
You know those times you hop on a company’s website to register for the event and click the “Register now” button, only to get redirected to some 3rd party site you’ve never heard of before. You begin to wonder if this site is safe enough to capture your credit card information or sometimes even question the legitimacy of the event. Of course you submit your registration because ultimately you trust those putting on the event and at the end of the day you really want to attend, but that third party site has left you feeling uneasy. This is because a company’s brand is everything, but so is consistency. Branding is how you package your company and how your audience perceives you. Brand consistency is vital in providing a clean, smooth experience for your registrants.

At the end of the day you want your users to experience a consistent and strong brand from the point of coming to your website, all the way to the confirmation email they receive after they have registered. The branding of your forms should reflect your organization’s branding, not some 3rd party software that a user has never heard of. This concept may seem lower on the feature list when searching for online registration platforms, however, it is actually going to be one of your most import needs.

Within our platform, you can fully customize the design of your forms and even the emails that reach your registrants. We make sure our logo and name isn’t blasted everywhere, instead you can have your brand and your logo prevalent while using the awesome features our software provides. Our goal is to provide a platform that allows you to promote your company not ours, because this is your event not ours. We believe have done our job well when your users never know we exist.

To further reiterate the importance that you maintain brand consistency, here are three beliefs we live by here at Webconnex.

Brand consistency builds trust

Our forms are supposed to represent you and your company. They need to simply be an extension off of your website. When a registrant feels like they’re being redirected off of your website, they begin to doubt their desire to complete the registration. When they realize they are no longer on the event’s website anymore, they feel like they are being passed off to someone else to be handled. When you keep your forms consistent with your website, registrants don’t even blink at the process and unquestionably complete their registration because more often than not they haven’t even realized they left your website to begin with.

Brand consistency brings clarity

With our custom design capabilities and even our open css, your brand is clear and consistent. Since our logos aren’t placed everywhere your user goes, it lowers potential confusion for the registrant. If the registrant encounters an issue or question they won’t have to wonder who to contact, i.e. the online registration provider, the credit card processor or the event; they only see the event’s branding and never realize that you have a gateway provider and software provider.

Brand consistency provides ease

When you are jolted off of a website to a 3rd party site, it catches the registrant off guard. They question the validity of the site and hesitate in their own registration process. Our goal is for you to have one seamless, quick registration experience to increase your conversion rate and ultimately the success of your event. With one click of a button they can submit their registration and submit their payment without question. Hesitations and doubts can cause people to abandon the registration leaving you with less registrants than you hoped for. Eliminating any confusion and obstacles will only help you capture any registrants who are just ‘on the fence’.

Brand consistency isn’t simply a feature hope and a prayer, it is a must. Make sure your registration page promotes your branding to your audience so that your user walks away remembering you and only you. Now let’s just get you processing payments!

The post Brand Consistency: Why is it Important? appeared first on RedPodium.

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