
Nov 24, 2016

A Left Wing Extremist Appears To Be Democrats’ Answer To A Drubbing Among Working Class Voters


Today Congressman Keith Ellison announced he would be running to be the next chairman of the Democrat National Committee and he has already received support from top party leaders.

Ellison is an extreme liberal who is far outside the mainstream on a large number of issues, ranging from the budget to gun rights to health care.

Ellison is a fierce opponent of the Second Amendment and has repeatedly backed policies that would infringe on Americans’ constitutional rights.

Ellison is far outside the mainstream on budgetary and tax issues, calling for a top marginal tax rate of over 60 percent and advocating for a budget with trillions in new tax hikes while gutting our military and weakening counterterrorism efforts.

On energy, Ellison wants to severely restrict fracking and natural gas production.

In fact, Ellison is so liberal, he thinks Hillary Clinton is a “Republican.”

Today Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) Announced He Was Running To Be Chairman Of The DNC. “Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) on Monday formally launched his bid to become the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee, offering a show of strength by simultaneously releasing the endorsements of 40 elected officials, state party chairmen and labor leaders. ‘Democrats win when we harness the power of everyday people and fight for the issues they care about,’ Ellison said in a statement. ‘It is not enough for Democrats to ask for voters’ support every two years. We must be with them through every lost paycheck, every tuition hike, and every time they are the victim of a hate crime. When voters know what Democrats stand for, we can improve the lives of all Americans.’” (John Wagner, “Keith Ellison Makes DNC Bid Official, Rolls Out 40 Endorsements,” The Washington Post, 11/14/16)

Ellison Supports Strict Regulations On Guns, And Has Called For An End To The Second Amendment

Ellison Said He Wished His Party Would Come Out Against The Second Amendment. BILL MAHER: “Then why doesn’t your party come out against the Second Amendment? It’s the problem.” REP. KEITH ELLISON: “I sure wish they would. I sure wish they would.” MAHER: “Really? Because I never hear anybody in the Democratic party say that. But they say, ‘I am also a strong supporter.’” ELLISON: “You have got to check out the Progressive Caucus. We have come out very strong for common-sense gun safety rules.” (Real Time With Bill Maher, 3/21/14)

In 2015, Ellison Co-Sponsored Legislation That Would Enact A Gun Buyback Program. “The Support Assault Firearm Elimination and Education of our (SAFER) Streets Act expected to be reintroduced next week by Rep. Rosa DeLauro(D-Conn.) would provide gun owners with an incentive to turn in their firearms to local police departments… The legislation would provide up to $2,000 in tax credits for gun owners who voluntarily hand over assault weapons to their local police departments…The co-sponsors include Reps. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.), Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), and David Cicilline (D-R.I.).” (Tim Devaney, “Bill Would Pay Gun Owners To Hand Over Assault Weapons,” The Hill, 4/6/15)

Ellison Called For A So-Called Assault Weapons Ban. “Democratic Reps. Betty McCollum and Keith Ellison, of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar have called for banning assault-style weapons and large ammo clips.” (“U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson Opposes New Ban On Assault Weapons,” The Associated Press, 12/19/12)

Ellison Wants To Severely Limit The Amount Of Ammunition Sold. “Keith also believes in limiting the amount of deadly ammunition that guns can hold in a single magazine because there is no justifiable civilian purpose for firing dozens of rounds without stopping.” (Keith Ellison For Congress, Accessed 11/14/16)

As A State Legislator, Ellison Tried To Ban Guns In All Theaters, Convention Centers, And Sports Stadiums. “The new measure, like the old law, would allow stores, churches and businesses to ban guns in their buildings but not in their parking lots. It would not allow city governments to ban guns in their buildings or parks. In the Minnesota House on Wednesday, opponents offered nine changes to the measure, but none passed. Rep. Keith Ellison, DFL-Minneapolis, suggested changing it so all theaters, convention centers and sports stadiums would automatically ban guns.” (Rachel E. Stassen-Berger, “Gun Bill Restores ’03 Law,” Pioneer Press, 5/19/05)

Ellison Has Defended A 63 Percent Marginal Tax Rate As “Fair”

In A 2013 Interview, Ellison Defended A 63 Percent Tax Rate As “Fair,” Saying He Thought It Was Fair To Ask Wealthy Individuals “For A Little Bit More Money” To Fund Government Programs.  FOX NEWS STUART VARNEY: “And you have made the judgment that 63 percent is fair? You have made that judgment? You say that is fair?” REP. KEITH ELLISON (D-WI): “Do you know what WIC is, sir? What is WIC? Women and children who need nutrition is a program that is being cut by sequester.” VARNEY: “Well, 63 percent is fair? Is it?” ELLISON: “I think asking Phil Mickelson for a little bit more money so that women and children can have a meal is fair. Yes, I do. I think it’s fair to ask Phil Mickelson for a little bit more money to make sure that we can continue to invest in infrastructure in this country, and to make sure that groundbreaking research in medicine is paid for, to make sure that people have the basics, that college education is affordable. I think you have Phil Mickelson, who has benefited from living in the richest country in the history of the world, I think it’s fair to ask Phil Mickelson to help with that. Yes, I do. As a patriotic American, I’m sure Phil Mickelson would agree.” (Fox News’ “Your World With Neil Cavuto,” 2/5/13)

In A 2013 Roundtable With Progressive Democrats Of America, Ellison Said The Problem Was Not That Government Was Broke, Saying “There’s Plenty Of Money, It’s Just The Government Doesn’t Have It.” REP. KEITH ELLISON (D-WI): “You know, people like George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Paul Krugman, Joe Stiglitz, Jeffrey Sachs, Dean Baker, Robert Poland, Larry Summers have said they all support a transaction tax. And, so, the bottom line is we’re not broke, there’s plenty of money, it’s just the government doesn’t have it. The government has a right, the government and the people of the United States have the right to run the programs of the United States. Health, welfare, housing, all these things, and the people who benefit from being here have a duty and obligation to help support it.” (Keith Ellison, Remarks At A Roundtable With Progressive Democrats Of America, Washington, DC, 7/25/13)

Ellison Has Consistently Advocated For A Single Payer HealthCare System

During The Supreme Court Battle Over ObamaCare In 2012, Ellison Again Advocated For A Big Government Single Payer Health System As The Best Way To Approach Healthcare. “The last thing House progressives want is for the Supreme Court to strike down President Barack Obama’s health care law. But if the high court rules Thursday that some or all of the law is unconstitutional, progressives are ready to renew their push for the model of health care they wanted all along: the single-payer option. ‘It’s easy to see it’s a good idea,’ Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), co-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, told The Huffington Post. ‘It’s the cheapest way to cover everybody.’ Ellison said all 75 members of the caucus have already signed onto a bill by Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) to create a single-payer, publicly financed, privately delivered universal health care program. The proposal would essentially build on and expand Medicare, under which all Americans would be guaranteed access to health care regardless of an ability to pay or pre-existing health conditions.” (Jennifer Bendery, “Single-Payer Health Care Favored By House Progressives If Court Strikes Down Obamacare,” Huffington Post, 6/27/16)

On His Official Congressional Website, Ellison Maintains His Strong Support For A Single Payer System. “I am steadfast advocate for a single-payer health care system. I am a proud co-sponsor of the United States Health Insurance Act, which will provide health care to all Americans by establishing a national single-payer health care system. I will continue to fight for single-payer health care system because I think it is only true way to make health care a right for every single American.” (Rep. Keith Ellison, Accessed 11/14/16)

Ellison Also Supported Bernie Sanders Single Payer Healthcare Platform. AMY GOODMAN: “And, Congressmember Keith Ellison, the issue of single-payer healthcare, the idea of Medicare for all, the party shying away from Bernie Sanders’ proposal to turn Medicare into a single-payer healthcare system for this country—what happened?” ELLISON: “Well, yeah. As you said, you know, that proposal, which is very meritorious and which I support, was not embraced. That’s too bad. But let me tell you, you know, we debate—I guess, Amy, I’m an optimistic person. Right? Whenever we don’t get every single thing that we want, it’s not my way to say, ‘Pooh-pooh on the whole process.’ I say we have made important demands and debated this issue. We have made them pay attention to what we’re talking about. And the struggle continues. We’re not going to stop fighting for Medicare for all just because it didn’t get adopted into the Democratic platform. We’re going to keep the fight alive, because people all across the country need it that way, because it is a more humane, more effective way to deliver healthcare to the American people. So I just say, you know, take heart in the success that we had. Keep the battle going. Keep the fight up for a fairer, more equal America. That’s what we do.” ( “Rep. Ellison: Why Is The Democratic Party Afraid To Mention The Israeli Occupation In Platform?” Democracy Now, 7/11/16)

Ellison Co-Authored And Voted For The Progressive Caucus’ FY 2016 Budget That Would Have Raised Taxes By Over $4 Trillion And Cut “War On Terror” Funding By Nearly $900 Million

Ellison Was The Sponsor Of The Congressional Progressive Caucus’ FY 2016 Budget, Which He Offered As An Amendment On The House Floor On March 25, 2015. (H.Amdt.81 To H.Con.Res.27, Introduced 3/25/15)

Ellison Voted For The Budget Which 86 Democrats (Nearly Half Of The Caucus) In The House Voted Against. (H.Amdt.81 To H.Con.Res.27, Roll Call Vote # 136, Rejected 96-330: R: 0-244; D: 96-86, 3/25/15, Ellison Voted Aye)

According To An Estimate From The Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), Ellison’s Progressive Caucus Budget Would Have Increased Taxes By At Least $4.39 Trillion Over Ten Years. (“Progressive Caucus Releases Alternative Budget,” Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget, 3/26/15)

The Progressive Budget Would Have Created A Carbon Tax And Increased Taxes On Energy Producers, A $1.352 Trillion Tax Increase. “Enact carbon tax and repeal fossil fuel tax preferences; $1,352 billion.” (“Progressive Caucus Releases Alternative Budget,” Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget, 3/26/15)

The Progressive Budget Would Have Created New Financial Taxes Totaling $1.033 Trillion. “Implement financial transactions and financial institution taxes; $1,033 billion.” (“Progressive Caucus Releases Alternative Budget,” Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget, 3/26/15)

The Progressive Budget Would Have Created A “Worldwide Taxation System,” A $706 Billion Tax Increase. “Enact worldwide taxation system; $706 billion” (“Progressive Caucus Releases Alternative Budget,” Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget, 3/26/15)

The Progressive Budget Would Have Repealed The Step-Up Basis And Increased The Death Tax, A $530 Billion Tax Increase In Total. “Repeal step-up basis and institute estate tax reform; $530 billion.” (“Progressive Caucus Releases Alternative Budget,” Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget, 3/26/15)

The Progressive Budget Would Have Capped Itemized Deductions At 28 Percent, A Tax Increase Of $566 Billion. “Cap the value of itemized deductions at 28%; $566 billion.” (“Progressive Caucus Releases Alternative Budget,” Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget, 3/26/15)

The Progressive Budget Would Have Increased The Gas Tax By 15 Cents, A Tax Increase Of $206 Billion. “Increase gas tax by 15 cents; $206 billion.” (“Progressive Caucus Releases Alternative Budget,” Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget, 3/26/15)

Defense Spending Would Be “Slashed” Under Ellison’s Budget. “Defense spending is slashed, and the overseas contingency operations (OCO) budget, used to fund operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, is canceled entirely.” (Dylan Matthews, “Congress’ Liberals Have A Plan For A Public Option, A Carbon Tax, And Trillions In New Spending,” Vox, 3/24/15)

In Addition, Ellison’s Budget Would Have Eliminated “Overseas Contingency Operations” (OCO) Funding For The War On Terror, Leading To A Complete Withdrawal From Afghanistan. “End Emergency War Funding Beginning in FY2017 – limits Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding to redemployment out of Afghanistan in FY2016 and zeroes out OCO thereafter, saving $761 billion compared to current law. It is time to swiftly and safely end the war in Afghanistan. An expedited withdrawal from Afghanistan would save billions. Further, the use of emergency funding via the OCO account masks the true impact of war spending and should be discontinued.” (“The People’s Budget: A Raise For America,” Congressional Progressive Caucus, Accessed 11/14/16)

CRFB Estimated Ellison’s Elimination Of OCO Funding Would Be A Cut Of $761 Billion.“War Drawdown; $761 billion.” (“Progressive Caucus Releases Alternative Budget,” Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget, 3/26/15)

Ellison’s Zeroing Out Of OCO Funding Would Eliminate Funding For Operations In Afghanistan And Iraq. “Defense spending is slashed, and the overseas contingency operations (OCO) budget, used to fund operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, is canceled entirely.” (Dylan Matthews, “Congress’ Liberals Have A Plan For A Public Option, A Carbon Tax, And Trillions In New Spending,” Vox, 3/24/15)

Ellison’s Budget Called For Reducing The Size Of The Military “Through Attrition.”“Modernizing our Defense Posture – achieves a smaller force structure with fewer personnel through attrition. A modern defense strategy must focus our armed forces on their strengths of crisis response, smart security, and deterrence. Our military needs to adapt to current threats and challenges, particularly cyberwarfare, nuclear proliferation, and non-state actors.” (“The People’s Budget: A Raise For America,” Congressional Progressive Caucus, Accessed 11/14/16)

Ellison Has Backed Ending Fracking On Federal Lands And More Federal Regulation Of Fracking

Ellison Is A Cosponsor Of H.R. 1902, A Bill That Would Ban Fracking On Federal Lands. (H.R. 1902, Introduced 4/21/15)

According To The Bill’s Sponsor, Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI), The Bill Would Ban Fracking On All Federal Lands. “The Protect Our Public Lands Act, currently being considered in Congress, would do just that, by prohibiting fracking all public lands.” (Rep. Mark Pocan and Hilary Baum, “Public Lands Should Be Off Limits For Fracking,” The Hill, 8/3/15)

Ellison Is A Cosponsor Of H.R. 1482, The FRAC Act. (H.R. 1482, Introduced 3/19/15)

The FRAC Act Would Increase Regulation On The Fracking Industry, Including By Requiring Energy Producers To Reveal Proprietary Information And Set Up A Duplicative Regulatory Regime. “The ‘Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act,’ or FRAC Act, has become a regular installment in Congress, introduced each session since 2008 and championed in the House by Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.). The bill would reverse a 2005 measure that exempts fracking operators from rules under the Safe Drinking Water Act. In closing the ‘Halliburton loophole,’ it would require drillers to reveal the ingredients of the mixture blasted underground to loosen up oil and gas trapped in shale formations. The FRAC Act has attracted criticism from many angles. Industry leaders and many state regulators view the legislation as a symbol of the federal government encroaching on states’ authority. They argue that a federal disclosure requirement would be redundant, as many states have already instituted their own rules.” (Ellen M. Gilmer, “Senate Democrats Propose ‘FRAC Act,’ Again,” Energy And Environment Daily, 6/13/13)

Ellison Is So Liberal, He Said Hillary Clinton Was A “Republican”

Ellison Said For Him To Endorse Clinton “She Simply Needs To…Not [Be] A Republican.” “‘Ultimately, she simply needs to … not [be] a Republican for me to endorse her,’ said Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), co-chairman of the 70-member House Progressive Caucus. ‘I will support the Democratic nominee, there is no question about that. The real question is: What is going to make me get excited? I want to hear her talking about the most pressing issue in America today, which is the concentration of wealth at the top.’” (Lauren French, “House Liberals Play Hard-To-Get With Clinton,” Politico, 5/19/15)


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