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We are living in a world, where science is practiced as a way of thinking and we are at the global frontiers of achievements in science and technology. This leads the young Indians to choose a career that provides them a platform to show their ability in these fields.

At the same time, when we draw our attention towards scientific and industrial research career, we come across the name of one of the eminent organizations coordinated with research and development (R&D) activities, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

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What makes us acknowledging the organization is the widely experienced Joint CSIR UGC NET Exam that is famous as CSIR NET among the aspirants for research careers. The exam has its own importance in showing the correct path to the aspirants, who have made scientific and industrial research as their career destination.

Before knowing the complete detail regarding the exam and choosing it as an approach to set your career, first, you should make a research about the organization, its achievements & milestones.

The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) is a premier industrial R&D organization in India registered under the Societies Act of 1860.

It got established in the year 1942 by a resolution of the then Central Legislative Assembly keeping in the following ventures:

Re-engineering the Organisational Structure

Linking Research to Marketspace

Mobilising and Optimising the Resource Base

Creating an Enabling Infrastructure

Investing In High-Quality Science

Here we are making you aware of the vision, achievements, milestones and career opportunities of CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research).

CSIR Vision – CSIR Envisions to Fulfill the Aspirations of Modern India

CSIR was entrenched with an overall motive to give all the sectors of the country’s economy a scientific and technological base. CSIR contributes to industrial competitiveness, the welfare of the society and advancing the fundamental knowledge that will lead to economic development of our country.

Presently CSIR’s mission is to build a new CSIR that will fulfill the needs of modern and digital India.

What makes the organization to renew itself are some future illustrations like:

To push the country and country people towards science and technology.

To fulfill the emerging dreams of the nation.

To broke some old myths of economy and growth.

To transform the national needs into international opportunities.

To actualize the above-listed synopsis of modern India, CSIR is moving towards the following grounds:

Science and Engineering leadership

Innovative technology solutions

Open innovation and crown sourcing

Nurturing talent in transdisciplinary areas

Science based entrepreneurship

Socio-economic transformation through S & T intervention

Major Achievements of CSIR: Innovations Over 60 Years

CSIR with its 38 research laboratories has been designed to promote all the disciplines with good technical knowledge and innovating techniques.

CSIR had set many milestones covering all the sectors of Indian economy like Aerospace, Biotechnology, Chemicals, Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, Energy, Food & Food Processing, Information Dissemination, Leather and Metal, Minerals & Manufacturing etc.

Below we are sharing major achievements targeted by CSIR in every decade:

CSIR achievements in the decade 1950-60

Indelible Ink

You might not be aware of the fact that during the general elections about 600 million people wear a CSIR mark on their fingers.

The deep blue ink used at the time of elections to mark on the voters’ fingers was developed by CSIR in the year 1952.

Now, many industries are producing the ink and it is also exported to Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Turkey etc.

Amul Milk

In India at the period of the 1960s, baby milk food was imported from other countries. The multinationals rejected our requests to set up manufacturing facilities.

The reason was the lack of cow’s milk and too much fat in buffalo milk.

Then CSIR came with a process of manufacturing baby milk food from buffalo milk with less fat and good digestibility. This idea was given to Kaira Milk Producers Cop. Ltd.

CSIR achievements in the decade 1970s

Swaraj Tractors

In the 1970s, Indian economy was basically depended on agriculture and facing the Green revolution. At that time manpower, along with excellent machines were needed.

Like a great boon, CSIR introduced Swaraj tractors. In the year 1974, Punjab Tractors ltd. began its manufacturing.

Crop-friendly Pesticides

Our agriculture depended on hybrid seeds and protection from pests.

CSIR helped in the production of new pesticides production at one time with the help of an integrated programme.

Safe Drinking Water

To solve the safe drinking water problems, CSIR introduced many techniques like ground water prospecting, Novel rain water harvesting, techniques to remove bacteria, viruses and chemicals and “Nalgonda technique” to remove excess fluoride.

CSIR achievements in the decade 1980s

The Power of Parallel Processing

India was looking for computer power in the 1980s. India was not able to import them. As a solution, CSIR connected several sequential computers in parallel to get super computing power. India’s first parallel computer “Flosorver” was built in 1986 followed by “PARAM”.

Special Glasses

CSIR established the first glass manufacturing unit. Since then CSIR had developed about 400 types of special glasses.

It also included the radiation shielding glasses for protection from harmful radiation.

Kangra Tea

Kangra is a district in Himachal Pradesh, which is famous for its green tea. But meanwhile, the production was declined.

CSIR introduced a technique to solve the problem and improved the growth of plantation.

The Bamboo Breakthrough

The plant of bamboo performs the process of flowering once in its lifetime (once in seven to a hundred years).

It was taken as a miracle when CSIR developed tissue culture technology that made bamboo flowering possible within a week. This step of CSIR was first ever in Indian science and created history.

Cleaning Coal

The quality of coals in India varies from poor to rich grade. To clean the coal and upgrade its quality CSIR invented technologies.

It helped in upgrading over 29 million tons of coal with twenty coal washeries.

CSIR achievements in the decade 1990s

The Menthol Mint

The farmers of Terai regions of Himalayas are engaged with oil-yielding mint plants. These mint plants are Menthol Sinesis developed by CSIR.

With the efforts of CSIR in developing the high yielding varieties of Mint, India is now the largest producer of menthol mint.


It’s the first kind of knowledge alliance created by CSIR accompanied with an Indian pharma company.

It helped in realizing the benefits from human research genome in the form of affordable health care for Indian people.

It resulted in the Centre for Genomic Applications (TCGA) in catalyzing research in India.

Catalyzing Change

In the 90s the multinational companies had their domination over the Catalyzing Industries.

India used to import these catalysts from them. But CSIR changed the process of transferring from each other by inventing the Zeolite technology.

Now India started transferring the Zeolite technique to other multinationals.

Leather Technology Mission

In the 1990s the leather industries were in a bad state. 700 tanneries were ordered to close as they were highly polluting.

To make a solution CSIR had introduced a Leather Technology Mission (LTM) in 1995. It included 170 programmes along with 60 NGOs and supplied skilled manpower with the establishment of 20 training centres.

As a result, 270 closed tanneries were renovated.

CSIR achievements in the decade 2000s

Hansa & Saras

In 1993 CSIR has introduced Hansa, India’s first all composite flight and the maiden flight was carried out. It was a two-seater aircraft. Hansa got certified by DGCA in 2000.

After Hansa, CSIR developed Saras. It is a 14-18 seater multi-role aircraft that had its maiden flight on 22nd August 2004.

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These all were the major milestones set by CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) with a motive of social development.

After getting aware to these figures and fact, you will surely be interested in being a part of CSIR’s glorious history and upcoming breakthroughs.

To experience the career opportunities in the organization, we will help you and provide the latest information for recruitments in CSIR.

Momentous Evolution by CSIR – Developing Various Fields

CSIR has also introduced some notable developments in various fields, let’s get a precise knowledge about them.

Biology and Biotechnology

DNA Fingerprinting.

Cybrid facility for the study of neurodegenerative diseases.

The genotype “CIM-Arogya” of Artemisia annua for higher artemisinin yield.

Health Care

Early detection of cancer and visceral leishmaniosis.

Biomarker for Asthama.

Anti- malarial drugs-Elubaquine and Arteether.

Oral delivery of Insulin and Hepatitis B vaccine.

Centchromon, a non-steroidal contraceptive (marketed as “Saheli”).

Agro & Food

Shelf-stable food products.

Palm oil processing plant.

Natural food colours.

Vegetable salt.

Tea wine.

Biodegradable wrapping material.


Manufacture of hydrofluorocarbons.

Catalytic process- Trifunctional catalysts.

Conversion of methane and methanol into gasoline.

Electroactive polymers.

Micro and Nano structured polymeric materials.

Ultrafiltration membrane for water purification.


Paradigm shift in leather processing.

Indian presence in the fashion world of leather through ModEurop Congress.

Ecology & Environment

Preparation of Fourth assessment report of the international panel on climate change that won Nobel Prize for peace in 2007.

Air Quality, inventorization etc.

Industrial waste management.

Rapid analysis of biological oxygen demand.

Earth Sciences

Studies of Gondwana land.

Geochemical baseline maps in Cauvery basin.

New criterion for monsoon breaks.

Prediction of tropical cyclones.

VSAT network [WAN]

Electronics & Instrumentation

High dielectric constant materials for metal oxide semiconductor devices.

First even Silicon carbide Schottky diodes in the country.

Cost effective medical equipment.

Pressure sensors using MEMS technology.

Electronic instrumentation for traditional industries.


Advanced catalysts for mercaptans removal.

Conversion of light naphtha to LPG and gasoline.

Oxidative desulphurization of diesel.


Novel ceramic barriers lining material and process for rocket thrusters.

Transmissometer Drishti.

Cost effective rapid resin injection modeling technology.

Mining, Minerals & Materials

Microwave assisted combustion synthesis of magnetic alloys.

Beneficiation of iron-ore using Floatex density separator.

Self-cleaning coatings on glass.

HAP-coated dental implants.

ADI Technology for crankshafts for Indica V2 diesel car.

Housing & Construction

Comprehensive methodology for transport planning of metros.

Strategies for disaster mitigation.

Aerodynamically shaped cyclone shelters.

Low-cost housing in disaster affected areas.

Energy saving buildings.

Rural Development

Swaraj tractors.

Post-harvest techniques.

Cheapest water purification technologies.

Technological upgradations of the skills of rural artisans and entrepreneurs.

Information Dissemination

Software capable of decoding protein sequences in genetic materials of all living organism.

Software using auto trace methodology for digitizing aeromagnetic data.

E-journal consortium.

International S&T Networking

Global networking with major R&D organizations including Global Research Alliance.

Partnership with UK with external cash flow of over Rs. 12 crores in UKIERI Projects in 2006.

Setting up of Joint Research Centres.

CSIR Career & Opportunities: Explore the endless prospects in Research

From a long time, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is playing the role of promoting, maintaining, and raising the values of human resources into the Scientific and Technological aspects of the economy.

The organization is providing career opportunities to all age groups who are eligible to join CSIR and making their presence as an improved and high-performance organization in the country.

All the recruitments and job-related activities are commenced and controlled by Recruitment and Assessment Board of CSIR (RAB).

What are the activities executed by Recruitment and Assessment Board (RAB)?

The activities performed by CSIR-RAB can be understood as follows:

Assessment promotion of CSIR Scientists

Junior Scientist up to Principal Scientist.

Senior Principal Scientist to Chief Scientist including centralized screening.

Recruitment of Scientists

Scientists to Principal Scientists.

Centralized selection of Chief Scientists.

Recruitments, Fellowships & Grants under CSIR: Link your Career

CSIR, along with the recruitments of scientists, provides job opportunities by offering various fellowships and lectureship programmes.

To select candidates for these programmes Human Resource Development Group (HRDG), a division of CSIR conducts the recruitment exams twice every year, i.e. in June and December.

The process to enter the CSIR Recruitment is explained below with every important step:

In the above-given information, we have apprised you with the largest research and development organization in India, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) along with its achievement and opportunities for the young India.

If you want to see yourself participating in the scientific and technological challenges of the country, set the path through CSIR NET exam.

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