
The Nuclear Option: Trump Outsmarts Media, Aims to Destroy Obama’s Divisive, Racialist Policies

11 Nov 2016 by Charles Hurt

NEW YORK CITY | President-elect Donald J. Trump — the name really has a sweet ring to it! — has earned a mandate unlike any predecessor in more than 30 years.

He overcame all the odds, beat back both political parties, jumped around all the powerful special interest industries that own Washington and scored an unprecedented victory for the people.

And he did it all while circumventing the massive media machine that worked in lockstep unison to block him at every turn. Every mainstream newspaper and television outlet — after months of gorging themselves at the profit trough of his monster ratings — shirked all pretense of covering the election fairly.

Mr. Trump — excuse me, President-elect Trump — was smeared as a racist, xenophobic misogynist with tiny hands and a small bank account.

Then he beat the last GOP standard-bearer among blacks and Hispanics. Even Hillary Clinton’s much ballyhooed appeal to women shrank a bit from President Obama’s levels in the past two elections. Those right there are the single most devastating statistics out of the whole election. The mainstream media has cried wolf for the last time. Nobody is listening to any of them anymore.

The only people left believing these liars and slime artists are these melting snowflakes calling in sick and hovering in safe places under their beds — the dopes marching in the streets demanding civility as they shout threats to grab Trump by his genitals.

Or these thug criminals beating the tar out of a Trump voter at a street intersection.

These snowflakes need to tread very, very carefully because these kinds of wild and violent and ugly demonstrations will only strengthen President-elect Trump and his now-vocal majority.

Anyway, these people have no one to blame but themselves and the outgoing current President, Barack Obama, who promised them the world and promised all of us a healed country. “Post-racial” they were calling it in 2008.

Well, he has surely failed on that score. Race relations in this country have not been this ugly and strained in decades. The president’s divisive, racialist language and posture throughout his presidency has set the country back many, many painful years.

Now we have a new president. He sweeps into office with a clear and bold mandate from the people.


• Charles Hurt can be reached at charleshurt@live.com; follow him on Twitter via @charleshurt.


Tea Party Patriots warn against Priebus for chief of staff

Nov 12, 2016 By Dana Bash and Daniella Diaz

Washington (CNN)President-elect Donald Trump hasn’t yet publicly named a chief of staff, but already, a major tea party group is warning him against naming one of his reported top choices.

The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund warned against a “Washington insider” to run Trump’s White House, specifically naming Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, who is said to be one of Trump’s top two choices.

Jenny Beth Martin, the co-founder of TPPCF, told CNN in a statement that the group wants Trump to “drain the swamp.”

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“No Washington insider, regardless of who it is, should serve as President Trump’s chief of staff,” Martin said.

“Appointing Reince Priebus (or any other DC establishment insider) would make it more difficult, not less, for President Trump to achieve the change the people voted for. It’s time to drain the swamp — not promote insiders beholden to the Washington establishment who helped create it.”

Trump’s choice for chief of staff is coming down to two men who have closely advised him, but whose backgrounds and political styles could not be more different: Priebus and Steve Bannon, the Trump campaign CEO and executive chairman of Breitbart News.

Priebus would be a reassuring presence to establishment Republicans still uncertain about what a Trump White House will look like.

He would also bring decades of political experience and understanding of the wheels of power — as a Washington insider.

Trump campaigned on the message that he’d flip Washington upside down and would “drain the swamp” of elite politicians who have been in Washington for decades.

The TPPCF campaigned for Trump during the 2016 election, including doing grassroots efforts to reach voters in battleground states the last six weeks of the campaign.




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Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Trump, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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