Shop Local Raleigh. A non-profit membership organization promoting local businesses including food & beverage, retail, professional and more!
Shop Local Raleigh. A non-profit membership organization promoting local businesses including food & beverage, retail, professional and more!
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Rep. Harry Warren, (District 77), (919) 733-5784 , June 10, 2014 This week in Raleigh was extremely busy and, at the same time, relatively quiet. While both chambers, the Senate and the House, were in full attendance, each seemed...
With the signing of House Bill 2, an atrocious law that allows for discrimination against the LGBT community, Governor Pat McCrory has reaffirmed his record of extremism and prejudice. North Carolina has already seen backlash from businesses and the...
Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie Commonwealth of The Bahamas 2014/15 Budget Communication Presented to the Honourable House of Assembly By The Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie, M.P. Prime Minister and Minister of Finance On Wednesday, 28th...
See below for updates during the debate: On Governor McCrory’s Watch, North Carolina’s Rainy Day Fund Is The Largest In State History Before Governor McCrory took office, North Carolina’s savings reserve account, or rainy day fund, was vastly underfunded...
ElectriCities service area. (Photo: ElectriCities.) By Dominique Cantelme From the May/June 2013 issue In April, South Carolina’s unemployment rate dropped to 8 percent, its lowest in five years. That same month saw North Carolina’s unemployment...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Find Local Business and Promote Yours - Shop Local Raleigh
Shop Local Raleigh, a non-profit membership organization promoting local businesses including food & beverage, retail, professional and more!
Raleigh Christmas Parade - Greater Raleigh Merchants Association
78th ABC11 Raleigh Christmas Parade presented by Shop Local Raleigh coming to Downtown Raleigh on Saturday, November 19, 2022 Watch the 77th ABC11 Raleigh Christmas Parade presented by Shop Local Rale...
Consignment Listings - Shop Local Raleigh.
Hunt & Gather Fine Estate Furnishings at 10 W. Franklin St. opened its store in 2010. Since that time we have become one of the area’s most admired locations for finding inspired interiors for your ho...
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