
This is the fourth post in a new series I’m posting for public feedback, licensed by Algosec. Well, that is if they like it – we are sticking to our Totally Transparent Research policy. I’m also live-writing the content on GitHub if you want to provide any feedback or suggestions. Click here for the first post in the series, [here for post two](https://securosis.com/blog/pragmatic-security-for-cloud-and-hybrid-networks-cloud-networking-101, post 3, post 4.

To finish off this research it’s time to show what some of this looks like. Here are some practical design patterns based on projects we have worked on. The examples are specific to Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, rather than generic templates. Generic patterns are less detailed and harder to explain, and we would rather you understand what these look like in the real world.

Basic Public Network on Microsoft Azure

This is a simplified example of a public network on Azure. All the components run on Azure, with nothing in the enterprise data center, and no VPN connections. Management of all assets is over the Internet. We can’t show all the pieces and configuration settings in this diagram, so here are some specifics:

The Internet Gateway is set in Azure by default (you don’t need to do anything). Azure also sets up default service endpoints for the management ports to manage your instances. These connections are direct to each instance and don’t run through the load balancer. They will (should) be limited to only your current IP address, and the ports are closed to the rest of the world. In this example we have a single public facing subnet.

Each instance gets a public IP address and domain name, but you can’t access anything that isn’t opened up with a defined service endpoint. Think of the endpoint as port forwarding, which it pretty much is.

The service endpoint can point to the load balancer, which in turn is tied to the auto scale group. You set rules on instance health, performance, and availability; the load balancer and auto scale group provision and deprovision servers as needed, and handle routing. The IP addresses of the instances change as these updates take place.

Network Security Groups (NSGs) restrict access to each instance. In Azure you can also apply them to subnets. In this case we would apply them on a per-server basis. Traffic would be restricted to whatever services are being provided by the application, and would deny traffic between instances on the same subnet. Azure allows such internal traffic by default, unlike Amazon.

NSGs can also restrict traffic to the instances, locking it down to only from the load balancer and thus disabling direct Internet access. Ideally you never need to log into the servers because they are in an auto scale group, so you can also disable all the management/administration ports.

There is more, but this pattern produces a hardened server, with no administrative traffic, protected with both Azure’s default protections and Network Security Groups. Note that on Azure you are often much better off using their PaaS offerings such as web servers, instead of manually building infrastructure like this.

Basic Private Network on Amazon Web Services

Amazon works a bit differently than Azure (okay – much differently). This example is a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC, their name for a virtual network) that is completely private, without any Internet routing, connected to a data center through a VPN connection.

This shows a class B network with two smaller subnets. In AWS you would place each subnet in a different Availability Zone (what we called a ‘zone’) for resilience in case one goes down – they are separate physical data centers.

You configure the VPN gateway through the AWS console or API, and then configure the client side of the VPN connection on your own hardware. Amazon maintains the VPN gateway in AWS; you don’t directly touch or maintain it, but you do need to maintain everything on your side of the connection (and it needs to be a hardware VPN).

You adjust the routing table on your internal network to send all traffic for the network over the VPN connection to AWS. This is why it’s called a ‘virtual’ private cloud. Instances can’t see the Internet, but you have that gateway that’s Internet accessible.

You also need to set your virtual routing table in AWS to send Internet traffic back through your corporate network if you want any of your assets to access the Internet for things like software updates. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don’t – we don’t judge.

By default instances are protected with a Security Group that denies all inbound traffic and allows all outbound traffic. Unlike in Azure, instances on the same subnet can’t talk to each other. You cannot connect to them through the corporate network until you open them up. AWS Security Groups offer allow rules only. You cannot explicitly deny traffic – only open up allowed traffic. In Azure you create Service Endpoints to explicitly route traffic, then use network security groups to allow or deny on top of that (within the virtual network). AWS uses security groups for both functions – opening a security group allows traffic through the private IP (or public IP if it is public facing).

Our example uses no ACLs but you could put an ACL in place to block the two subnets from talking to each other. ACLs in AWS are there by default, but allow all traffic. An ACL in AWS is not stateful, so you need to create rules for all bidrectional traffic. ACLs in AWS work better as a deny mechanism.

A public network on AWS looks relatively similar to our Azure sample (which we designed to look similar). The key differences are how security groups and service endpoints function.

Hybrid Cloud on Azure

This builds on our previous examples. In this case the web servers and app servers are separated, with app servers on a private subnet. We already explained the components in our other examples, so there is only a little to add:

The key security control here is a Network Security Group to restrict access to the app servers from ONLY the web servers, and only to the specific port and protocol required.

The NSG should be applied to each instance, not to the subnets, to prevent a “flat network” and block peer traffic that could be used in an attack.

The app servers can connect to your datacenter, and that is where you route all Internet traffic. That gives you just as much control over Internet traffic as with virtual machines in your own data center.

You will want to restrict traffic from your organization’s network to the instances (via the NSGs) so you don’t become the weak link for an attack.

A Cloud Native Data Analytics Architecture

Our last example shows how to use some of the latest features of Amazon Web Services to create a new cloud-native design for big data transfers and analytics.

In this example there is a private subnet in AWS, without either Internet access or a connection to the enterprise data center. Images will be created in either another account or a VPC, and nothing will be manually logged into.

When an analytics job is triggered, a server in the data center takes the data and sends it to Amazon S3, their object storage service, using command line tools or custom code. This is an encrypted connection by default, but you could also encrypt the data using the AWS Key Management Service (or any encryption tool you want). We have clients using both options.

The S3 bucket in AWS is tightly restricted to either only the IP address of the sending server, or a set of AWS IAM credentials – or both. AWS manages S3 security so you don’t worry about network attacks, merely enable access. S3 isn’t like a public FTP server – if you lock it down (easy to do) it isn’t visible except from authorized sources.

A service called AWS Lambda monitors the S3 bucket. Lambda is a container for event-driven code running inside Amazon that can trigger based on internal things, including a new file appearing in an S3 bucket. You only pay for Lambda when your code is executing, so there is no cost to have it wait for events.

When a new file appears the Lambda function triggers and launches analysis instances based on a standard image. The analysis instances run in a private subnet, with security group settings that block all inbound access.

When the analysis instances launch the Lambda code sends them the location of the data in S3 to analyze. The instances connect to S3 through something known as a VPC Endpoint, which is totally different from an Azure service endpoint. A VPC endpoint allows instances in a totally private subnet to talk to S3 without Internet access (which was required until recently). As of this writing only S3 has a VPC endpoint, but we know Amazon is working on endpoints for additional services such as their Simple Queue Service (we suspect AWS hasn’t confirmed exactly which services are next on the list).

The instances boot, grab the data, then do their work. When they are done they go through the S3 VPC Endpoint to drop their results into a second S3 bucket.

The first bucket only allows writes from the data center, and reads from the private subnet. The second bucket reverses that and only allows reads from the data center and writes from the subnet. Everything is a one-way closed loop.

The instance can then trigger another Lambda function to send a notification back to your on-premise data center or application that the job is complete, and code in the data center can grab the results. There are several ways to do this – for example the results could go into a database, instead.

Once everything is complete Lambda moves the original data into Glacier, Amazon’s super-cheap long-term archival storage. In this scenario it is of course encrypted. (For this network-focused research we are skipping over most of the encryption options for this architecture, but they aren’t overly difficult).

Think about what we have described: the analysis servers have no Internet access, spin up only as needed, and can only read in new data and write out results. They automatically terminate when finished, so there is no persistent data sitting unused on a server or in memory. All Internet-facing components are native Amazon services, so we don’t need to maintain their network security. Everything is extremely cost-effective, even for very large data sets, because we only process when we need it; big data sets are always stored in the cheapest option possible, and automatically shifted around to minimize storage costs. The system is event-driven so if you load 5 jobs at once, it runs all 5 at the same time without any waiting or slowdown, and if there are no jobs the components are just programmatic templates, in the absolute most cost-effective state.

This example does skip some options that would improve resiliency in exchange for better network security. For example we would normally recommend using Simple Queue Service to manage the jobs (Lambda would send them over), because SQS handles situations such as an instance failing partway through processing. But this is security research, not availability focused.


This research isn’t the tip of the iceberg; it’s more like the first itty bitty little ice crystal on top of an iceberg, which stretches to the depths of the deepest ocean trench. But if you remember the following principles you will be fine as you dig into securing your own cloud and hybrid deployments:

The biggest differences between cloud and traditional networks is the combination of abstraction (virtualization) and automation. Things look the same but don’t function the same.

Everything is managed by software, providing tremendous flexibility, and enabling you to manage network security using the exact same tools that Development and Operations use to manage their pieces of the puzzle.

You can achieve tremendous security through architecture. Virtual networks (and multiple cloud accounts) support incredible degrees of compartmentalization, where every project has its own dedicated network or networks.

Security groups enhance that by providing the granularity of host firewalls, without the risks of relying on operating systems. They provide better manageability than even most network firewalls.

Platform as a Service and cloud-provider-specific services open up entirely new architectural options. Don’t try to build things the way you always have. Actually, if you find yourself doing that, you should probably rethink your decision to use the cloud.

Don’t be intimidated by cloud computing, but don’t think you can or should implement network security the way you always have. Your skills and experiences are still important, and provide a base to build on as you learn all the new options available within the cloud.

- Rich
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