
We are now accepting your binding applications for domain names under the new .fun TLD.

It's a short and meaningful new domain extension, perfect for individuals and organizations focussing on entertainment or leisure sectors by creating a brand image that is young and vibrant.

Launch time-table:
Sunrise: From January 23 (16:00 UTC) until March 24 (15:59 UTC). Only for trademark holders with a valid signed mark data (SMD) file. Multiple applications for the same domain will be resolved by auction.
Early Access Program (EAP): From March 27 (16:00 UTC) until April 5 (15:59 UTC). First-come, first-served.
General Availability (GA): As of April 5 (16:00 UTC). First-come, first-served.

Sunrise prices: 21.50 USD (Gold) / 23.70 USD (Silver) / 26.10 USD (Bronze) registration fee per year per domain PLUS a non-refundable application fee of 600.00 USD
EAP prices: 21.50 USD (Gold) / 23.70 USD (Silver) / 26.10 USD (Bronze) registration fee per year per domain PLUS a refundable Early Access Fee of 11,000 USD on day 1, 5,750 USD on day 2, 2,875 USD on day 3, 1,200 USD on day 4, 600 USD on day 5, 300 USD on day 6, 120 USD on day 7-9
GA prices: 21.50 USD (Gold) / 23.70 USD (Silver) / 26.10 USD (Bronze) per year per domain

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