Shrinking Jeans. Women, fitness, healthy living, exercise, weight loss, diet, wellbeing, support, motivation, run
Shrinking Jeans. Women, fitness, healthy living, exercise, weight loss, diet, wellbeing, support, motivation, run
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istock Once you master planning and preparation, you’ll be amazed at how much more you can get done. Most civilians associate the term “military time” with a 24-hour clock. You know: “Deployment at fourteen hundred hours,” or “strike at zero-six-thirty...
Aydin BACAK People who pay close attention to their appearance, looking put together at all the times, have a huge leg up in all arenas, from the work place to their personal relationships. Boots so shiny you can see your reflection. Shirts ironed...
My family loves all things Italian…particularly food. I am always looking for new ways to re-invent family favorites. One evening as I was trying to figure out what to cook for my family, and I had an idea…what if I try to turn...
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Erik Bertrand Larssen for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine. Welcome, Back Lovelies! Ready to finish up this Hell Week with me? If you are very confused right now, it is only because you missed a few...
Áine Cain I was one hell of a mess by the end of the week. Over the summer, I spent several days going through hell. That’s a bit dramatic, but it’s true. I was trying out “Hell Week.” To clarify, no I didn’t train to become a Navy SEAL or get hazed...
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The Daily Post | The Art and Craft of Blogging
A community hub where bloggers can find writing prompts, free blogging courses, weekly challenges, and tips and reso...
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July 19, 2021 2013 is nearing an end and throughout the year we brought you twelve awesome {and FREE} monthly workout calendars. Have you been following along? Do you feel strong and amazing? 2014 wil...
Squat, burpee, and wall-sit your way through the month. Reward? A great ass.
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