

by, Elombah

Nigeria: Research by three scholars, Anahita Ghorbani, MA, Iranian women’s rights activist and researcher; Yafiah Assoulin, PhD, Syrian women’s rights activist and researcher; and Shada Al Zahrani, MA, a Saudi journalist, women’s rights activist and researcher, have a exposed the link between the Islamist terrorists operating in north east Nigeria, and the Saudi Kingdom.

The report made exclusively available to elombah.com on Monday, 14 April 2014, which told the stories of the Syrian war and its related miseries, also unraveled the Saudis’ global strategy which involves a planned attempt to take control of Syria and install a Wahhabi’s type Islamic regime that disproportionately disavows women, deprives girls of education and basic rights, and darkens the prospects for equality between men and women in society.

According to the authors, the Saudis’ game plan is not just limited to Syria. It is also a broader and calculated drive to install Islamic political leaders and regimes in fragile regions of the world, particularly West Africa. It also aims to distort the way of life of the west through a full scale Islamination process—a process that enjoins men with the right to multiple wives and deprives women of humanity.

Boko Haram – the name means “western education is sinful” – seeks to establish an Islamic republic in Nigeria and to implement Shari’a. They says western education and influence have corrupted Africans and that only Islamic law can save Nigeria from endemic corruption that is impoverishing citizens of Africa’s biggest oil producer and it’s economic powerhouse. Nowhere is poorer than the northeast, the birthplace of Boko Haram where only about 5 percent of children finish high school and only a tiny percentage of those are female.

Attack on Schools and the kidnap of school girls, is a major Boko haram strategy.

Although Nigeria has political leaders with Muslim backgrounds and many of its top military brass have been Muslims, the presence of Christianity and political balance of the country makes the Saudis’ impact basically irrelevant and unnoticeable in measurable ways.  The Saudis understand that they can impact Nigeria in terms of increasing the Islamic dominance, they also realized in no way can a nation like Nigeria with its vast population and diversity revert exclusively to a Muslim state that adheres strictly to Wahhabism and Shari a law. In spite of this, the Saudis see Nigeria as a necessary focus point because of the country’s growing influence, population, wealth and natural resources, especially oil.

The report titled, ‘The Syrian War, Saudi Arabia’s Struggle for Global Influence, and Control of Africa’, stated that the weakening control or lack of leverage by the Saudis on Nigeria is a serious concern to the Saudi Royal family and the Kingdom’s policy decision makers. This concern is what prompts the Saudis’ support for radical groups such as Boko Hiram in Nigeria. The aim of the Boko Hiram terrorist sect in Nigeria is to impose the Shari a law and eventually ensure that Nigeria follows the strictest interpretation of Islam. Like al Qaeda, Boko Hiram has indirect financial support links to Saudi Arabia.  But unlike al Qaeda, the Saudis’ support for Boko Hiram essentially involves understanding and relating the oil picture thereto.

The Saudis have made significant inroads in several western and Asian countries, cultivating an indiscreet spread of their radical theocratic system and attendant legal instrument. As one of the largest contributors of development aid – both in the volume of aid; and in the ratio of aid volume to GDP, the Saudis have infiltrated and challenged western civilizations in a very serious way, such that western way of life is under threat in the United States and Europe.

As of 2006, Saudi Arabia donated £49 billion in unspecified ‘development’ aid in the previous three decades, but exclusively to Muslims (except for one donation amounting to the equivalent of £250,000). This purported development aid has and continues to contribute to the spread of Islam, particularly the sort found in Saudi Arabia (Wahhabi’s) rather than fostering the beliefs, values, and traditions of the receiving nations and people.  The effect of this has been the erosion of notable regional cultures, the report said, and continued:

“In the west, the Wahhabi’s form of Islam is perceived as the source of Islamist extremism.  The Saudis have and continue to fund radical Islamic projects, programs, and influence through aid.  For example, in the United Kingdom where Wahhabism is a serious concern, the Finsbury Park Mosque in London which was overseen by an Islamic extremist cleric Abu Hama until 2003, was built with Saudi government overseas aid funds.  Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, James Woolsey, described Saudi Arabian Wahhabism as “the soil in which al-Qaeda and its sister terrorist organizations are flourishing.” Some in the U.S. Government also believe that the royal family, through its long and close relations with Wahhabi’s clerics, had laid the groundwork for the growth of militant groups like al-Qaeda.  This and other factors, including that the Saudis continue to be the source of Islamic terrorist activities worldwide, have made her relations with the US and other Western countries to be further strained, more so that Osama bin Laden and 15 out of the 19 September 11 attacks hijackers were Saudi nationals. Proof of the Saudi’s support for extremism is evidenced by the fact that after the September 2011 attacks, the Saudis had done little to help track the militants or prevent future atrocities. Moreover, the Saudis are increasing their effort to sponsor a number of Islamic projects to implant Wahhabi’s Islamic practice in many U.S. states, notably in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Georgia, etc.

“Nigeria, the world’s sixth largest oil producer, passed its peak of production in 1979 and has estimated reserves of approximately 24 Gb. What makes Nigeria critical is the fact that it can function, with minimal investment, as a so-called “swing” producer. In the event of oil shortages there are wells, pipelines and refineries already in place and easily accessible which could accommodate a short-term increase in production to control prices or offset shortages. Shell, ChevronTexaco and TotalFinaElf have heavy investments in the country and until recently, maintained sizeable workforces there.

“Recently the US has been exerting tremendous pressure on Nigeria to withdraw from the Saudis controlled Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its strict production quotas by dangling the prospect of Imperially-funded prosperity in front of it. The appeal of African oil has drawn serious US government attention, even to the point of it sponsoring a January, 2002, Washington conference titled, “African Oil – A Priority for U.S. National Security and African Development.” This was reported in The Petroleum Supply Monthly in December of 2002 and on the World Socialist Web Site in August of the same year.

“Aside from Nigeria, the five biggest oil producers in Africa are Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Angola. The U.S. currently imports more oil from these six countries than it does from Saudi Arabia. Recent projections by the U.S. National Intelligence Council as reported in The Petroleum Supply Monthly estimate that the proportion of U.S. oil imports from sub-Saharan Africa will reach 25% by 2015.

“While it is a fact that there are no oil reserves anywhere which rival those of Saudi Arabia with approximately 250 billion barrels (Gb), or Iraq which has approximately 112 Gb, the current world consumption is approximately 1 Gb every twelve days and demand is increasing rapidly. The two critical factors are the accessibility of oil (both geologically and geographically) and how long it takes to get it to the market. It takes about six weeks for oil from the Persian Gulf to reach an American gas tank yet it takes only about two weeks for oil from West Africa to make the same journey. Equally important, oil installations in West Africa are in direct and immediate reach of US naval forces from the Atlantic Ocean. There are no political or international coalitions which need to be massaged if intervention becomes necessary. The weakening control or lack of leverage by the Saudis on Nigeria is a serious concern to the Royal family and the Kingdom’s policy decision makers. This concern is what prompts the Saudis’ support for radical groups such as Boko Hiram in Nigeria.”

Elombah.com recalls that a forensic criminologist and security co-ordinator at the American University of Nigeria, Dr. Lionel Von Frederck Rawlins recently disclosed in an interview that Al-Qaeda and Al-Shabab terrorist organisations operating in the Islamic Maghreb and Arabian peninsula have been helping members of Boko Haram carry out their operations in Nigeria.

Rawlins, a US marine, who has worked in Europe, Africa, Asia, Central and South America, the Middle East and Far East as a counter-terrorist specialist, explained that Nigeria is under siege from terrorists from other lands.

He explained that Boko Haram currently receives help from other globally recognised terror groups. What you have now are “insurgents from other countries. They are trained by Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab and other groups. They send people here to train them. They also go for training and come back but you must remember, many terrorist groups are in this together and they don’t have problem training and supporting each other because they know that one day, they can call each other for help and when they do, they expect that you will come and help. They may say ‘we need you to help us get Mali, and then you send people because they trained you, gave you funding and all the resources you need, so that was done for you to pay back. So, you are correct to say they got people to help them. There are times also that survivors report that people who came with Boko Haram to kill them were speaking a language they have never heard before; nothing out of Nigeria, so they could be French, Spanish, something from Mali, CAR, Kenya, etc. They know instinctively that it is not a Nigerian tongue which proves the fact that they bring in outsiders.”

Rawlins advised the Nigerian government to seek help in dealing with the insurgency. According to him, the Nigerian government and people “only have to ask and they will send people.

Murderer of Christians: King Abdullah bin Abdul al Saud


Saudis Forced Political Drive in Sub Sahara Africa:

Elsewhere in the West African region, the report continued, there are signs of small to mid-sized discoveries of oil which, while not affecting Peak Oil, are certainly keys to how Peak oil politics and economics will be played out. New data suggest that Liberia and parts of Sierra Leone are poised to be the basin of the West African offshore oil reservoir coming all the way from Nigeria.  This clearly makes West Africa vital to the Saudis’ empire in terms of global oil price control, because failure to have political control in Liberia through religious affinity means the west will disengage the Kingdom once they have other major sources of oil exploration and imports.

The Saudis do not have much focus on and interest in North Africa and most part of the Middle East, except for Egypt and Iran. Apart from Israel and Lebanon, almost all of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa are politically governed by either strict or flexible Islamic leaders.  In Lebanon, the Saudis understand that despite the relative secular nature of the country, the Hezbollah Islamic terror movement dominates public affairs and has the greatest force such that Islam will continue to remain the dominant way of life there.

The Saudis intend to use both an easy but influential means as well as forceful process to ensuring that West Africa adheres to Islamic political governance and laws.  The easy means is to fund Muslim candidates and the forceful means is to support terror sects which are already ongoing in northern Mali and parts of Nigeria and the Central African Republic where the objective is the imposition of a theocracy known as Wahhabism. Through the Saudis’ financial support and connections, a well-armed and supplied Wahhabi’s movement is active in the African country of Mali.  Funded by the Saudis’ royals and high liners, the Wahhabism sect has taken over most of northern Mali and has begun to, amongst other Wahhabi’s practices, destroy tombs of African kings and heritage sites.  This massive influx of funds has allowed the Wahhabi’s movement in the Sahel region of Africa to expand massively.  This puts non-Muslim dominated nations like Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Liberia, Togo, and Cameroon at a the risk of Islamic radicalism and its effects.

The Saudis’ radical theocracy which expresses itself in the form of Wahhabism  involves murdering girls for going to school, and massacring religious pilgrims for the crime of being Christian or Buddhist heretics so on and so forth. These tendencies are already enforced under the Wahhabi’s terror group in Northern Mali and the Boko Hiram terror group in Nigeria.  Soon, other countries in West Africa might begin to confront these challenges if the Saudis’ influence and money trails are not curtailed.

As is in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Iraq, Egypt and North Africa and even Syria, Saudi money, billions of dollars worth, has funded the most reactionary, extreme and violently dangerous centers of terrorism and backwardness. All of this paid for by one of the most corrupt and reactionary regimes on the planet, who just happen to be a major ally of the western regimes, the Saudi Arabian royal family.

On why they sent the report to elombah.com, a very popular online media in Nigeria, one of the authors, Anahita Ghorbani said in an email: “Our interest in uncovering this plot and expose the Saudi royal family’s plan is to extend our advocacy of women’s rights, especially the rights of Arab women. And to also ensure that there is religious and social tolerance.  If the Saudi’s radical expansion of Wahhabism takes control of most parts of the world, imagine how many girls will not go to school, imagine how many women will be relegated to second class persons in their community, imagine what will happen to freedom and democracy; imagine how the streets of cities and towns will be when women are coerced to cover their faces as a way of religious obedience, imagine how many men will select to have multiple wives, imagine the increase in terror acts. Currently women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive, go to places by themselves, speak truth to their spouses and their communities, participate in political process at all levels, and associate in the open with the male counterparts.  This is wrong and should not be allowed to spread to the rest of the world.  This is essence of this brief informative project undertaking by us.”





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