
WATCH: Refugee Gives Jaw-Dropping Interview Defending Trump’s Muslim Immigration Ban

30 Sept by Allum Bokhari

The Arab woman who stole the show at MILO’s Q&A with her passionate defense of Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigration gave an interview to Breitbart News in which she condemned leftists and feminists for defending the Muslims who oppressed her.

The woman, who identified herself as Sarah Torrent, said she fled a Muslim marriage in Kuwait before coming to the United States. She said she felt “personally attacked” by those who wanted to allow the people she fled from to emigrate to the country.

“When the whole refugee [crisis] happened I saw feminists saying ‘Well you know, they’re not bad people, bring them in.’ My first reaction was ‘why do you hate me? Why are you doing this to me?’ I felt personally attacked as a woman, because they’re not putting into consideration what I’d go through. I take it personal.”

“Western feminists, if they really want to support Muslims, meet me in the next 10-15 years for an ass-kicking, because I’m taking it very personal[ly], if they show me that they really don’t care about what I had to go through, by welcoming my attackers into the place that I now call home.”

Watch the full interview below.



U.S. Not Screening Refugees for Extremist Views

Sept 30, 2016 by Warren Mass

During a hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest convened by committee chairman Senator Jeff Sessions (shown, R-Ala.) on September 28, Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, admitted that, during the vetting process for refugees, U.S. immigration officials make no effort to learn if they harbor extremist views.

A report about the committee hearing (entitled “Oversight of the Administration’s FY 2017 Refugee Resettlement Program”) posted at the LifeZette website noted that Sessions questioned Henshaw about the procedures for screening refugee applicants, asking: “Do you make any inquiry about practices that we reject in the United States, like female genital mutilation? Do you say, ‘Do you believe in that and when you come to the United States will you comply with the laws of the United States on that kind of question?’”

Henshaw said U.S. officials explain American law and customs but admitted that they do not inquire about refugees’ political beliefs to determine if they might be extreme or radical. “On all questions, we make it clear to refugees that we’re a nation of laws and that they need to comply with our laws,” Henshaw said.

Sessions then pursued his line of questioning by citing a Justice Department report indicating that the United States last year experienced 27 “honor killings,” a practice that is widely accepted in some Muslim-dominated countries that practice Sharia law.

Henshaw responded by making a distinction between Muslim refugees and previous Muslim immigrants who might have approved of such honor killings. “I’m not sure those honor killings took place among the resettled refugee community in the United States,” he said.

“Senator, I see no evidence to show that refugee communities are bringing these values into the United States,” Henshaw continued. “I see that they’re becoming good American citizens, members of the military, members of our police … people that have U.S.-American values.”

LifeZette reported that Sessions noted that the perpetrators of Muslim honor killings come from the same cultural backgrounds as refugees and also observed that 40 refugees have been charged with terrorism-related crimes in the United States.

“So you’re not perfect in your admission, I have to admit,” Sessions said.

Another subcommittee member, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), was very direct in his criticism of the way our refugee program is being managed. “Our immigration laws are not a suicide pact,” Cruz said. “Our refugee program should not become a vehicle for terrorists to come [into the country] and murder innocent Americans.”

Another official testifying at the hearing, León Rodríguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, defended our government’s vetting process, stating, “We are committed to deterring and detecting fraud to maintain the integrity of the refugee resettlement program, and we continue to employ the highest security measures to protect against risks to our national security.”

However, another subcommittee member, Senator David Vitter (R-La.), was not so impressed with Rodríguez’ testimony. He noted that 18 percent of ISIS prosecutions in the United States have been of refugees or asylum seekers, and that Rodríguez had admitted that refugees have been caught committing terrorism offenses.

Vitter said that not only did the director contradict his earlier statement that “only those who do not pose a risk to national security” are allowed into the country via the refugee resettlement program, but he also confirmed that the vetting process relies on U.S. intelligence and that potential terrorists won’t be flagged “if they have not appeared in our intelligence databases.”

AP reported last April that because of a spike in Middle Eastern refugees needing placement, the Obama administration had decided to rush their vetting process, reducing the processing time to three months, from the original 18-24 months.

“While the resettlement process usually takes 18 to 24 months, the surge operation will reduce the time to three months,” observed the report.

In our article posted on September 21, we asserted that the Obama administration’s policies amount to importing Middle East terrorism to the United States. To support that assertion, we noted that the administration had already begun to put a plan into place to dramatically increase the number of refugees from Syria — large portions of which are presently controlled by ISIS.

The White House press office posted a statement on September 20 that made it clear that the increase in refugees being admitted to our country will escalate, despite the fact that migrants from the Middle East have participated in multiple terrorist attacks in our nation, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and the 2015 mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. Stated the White House: “President Obama announced that the United States will welcome more refugees from around the world, increasing the number of people we receive by 40 percent over the next two years, to 100,000 in 2017.”

Senator Sessions addressed that Obama administration plan in his opening statement at the September 28 hearing, stating, “The American people strongly oppose these policies.”

Elaborating on some of his principle objections to the Obama refugee plan, Sessions said:

The Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Secretary of Homeland Security have acknowledged that terrorists could infiltrate the refugee population. Their concerns are valid, as it is clear that terrorists have done so successfully in the past….

There are now nearly 10,000 open terrorism-related investigations across the country. There is an active investigation in every state. Our dedicated law enforcement officers carry a tremendous burden to keep our country safe every day. But it is impossible for them to bear that burden if the Obama Administration does not even recognize the fundamental challenges we face today and continues to admit those who carry significant risks of becoming involved with terrorism after their admission to the United States.

Near the end of his statement, Sessions made an important point: “Certainly, no one has a constitutional right to demand entry into the United States. It is our choice [to let people in] and we should do it in a way that furthers our country.”

Photo: AP Images

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Hungary to Vote on EU Refugee Plan; Anti-migration Sentiment Grows in Europe

Sept 30. 2016 by Warren Mass

Reports from the Paris-based AFP and London-based Reuters news agencies on September 29 analyzed what has been described as growing “populist,” anti-immigrant sentiment across Europe. These reports were looked at against the backdrop of Hungary’s October 2 referendum on whether that nation should be able to reject the EU’s mandatory settlement of refugees in Hungary. The wording of the referendum says: “Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of Parliament?”

Hungary’s Prime Minster Viktor Orban (shown), who a year ago publicly criticized efforts by EU leaders to impose immigration quotas before the continent’s borders are made secure, is supporting a “no” vote on the referendum, saying that it will show support for Hungary’s sovereignty and independence.

An AP report carried by Fox News said that at least 50 percent plus one of Hungary’s 8.27 million voters need to cast valid ballots for the referendum to be valid.

After nearly 400,000 migrants — mostly refugees fleeing violent upheavals in Syria and adjacent areas — passed through Hungary last year, the nation enacted measures that reduced migration into the country to almost nothing. Among the deterrents was a 110-mile-long fence Hungary built along its border with Serbia, its southern neighbor. During the first four weeks of last September, after the fence was built and tougher laws against migrants entering the country were imposed, authorities reported either zero or just one migrant breaching the border area on 12 different days.

Much has been reported about Europe’s refugee crisis. This magazine noted a year ago that at the request of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, heads of government from the European Union approved a plan to distribute across Europe 120,000 migrants fleeing turmoil in the Middle East.

Orban was one of the earliest and most vocal of European national leaders to oppose the plan, but when he spoke last year, his principal objection to allowing large numbers of immigrants to enter Europe was based on the potential impact that the new immigrants would have on the historically Christian culture of Europe, noting that they “are mostly not Christians, but Muslims.”

Then came a series of terrorist attacks in Europe, with attacks in Paris on November 13 killing 129 people and wounding more than 350 others; bombings in Brussels on March 22 killing 32; and a radicalized truck driver killing another 84 people in Nice, France, on July 14.

All of these attacks involved migrants from the Middle East or Muslim counties in North Africa, where ISIS has a presence. With attacks being conducted by actual ISIS operatives or radicalized fanatics sympathetic to ISIS, all of whom came to Europe as migrants or the sons of migrants, Orban’s words became quite credible.

While previous opposition to the massive refugee migration was based mostly on cultural or economic grounds, the terrorist attacks in Europe during 2015 and 2016 changed the focus — and the intensity — of the opposition. The New American noted in an article in August that more than 1,300 people gathered in Berlin on July 30 for a demonstration against German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door immigration policy, with many shouting, “Merkel must go!”

Many of those protesting blamed Merkel’s liberal immigration polices for multiple terrorist attacks that left 13 people dead during the previous month. A report in Britain’s Daily Mail observed that three of the four attackers were asylum seekers, with two of the attacks being claimed by ISIS.

As this magazine noted in an article a year ago, Germany had recently made a change in policy and decided to restrict the flow of migrants across its borders, with the nation’s Interior Minister Thomas de Mazière announcing the change in policy on September 13, 2015.

De Mazière explained that the new restrictions were partly necessary for security reasons and added: “This step has become necessary. The great readiness to help that Germany has shown in recent weeks … must not be overstretched.”

In its report about what it described as “populist wave” across Europe, AFP summarized the trend on a country-by country basis. Among its findings were:

GERMANY: Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) suffered a stinging setback in state elections in Berlin on September 18 in a backlash against her “open-door” refugee policy….

SLOVAKIA: In March, the People’s Party Our Slovakia won 14 seats in the country’s 150-seat parliament, four years after it was founded on a platform hostile to the Roma minority, the EU and NATO….

Populism has spread into mainstream parties too, with Prime Minister Robert Fico taking one of the EU’s tougher stances on immigration. He has branded the migrant crisis an “onslaught” and called EU migrant policy “ritual suicide.”

HUNGARY: Orban, head of the right-wing Fidesz party, has organized the October 2 referendum on migrant relocation under an EU quota plan.

In late 2015, Hungary built fences along its borders with Serbia and Croatia to stem the massive tide of migrants. Other countries in the Balkans then followed suit.

Those migrants who do sneak through into Hungary suffer illegal border pushbacks and unlawful detention, Amnesty International said Tuesday.

Orban has called immigration “poison” and has said that “every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.” …

BRITAIN: A historic vote on June 23 to leave the EU was the biggest success to date of populist movements since the bloc was founded.

The “Leave” victory was driven in large part by worries about immigration, economic uncertainty, and a perception that an out-of-touch Brussels elite was making the rules.

FRANCE: The National Front (FN) has notched up several local electoral successes since 2012. The FN’s Marine Le Pen has likened the migrant influx to the “barbarian invasions” of the fourth century.

Boosted by the succession of Islamist “terror” attacks in France, polls consistently tip Le Pen to reach the second round of France’s presidential election in 2017.

Regarding Amnesty International’s assertion, we wonder how Hungary’s enforcement of its own immigration laws can be considered “illegal” or “unlawful.” As a sovereign nation, Hungary has the right to establish its own immigration laws and to determine how those laws are to be enforced. Unless Amnesty International is suggesting that national sovereignty of EU member nations is subservient to some “supranational” EU law, which is a good argument for other EU members to initiate their own versions of “Brexit.”

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Major Swedish Columnist Cecilia Hagen: Anybody Who Doesn’t Support Islam and Muslims is a Rat and needs to be Exterminated

Oct 1, 2016 by Tim Brown

Major Swedish journalist Cecilia Hagen wrote in a recent column about how much she detests rats. However, there was a political connotation. Hagen said called anyone that did not support what is, in effect, an Islamic invasion of Europe, is a “brown rat” and deserves to be exterminated.

Friatider reports on the column:

In his chronicle network Hagen An to a blog post that the Bar Association Secretary General Anne Ramberg recently wrote in which she called anti-immigrant politicians for “brown rats”. Above all mentioned the moderate senator Hanif Bali in her blog post.

Hagen begins his chronicle with addressing the persistent problem of rats in Stockholm. Then she directed the focus toward people with immigration critical opinions. “It’s those other councilmen who I would like to wipe out in a dignified manner. The brown,” she writes.

She asks a little later how best to “get rid of human brown rats” and suggests the use of poison.

Apparently, Ms. Hagen is one of the many voices that will not expose the corruption of her own government as it has covered up gang rape that is directly caused by a program that paid children to spend time with Muslims. Also, no one heard a peep from her when the biggest child sex exploitation in the country’s history, involving Muslims, was reported in 2015. And should we even bring up the rioting that took place in 2013? Yep, Islamists were at the core of that too.

However, this woman wants to blame her countrymen for the crimes of the Muslim invaders. It’s sick!

Consider what the outrage would be had this column referred to Muslims as “brown rats” that need to be exterminated. I’m not advocating for extermination of any people group, but rather the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that can even turn the hearts of those who believe the anti-Christ doctrines of Islam. If that takes place, we would see no reason to be concerned with Islam anymore because it would not exist.

The problem in today’s world is that men are quicker to bear the carnal weapons than they are skilled in the use of spiritual ones.

Ms. Hagen should be ashamed of herself for calling out her fellow countrymen who oppose those who follow in the footsteps of Muhammad from entering and destroying their homeland. Give us brave voices not only in Sweden, but throughout the world who expose Islam for what it is and provide a meaningful solution to its destruction.

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Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Trump, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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