We’re thrilled to officially introduce the newest product in RStudio’s product lineup: RStudio Connect.
You can download a free 45-day trial of it here.
RStudio Connect is a new publishing platform for all the work your teams do in R. It provides a single destination for your Shiny applications, R Markdown documents, interactive HTML widgets, static plots, and more.
RStudio Connect isn’t just for R users. Now anyone can interact with custom built analytical data products developed by R users without having to program in R themselves. Team members can receive updated reports built on the same models/forecasts which can be configured to be rebuilt and distributed on a scheduled basis. RStudio Connect is designed to bring the power of data science to your entire enterprise.
RStudio Connect empowers analysts to share and manage the content they’ve created in R. Users of the RStudio IDE can publish content to RStudio Connect with the click of a button and immediately be able to manage that content from a user-friendly web application: setting access controls and performance settings and viewing the logs of the associated R processes on the server.
RStudio Connect is on-premises software that you can install on a server behind your firewall ensuring that your data and R applications never have to leave your organization’s control. We integrate with many enterprise authentication platform including LDAP/Active Directory, Google OAuth, PAM, and proxied authentication. We also provide an option to use an internal username/password system complete with user self-sign-up.
RStudio Connect has been in Beta for almost a year. We’ve had hundreds of customers validate and help us improve the software in that time. In November, we made RStudio Connect generally available without significant fanfare and began to work with Beta participants and existing RStudio customers eager to move it into their production environments. We are pleased that innovative early customers, like AdRoll, have already successfully introduced RStudio Connect into their data science process.
“At AdRoll, we have used the open source version of Shiny Server for years to great success but deploying apps always served as a barrier for new users. With RStudio Connect’s push button deployment from the RStudio IDE, the number of shiny devs has grown tremendously both in engineering and across teams completely new to shiny like finance and marketing. It’s been really powerful for those just getting started to be able to go from developing locally to sharing apps with others in just seconds.”
– Bryan Galvin, Senior Data Scientist, AdRoll
We invite you to take a look at RStudio Connect today, too!
You can find more details or download a 45 day evaluation of the product at https://www.rstudio.com/products/connect/. Additional resources can be found below.
RStudio Connect home page & downloads
RStudio Connect Admin Guide
What IT needs to know about RStudio Connect
An online preview of RStudio Connect