Republican Party Leaders Plot Purge, Civil War
15 Oct 2016 by Tom Tancredo
Just when you think Republican Party leaders can’t possibly get more cynical, more hypocritical or more suicidal, they surprise you.
Over the past week, a few dozen prominent Republicans, led by 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain and joined by Utah’s Senator Mike Lee and Colorado’s Cory Gardner, dropped their support for Donald Trump and called on Republican voters to vote for other, “down ticket” candidates but not Trump.
The New York Times on October 9 published a list of “160 Republican Leaders who do not support Trump,” and newspapers everywhere trumpeted the newest addition to the list.
That chorus was joined briefly by House Speaker Paul Ryan, who said he would vote for Trump but would not campaign for him or with him. Ryan also advised the entire Republican congressional delegation to do the same.
This betrayal of the party’s presidential nominee by top echelons of party leadership can only be called overt sabotage. Whether successful or not in denying Trump a victory on November 8, it undoubtedly is the opening shot in a civil war that will erupt full scale on November 9.
The attempted take down of Trump was explained as an effort to “salvage the dignity of the party” in the aftermath of the public release of a recording of lewd remarks about some women made by Trump in 2005. When asked if the recording revealed anything about Donald Trump they did not know before, they had no answer. It is clear that the party leaders who have jumped ship are using the 2005 video recording as the excuse to do something they had been contemplating since Trump won the party nomination in July.
No one citing the recording as an excuse for opposing Trump can say Trump’s lewd remarks are more offensive than the known sexual conduct of former President Bill Clinton — and many other White House occupants. Lewd and crude language is not exactly unknown in the halls of the West Wing, the Rayburn Building, RNC headquarters — or Fox television sound stages.
Are the American people turning against Donald Trump because of remarks he made in private eleven years ago? No. Might they turn against him if every Republican senator and congressman attacked him for those remarks? Yes, quite possibly. In that case, what would be the cause of the defeat, Trump’s remarks or the party establishment’s treason?
The answer lies in looking at the facts, not Glenn Beck’s self-indulgent rants. The latest Rasmussen poll shows that 69 percent of voters think Trump’s attitude and remarks about women are either no worse or the same as Bill Clinton’s, and only 23 percent think they are worse. That is a 3-to-1 margin saying it is not an important issue for the large majority of voters.
So, if moral Puritanism is not a credible explanation for he organized insurrection against the party’s presidential nominee, what is the explanation? Why this open declaration of war on the millions of voters who selected Trump as the party’s candidate? The actions of Paul Ryan, McCain and the other party bigwigs only make sense if it is a signal of a planned purge of Trump supporters by the US Chamber of Commerce globalists.
The hypocrisy of the Republican establishment’s attempted take down of the Trump campaign is astonishing even by 2016 standards. After insisting that candidate Trump take the pledge to support the eventual nominee, many refused to accept the verdict of the presidential nomination process. It took months for Senator Cruz to endorse Trump, and Ohio’s Gov. Kasich is still silent.
The other element of hypocrisy is the fear of a Trump victory.
After arguing for a full year that Trump couldn’t possibly win and would lead the party to a catastrophic defeat, many of the same Republican leaders saw Trump steadily gaining ground on Hillary Clinton and decided a Trump victory would be even more catastrophic than a defeat. Immigration enforcement, an America First foreign policy, and sensible international trade treaties must not be allowed to prevail over globalist ambitions of the party establishment. Trump had to be stopped.
That is why the sabotage did not occur earlier. Trump is only a mortal danger to the establishment if he has a chance of winning. As long as he was losing badly in the polls, the saboteurs could remain silent. But after mid-September when polls started showing Trump in a virtual tie with Clinton and gaining ground in all the “battleground states,” the knives were out. Why do you think the 2005 video was released when it was, when the liberal media certainly had it for months?
It is beyond question that the Republican establishment fears a Trump victory more than a Trump defeat. They are more comfortable with Hillary Clinton in the White House than Trump. Only people who have been living on another planet for the last 18 months believe that Washington insiders are opposed to Trump because of his crude language or alleged chauvinistic attitudes toward women.
So the Republican civil war is under way. Whether Trump wins or loses, the party establishment will use every weapon in its arsenal to purge the party not only of Trump’s policy ideas but Trump’s followers as well.
On November 9, the order of the day will be — business-as-usual. The party establishment and its allies in the Chamber of Commerce and the media will be working overtime to guarantee there will be no recognition or acknowledgement of the patriotic rebellion against the “go along to get along” mentality of Republican lawmakers that fueled first the Tea party revolt in 2009-2010 and then the Trump bandwagon.
What the Republican establishment does not understand or will not accept is that Donald Trump is only the symptom, not the cause, of the grassroots rebellion against establishment thinking. Donald Trump gave voice to those concerns, those very justified concerns, about our nation’s direction and our nation’s very survival.
Donald Trump the man and Trump the candidate has flaws and warts and weaknesses that were understandably exploited by opponents. But win or lose on November 8, the grassroots rebellion that fueled the Trump campaign will continue.
That rebellion is now an open civil war within the Republican party, and that is a shame. But at least it is a war over real issues, real concerns, and real worries over the safety and survival of our nation. And that, my friends, will always be a war worth fighting.
Trump: They’ve betrayed our workers, they’ve betrayed our borders and, most of all, they’ve betrayed our freedoms
Trump and the Politics of Polling
Oct 15, 2017 By Jim ONeill
There’s something missing in the polling. There’s an avalanche of negative media coverage but still thousands rally for Trump.—Gov. Mike Pence “Pence: ‘There’s Something Missing in the Polling These Days’”
“There’s something awfully screwy going on around here.” Elmer Fudd
If you are still relying on the MSM for your “news” then you my friend have a very skewed idea of reality.
For example: after days, weeks, months of Trump’s record-breaking rallies in locations all across the nation, we are supposed to believe that Clinton leads Trump in the polls. Excuse me? What planet are these polls being taken on?
At the same time the turnout for Clinton’s events has been, in a word, pathetic. Her campaign has been reduced to doing everything but forcing people at gunpoint in order to gather a few hundred at her rallies. In any event, Clinton is much more comfortable mingling with “her own kind” at swanky fundraisers attended by the rich and powerful. “Show me the money!”
In addition to the comfortable lead Trump no doubt has over Clinton in popular support, there is the fact that Trump drilled her a new one in the “2nd Presidential Debate.” It was a slam dunk. And yet “Fox News” came out with a poll recently, purporting to show Clinton leading Trump by 7 points! WTF—how is that even possible?
I point toward an old adage:
“There are…lies, damn lies, and statistics.”—Mark Twain/Benjamin Disraeli
Poll mainly Democratic respondents and go light on the Republicans. That and the fact that many of the folks who will ultimately vote for Trump, are too cowed by their peers and a rabid media to admit it skews the results. I don’t blame them—to keep peace in their family and/or work environment they should say what they need to say—then vote for Trump!
I would never accuse “Fox News” or anyone else of intentionally skewing poll numbers unless I had unassailable proof (which I do not have). But it is certainly not an unheard of practice. For instance, Democratic strategist Pat Caddell famously outed the “news” service “Reuters” for cooking their numbers to favor Clinton, and the list goes on.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that “Fox News” is a conservative network—it is not. Granted, it has a few conservative outliers, but by and large it is a pretty liberal venue. I am not singling out “Fox News” because it’s behavior is especially egregious—it is not. Compared to the other networks it is a model of truth and impartiality. Still, it is as I say, pretty liberal—don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise. (Nonetheless, to give credit where it is due, without commentators such as Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs, main stream media would have no conservative voices whatsoever).
“Fox News” is undeniably part of the “corporate media” structure, and as such they have a vested interest in keeping the status quo (i.e. political establishment) in place. I’m only saying that, as with all media outlets, take what you read, hear, and see with a grain of salt—a very large grain of salt depending on the outlet.
Where do I get my news? The “Drudge Report,” “Breitbart,” “Gateway Pundit,” and “Canada Free Press” mostly—with a smattering of other sources. Also my “email buddies” keep me abreast of things.
The reasons for skewed poll numbers are twofold: (1) to discourage Trump supporters, and (2) to serve as cover for the massive voter fraud that is planned for November 8th. Everybody and their cousin knows it is coming our way—the only question is to what degree; how bad will it be? Pretty bad I suspect—the globalists are pulling out all the stops on this one.
In addition to bogus poll numbers the media has, of course, embarked on a non-stop smear campaign against Trump. After leading off their attacks against him with a legitimate, if slyly edited, tape, they have followed it up with a flurry of accusations that are anything but legitimate. Get used to it, the onslaught will continue unabated until the election. Sadly, slander does not need to be true in order to be effective, in the short run.
Will there be more “sickening” tapes? I would say count on it—but permit me to delve into that matter a bit. For the benefit of the shocked progressive media mavens who have obviously led cloistered lives, let me spell things out for you—many guys talk trash. At least guys who live outside of the oh so pure-and-proper confines of the media bubble.
When I say “trash” I mean braggadocio, locker-room talk, macho bulls‚Äît. I learned to let it go in one ear and out the other way back in high school (“Yeah, yeah, whatever”). Not all guys talk trash, that is true, but from my experience many do. Geeze Louise, it is no big deal people! To watch them fuss and swoon you would think that these media pundits just graduated from “Nurse Rached’s School of Impeccable Prudery.” Give me a break.
So polls aside, do I believe that Trump will win, and possibly win in a landslide? That would be nice wouldn’t it? But the votes of the brainwashed, the clueless, and the apathetic, coupled with a dishonest and corrupt media, pluswidespread voter fraud, leave me to feel that it will be a nail-biter right down to the wire. I’ll do the footwork and leave the results up to God.
If our will and God’s will are aligned on November 8th then the principalities of darkness will start to fade, and a new dawn of light and freedom will be upon us. Amen and hallelujah! I’ll leave you with Mr. Trump’s closing statements from a recent speech he gave in Florida.
We will vote for the country we want. We will vote for the future we want. We will vote for the politics we want and we will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business and out of business immediately.
…They’ve betrayed our workers, they’ve betrayed our borders and, most of all, they’ve betrayed our freedoms. We will save our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit. We will end the rule of special interests. We will end the raiding of our jobs by other countries. We will end the total disenfranchisement of the American voter and the American worker.
Our Independence Day is at hand, and it arrives finally on November 8.—Donald J. Trump West Palm Beach, FL 10/13/16
Heed Rohrabacher’s lead. Republicans, Stop cutting and running! Stand and fight!
Dana Rohrabacher Shows True Leadership, Stand with Trump
Oct 15, 2016 By Arthur Christopher Schaper
The way some Republicans act, running away from conflict and playing into media-hyped panic, it is no surprise that even when they have power, when they hold onto the majority in Congress, they still flounder and fail. This is just astounding, and sad.
What precipitates my outrage with the Washington DC GOP? The media gets a recording of lewd banter between two guys on a bus … from 2005, and wants to hang Donald Trump from a tree. The trees are not standing up, but flattened and patterned with black ink. In contrast, Wikileaks has dropped more hard-to-swallow truth (for the left) about Crooked, Hateful Hillary. If the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) won’t talk about what Hillary was trying to hide, then it’s time for the We the People to speak up and decide.
Now, what happened after the Trumped-up leak?
All the big name Republican leaders wanted to jump off the Trump ship. The Republican National Committee even halted their funding and campaign operations in coordination with the Donald’s campaign. By Saturday, the day before Debate #2, it looked as if the GOP Leadership (or rather Establishment, since they show no interest in leading) was going to push Trump into a dingy and let him set sail while they went down with their cowardly ship.
But wait …Trump kicked rump (and every other part of Hillary) all over the debate floor in St. Louis. Yes, Trump spoke what I and the millions of the Not-So-Silent Majority have been thinking for a long time.
“You would be in jail.”
“You cheated to win the Democratic nomination.”
“My Supreme Court nominees will protect the Second Amendment. You want to take their guns away.”
Watching Crooked Clinton (actually Clintons, since predator Bubba was seated sheepishly in the audience, avoiding eye contact with four of his victims) twist in the war of words with Trump was too much fun.
The RNC reaffirmed their loyalty (as if they had any right to renounce it in the first place). Speaker Paul Ryan got back in line, like a good little Catholic school boy, and actually brought out some Trump-like moxie against Hillary Clinton’s no longer secret hatred of Catholic doctrine and a desire to overtake and “reform” the Catholic Church to her values (if you can all them that).
But here in California, Republican candidates and incumbents running in heated races have turned off Trump. Sacramento County Sheriff (who was already facing a chance to unseat Democrat Ami Bera) retracted his support for Trump. What are you thinking, Sheriff?! Bad move, and his campaign staffers signaled the same. For once, the consultants were right. You have to stand with the Top of the Ticket as much as possible, especially since the alternative is not just worse, but destined to be the worst creation of the Democratic Party since … all the other candidates who’ve run and won the White House (except for Grover Cleveland, of course!)
Congressman Steve Knight of Palmdale is feeling the jitters in a tight race. He never pledged to support the nominee, but his choice not to support him may lead to his voters “dropping his butt” in November. (believe me, I hope he wins, notwithstanding.)
There is one California Congressman, however, whose outright outrage with his shivering federal colleagues commands real respect: Dana Rohrabacher of Newport Beach. Just because he represents.
Heed Rohrabacher’s lead. Republicans, Stop cutting and running! Stand and fight!
Orange County didn’t make his stance easy. Trump has made winnable races easier … for Democrats. Their voter registration has surpassed Republican voter rolls in otherwise consistently conservative OC. Former California Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina paid a much-needed visit to her friend and fellow conservative Young Kim to assure her victory in November.
Still, Rohrabacher’s criticism of the sudden flight of Republicans from Trump was as subtle as a nuclear bomb:
Leaders are supposed to stand firm and solid in moments of crisis. Instead, he’s [Speaker Ryan] in a panic. It’s not good leadership. … I think the Republicans who are backing away are gutless. We don’t have to just be concerned about saving House seats. We have to be concerned about saving the United States of America.”
Did you hear that, Speaker Paul Ryan? John Boehner didn’t leave his spine behind for you? Oh yeah, the smoking Oompa-Loompa from Ohio never had one …
But really, though, leadership is all about defining the narrative, setting the agenda, charting a course rather than caving to the media. When will Republicans get it? The marginalized, left-wing wannabe “mainstream” media will never give Republicans a fair shake. All Republican candidates running for office have to stand on principle and fight for what is right. Play against the media’s games, rather than trying to abide by their rules: that’s the way to go.
Rohrabacher has been a stalwart champion on Capitol Hill for decades. He has advocated for patent reform, he despises illegal immigration, and refused to play the sympathy card when illegal alien minors were swarming the southern border. When he represented Palos Verdes California, he personally confronted the Mexican Consulate on Catalina Island and told them stop handing out ID cards to illegal aliens!
He is also fighting for the Middle Eastern Christians, who are the victims of genocide as we speak. A Christian is martyred every thirty minutes at the hands of Muslim radicals. So far, his legislation to grant them emergency refugee status has stalled, but he won’t stay quiet. He called out his leadership on national media for doing nothing!
Republicans across the country need to heed Rohrabacher’s lead. Stop cutting and running! Stand and fight! Perhaps Speaker Ryan should step aside and let Rohrabacher lead. Dana knows leadership. Fight for liberty, stand by your man, even when the chips are down, and do what is best for your country, not just your job. Dana is the real deal. He shouldn’t be just a Congressman. He should be Speaker of the House at this point, or hey … run for U.S. Senate in two years!
2016: Republican Party ceased to exist as a viable national political organization
Oct 14, 2016 By Jeff Crouere
The 2016 election will be remembered as the year the Republican Party ceased to exist as a viable national political organization.
This is the year that an insurgent candidate, Donald Trump, captured the nomination despite the opposition of 16 establishment candidates, their operatives, party leaders, consultants, special interests, major donors and the majority of the “conservative” media.
For a while, there was partial unity as most of the defeated candidates and their supporters endorsed Trump, even Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Yet, after the revelation of a 2005 ‘hot mic” recording of Trump engaging in crude “locker room” sexual banter with Billy Bush, an entertainment reporter, many of these party leaders have abandoned their nominee.
Since the nomination, he has drawn much bigger crowds than any other Republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan
Among this group are Arizona Senator and 2008 GOP presidential nominee John McCain and South Dakota Senator John Thune. In fact, last weekend, there was a stampede of Republicans in Congress, including Congressman Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, calling on Trump to step aside.
In response, Trump delivered a strong debate performance and solidified his base support. Unfortunately, the momentum was purposely undercut on Monday by House Speaker Paul Ryan, who convened a conference call among house GOP leaders. In the call, Ryan announced he will not campaign for Trump any longer. In effect, he turned his back on the party’s nominee. He told his fellow congressional leaders that they were free to make whatever decision they wanted, but they were under no obligation to support Trump. Reportedly, some of the participants on the call were unhappy with Ryan’s decision. This is indicative to the attitude of many of the GOP grassroots, who have delivered strong support for Trump throughout this campaign.
Trump drew millions of people to the GOP primaries and collected more votes than any Republican presidential candidate in history. Eventually, he won 37 states and four times the number of delegates as his nearest competitor, Ted Cruz.
Since the nomination, he has drawn much bigger crowds than any other Republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan. He easily achieved the record number of small dollar donations, even though he started fundraising very late in the process.
Among the rank and file, Trump is very popular. The problem is that among the party elite, there is utter hatred for Trump
Among the rank and file, Trump is very popular. The problem is that among the party elite, there is utter hatred for Trump. He has not been endorsed by 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney or by former Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. Only 1996 GOP nominee Bob Dole has remained loyal to Trump, although his health does not permit him to campaign for him.
In contrast, the Democrats are a symbol of unity as President Obama, former Vice President Al Gore and even defeated presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders have endorsed and are campaigning for Hillary Clinton. None of these people like Hillary, but they are coming together to support their nominee. The Republicans only come together to support a moderate or establishment candidate, but a maverick conservative like Trump has seen almost no support from his party.
This entire debacle should be a clear indication to populists and conservatives that the Republican Party is no longer their home. If the party will not support Trump, the grassroots should no longer support the Republican Party.
This betrayal should not be forgotten by the people who work every day, pay taxes and make this country work. The Main Street Republicans are no longer represented by the Wall Street party brokers.
Party establishment is more afraid of a Trump presidency than a Clinton presidency
The sad thing is that the party establishment is more afraid of a Trump presidency than a Clinton presidency. In fact, they are quite comfortable with the idea of a Clinton presidency.
Paul Ryan and many of these critics say they are working to preserve the Republican majorities in Congress, but these efforts are worthless. As we have seen in the Obama years, a GOP majority in Congress cannot stop a President determined to pursue a liberal agenda.
Under Hillary Clinton as President, a GOP congressional majority will not be able to stop her. Contrary to the vision of our Founding Fathers, there are no longer three co-equal branches of government. The balance of power has shifted to the executive branch and the presidency, especially with a weak and inert Congress afraid to stand on principle.
President Hillary Clinton will be a disaster for our nation and the damage could be irreversible. Unfortunately, Republican leaders are more concerned about protecting their power, perks and relationships than stopping a menace that may destroy what is left of the greatest country on earth.
Roger Stone: Trump Is Taking His Gloves Off
Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Trump, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House