Rooflines. Housing affordability to homeownership, and the future of community development.
Rooflines. Housing affordability to homeownership, and the future of community development.
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Michael Sedano Invisibility, erasure, exclusion, subversion Today’s La Bloga-Tuesday marks two important occasions, one of immense joy, another of bitter frustration, yet… The first brings the joy of the month’s second La Bloga On-line Floricanto...
The weekly tenant meetings of the residents of Midtown Park Apartments at the corner of Geary and Divisadero always begin and end with a prayer. For the past year, the meetings have focused on a historic project: the largest rent strike San Francisco...
(CBS SF) — If you can write an essay, thank a teacher. If you learned a second language, thank a teacher. If you know how to spell “receive,” thank a teacher. Those are just some of the memes and quotes you’ll see as we...
Reader Comments - U.S. Re: In Honduras, Military Takes Over with U.S. Blessing (John Franklin Crawford) Re: Tens Of Thousands Protest Labor Reforms in Poland (Phyllis Mandel) Re: The Rise of the New New Left (Jay Schaffner, Claire Carsman) Re: Friday...
Click here for reuse options! The Mayday action provides invaluable lessons for today. The following is an excerpt from L.A. Kauffman's new book, Direct Action: Protest and the Reinvention of American Radicalism (Verso, 2017). This excerpt was originally...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
Shelterforce: Essential Reporting on Affordable Housing Shelterforce
Shelterforce covers topics from community planning to racial equity, housing affordability to homeownership, and the future of community development.
As Affordability Worsens, State and Local Governments Act on their Own Shelterforce
As the federal response fails to keep up with the need for affordable housing, a growing number of state and municipal governments have been taking matters into their own hands.
Our Denial and Inaction On the Issue of Lead — Shelterforce Shelterforce
How far does the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) denial about leaded drinking water go? This week, I was having tea with a friend who had been an intern at the […]
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