
The Cushwa Center is pleased to announce the recipients of its annual grants and awards. Across the center’s four programs, a record 25 scholars have accepted funding offers for a variety of research projects. Funds will support travel to Notre Dame’s University Archives as well as to research sites in Charlotte, Philadelphia, New York City, Washington, D.C., and Rome, Italy.

Applications are due April 1 for the next round of Hesburgh Research Travel Grants. Learn more about all upcoming funding opportunities at the Cushwa Center here.

Theodore M. Hesburgh Research Travel Grants

These grants support research projects in any academic discipline that consider and incorporate the work of the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., former president of the University of Notre Dame. Grants are made twice yearly. The following scholars received funding in fall 2016:

Maggie Elmore (University of California, Berkeley)

“Claiming the Cross: How Ethnic Mexicans, the Church, and the State Forged an Alliance that Transformed America’s Most Powerful Church, 1923–1986”

Gráinne McEvoy (Trinity College, Dublin)

“God at the Gates: American Catholic Social Thought and Immigration Policy, 1910–1965”

Todd Ream (Taylor University)

“Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C.: Assessing a Legacy”

The Peter R. D’Agostino Research Travel Grant

In conjunction with Italian Studies at Notre Dame, the Cushwa Center offers these grants in honor of the late Peter R. D’Agostino, author of Rome in America: Transnational Catholic Ideology from the Risorgimento to Fascism (North Carolina, 2004), who tirelessly advocated transatlantic research in American Catholic studies. Grants in 2017 are providing travel support for the conference, “North Atlantic Catholic Communities in Rome, 1622–1939” (June 5–7, 2017). The following seven recipients will present conference papers and conduct archival research during their time in Rome:

Michael Breidenbach (Ave Maria University)

“Lord Baltimore’s Oaths of Allegiance: Catholic Loyalty in Early America”

Heidi Hartwig (Central Connecticut State University)

“‘Salvete, Flores Martyrum’: The Cause of the English Martyrs in 20th-Century Rome and England”

Carmen Mangion (Birkbeck, University of London)

“‘Familiar Figures at the Vatican’: Internationalism, Women Religious, and the Roman World, 1880s–1930s”

Terrence Murphy (Saint Mary’s University — Halifax)

“Rome and the Development of a North Atlantic Community: The Irish Catholics of Nova Scotia, 1785–1860”

Kenneth Parker (Saint Louis University)

“Francis and Peter Kenrick: A Roman Ultramontane and Irish Gallican in the 19th-Century American Hierarchy”

Charles M. Shea (Seton Hall University)

“Catholic Social Networks in Rome and Missions to the Anglican Communion, 1835–1855”

Joseph White (Catholic University of America)

“Transitions at an American Community in Rome: The North American College in the Early 20th Century to 1939”

Research Travel Grants

These grants assist scholars who wish to use the University of Notre Dame’s archival collection in Catholic Americana at the Hesburgh Libraries. The following scholars received grants for 2017:

John Buchkoski (University of Oklahoma)

“‘Speak to the Earth and It Shall Teach Thee’: Catholic Peace Movements and the Rise of an Environmental Ethic, 1962–1978”

Rebecca Davis (University of Delaware)

“American Converts: Religion and Identity since World War II”

Katherine Dugan (Springfield College)

“Historicizing Hip Catholicism”

Charles Gallagher, S.J. (Boston College)

“‘Enemies of Christ’: Father Terminiello and Post-Holocaust Catholic Anti-Semitism, 1946–1949”

Sergio González (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

“‘I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me’: Latino Immigration, Religion, and Community Formation in Milwaukee, 1920–1990”

Gabrielle Guillerm (Northwestern University)

“How the French and Haitian Revolutions Made American Catholicism: Atlantic Circulations of Sacred Objects, Ideas, and Pedagogies in the Early Republic”

Annie Huey (University of Dayton)

“The Sick Call Set: Devotional Practices of Lay Women in Oldenburg, Ind.”

Billy Korinko (University of Kentucky)

“Exploring American Catholic Discourse on Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the U.S., 1919–1970”

Barry McCarron (New York University)

“The Global Irish and Chinese: Migration, Exclusion, and Foreign Relations among Empires”

Cassie Miller (Southern Poverty Law Center)

“The Changing Parish: Catholics and the Urban Crisis in 20th-Century Brooklyn”

Susan Ridgely (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

“How Holy Redeemer and St. Benedict’s Parishes Combined to Become Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Newton Grove, N.C.”

Jacqueline Willy (Arizona State University)

“Vows in Community: The Sisters of Charity and Midwestern Catholicism in the 19th Century”

Hibernian Research Awards

Funded by an endowment from the Ancient Order of Hibernians, this annual award provides travel funds to support the scholarly study of the Irish in America. The following scholars received awards for 2017:

Sophie Cooper (University of Edinburgh)

“Shaping Irish Identity through Catholic Education: The Sisters of Mercy in Chicago, 1846–1900”

Michael Doorley (The Open University in Ireland)

“Judge Daniel Cohalan: American Irish Nationalist and American Isolationist”

Andrew Mach (University of Notre Dame)

“Claiming America: Irish-Catholic Memory and the Long Reconstruction, 1877–1924”

Originally published by Shane Ulbrich at cushwa.nd.edu on March 03, 2017.

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