
This is a good example of what we call the Creationist Scientific Method:

1. Select a conclusion which you hope is true.

2. Find one piece of evidence that possibly might fit.

3. Ignore all other evidence.

4. That’s it.

It’s from the creation scientists at the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) — the fountainhead of young-earth creationist wisdom. Their headline is Extremely Ugly Seaworm Shows Extreme Non-Evolution. You gotta admit, that’s an extremely interesting title.

It was written by Brian Thomas. He’s described at the end of his articles as “Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research.” This is ICR’s biographical information on him. You can learn more about him here: The Mind of Brian Thomas. We’ll give you some excerpts from his article, with bold font added by us:

Brian begins by describing a species known to biologists as the Eunice aphroditois. He says

A Bobbit worm is an omnivorous predatory sea worm that, while only a few fingers thick, can grow 10 feet long. It submerges its many segments beneath sandy sea bottoms. Lying still with its fanged jaws ready, it waits for any creature to trip its disguised antennae. In an instant it grabs, drugs, and drags its prey underground to digest it. New evidence supports the idea that special creation, not evolution, explains this unique worm’s body construction.

[*Begin Drool Mode*] Ooooooooooooh — new evidence! [*End Drool Mode*] Then he says:

Fossil experts described big Bobbit-worm jaws in Devonian rocks from Ontario. Living examples of this creepy creature are called “polychaete” worms. The study authors wrote, “This demonstrates that polychaete gigantism was already a phenomenon in the Palaeozoic, some 400 million years ago.”

Brian supports that with a footnote to this article in Nature: Earth’s oldest ‘Bobbit worm’ – gigantism in a Devonian eunicidan polychaete. Then he runs wild with it:

In the evolutionary view, Bobbit worms have not evolved in 400 million years. How could it have avoided relentless and inevitable mutation accumulation? Mutations should have obliterated or at least altered this wacky worm. How could no evolution occur in Bobbit-worm jaw structure during the same time span that supposedly saw such dramatic body reorganization as armored fishes transforming into air-breathing armadillos?

[*Begin Drool Mode*] Ooooooooooooh! [*End Drool Mode*] How did it avoid the “relentless and inevitable” forces of mutation? Brian has raised this issue before, with the chambered nautilus as his evidence — see ICR: “Living Fossils” Prove Creationism. Back then we said:

Creationists are always telling us about the impossible odds against evolution, but now they’re turning it around and asking about the odds of something not evolving. They imagine that stasis is an evolution-killer because they believe that the theory of evolution requires the sudden, tsunami-like, simultaneous transformation of one entire species into another. This is a clumsy variation of the age-old clunker: Why are there still monkeys?

Brian continues:

Flood geologists [Hee hee!] attribute this and similar fossils from low-lying strata to the early stages of Noah’s Flood only thousands of years ago. The first creatures that died in the Flood were marine animals.

Huh? Why would marine animals be the first to die in the Flood? Brian explains — or tries to:

Many of them were slow-moving, like the Bobbit-worm. Possibly the fossilized heavily armored fish, clams, crinoids (sea lilies), and trilobites could not escape the Flood waters that continued their tumultuous torrents month after month during the Flood year. An utterly catastrophic Flood explains fossil formation in general with sediments that completely bury sea creatures on top of continents all over the world.

Ah yes, that explains why mammals appear last in the fossil record. After that he tells us:

And a recent Flood explains why fossils have none of evolution’s expected body changes.

Right. All fossils show species just as they were originally created. And now we come to the conclusion:

Living Bobbit worms are virtually identical to their fossil counterparts. These new fossils from Canada show that Bobbit worms never evolved. It’s just as though God created them to reproduce according to their well-designed but creepy kind.

Perfectly clear. Anyone who doubts it deserves to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.

Copyright © 2017. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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