Do I Really Write the Books by L.G. Fabbo-Gonnella
I want to express a hugely sincere thanks to the host of this blog site for asking me to do a guest post for the readers today. I’m touched and honored by this gift to me. I am on record as saying blogs like this are critical to authors. To be asked to contribute…truly gobsmacked.
So hello all, my name is L.G. Fabbo-Gonnella. I am the author of Max, Brad & Maisie mystery series. In case you did not notice THAT was a shameless personal plug * wink*.
My post today is about my weird idea that, on some level, I merely transcribe what my characters tell me to put down on the computer screen.
Let me begin this post by emphasizing that this is my personal view of myself as an author. I’m sure every writer had his or her own thoughts in this area. All are equally justifiable. Okay that should short-circuit dissenters ☺. So onwards we go.
I have said to many friends that I do not write my two mystery series {Mark Julian Vampire PI being the other one} but rather, “just take good notes when they start talking”. I know this personal concept may be the subject for a psychiatrist’s couch but for now it’s a guest posting.
Let me attempt to explain:
When I write a mystery book, I visualize the inhabitants in each story as fully formed people. I mentally create the scenes they are in, their interactions between each other and the dialogues that occur between them. My focus is so intense a semi-reality takes hold in my brain. They come alive in that brief flicking time frame. So I write … taking notes as I refer to it. As I type, I don’t truly observe the computer screen or what I’m pounding out on the keyboard. I’m mentally fixated on getting down their unfolding drama.
I will freely admit that there are times the plot goes off in directions I never initial contemplated. Yet, somehow, in those mental “writing zones”, the characters seem to inform me that such a literary detour is both natural and critical to the case I am writing or, let me employ the word transcribing in keeping with my post’s theme.
As I end this post let me quickly assure you I never confuse my reality with the ones found in my books. My point here is that, for me, in order to write what I hope is a fun book; I mentally create a fictional reality in my head. After that occurs, on some level in this author process, I’m not thinking per se but just typing away as these awesome character creations have at it. In the end I believe the end product is a rattling good yarn. Don’t believe me? Well get one of my mystery books and personally check it out but, be careful. You might become so engrossed in reading them that you find that you too are dragged into their reality. If it happens, please take detailed notes on what is going on there and quickly send your scribbling to me. It may very well make the next book. OR, simply drop me a hello. I love emails and reply, honest.
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My Facebook page is @ ““The Mystery Writings of L.G. Fabbo-Gonnella”
Max, Brad, and Maisie is a gay mystery series by author L.G. Fabbo-Gonnela. Read on to discover the three books in the series and find out more about the author! There’s also a giveaway and you are all encouraged to enter!
Murder In The String of G
Max, Brad, and Maisie Mystery Series, Book One
Maisie was an irrepressible burlesque queen of the fifties who was a star in the Cassandra Theater. She was killed in what was initially ruled to be an accidental trip and fall down a spiral staircase. In fact, she knows it was a murder but, why was she killed and why the later cover-up? Unfortunately, however, what can a ghost to do about it? And so, her shade haunts the theater hoping to find someone to help her.
It turns out to be a long wait. In two thousand and six two young wanta-be actors arrive at the newly restored Cassandra Theater to audition for a play. One is Max, who is gay, and the other is his roommate Brad, who is straight. For reasons unknown at first, Maisie finds she can connect with them both and seeks their help in proving she was murdered and who did it. After initial hesitations, the boys agree to help her solve her killing. The book follows the pair as they stumble towards finding answers while dodging a hired gun, a serial killer of young men and, for Brad, Maisie’s tendency to “fondle his rump” at inopportune times.
Murder in the String of G
The Cassandra Theater, New York City circa 1959:
The tall statuesque blonde stood in front of the grimy scratched mirror. “Geez you think they put in some decent bulbs in the lamps,” she groused as she squinted to see herself in the theater’s poorly lit dressing room. She gazed about the dingy enclosure with its washed out wallpaper and grimy ceiling. “Better days huh,” she muttered in disgust as she returned her eyes at her reflected image.
“Okay Maisie” she sharply said as she took in her naked form. “So tomorrow you are thirty-eight so what does it matter.” She let her blue eyes focus on her two large breasts that somehow, in defiance of gravity and the laws of physics, still thrust straight out from her full figured five foot ten inch frame. “Well at least you two haven’t sagged yet,” she said with a throaty laugh as she touched her breasts. “I think I’ve still a good three to four years left in burlesque.” She pivoted slightly to take in her firm tight rump. “Yep the old chaise still has a few miles to go on the meter too.”
She faced the mirror, gave her image a knowing wink, and then quickly began to dress shivering in the chilly air of the unheated and dingy room. As Maisie slipped into her undergarments she took in her shabby surroundings with its dirt encrusted small windows and cracked wall coverings.
“Well you’ve come a long way huh girl and all of it down,” she said before sighing as she noticed a large wet stain on the ceiling. The sight of the well-used furniture and generally run down fixtures of her dressing room always depressed her. This was a far cry from the lavish places where she had worked in the past.
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Murder in the Squared Circle
Max, Brad, and Maisie Mystery Series, Book Two
Maisie’s favorite young pro-wrestler, Stan DaMann, is arrested for allegedly murdering his hated rival. Maisie is convinced of Stan’s innocence. Determined to find the real killer she convinces the hapless Max and Brad into posing as a new wrestling tag team. Out of their depth, they find themselves involved a murky world of underground sex bouts while facing off against two brothers who think vice may be nice but incest is best. As Max and Brad’s wrestling début approaches our trio is eager to find the killer before the killer finds them. Max has another problem in the form of a good-looking Australian wrestler named Liam. Could Max be falling for a guy who might turn out to be that killer?
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Murder in Noir
Max, Brad, and Maisie Mystery Series, Book Three
It seems as if Max and Brad’s dreams of a career in acting have finally arrived. The duo have been cast in the Broadway revival of that forties noir classic “Blood Fell onto my Window Pane”. Even more exciting, the production has movie stars Barrett Conover and his Italian wife Europa making their Broadway début. Max has had a huge crush on the husband ever since he saw the actor in the classic gay film “Going Tops for a Bottom”. As for Brad, he has been a fan of Europa ever since he saw her in the French classic comedy “Buxom Babes for Balzac.”
The play also has a rather lurid past. During its first run in 1948, two members of the company were victims in an unsolved murder. Maisie soon convinces the boys it would be fun to try and solve the decades old crime. What starts as a lark however, suddenly takes a unexpected turn as evidence of a blackmail scheme is revealed. Events soon turn deadly when the trio seeks to uncover who is being blackmailed and, critically, who is behind it. Hidden scandals, an attempted rape and murders both old and new are now part of the script for a, “Murder in Noir”
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Prizes: 1 bundle of Murder in the String of G + Murder in the Squared Circle, and 1 copy of Murder in the String of G
a Rafflecopter giveaway
About the author
L.G.Fabbo-Gonnella is a resident of NYC. He has often said Manhattan is the underlying unspoken character in many of his books. “I guess its a love affair that I have with her,” he once said. “I could live here forever and yet still find magical things about her that I never knew existed.
When not seeking out interesting new locales for his books he can be found dinning with friends and enjoying all the city he adores has to offer.
Though he has not yet met the supernatural denizens of NYC, he does hope too one day. And yes, there is a “letter Lounge” albeit under a different name.
He can be reached at
Filed under: Book Giveaways, Book Reviews, Book Tours and Contests, Books, Contemporary fiction, eBooks, Uncategorized Tagged: author L.G. Fabbo-Gonnella, Eyes On Books Promotions Book Tour and Contest, Max Brad and Maisie Mystery Series by L.G. Fabbo-Gonnella, Murder in Noir by L.G. Fabbo-Gonnella, murder mystery series