Hear From Our Customers, Microsoft and National Instruments, on How Event Automation Powered Their Brand
Certain is looking forward to presenting at SiriusDecisions Technology Exchange 2016 from November 15th-17th, in Austin, Texas, where B2B marketers and sales leaders can gain insights on industry trends, best practices, and access to latest research, including information on new models and frameworks specific to their field. The conference also offers invaluable sessions on increasing sales and marketing productivity, alignment, and reaching aggressive pipeline goals. As the conference kicks off, we are excited to share case studies from our customers, Microsoft and National Instruments, on how Event Automation has helped them foster a culture of agility and optimize their events to accelerate the buyer’s journey.
If you host thousands of field marketing events a year, or several large-scale tech conferences, you are aware of the difficulty and multiple challenges that marketers face in optimizing their event marketing efforts for their enterprise. While enterprise events take months of planning and a sizable portion of a marketer’s budget to execute, it’s crucial that event programs must be synced with marketing automation platforms, CRM systems, and fully-integrated with all marketing and sales efforts to increase personalized follow-up to generate credible ROI from events. But beyond the goals of any enterprise event, the question is often: How will I deliver a successful event?
When scaling an enterprise event program, many issues often arise like localization and language requirements, the ability to change form fields for partner marketing efforts, or the need to templatize events so that marketing campaigns are tied to each event, without having to recreate each from scratch. These are some of the challenges that Microsoft’s Payal Tiwana
, Director of Program Management, MarTech, was facing. With Certain’s Event Automation platform, Microsoft now runs over 6,000 events per year, and within 6 months of implementation, Microsoft produced over 3,000 events, captured over 200k registrations, and eliminated their legacy event management platform. Additionally, Microsoft was able to spearhead a digital transformation for their event program, fostering a culture of innovation for their events team.
Like Microsoft, National Instruments had a sizable event program, running over 1,500 events per year, and they were looking to optimize their event management. Goals for National Instruments included decreasing man-hours spent on data collection, uploading leads, and manual processes that were preventing the team from executing timely follow-up. By integrating Oracle Eloqua and Certain’s new product, EventStream, National Instruments can now standardize their event campaigns, launch them, fully-integrated in Oracle Eloqua, in 5 minutes or less using EventStream, and deliver repeatable results from their event program.
So, if you’re looking to scale your events globally while optimizing how you manage your event program, be sure to attend our sessions at the SiriusDecisions Technology Exchange 2016. Our two presentations start on Wednesday, November 16th, and if you can’t make the presentations, stay tuned to our blog, where we’ll feature the presentations, as well as our Twitter for live updates straight from the event. Looking forward to sharing more exciting news about our Event Automation customers in the future!
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