morning in a bid to celebrate the actor’s birthday today. Dressed in casuals and striking a pose next to bike, the 49-year-old actor will soon begin filming next month for the film directed by debutant director Vikram Sarikonda.
The film is being bankrolled by Nallamalupu Bujji and Vallabhaneni Vamsy under the Lakshmi Narsimha Productions banner. Sarikonda, who is known for writing scripts such as Mirapakay (2011) and Allu Arjun-starrer Race Gurram (2014), will be directing for the first time. He worked as an associate director during the initial stages of his career.
As most of Ravi Teja’s films are mix of action and comedy, well-known stunt director Peter Heins will be in charge of the action sequences in the film. Music will be by noted music director Pritam Chakraborty. According to an Indian Express report, Raashi Khanna will play the female lead, marking Teja and Khanna’s second collaboration after Bengal Tiger (2015).
Meanwhile, the actor has another project in the pipeline, with director Anil Ravipudi confirming it on Twitter today. The film is titled Raja The Great and is produced by Dil Raju.
Welcome to the world of #RajaTheGreat
— Anil Ravipudi (@AnilRavipudi) January 26, 2017
Feature Image: Zee News
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