
We chat_correct about Concurrency and Parallelism, fix Rails Validations and Passenger Turbocaching, throw some Emoji at a new Amazon SDK, and talk about TRUE Heroes on this episode of Ruby5.

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Show English sentence errors with chat_correct

chat_correct is a gem by Kevin Dias that shows the errors and error types when a correct English sentence is diffed with an incorrect English sentence.

Ruby Concurrency and Parallelism: A Practical Primer

Earlier this month, Eqbal Quran put together a great post on Toptal covering different Ruby concurrency and parallelism techniques with code examples and libraries which support them.

Fix validations on child record when record parent has validate:false

Back at the start of this month a bug was fixed in Rails which has apparently been around for more than 5 years. It's basically a bug where ActiveRecord objects could be validated even when instructed not to.

Phusion Passenger 5 beta 3: more stable, turbocaching updates

A new beta release of Phusion Passenger 5 has been released with somewhat of an overhaul to how Turbocaching works by default, among other updates and bug fixes. This update makes the cache work more similarly to Varnish and only cache those responses that are explicitly, publicly cacheable.

Amazon upgrades Ruby SDK to help developers write less code

The new new Amazon Web Services SDK Version 2 supports more than 40 services which Amazon offers and provides more help to developers than before. The upgrades include improved resource interfaces, a code streamlining feature called Waiters and improved documentation.

Partial template name no longer has to be a valid Ruby identifier

There was a recent update to Rails which removed some of the restrictions on what makes a valid partial file name. And, in so doing, has cleared the way for Emoji partials!

Introducing Sandi Metz’s TRUE

This weekend, Ian Whitney put together a quick post describing Sandi Metz’s TRUE heuristic for judging code. This was an acronym introduced in the Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby book.

Ruby Heroes 2015

It’s people that make the Ruby community as amazing as it is. Think of all of the screencasts, gems, tutorials, and maybe even podcasts that you’ve used over the years to learn and hopefully even financially benefit from your work with Ruby. Head over to Ruby Heroes to nominate your Ruby Heroes today!


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