Scots Guards Colonel S Fund. The Colonel’s message The Colonel, HRH The Duke of Kent KG The Scots Guards are among the Army’s first soldiers of choice on operations...
Scots Guards Colonel S Fund. The Colonel’s message The Colonel, HRH The Duke of Kent KG The Scots Guards are among the Army’s first soldiers of choice on operations...
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TOKYO—China is escalating a campaign of military maritime coercion against Japan’s Senkaku Islands, according to Japanese intelligence data disclosed as part of a joint Pentagon-Japan research program. Additionally, China is doubling the size of its...
January 29 In History 1421(17th of Shevat, 5181): The Jews of Sargossa, Spain were spared from slaughter at the hands of King Alfonso V , thanks to the fact that a handful of synagogues beadles had acted on the advice given to them by the Prophet Elijah...
GVR – Drake Midweek Update 7/11/12, 6 pm Click on ad! It helps with cost! Please help with donations for website hosting, domains, etc. Donate button. Thank you!!!! Thanks to everyone! Lady Dragon is on. Teri, too! Pay attention (Drake...
Updated: Chronology of events in Afghanistan updated to 16 Jan 14 and Casualty statistics updated to 31 Dec 13 UK forces are deployed to Afghanistan in support of the UN-authorised, NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission and...
Army National Guard History The National Guard, which was founded on December 13, 1636 in Massachusetts, is the oldest component of the Armed Forces of the United States and one of the nation’s longest-enduring institutions. Four of the oldest units...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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Scots Guards – The Colonel's Fund | Funds raised to date: £1,500,000
The Colonel’s message The Colonel, HRH The Duke of Kent KG The Scots Guards are among the Army’s first soldiers of choice on operations. They have already seen active service in Iraq and Afghanistan, ...
1st Battalion News | Scots Guards – The Colonel's Fund
Waterloo 1. The Bn marked the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo through a series of events across the UK and Belgium. Several members of the Battalion went to Waterloo for anniversary that i...
Scots Guards – The Colonel's Fund
Mon, 14 Sep 2015 10:46:52 +0000 Waterloo 1. The Bn marked the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo through a series of events across the UK and...
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