“The State of the Congregation”
by Senior Minister Rev. Jeanne Pupke
Annual Meeting is to be held between services, starting at 9:45. Please come early to ensure you receive your voting card. Rev. Jeanne reflects on the congregation’s year and future.
Religious Education ENews:
Nursery is open from 8:45am to 12:15pm for ages 3 and under. Please label your child’s belongings, and bring your own snack if desired. Cheerios will be offered.
11:00 AM Service
PreK-K: Wondering at the Moon– learn about the moon and how it lights the night sky! We will make moon paintings and read a moon story.
Grades 1-2: A Time to Remember and Pray– learn about Memorial Day as a national day of prayer. We will read a story about the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial, “The Wall,” and make memorial day wind streamers.
Grades 3-4: Ask Questions– We will learn about Clyde Tombaugh, the man who discovered Pluto! We’ll read a story and make a set of planets out of clay.
Grades 5-6: Internet Safety– Learn about how to make safe choices on the internet, how to be aware of your internet presence, and practice kindness and prevent internet bullying.
Grades 7-8: Communicating with a Sexual Partner– learn about how to be empathetic and effective and when communicating your desires to a sexual partner, including desires to wait for sexual activity.
Grades 9-12: Theology of Love– learn about the love-based practices that make Unitarian Universalism a theology of love. We will examine different love writings, learn about our own beliefs about love, and create a church banner about being love-centered.