Nov 18, 2016 By Howard Portnoy
Repeat after her: The election of Donald Trump was as infamous a day for America as the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
The “her” in question is a professor at Converse College, a women’s school in Spartanburg S.C. For some reason, the instructor’s name does not appear in an article at The College Fix, but a description of her absurd — and absurdly jaundiced — reaction to last week’s election does.
The student, also unnamed, maintains she was kicked out of class for daring to disagree with the teacher’s assessment that Nov. 9 was “the second worst day in American history.” The student told The Fix, “I have never been so disgusted in my life.”
After the story broke, the administration released a statement rejecting the coed’s claim she had been given the boot:
An article was recently posted online claiming a Converse student was ejected from class after expressing a political viewpoint in opposition to her faculty member. The faculty member and student involved have asked Converse to convey that this claim is untrue and to clarify the situation. The student was not removed from class. There was a discussion in the class regarding the outcome of the election in which the faculty member and the student disagreed. The student was given the opportunity to leave class and she chose to do so. Both parties have resolved the situation to their full satisfaction, and the professor has apologized to the student as well as to the other members of the class.
Converse College strongly supports civil discussion of different perspectives among all of its community members. In any case where we discover that this principle has been violated, Converse has and will continue to take appropriate action. In an address to the full faculty and staff this week, President Newkirk reiterated the College’s policy on academic freedom and added, “I urge you to be careful about stating your personal political views in the classroom and potentially creating an environment where the students believe that there is only one right opinion, or only one right opinion on our campus or in your class. We must be open to other points of view and allow students to explore these issues in the public discourse…”
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Nov 18, 2016 by TIMOTHY BUCHANAN
Retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid could not leave Washington without lighting a few fires of hate and putrefying the atmosphere on his way out the door. The fact that Reid is powerless does not deter Democrat media networks from amplifying his despicable rhetoric. Fortunately for American unity, Democrat senator Harry Reid will soon be gone. New York Senator Chuck Schumer will be replacing him as Minority Leader.
Reid’s fatuous and incendiary slanders against Republicans would be criminal if they were delivered anywhere outside Washington. On many city streets, Reid’s caustic and spiteful name-calling would likely get him shot. They are certainly below the dignity of any Republican member of Congress, but because he is a Democrat, he gets a pass.
The Nevada Democrat senator has called Donald Trump a sexual predator. Interestingly, Reid has uttered nary a word of criticism against former president, Bill Clinton–a genuine, well-documented and habitual sexual assailant.
Reid and Schumer have both called for “fairness” by the incoming Trump administration, but their pleas are disingenuous. Democrats only begin calling for fairness when they are not in control of government. Equal protection under the law eliminates the need for subjectivisms like fairness.
When Democrat politicians like Reid complain about a lack of fairness, they really want special treatment for themselves or one of their varied special interest constituencies like the LGBTQ lobby, environmentalist fear merchants, racial, ethnic or religious minority groups (excluding Christians, of course).
During the Bush administration, Reid compared the President to Hitler and made feral and bogus accusations of war crimes against U.S. troops. More recently, at the Democrat National Convention, and in an interview with CNN, Dirty Harry Reid said that the C.I.A. should give Donald Trump a false intelligence briefing saying, “He wouldn’t know the difference.”
On October 30, Reid threatened F.B.I. Director James Comey, saying that he may have violated the Hatch Act, implying that Comey’s decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private email server for transmitting classified U.S. secrets was an effort to influence the election.
Parroting Hillary Clinton’s malicious campaign lies, Reid told CNN, “the election of Donald Trump has emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry in America.” Even Barack Obama repeated Clinton’s vile charges accusing Trump of having ties to the Ku Klux Klan.
The tell-tale sign that Democrats are bankrupt of workable ideas is precisely what is happening now–they launch into vicious character assaults upon their opponents. Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election because she had nothing to offer the millions of Americans who trusted Democrats to provide good stewardship over the nation’s vast economic and military power. Their liberal-socialist policies utterly failed as they always will.
Abject ignorance and fits of childish venomous slander can be forgiven when they come from a four-year-old, but such reckless libel is unbecoming any member of Congress or president. Sadly, it’s what we have come to expect from the Left.
Even if everything Democrats accuse Republicans of was true, they would still be morally superior to Democrats like Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer.
America’s best days are yet ahead, but it may be a rough seven weeks until the bitterly divisive hate speech begins to subside.
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Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Trump, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House