
Getting a new perspective on a familiar scene can change everything. Whether you’re physically lost or just grappling with a problem, it’s handy to get above it all so you can look down and see everything laid out in front of you.

Sometimes, you need to gain a little altitude in order to see the path ahead.

Remote-Learner has been creating Moodle™-based learning solutions for over a decade. It’s something we’ve gotten very good at.  Our solutions have evolved and grown constantly in that time, thanks to the global efforts of the Moodle™ community and our own internal development. Every step has been a step upward as we proactively work together to craft eLearning solutions that meet the expectations and needs of a changing world.

Altitude allows smooth site access on any mobile device.

Remote-Learner is pleased to announce our latest step upward and the introduction of a new way of interacting with Moodle™ and Totara. Remote-Learner’s innovative Altitude theme significantly updates the appearance and functionality of a base LMS installation, bringing it in line with new standards of mobile access and user expectation.

Wilson Community College in Wilson, North Carolina, has been a Remote-Learner client since 2012. Online learning is a  priority at Wilson. One of the school’s nine foundational values is a dedication to connecting students and staff with emerging and new technology.  Earlier this year, the school upgraded their site and were looking for a better way to engage their faculty and students.  Angela Herring, Wilson’s Director of Distance Learning, said Altitude seemed to be the best option from the start, as it was a theme that enhanced the functionality of their site and not just the appearance.

“Wilson switched to the Altitude theme in August of 2016 (when) we upgraded to Moodle 3.0,” said Herring. “Altitude looked like the best choice, and it has not disappointed.”

Angela Herring, Director of Distance Learning at Wilson Community College.

Altitude was created to improve the user experience at both the course and the site levels by adding features that make navigation simple, intuitive, and accessible. The user experience is first and foremost. Users – whether they are site administrators, learners or instructors – have more immediate access to the familiar and powerful Moodle™  tools.  Herring said Altitude has made access to online learning easier for everyone at Wilson Community College.

“Students and Faculty love the new look, it is very up-to-date and modern looking, it looks like we have a whole new Moodle instead of just a new theme. It looks more professional and is more user-friendly,” she said. “It was easy to setup and customize and is exactly the look I wanted our Moodle site to have.”

Page Chen, PhD, Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) at Remote-Learner, said Altitude was both a significant update to the way users interact with Moodle™ and Totara and an expression of Remote-Learner’s philosophy of training.

“At the core of Altitude is the desire to improve the Learner Experience (LX) throughout the site. Our approach is based in proven Persuasive Design Strategies (PDS) that reduce cognitive overload and increase engagement by placing triggers in the path of motivated learners. We accomplish this through the use of customizable settings that are built to optimize many aspects of the user interface,” said Chen.

Altitude’s enhancements include:

Sliding block panel: This hidden panel feature makes navigation easier and allows users to focus on the important content on the page or course.

Action Block: Gives users quick access to important internal site pages or external resources.

My Course Menu: Offers easy navigation between a user’s own courses.

Site Alerts: Keeps users informed of course and site news according to the priority of the site alert to the organization

Course Layouts: Enhanced clean modern design layout to simplify user navigation both within courses and between courses. Two courses have currently been enhanced, with additional course layouts to be enhanced with the same clean design method.

The release, and Remote-Learner’s dedication to persuasive design strategies has already garnered praise from the e-Learning industry.

“Denver’s Remote-Learner is showcasing its visual customization for Moodle. Dubbed Altitude, is part of their quest on the importance of user experience in learning,” reads an early review on MoodleNews. “It is refreshing to witness such a clearly defined mission that is also evidence-based.”

Switching to Altitude has also reflected well on Wilson Community College. Wilson has a focus on eLearning, whether blended with classroom learning or distance education, and Altitude was a significant facelift for the college’s eLearning services.

“The Altitude theme provides a look that we are proud of to represent our College LMS. It has provided a new branding for us that allows us to keep up with the times,” said Herring.

Learn more about Altitude:

Visit our site: http://remote-learner.net/altitude/.

See an interactive demo:  http://solutions.remote-learner.net/?theme=altitude.

Access the theme source code: https://github.com/remotelearner/moodle-theme_altitude.

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