
Keenevention is an annual gathering for liberty lovers in New Hampshire to crowdsource the most effective methods of political action, outreach, and activism. It’s about making government smaller through action and propping up the peaceful alternative: voluntary interactions, agorism, community, and freedom for everyone. Keene has a reputation as the activist capital of the Free State Project, and possibly in the world of libertarianism. Cop Blocking was founded in Keene – need I say anything more? And it’s no insult that the city’s parking enforcement officers stayed home when they heard that Robin Hooding was on Keenevention’s schedule. This clever method of activism is as simple as paying parking meters before the city can ticket cars – and it has prevented the city from collecting thousands of dollars in “revenue.” Call that a win. And did I mention it was Halloween weekend? And that Keene is a hopping college town? It wasn’t long before the Batmobile drove by, top down, with both Batman and Robin peaking out the windows looking for dates. I only hope Batman has a designated driver so Cop Block doesn’t have to show up and produce what may be an incredibly viral video if it’s Batman vs. the Keene Police. I was prepared for a weekend of exciting adventure and invigorating learning, and I got it. Libertarians know how to get things done. And in the Shire, they know how to have fun. Below, I report my favorite takeaways from this year’s Keenvention. It’s long, and information dense, but sectioned off by topic for convenience and interest. Think of it as a guide for activism. Click the links, check the resources. I hope you can find something of value that can be put into action in your own life and community. Copy the ideas below, improve upon them, scrap what you don’t need and keep the rest. You can check the Keenevention.info blog for more information about the event, the speakers – and most importantly, the videos. Thanks for reading! Here come the dispatches, now…. * * * POLITICAL ACTION If you ask me, political activism probably only matters in places like New Hampshire. It might be the only state in which a libertarian disguised as a Democrat runs against a libertarian disguised as a Republican, who both lose to an anarchist disguised as a Libertarian. There are around fifteen Free Staters in the state house here, which boasts one of the largest, most accessible political bodies in the world. In the Political Action panel, Don Gorman, a former state rep, said that there are enough liberty-minded members in the state house in New Hampshire to block any piece of legislation – not just libertarians, but of all parties – if certain members were only willing to build the coalitions and do the legwork. He said he doesn’t care which party someone belongs to – as long as they are liberty-minded on some issue, he can find a way to work with them. Much of the panel focused on getting libertarians elected, and former gubernatorial candidate for the LP, John Babiarz, said there just aren’t enough people running. We need “more new energy” in the LP, he said. Gorman agreed that there’s still purpose to the LP campaigns, speaking as a former presidential candidate in 2000, in which he visited seven states. Locals are “very interested, and in some cases, intrigued that there’s this whole new concept” out there called libertarianism. “It gives you great exposure,” he said of running, “however it’s a grind.” JP Freeman from Keene Cop Block got up and asked the panel to clarify for him whether or not recording police officers was legal in New Hampshire. Without pause, the panelists confirmed this right clearly for everyone in the room – emboldening many of us, I’m sure. “You have the right to video tape any public official in their public job,” Babiarz said. Gorman nodded and added, “If it’s a public official during public business, you absolutely have the right.” Any protections or restrictions in releasing the video – legally – fall on the person in the video who may not be a public official. You can’t just walk into someone’s home to film a police encounter, unless you have permission. Otherwise, the cops have no defense except their own offense. * * * COP BLOCKING Cop Blocking, simply put, is recording interactions with police officers, in order to keep them accountable. Somehow, it always ends up getting ugly – on large part because of the cops, who seem to be camera shy, even when they have no problem recording YOU with cameras you can’t see on the dash of their cruisers. Cop Blocking was founded in Keene years ago, and today it is largely spearheaded in town by JP Freeman. He knows all the police in town and they all know him. He shared one story in which he was arrested by the new guy for “interfering,” and upon arriving at the police station, the guy in charge told the new cop to “please bring him back to wherever he came from.” Yes, he was “un-arrested.” Today JP spends a few nights a week listening to the scanner and arriving on scene – usually for “noise complaints” at college parties – with his camera. At least one of the local police – also a coach for some team at the college – sends his students into the parties to dial 911 and hang up, an easy way to get in and look for trouble. Police really do have an incentive to write more tickets and arrest more people. Higher ratings from accreditation agencies get them more money — and their ratings rely on tickets written. Here’s a video [some swearing] from this year’s Cop Blocking expedition, in which JP realizes the fire chief is driving around looking for kids with open containers. They do these things, he said in the panel, for revenue. Often the logic behind new traffic laws or installing new signs is for revenue. “We can get a lot of revenue with this STOP sign,” for example. Panelist Rob Mathias explained their logic: “They need revenue to prove they need to exist.” Anyway, Cop Blocking can be overwhelming for some. Once in NYC, a cop pointed his gun at JP’s cell phone camera and said “I’m gonna think it’s a gun!” How can you argue with that? Panelist Ann Leverette shared a horror story in which she was surrounded by a few cops, who continued to follow her while she tried to walk home. “I think there’s no such thing as a nice cop,” she said, “They’re kind of like animals.” She feels the only defense between her and the cops is her cell phone’s camera. Fortunately, in New Hampshire, the cops know what Cop Blocking is. Panelist Jessica Phillips has lived in Massachusetts, California, and Texas and agrees the culture here is totally different. “The large Cop Block presence in New Hampshire has made a difference.” When Ann raised her camera in self-defense during her encounter, the cop asked, “What are you going to do, record me?” It may have prevented further abuse. While it is super important that recording the police becomes an expectation in police encounters, there is a division at labor that is necessary for actual change. People need to testify in their local state house committees concerning police accountability. People need to take the raw footage from Cop Block activities around the country and edit it into short videos that get to the point and get it out there for everyone to see – locals, the media, and politicians. It’s Cop Block’s job to expose the bad behavior, JP said. “It’s the political side that’s going to win the battle.” * * * BITCOIN As someone who has possessed exactly .0884 bitcoin for over a year, I don’t pay much attention to the fine details, but it’s my understanding that there is discussion about bitcoin lately, regarding its scalability and future growth. That’s pretty much all I know. The nice thing about bitcoin is that anyone can put a wallet on their phone and use it, without knowing this stuff. But sitting in on the discussion was interesting. The bitcoin community will decide which direction the blockchain goes and which applications lead the way.  “Happily, I don’t have a lot of power,” bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen told the audience. “I have a lot of influence, but not a lot of power.” The solution is open-source; it’s market-based. Andresen is one of the few people who have the proper passwords to make big changes to the bitcoin code. Some members of the audience had concerns that because he talks to the “authorities,” bad things might happen. Andresen insisted, “I try really hard not to have secrets I can’t tell people.” If he stopped talking to the government – and he doesn’t talk to everyone from the government – they would just talk to someone else. He reminded us that the crimes committed by those at Mt. Gox and CryptoLocker are crimes regardless of the form of currency being stolen. We can work with what we have – people who want to prevent crimes in any form – instead of taking the hard-headed approach of refusing to cooperate with any law enforcement, as a matter of principle. But now it’s time to get into the fun stuff. “What do you see 20-30 years down the road, particularly with bitcoin?” Superactivist Derrick J. Freeman began, “Well, there’s no more governments.” And of course, bitcoin will be more integrated into the system as a whole. Andresen added that every website will likely accept bitcoin, though it may not be likely that brick and mortar locations do. It depends on how payment systems evolve among the big processors, and “if we still have cell phones in twenty years, and not chips installed in [our] brains.” It is a “chicken and egg problem” when it comes to getting bitcoin into the hands of the people. Is there a reason for mainstream America to embace this technology other than for philosophical reasons? It makes sense for countries like Venezuela that are undergoing extreme economic circumstances; perhaps that is what needs to happen here for bitcoin to become more prevalent. One thing we can do is what Derrick does quite effectively: when people are interested, help them install a wallet on their phone, and walk them through a transaction. There is nothing more amazing than hearing that BEEP!!! and witnessing the zap of a satoshi or two into from one phone to another. It then becomes very real to the individual that this is something important. All of the controversy and debate concerning bitcoin’s future will hash itself out in the marketplace, both of ideas and of economics. * * * SECESSION Secession is one of my favorite topics to hear about in New Hampshire. Oh, it’s on the table, trust me. If Scotland and Catalonia can try it, why can’t we? But let’s not get ahead of ourselves — the panelists are aware that it’s not something to trot out at the next election. But why can’t we have some fun with it? You’d be surprised how productive that might be. What would happen if New Hampshire seceded from the United States? What would it do about for currency? These sorts of questions always come up: Who will build the money?! The answer? Decentralized market-based solutions. US dollars, Canadian dollars, precious metals, bitcoins, Shirecoins, whatever works for the individuals involved. Superrealtor and former state rep, Mark Warden, added the caveat, however, that it’s not very likely that bitcoin will ever become the paradigm, for reasons mentioned in the bitcoin panel. Everyone was excited about the recent news that New Hampshire is the wealthiest state in the developed world, according to a chart on mises.org. As I understand it, the chart signifies that the median income in New Hampshire is highest, Maryland is second, and Luxembourg is a close third. “We’re already wealthier than most small states in Europe,” said Chandler Gabel, of the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence. “If you think New Hampshire is amazing today, just wait to see what we can do if we get the federal government off our backs.” Of course, maybe the word “secession” is too fierce. “Independence” is acceptable, as is “sovereignty.” It’s the idea that’s important right now. Perhaps, Warden proposed, New Hampshire and surrounding states such as Maine and Vermont, could form a “multi-state compact” to act together if necessary. Other states have formed agreements to take action – such as legalizing hemp farming – if other states do so. Perhaps a more important first step would be to nullify federal laws in the state. “’Hey, this works,’” Warden role played. “’New Hampshire is different. Let’s keep going with it.’” One thing that’s already happened is New Hampshire’s refusal to play along with the REAL ID act. Citizens of New Hampshire may even need a passport soon to fly domestic in the United States. This only helps sow the seeds of secession. The federal government is “already treating us like a sovereign nation,” said panel moderator Rob Mathias. Gabel added, “People already hate the federal government. They will hate it even more.” “STEP ZERO,” butted in the wonderfully curmudgeony Denis Goddard, another famed superactivist in the FSP. “Find a volunteer-oriented thing you can do in your own community. And then volunteer,” he stressed, “in your,” wait for it, “community.” And he means as local as you can get. Unless you’re involved locally, “you’re a crazy person talking about crazy things.” Politicians running on a secessionist platform will be asked, Goddard suggested, “’Is that before or after you come out for rape and harming small animals?’” But even he understands this is just a brainstorming session for the larger challenge of communicating liberty ideas. Ellen Ball, also representating the FNHI, agreed that it’s more important to focus on issues one at a time with individuals. The best way to communicate liberty ideas is to “be somebody that other people want to talk to.” * * * MEDIA The Media Panel focused on a tricky topic for libertarian content producers: monetization. Derrick J. Freeman, of Peace News Now and Flaming Freedom, broke it down into what works for him best. Advertising works. “You turn on the radio, you hear advertising. You know you’re paying for listening.” He said he calls the people who advertise on LRN.FM and asks them if they’d like to sponsor his shows. Google AdWords is easy to set up, also. It’s as simple as putting in your direct deposit information and setting up the account. Google does the rest. Derrick said he relies on donations the least, but that’s not to say there isn’t a time for it. Brett Veinotte, of the School Sucks Podcast, has found some success with the community buy-in option. It also creates a stronger audience base, as they feel more committed to a show that is committed to them, and not advertisers. His show is one of the most popular in the libertarian-sphere, though his target audience – students – don’t typically have lots of money. “Lunch money,” suggested panel moderator and local YouTubetarian, Shire Dude. But seriously, through subscriptions that allow access to a robust bonus-content and behind-the-scenes section of the website, Brett has managed to fund a large portion of his show. “Having recurring payments set up is really, really important,” he stressed. Have a spreadsheet. Know what’s coming in each month. He added that it’s nice to get a big donation, but you can’t sit there and wonder when the next one is going to turn up. Nobody on stage seemed to like selling merchandise – i.e., t-shirts in particular. In defense of his subscription model, Brett added that it’s better than “the $280 I made selling t-shirts five years ago.” Darryl W. Perry, who operates Free Press Publications, does still make some money selling books. So there’s that. Another way to make some money is to use your skills elsewhere, not just on your media. Brett contacted a columnist at Psychology Today and offered to read his column every week and release it as an mp3, though he didn’t say if the plan is in action. A former teacher and tutor, he’s now mentoring clients in various areas. Anyone who does video editing, writing, audio work, etc. can freelance – and there are plenty of places online to find work. Shire Dude has lived in New Hampshire for a few years, and hasn’t had to find a “real job” yet, just because there’s enough demand for video editing work. Another important – and often ignored – piece of advice came from Darryl W. Perry, who hosts Peace Love Liberty Radio and that five-minute news podcast you hear on LRN.FM every hour, as well as numerous publishing outlets. When it was suggested that Darryl’s “work ethic scares most people in this room,” he replied, “I put myself on a schedule.” He joked that the only three days he’s taken off in the last year were when he sat in jail for not paying a fine. “Now we know how to get Darryl to take a day off. Put him in jail!” But his argument is an important one: keep a schedule and stick to it. If your work is important to you, you’ll make it a priority. Here’s a quick lightning round for all you podcasters and writers out there: present your ideas from a perspective no one else has; find original guests and ask them questions they don’t expect; go to events, establish rapport with others, be in tune with what others’ needs and goals are for their own projects; don’t let the microphone “get in the way,” meaning to loosen up and have fun, make the show interesting; put your work on as many platforms as possible, in any format; attractive images go farther on facebook than titles; good titles can’t hurt, anyway (“Could What You Don’t Know About Jeffrey Tucker…Kill You?” – Brett. He was joking…or was he??). And the best piece of advice came from Derrick: scour the internet for what is viral and try to make that part of your next piece. * * * LADIES In the Ladies Panel, the inevitable came up: how to get more women in the liberty movement – and everyone knows why guys care so much about this, right? Ann Leverette laid it out nicely: “I see a lot of ladies, I see a lot of them being single, and I see a lot of them are pretty. Ladies like liberty. Ladies like owning their own bodies.” There are, indeed, a lot of libertarian women out there. It’s probably as easy as being confident and looking a woman in the eyes when you speak to her. They seemed to agree that no one likes creepertarians. It’s aggressive. It’s a violation of the NAP, if it gets pushed far enough. It’s important to recognize the difference between misunderstanding social cues and blatantly going against someone’s wishes to be left alone. How about the future of liberty five years from now in New Hampshire? Katie McCall, an experienced midwife and homesteader, is excited about the second generation of Free Staters. “All of these kids being raised with this philosophy, being raised by libertarians.” They tend to be “more creative than traditionally-raised children.” They’re little entrepeneurs and adventurers, not getting the life sucked out of them in public schools. Some of them don’t even have social security numbers. But living life from the day they’re able – and not looking back. That’s going to be one of the most important changes in the culture here for years to come. * * * CHRISTOPHER DAVID, #FREEUBER Christopher David snuck onto the bill as his recent activism has been getting him all sorts of local media attention lately – driving Uber illegally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, even while faced with threats of $500 tickets and crabby cabbies who drive around using the Uber app to stalk drivers and corner them in parking spaces. Meanwhile, the market continues to demand Uber rides in a city where it’s illegal, and the drivers find a way to provide those services. [note: David was charged with a Class B Felony for wiretapping shortly after Keenevention, for releasing this video on YouTube of a conversation with a bouncer on a public sidewalk.] Says David of sharing his story with Uber customers, “I have people who know nothing about what the government does, to being “Fuck the government!” by the end of the ride.” Keep it up, Portsmouth. Instead of a traditional keynote speech, David presented a pad of paper just before the front row and asked the audience to participate. It was a liberty jam session of magnificient proportions. How will we abolish the state in our lifetime? The first question was brainstorming which first steps are necessary, which topics are important, which techniques are mandatory? Someone mentioned that we need to get grandmas and soccer moms on board. Without pause, David quipped that the first and only person to get a ticket in Portsmouth for driving Uber was, indeed, a grandmother. When she was ticketed, she was caught on camera smiling, and issued the statement that if it wasn’t illegal, she wouldn’t have to sneak around so much to give people rides. Just off the top of my head, here are some of the things people suggested, not all of it in total seriousness, but all of it seriously considered: blockchain; elect anarchists; catalog cases of successful resistance at local levels; demilitarized zones in which the state’s presence atrophies over time; police departments getting overwhelmed by folks calling in to the point that the dispatcher cries “make the calls stop!” Now we’re getting somewhere. David recalled when the government tried to go into Syria a few years ago and Twitter “was like oh no no you are not!” He calls this a “decentralized reactionary response that form[s] organically to respond” to events, a “permanent mass, broad-based, mass resistance to evil acts.” I love Christopher David’s speaking style and methods for communication. He brings energy and excitement to ideas we all talk about all day long in the most mundane ways. His vision is also far-reaching and strongly entrenched in optimism and action, versus the past and the negative. Polycentric societies came up – one could someday exist right here in New Hampshire – maybe it can be called Free New Hampshire – and it can grow organically from what we make it. I imagine consent for the state dropping one individual by one, until a paradigm shift happens. Every single thing the government claims superiority over, David concluded, can be replaced with the decentralized, organizational structure on the blockchain. Healthy plants outgrow and overtake unhealthy plants. That’s just the way nature works. * * * FUN! One common theme throughout all of Keenevention was the need to have fun. In the Cop Block panel, Rebel Love Show host Rob Mathias warned against burn-out. Newbies to the FSP show up with bright eyes and “grandoise visions,” but flame out after a year and disappear into the woods, never to be seen again. Darryl W. Perry said numerous times, “You can’t windsprint to liberty.” It’s a super marathon. And sometimes in a marathon, you slow down and grab a cup of gatorade and splash it all over your face. And maybe you walk through downtown Keene past dozens of college students, ridiculously dressed in all manners of Halloween costumes, from chain-smoking teletubbies to short-skirted vixens. Behind me was a bro dressed as a nun, and before me was a bro dressed as a cop. “You look bad!” the cop said to the nun, before spanking him with his baton and moving along. Ah, I was walking to the 2nd annual Hallowkeene party, and nothing could have been more perfect timing. The first costume I noticed was one very scandalous school girl – and trust me, everyone was noticing. In fact, it was magnificient and I congratulate the costume designer for pulling it off.

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