
We noted 26 companies over in Barcelona at MWC, and kept an eye on what was going down – however we didn’t expect jobs being announced by Vistatec.

The company has said it’s looking for 50 ‘localisation professionals’, spread globally but with the majority in the company’s Dublin HQ.

We’ve reached out to find out how many of the 50 will be in Dublin and are awaiting word back. Vistatec is looking for to fill positions across a variety of functions including linguistics, project management, sales and technology.

It’s actually a long-standing success story on the Irish tech scene, having been established in 1997. The company specialises in localising content for brands: it takes brands’ content and translates and adapts it to ensure it will work and have the desired impact in the local market.

“The most compelling global brands rely on content every day to create captivating experiences for their customers,” said Siobhan Gantly, head of HR.

“At Vistatec, our teams take content, in any form, and align the intended impact with the most effective localisation methodology, so that the end user experience and outcome is consistent regardless of language or locale. This is something that requires exceptional people who understand what it takes to be successful on a global scale.”

The company has offices in Silicon Valley as well as here, working across a range of sectors, including life sciences, software and IT, and telecoms and mobile, and some of its biggest clients include Sony and Intel.

Looking for tech jobs in Ireland? Check out our Featured Employers section for information on companies hiring right now.

MWC image via Peresanz/Shutterstock

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