VR Comes to the Web:
Soon, “page” won’t be a very helpful word for describing everything on the web. The word has made a lot of sense so far. Pages are flat, two dimensional things. The web can imitate additional dimensions, but it’s been a flat place. Soon, that won’t be true. To view many spaces online, viewers will need virtual reality goggles that shut out the real world and let them see in three dimensions.
Browsers will soon be able to render virtual reality that users can explore with any of the consumer devices, such as the HTC Vive, Oculus or Samsung Gear. In fact, early adopters can download developer editions of Chromium and Firefox right now that display the forthcoming WebVR standard (more details). Mozilla engineer Kearwood Gilbert told the Observer in an email that the standard will be available in Firefox’s public release when version 51 goes live in January. Through a spokesperson, Google declined to confirm a release date for the WebVR spec in public versions of Chrome.
Interested internet denizens don’t need to download an unstable version of their favorite browser to get a preview of VR on the web, though. Sketchfab, the YouTube for virtual reality objects, has made its entire library viewable with today’s VR hardware, even the cheap stuff
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Global VR development is moving at a rapid pace, I wonder how fast it is moving at the Green Screen Institute? Any thoughts?