NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary … Away for Life”
03 November 2016 by Selwyn Duke
Sex crimes with children, child exploitation, money laundering, perjury, and pay to play, reads the partial list of crimes that, say New York City Police Department sources, could “put Hillary and her crew away for life.”
Shocking evidence of such criminality has been found on ex-congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop computer, say the sources, which was seized from him by NYC officials investigating his allegedly having sent sexually explicit texts to a 15-year-old girl. Moreover, Hillary Clinton’s “crew” supposedly includes not just close aide and confidante Huma Abedin and her husband, Weiner, but other aides and insiders — and even members of Congress. Reports True Pundit:
NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:
• Money laundering
• Child exploitation
• Sex crimes with minors (children)
• Perjury
• Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
• Obstruction of justice
• Other felony crimes
NYPD detectives and a [sic] NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.
“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”
These revelations would explain why Director Comey reopened the investigation into Clinton’s mishandling of classified information, a move that shook the political world and caused Comey to come under fire. As the NYPD chief put it, the new e-mails contents truly are “alarming.”
True Pundit also reports FBI sources as stating that Abedin and Weiner are both trying to cut immunity deals with federal officials and that, if they didn’t cooperate, they’d face long prison sentences. Abedin’s turning state’s evidence would no doubt be devastating for Clinton, as the two women have for years been joined at the hip. Abedin has at times been like Clinton’s shadow, has been called her “body woman,” and has even been rumored to be Clinton’s lesbian lover. So Abedin likely knows where, as is said, the bodies are buried.
Of particular note, the new e-mails allegedly contain information revealing that Hillary, Bill Clinton, Weiner, and numerous congressmen took trips to convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, where he is said to pimp out underage minors of both sexes to prominent people. The trips were taken aboard Epstein’s Boeing 747, dubbed the “Lolita Express”; the pedophile’s island, in the US Virgin Islands, has been called “Sex Slave Island.”
These revelations would also explain why Clinton used powerful software called BleachBit to scrub damning information from her private server. According to BleachBit’s website, its program gives criminals and others the ability to “shred files to hide their contents and prevent data recovery.”
Yet it can’t scrub bumbling perverts from your personal life, and Weiner’s laptop also contains incriminating e-mails revealing the mishandling of classified information by Abedin and Clinton, say the sources. Both women “sent and received thousands of classified and top secret documents to personal email accounts,” and this information could have been “accessed, printed, discussed, leaked, or distributed by untold numbers … of unknown individuals,” writes True Pundit.
Consequently, FBI sources say the new Clinton investigation has been broadened and now includes matters such as how, informs True Pundit:
• Abedin forwarded classified and top secret State Department emails to Weiner’s email
• Abedin stored emails, containing government secrets, in a special folder shared with Weiner warehousing over 500,000 archived State Department emails.
• Weiner had access to these classified and top secret documents without proper security clearance to view the records
• Abedin also used a personal yahoo address and her Clintonemail.com address to send/receive/store classified and top secret documents
• [a] private consultant managed Weiner’s site for the last six years, including three years when Clinton was secretary of state, and therefore, had full access to all emails as the domain’s listed registrant and administrator via Whois email contacts.
This story just adds more intrigue to a presidential campaign that is truly unprecedented, with a torrent of WikiLeaks and Project Veritas revelations and now Clinton’s Weiner woes. From vote fraud to inciting violence to child sex abuse to pay-for-play to perjury, it’s becoming clear to many that the Democratic Party — and the Clintons in particular — are essentially a criminal syndicate. As former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom said in a Sunday interview, “The Clintons, that’s a crime family, basically. It’s like organized crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool…. God forbid we put someone like that [Clinton] in the White House.” And now we know better why, as I wrote Sunday, this “appears standard FBI sentiment. I personally know of an ex-agent — someone with knowledge of Clinton ‘crime family’ dealings — who I’m told is having trouble sleeping at night due to the prospect of a Clinton presidency.”
All these revelations raise important questions: How could Hillary Clinton and her cohorts have bumbled so badly that they appear a cross between Inspector Clouseau and Boss Tweed?
And if Clinton is so careless with her own personal survival, how can she be trusted with national survival?
Part of the explanation is general incompetence, yet there’s another factor: Both Clintons have engaged in continual criminality over the decades — and have been allowed to skate at every turn. This lack of accountability has led to complacency and ever-increasing brazenness, just as with a child never punished for wrongdoing.
So, finally, perhaps, Clinton corruption has reached critical mass. And with Donald Trump ahead 10 points (according to one respected poll) among the 88 percent of voters who have definitely made up their minds, maybe, come late Tuesday evening, some tossing and turning FBI agents will finally be able to enjoy a good night’s rest.
New E-mails, More Classified Malfeasance: Clinton & Aides Jeopardized National Security
N0v 3, 2016 by William F. Jasper
The WikiLeaks e-mail releases are not the only revelations Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Campaign team are cursing these days. Official State Department documents released pursuant to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and lawsuits are also delivering severe body blows to Team Clinton’s White House aspirations.
On Wednesday, Judicial Watch, the government accountability watchdog group, released nearly 70 pages of Department of State (DOS) records confirming that, while secretary of state, Hillary Clinton and her top aides, Deputy Chiefs of Staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, received and sent classified information on their non-state.gov e-mail accounts. Former Secretary Clinton has repeatedly denied — in interviews, debates, testimony, and speeches — that she divulged any classified material, even though the e-mail evidence and FBI Director James Comey’s testimony contradict that claim. At other times she has fudged, waffled, and evaded questions on this subject, bringing to mind the infamous weasel quote of her husband, then-President Bill Clinton, “It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.”
The new Judicial Watch e-mails are completely separate from the WikiLeaks e-mails, which the Clinton campaign and its allies have tried to discredit by claiming, without foundation, that they are the product of a Russian intelligence operation. The Judicial Watch documents were obtained recently in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015 lawsuit filed against the DOS after it refused to cooperate with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. That request was seeking: “All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-‘state.gov’ email address.”
The newly released documents, which are now also available on the State Department website, were obtained after the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled in favor of the watchdog group in January (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State).
There are thus no grounds for questioning the provenance or authenticity of these recent Clinton e-mail revelations, since they come directly — albeit very reluctantly — from the State Department. Among the new documents are e-mails showing that Hillary Clinton used the clintonemail.com system to ask Huma Abedin (also on a non-state.gov e-mail account) to print two March 2011 e-mails that were sent from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (using the moniker “aclb”) to Jake Sullivan on Sullivan’s non-state.gov e-mail account.
The Obama State Department has redacted the Blair e-mails under the FOIA Exemption (b)(1) rule which allows the withholding of classified material. The material is marked as being classified as “Foreign government information” and “foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources.” The irony is beyond rich, is it not? Secretary Clinton says she didn’t send any classified material by private, unsecured e-mail — while the State Department refuses to release certain of her private e-mails, claiming exemption because, says DOS, the e-mails contain classified information. Reasonable observers might be inclined to take that as an official confirmation that Hillary Rodham Clinton has lied and weaseled — repeatedly, and under oath — on this important national security matter. Is there any other reasonable way to view it?
In another private e-mail, Clinton asks Huma Abedin how appointments in Washington, including a four-hour meeting concerning the Obama/Clinton war on Libya, would affect her vacation schedule in the Hamptons, the fabulous playground of the ultra-rich. As an aside, the Clintons have been longtime seasonal residents of the Hamptons, where many of their Wall Street and Hollywood billionaire cronies (and donors) own eye-popping mansions on sumptuous estates. Hillary, who regularly tries to make political hay by verbally attacking the rich “one percent,” apparently suffers no qualms of conscience about taking millions of dollars in speaking fees from the most notorious of the one percenters at Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Blackstone, etc. Nor do she and Bill flinch at spending $50,000 per week for a beachfront mansion in the Hamptons near their movie mogul pal (and campaign contributor) Harvey Weinstein. Their populist rhetoric and faux working-class appeals notwithstanding, the Clintons are happiest and most comfortable consorting with the top one percent of the top one percent. But back to the e-mails. Responding to a message that details the sensitive Libya meetings in Washington, D.C., Clinton e-mails Abedin on August 26, 2011: “Ok. What time would I get back to Hamptons?” As with tens of thousands of Clinton DOS e-mails, this discussion relative to classified meetings, plans, and official policies, took place on private, unsecure e-mail accounts.
The new Judicial Watch documents also include advice to Hillary on Libya from veteran Clinton operative Sidney Blumenthal, more infamously known to friend and foe alike as “Sid Vicious,” a reference to the raunchy and rancorous bass guitarist of the punk rock group the Sex Pistols. A reliable hatchet man for the Clintons for three decades, Blumenthal could always be counted on to come up with, and to carry out, dirty tricks to discredit and undermine the Clintons’ opponents. Trouble is, he also attacked and alienated many of the Clintons’ closest confidants, friends, and staff members. When Hillary Clinton wanted to bring Blumenthal on staff at State, President Obama nixed the idea.
“President Obama would not allow it: key White House staffers had grown to detest the man,” writes James Warren, in an article on Blumenthal in Vanity Fair last July. “Two of them — Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and Senior Adviser David Axelrod — threatened to quit if Blumenthal was hired. They believed that he had been involved in spreading unsubstantiated allegations against the Obamas during the 2008 Democratic primary, as detailed in the campaign chronicle Game Change, by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin.”
Indeed, as has been firmly established, it was Hillary Clinton’s hit man Sid Vicious Blumenthal, not Donald Trump, who started the Obama “birther” controversy, during the 2008 campaign when Clinton and Obama were locked in a fight for the Democratic nomination. (See here and here.)
But an operative with Blumenthal’s unique talents for intrigue is always in demand at Foggy Bottom and other shadowy dens of the DC Beltway netherworld. His official rejection at State didn’t mean he was totally out, nor did it prevent him from collecting a check from the Clinton Foundation, where he began pulling down a $10,000/month stipend as a key personal fixer/ambassador for Bill Clinton. He also began collecting a $200,000/year salary as a writer/staffer for Media Matters, the ultra-far-Left media group headed by an equally venomous viper, David Brock, and copiously funded by George Soros, and the Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie foundations — among others. But Blumenthal’s big payoffs would be in consultancy fees and partnerships with companies connected to the Clinton Foundation, who would get contracts through the good graces of Hillary Clinton’s State Department. And it is those DOS-Clinton Foundation ties that most interest Clinton’s critics concerned about the national security and conflict-of-interest implications of her relationship with the notorious political operator. Blumenthal had a personal financial stake in Libya, where he was using his connections to win U.S. government contracts for weapons providers, such as Osprey Global Solutions.
The latest Clinton/Blumenthal e-mail release is sure to reignite the Blumenthal furor that erupted during last year’s incendiary hearings on Secretary Clinton’s role in the deadly 2012 Benghazi fiasco. House Benghazi Committee chairman Representative Trey Gowdy then grilled Secretary Clinton on her relationship with, and reliance upon, Blumenthal for important Libya decisions. “While Blumenthal, an old friend of the Clintons, admittedly knew little about Libya and had not ever been to Libya, Clinton seemingly read every one of his emails on the topic that began appearing out of nowhere in February 2011,” Gowdy wrote in aletter to Representative Elijah Cummings, a Democrat member of the Benghazi Committee who ran interference for Clinton.
“Nearly half of all the emails sent to and from Secretary Clinton regarding Benghazi and Libya prior to the Benghazi terrorist attacks involved Sidney Blumenthal,” Chairman Gowdy wrote. “That number — nearly half — is simply astonishing.” The 13-minute segment of the House Benghazi hearing imbedded below is one of the key sections of the hearings in which Representative Gowdy roasts Secretary Clinton to a fare-thee-well on her e-mails from Blumenthall that she insisted were “unsolicited” and were merely part of her effort to avoid Washington group-think, and not get “caught in a bubble.”
Obviously, for Clinton, Blumenthal, and partners, the dark money and blood money involved in these Libya deals would be best left in the shadows. Hence the need to resort to private e-mail. There are additional reasons, of course, for the clandestine activity. Since then-Secretary Clinton’s boss, President Obama, had forbidden Blumenthal’s employment at State, and since Sid Vicious had alienated top staff members in the administration, it is easy to see why Clinton would use a back channel to communicate with the hatchet man/bag man, so as not to tip off Blumenthal haters at DOS and the White House. For these reasons (and perhaps others) Clinton insisted Blumenthal’s March 9, 2011 Libya memo be printed “without any identifiers.”
Among the newly released Abedin e-mails is a lengthy exchange giving precise details of Clinton’s schedule using unsecured government e-mails, Judicial Watch notes. The e-mail from Lona J. Valmoro, former special assistant to Secretary of State Clinton, to Abedin and Clinton reveals exact times (including driving times) and locations of all appointments throughout the day. Yet another itinerary e-mail provides details about a meeting at the United Nations in New York at 3:00 on Tuesday, January 31, 2012, with the precise disclosure, “that would mean wheels up from Andrews at approximately 12:00pm/12:15pm.”
“These emails show that Hillary Clinton isn’t the only Obama official who should be worried about being prosecuted for mishandling classified information. Her former top State aides (and current campaign advisers) Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan should be in the dock, as well,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Obama State Department has now confirmed that Clinton, Abedin, and Sullivan used unsecured, non-government email accounts to communicate information that should now be withheld from the American people ‘in the interest of national defense or foreign policy, and properly classified.’ When can we expect the indictments?”
Indeed, when? Team Hillary’s “Run-out-the-clock strategy” has almost worked — and it may yet succeed. However, there are, undoubtedly, among the operatives in her inner circle many with white knuckles and faint hearts, wondering if they will make it to the November 8 finish line before the Clintonworld corruption and criminality spill out in eruptions too huge even for her Big Media allies to cover up.
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Erik Prince: NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case
4 Nov 2016 by John Hayward
Blackwater founder and retired Navy SEAL Erik Prince told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM that according to one of his “well-placed sources” in the New York Police Department, “The NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making” in the Anthony Weiner investigation, but received “huge pushback” from the Justice Department.
Prince began by saying he had no problem believing reports that the FBI was highly confident multiple foreign agencies hacked Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
“I mean, it’s not like the foreign intelligence agencies leave a thank-you note after they’ve hacked and stolen your data,” Prince said to SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.
Prince claimed he had insider knowledge of the investigation that could help explain why FBI Director James Comey had to announce he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email server last week.
“Because of Weinergate and the sexting scandal, the NYPD started investigating it. Through a subpoena, through a warrant, they searched his laptop, and sure enough, found those 650,000 emails. They found way more stuff than just more information pertaining to the inappropriate sexting the guy was doing,” Prince claimed.
“They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times,” he said.
“The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, ‘We’re going to go public with this if you don’t reopen the investigation and you don’t do the right thing with timely indictments,’” Prince explained.
“I believe – I know, and this is from a very well-placed source of mine at 1PP, One Police Plaza in New York – the NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in this investigation, and they’ve gotten huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department, with the Justice Department threatening to charge someone that had been unrelated in the accidental heart attack death of Eric Garner almost two years ago. That’s the level of pushback the Obama Justice Department is doing against actually seeking justice in the email and other related criminal matters,” Prince said.
“There’s five different parts of the FBI conducting investigations into these things, with constant downdrafts from the Obama Justice Department. So in the, I hope, unlikely and very unfortunate event that Hillary Clinton is elected president, we will have a constitutional crisis that we have not seen since, I believe, 1860,” Prince declared.
Marlow asked Prince to clarify these revelations.
“NYPD was the first one to look at that laptop,” Prince elaborated. “Weiner and Huma Abedin, his wife – the closest adviser of Hillary Clinton for 20 years – have both flipped. They are cooperating with the government. They both have – they see potential jail time of many years for their crimes, for Huma Abedin sending and receiving and even storing hundreds of thousands of messages from the State Department server and from Hillary Clinton’s own homebrew server, which contained classified information. Weiner faces all kinds of exposure for the inappropriate sexting that was going on and for other information that they found.”
“So NYPD first gets that computer. They see how disgusting it is. They keep a copy of everything, and they pass a copy on to the FBI, which finally pushes the FBI off their chairs, making Comey reopen that investigation, which was indicated in the letter last week. The point being, NYPD has all the information, and they will pursue justice within their rights if the FBI doesn’t,” Prince contended.
“There is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails they’ve seen of that 650,000, including money laundering, underage sex, pay-for-play, and, of course, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling, sending/receiving of classified information, up to SAP level Special Access Programs,” he stated.
“So the plot thickens. NYPD was pushing because, as an article quoted one of the chiefs – that’s the level just below commissioner – he said as a parent, as a father with daughters, he could not let that level of evil continue,” Prince said.
He noted that the FBI can investigate these matters, “but they can’t convene a grand jury. They can’t file charges.”
“The prosecutors, the Justice Department has to do that,” he explained. “Now, as I understand it, Preet Bharara, the Manhattan prosecutor, has gotten ahold of some of this. From what I hear, he’s a stand-up guy, and hopefully he does the right thing.”
Marlow agreed that Bharara’s “sterling reputation” as a determined prosecutor was “bad news for the Clintons.”
Prince agreed, but said, “If people are willing to bend or break the law and don’t really care about the Constitution or due process – if you’re willing to use Stalinist tactics against someone – who knows what level of pressure” could be brought to bear against even the most tenacious law enforcement officials?
“The point being, fortunately, it’s not just the FBI; [there are] five different offices that are in the hunt for justice, but the NYPD has it as well,” Prince said, citing the Wall Street Journal reporting that has “exposed downdraft, back pressure from the Justice Department” against both the FBI and NYPD, in an effort to “keep the sunlight and the disinfecting effects of the truth and transparency from shining on this great evil that has gone on, and is slowly being exposed.”
“The Justice Department is trying to run out the clock, to elect Hillary Clinton, to prevent any real justice from being done,” he warned.
As for the mayor of New York City, Prince said he has heard that “de Blasio wants to stay away from this.”
“The evidence is so bad, the email content is so bad, that I think even he wants to stay away from it, which is really telling,” he said.
Prince reported that the other legislators involved in the case “have not been named yet,” and urged the NYPD to hold a press conference and name them.
“I wish they’d do it today,” he said. “These are the unusual sliding-door moments of history, that people can stand up and be counted, and make a real difference, and to save a Republic, save a Constitution that we actually need and love, that our forefathers fought and died for. For any cop that is aware of this level of wrongdoing, and they have veterans in their family, or deceased veterans in their family, they owe it to them to stand up, to stand and be counted today, and shine the light of truth on this great evil.”
“From what I understand, up to the commissioner or at least the chief level in NYPD, they wanted to have a press conference, and DOJ, Washington people, political appointees have been exerting all kinds of undue pressure on them to back down,” he added.
Marlow suggested that some of those involved in keeping the details quiet might want to avoid accusations of politicizing the case and seeking to influence the presidential election.
“Sure, that’s it. That’s the argument for it,” Prince agreed. “But the fact is, you know that if the Left had emails pointing to Donald Trump visiting, multiple times, an island with underage sex slaves basically, emails, you know they’d be talking about it. They’d be shouting it from the rooftops.”
“This kind of evil, this kind of true dirt on Hillary Clinton – look, you don’t have to make any judgments. Just release the emails,” he urged. “Just dump them. Let them out there. Let people see the light of truth.”
Prince dismissed the claims of people like Clinton campaign CEO John Podesta and DNC chair Donna Brazile that some of the damaging emails already released by WikiLeaks were fabricated, noting that “forensic analysis done shows that, indeed, they are not fabricated; they are really legitimate.”
“This is stuff coming right off a hard drive that was owned by Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin, Hillary’s closest adviser for the last 20 years,” he said of the new bombshells. “This is not from some hacker or anybody else. This is a laptop seized from a warrant in a criminal investigation.”
Prince confirmed that based on his information, Abedin is most likely looking at jail time, unless she cuts a deal with prosecutors.
“There’s a minimum of obstruction of justice and all kinds of unlawful handling of classified information,” he said. “Because remember, this laptop was in the possession of Weiner, who did not have a security clearance. And many, many of those emails were from her Yahoo account, which had State Department emails forwarded to them, so she could easier print these messages, scan them, and send them on to Hillary. That’s the carelessness that Hillary and her staff had for the classified information that the intelligence community risks life and limb to collect in challenged, opposed areas around the world.”
“That’s not who you want in the White House,” Prince declared.
Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.
Listen to the full audio of the Erik Prince interview above.
Exposed; LEAKED FBI and NYPD Linking Clinton Sex Ring? Washington DC
Judge Jeanine: Clinton is becoming unhinged
original here
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