
Workshops—Dallas and Las Vegas: Are you ready to take your practice to the next level? Are you ready to invest one day in a program that will change the course of your business? New York is sold out. Las Vegas has two spots remaining, and Dallas has a handful. It’s time to commit if you’re planning to come in October. Here’s the info.

Rosen Institute Premium Membership: The next live, Office Hours, call is on Wednesday (see below). Bring your questions. We’ve now admitted some of the waiting list folks. We’ll add a few more each of the coming weeks. Here are the details for joining Rosen Institute and getting into a mini-mastermind, joining us on Slack, being a part of our live calls, and accessing the Behind the Scenes tours, Master Class programs, and marketing/website reviews.

Here are the latest programs, links, posts, and Lee’s update from the road.

Where’s Lee?

Belgooly, Ireland — On Saturday, we drove down the coast from Glencolumbkille to Belgooly, Ireland. Belgooly, our new home, is a tiny village between Cork and Kinsale.

This is a good spot. Cork is known as the food capital of Ireland. And I have to say that the food is dramatically better here than it was up north.

We’ve only been in Belgooly for a few days now, but I’d rank Glencolumbkille way ahead of this area on scenery but way behind on food and weather. It rained nearly every day for a month in Glencolumbkille. We’ve had sun nearly every day here in Belgooly. Which place is better? They are so dramatically different that it’s hard to compare. They’re both great places to visit.

The drive down takes six hours for most people. It took us 12. We stopped for lunch, we stopped for dinner, we stopped for a walk in a park, we stopped to visit a cemetery, and we stopped for bathroom breaks and to buy drinks. It’s a miracle that we ever get anywhere. But we made it—finally. And we’re enjoying our time here so far.

The younger kid is here for a couple of days. He’s taking a few days off from the internship in Dublin. We’re doing more touristy stuff than usual. Today involved a boat ride around the harbor in Kinsale. I always enjoy a boat ride, and the scenery, as usual in this country, was beautiful.

In between driving, eating, and boat riding, I’m getting some work done. We’ve now launched six mini-mastermind groups inside Rosen Institute. Lawyer calendars make getting the first meeting of each mastermind group challenging. But, once they get started, they’re doing good work. The groups are starting to gel as the members get to know one another inside their private Slack group, and lawyers are starting to trust one another and divulge more about their practices. By exposing their issues to one another, everyone involved gains insights that can be shared. Working together, all members will set priorities and objectives and feel the pressure to live up to the commitments they make for their practices. I can see the mastermind groups beginning to benefit members. It’s exciting.

We’ll be in Belgooly for a month. I’m guessing I’ll have to be careful about calories. I’m guessing we’re going to thoroughly enjoy our time here. Now, I’m off to dinner.

Posts This Week

These are the items we posted this week:


Podcast: Restarting the Client Machine
Business lulls happen. You turn down work when your caseload is full and clients are writing big checks. But when things slow down, you want out of the lull—fast. It’s happened to me, and I’ve witnessed it with countless other lawyers. These are the five ideas I only share with my paid consulting clients. They’ll have you back to work in no time. Continue reading and listen.


Turn “I Need to Think About It” Into “Yes”
Potential clients rarely say what they’re actually thinking. “More time” is never a factor in their decision whether to hire you; it’s a sign that you’re not selling your qualities, addressing concerns, or building trust. Find out what your clients really mean when they leave without hiring you and know how to correct their unspoken concerns. Continue reading.

How to Hire a Better Team
Ego, pride, and fear. They’re terrible when mixed with business, and especially hiring. We look for people similar to us because we don’t want to appear less capable or because our managers fear losing their jobs to the new recruit. It’s a bad practice that holds our firms back. We started “hiring up” at the Rosen Law Firm, and our business continues to grow bigger. Continue reading.

Narrow Your Niche Even More
You can’t please everyone, and trying will cost you business. Clients are fickle, and the reasons behind their decision to hire you over the lawyer down the street can run the gamut, from your office decor to the pleasantness of your consulting lawyer. Focus on becoming exceptional in fewer areas, and retaining clients will come more readily. Continue reading.

Happening Elsewhere

These are the links that caught our attention this week:

Don’t Let Your Professional Shortcomings Hold You Back at Work
None of us is perfect, and we’re naturally terrible at spotting our shortcomings. Here’s how you can spot your flaws and either invest in improving yourself or recognize that you’re best off letting someone else fill in the gaps.

The Secrets to a Successful Business Partnership

The co-founder of SoulCycle shares why her business partnership of complete opposites is a perfect match and why the same could work for you.

This Company Has Built a Profile on Every American Adult

Every move you make. Every click you take. Every game you play. Every place you stay. They’ll be watching you.

The Best Time Tracking Solution for Freelancers

For freelancers, time tracking is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you want to be paid for your time, but on the other hand, punching a clock is the worst. Toggl makes it simple.

Coming Attractions (Premium Members Only)

Office Hours—LIVE CALL: 11 AM EST Wednesday, August 17, 2016
The monthly Rosen Institute Q&A session. An open forum where you’ll receive immediate answers from Lee Rosen and feedback from other members on the call. Gain unique perspectives on topics such as management, finance, marketing, technology, and new systems your firm is implementing. Come prepared with questions or e-mail Lee in advance to have your topic presented: rosen@rosen.com.

Website Review: Charlotte Christian: Wednesday, August 24, 2016

We’ll walk through what works and what doesn’t on Charlotte Christian’s family law website. We’ll identify problems and suggest solutions to attract more clients to this Alabama practice. Listen in for ideas on how you can tweak your website for optimal client attraction.
View all coming attractions

Recent Programs (Premium Members Only)

Here’s what you may have missed (available for Premium Members):

Behind the Scenes: Generating New Business With the Forum

Bringing new associates on board is a sign that you’re doing something right and that your practice is growing. Learn how to welcome new members to the team, integrate them with your existing work culture, and give them the best possible starting point. Onboarding new associates properly could mean the difference between them ending up as rock stars and ending up confused and ready to quit.

Master Class: One to Ones
Lee Rosen discusses the importance of one-to-one meetings with your entire team. Spending the time to talk with everyone individually will be tremendously helpful for your practice. Your associates will feel heard, you’ll know about minor issues before they become big problems, and your entire office will become more productive.

Website Review: Joel Cape
Institute Member: Joel Cape

Website: jcapelaw.com

Region Served: Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma

Practice Area(s): Agricultural, business, intellectual property, land and water use, and livestock and animal law

Office Hours (Wednesday, July 20)

This month, we discussed topics including intake hiring (scope of the position, call tips, and hiring), concentrated group formation, team communication, and other subjects that will help your law firm run more efficiently.

Premium Member Homework

It’s time to get personal.

Implement one-to-one meetings with your entire team.

Managing employees ≠ maintaining a cooperative and motivated team. The key to creating a workplace of people who want to make your vision a reality is a personal connection.

Get to know your employees. Actually talk to them, form a relationship, and learn more about yourself in the process. One-to-one meetings will change you. They’ll motivate your team and strengthen your firm’s long-term success.

Visit the Master Class and learn the Lee Rosen ingredients to great communication.

The post - Workshops, Links, Sunshine, and Great Food - originally appeared on Divorce Discourse. Law practice management, marketing, technology from Lee Rosen.

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