Numerous aides provide support to 68-year-old Democrat
August 7, 2016
In this heated presidential race where being “fit” and “stable” have become terms in the arsenal of both campaigns, startling photographs emerged Sunday showing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton apparently getting help in climbing up some stairs.
The photos, published by the Reuters and Getty news agencies, show Mrs. Clinton, 68, receiving help as she tries to ascend a staircase in front of a home.
The popular Drudge Report splashed a banner headline Sunday evening that stated, “2016: Hillary conquers the stairs.”
Mrs. Clinton has a history of falling. After fainting and falling in 2013 while U.S. secretary of state, she was treated for a blood clot in a vein in her head at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia hospital.
In 2009, she fell on her way to the White House and broke her elbow.
What do YOU think? Does Hillary’s health preclude her from being president? Sound off in today’s WND Poll!
Reporter Kyle Olson of the American Mirror asked in a brief article about the new photos on the stairs, “At what point is the mainstream media going to question Clinton’s health status?”
Some online comments from readers include:
“Her ‘left leg,’ looks like it is about to be left behind on that last step. Definitely, not, looking good. (Cocktails in the car … lunch … or something else (?) … or just another, of a ‘thousand cuts’).”
“Can’t walk, needs assistance, can’t think, often confused, can’t see, has double vision, wears long coats to hide her adult diapers, has multiple seizures on camera, left in middle of debate for unexplained reason, called Donald Trump her husband, massive coughing fits during speeches.”
Clinton’s health has been a concern to some during this campaign after a variety of issues emerged.
A July 21 video posted on YouTube shows Clinton’s head suddenly turning and shaking vigorously for several seconds.
Blogger Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit headline it: “Wow!” Did Hillary Clinton Just Suffer a Seizure on Camera?”
“The poor woman is in worse shape than we thought,” he wrote.
Last month, the American Mirror reported a coughing fit that broke out as someone else was speaking during an appearance.
WND reported in January, following several of the coughing fits, that her refusal to answer questions about them – or to explain why she wore eyeglasses fitted with Fresnel prisms – raised concerns from several physicians that her campaign was keeping health records hidden.
She had a huge coughing fit during a speech in New York City.
Then, in a visit to Las Vegas, she wore thick, black glasses fitted with Fresnel prisms.
At the time, WND asked several physicians if they believed the glasses, which are used to correct double vision, could be related to the concussion she suffered in December 2012 that resulted in a blood clot in her head.
WND also asked whether Clinton’s repeated coughing bouts could be related to her hypothyroid condition for which she is taking Armour Thyroid, as WND previously reported, a natural remedy made from desiccated pig glands, or from her apparently congenital predisposition to form blood clots. To prevent clots, as WND reported, she is taking Coumadin, otherwise known as warfarin, an old but commonly prescribed blood-thinning medication originally developed as a rat poison.
The “Stop Hillary” campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: “Clinton for prosecution, not president”
WND also reported the medication Clinton has taken since 1998 to deal with her blood-clotting problems may have side effects such as blurred vision and confusion, both of which she has experienced. And a California physician warned Coumadin could be more life-threatening to her than the possibility of a recurring blood clot.
“It is very hard to draw substantial conclusions from the limited medical information we have on Hillary Clinton,” explained Dr. Todd Lasner, a neurosurgeon at Mount Sinai Medical in Miami.
“We cannot opine with 100 percent certainty, because we do not have all the medical facts,” he said. “Fresnel prisms are typically used to correct double vision, to refract light through the prism so you can see a single image as you are normally used to seeing.
“My first suspicion would be the Fresnel prisms were prescribed for Hillary Clinton because of nerve damage causing double vision resulting from a trauma to her head, possibly from the fall causing the concussion,” Lasner concluded. “But without her medical records, I cannot say for certain.”
Dr. Daniel Kassicieh, D.O., a dual board certified osteopathic neurologist and a leading headache specialist who directs the Florida Headache and Movement Disorder Center in Sarasota, Florida, agreed that the diagnosis of Clinton’s double vision and the prescription of a Fresnel prism lens would require consultation with a medical specialist.
“I saw Hillary Clinton first wearing the eyeglasses with the Fresnel prisms when she testified to Congress on Benghazi in January 2013, and she continued to wear them a while,” Kassicieh told WND at the time. “Then I saw her again this week in Las Vegas wearing those black eyeglasses with the Fresnel prism lenses, and I wondered when her double vision came back, or if it never really went away.”
Kassicieh said he noticed Clinton’s coughing spells seem also to be a persistent and recurring problem.
“I think Hillary’s cough is a separate medical problem from her double vision,” he said. “But it makes me wonder if there isn’t something else going on with her health that we don’t know about.”
Dr. Ronald Hoffman, a New York City physician who hosts the nationally syndicated radio program “Intelligent Medicine,” told WND in a telephone interview then that without the medical records, “we really have no idea what the medical condition causing Hillary Clinton to be wearing eyeglasses fitted with Fresnel prism lenses.”
Hoffman is past president of the nation’s largest organization of complementary and alternative doctors, the American College for Advancement in Medicine, or ACAM. He’s the founder and medical director of the Hoffman Center, specializing in a natural medicine approach that combines nutritional and metabolic medical assessment tools with high-tech innovations in traditional medicine.
The staircase photos come the same day WND reported how experts have said Hillary may have physical and mental health issues.
Talk-radio titan Michael Savage finds it fascinating that the media would focus on Trump’s supposed craziness while failing to explore Hillary’s mental state.
“Very interesting, considering Obama is clearly a sociopathic liar,” Savage, author of “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder,” told WND. “Hillary is a sociopathic liar. Of course they would try to smear a man who built his own empire rather than stealing it from the taxpayers and foreign governments. Of course his mental state intrigues them given their own mental deficiencies and pathologies. To the coelenterates in the media, transsexual songs ring truer, Islamists do not exist and there is no terror, only a lack of jobs. So who is the sickest?”
Hillary Clinton has indeed become well known as a serial liar, as fully two-thirds of Americans, 68 percent in a recent poll, said she was neither honest nor trustworthy. Not only does Clinton lie to protect herself, as she has regarding Benghazi and her private email server, but she lies when there appears to be no benefit to doing so.
For example, she famously claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary for his conquering of Mt. Everest, even though that didn’t happen until six years after Clinton was born. She also notoriously claim she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia in 1996, when newspaper and video accounts revealed exactly the opposite.
“Robert Reich, M.D., a New York City psychiatrist and expert in psychopathology, says compulsive lying can be associated with dementia or brain injury,” Dr. Gina Loudon, a political psychology and behavior expert, told WND. “Otherwise, compulsive lying can be associated with a range of diagnoses, such as antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders.
“This might explain Hillary’s consistent unlikability factor, along with her consistent denial of lies, even in her lying about FBI Director Comey pointing out that she lied multiple times. Most of America believes her to be a liar, and yet she seems to have zero remorse, even and up to the point of costing American lives.”
In addition to pathological lying, Clinton’s temper has reportedly been a problem in the past. A former military K9 handler described how then-Secretary of State Clinton once flew into a blind rage, yelling “get that f**king dog away from me.” She then berated her security detail for the next 20 minutes about why the dog was in her quarters. After Clinton left after slamming the door in their faces, the leader of the detail explained to the K9 handler, “Happens every day, brother.”
H/T https://hocuspocus13.wordpress.com
Exclusive: Gina Loudon calls on ‘narcissistic’ Clinton to release mental health records
Aug 6, 2016
Hillary has proven over and over to the American people that she is solidly unfit to be president. The question is, when will people start believing the behavior that Hillary has proven over and over?
I will acknowledge that it is my personal observation that most politicians at the national level display some number of narcissistic traits. Narcissism is not necessarily dangerous unless other, more organic and systemic traits are present. In fact, the argument can be made that some degree of narcissistic “ability” may be necessary to run on the national level.
Hillary is in a separate category altogether.
She has risked national security and been instrumental in destabilizing the Middle East.
She has lied under oath.
She has colluded with enemies for personal gain through the Clinton foundation: “Honestly I cannot trust the American news media because they are all in bed with the Clinton Foundation” – Julian Assange.
She has brutalized and bullied women her husband abused.
She left heroes to die in Benghazi and then lied to the faces of the families, graveside, to cover for Islamic terrorists. The list goes on.
Hillary Clinton displays evidence of a traumatic brain injury that could impair her decision making as president of the United States.
Hillary admits she has a brain that “short circuits” and “forgets,” even when dealing with critical, sensitive material that is classified. This may have already cost lives.
As Sen. Tom Cotton said, “That just goes to show how reckless and careless [Hillary’s] decision was to put that kind of highly classified information on a private server. And I think her judgment is not suited to keep this country safe.”
America has to ask herself the question: No matter how much we might like the optic of a woman for president, is that the kind of temperament we can afford in the White House, in this precarious time in our history?
On the Sunday shows, when Hillary spokespersons were asked, they lied again, about this, and about the Comey report, again.
Defensive lies are typical of narcissism, where serving self against possible defeat is of the highest order. The frightening thing about Hillary is that she seems to lie sometimes for no reason at all. For example, she said she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, who didn’t ascend Mount Everest until well into her childhood. She said she was under fire in Bosnia, but she wasn’t. Most notably, her lie that a video caused the Benghazi attacks seems unnecessary, unless her effort was to protect Islamic terrorists.
Perhaps it was, but this will give little comfort who know the dangers either way.
Robert Reich, M.D., a New York City psychiatrist and expert in psychopathology, says compulsive lying can be associated with dementia or brain injury. Otherwise, compulsive lying can be associated with a range of diagnoses, such as antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders.
This might explain Hillary’s consistent unlikability factor, along with her consistent denial of lies, even in her lying about FBI Director Comey pointing out that she lied multiple times. Most of America believes her to be a liar, and yet she seems to have zero remorse, even and up to the point of costing American lives.
Mental illness is nothing to ignore. It is dangerous to all involved. Hillary’s behavior might indicate a much deeper, darker mental condition that is flatly ominous. She has had visual, memory and reasoning issues in recent years following her head injury. She has endured many subsequent falls, which would be obvious indicators of traumatic head injury. Instead of running for president, Hillary could be seeking a medical battery of testing that could get to the heart of what may be a worsening mental disorder, as well as intense therapy and perhaps medication (if she isn’t already medicated), before more lives are lost at the hands of her incompetence.
Most devastatingly, the symptoms Hillary exhibits may be indicative of a deeper, progressive psychosis. A NIHMS study showed that pathological liars had increased white matter volumes in the orbitofrontal, inferior frontal and middle frontal cortices. Another theory said long-term use of lying may actually cause regional increase in white matter volume, and that repeated lying could cause permanent changes in brain chemistry. Whether the most caustic disease model of lying is caused by genetic factors or environmental influences is still up for major debate among experts.
If the condition of someone with such systemic mental conditions worsens, their decision-making capacity and overall ability to distinguish truth from fantasy could be impaired. This would be dangerous for the leader of a family, or a company, but it could be devastating for a national leader.
I have been studying psychology – specifically, personality and behavior as it relates to corporations and organizations – throughout my entire career. Only testing and analysis by a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist could say for sure, and I am neither, nor have I ever examined Hillary in a clinical setting. Still, my extensive study of human and organizational behavior and the Dark Tetrad taught me the dynamics that can be most destructive in the interplay of certain traits within an organization.
Perhaps the most damning evidence that she is “unhinged” lies in her absolute insistence that her opponent is crazy. Projection is common in paranoid schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder and psychosis.
Though it is impossible for any expert to diagnose someone without thorough testing, consultation and observation, any lay person could look back at other leaders in history who demonstrated such chronic conditions and who weren’t stopped until it was too late.
For some reason, the public seems to be able to dismiss such disturbing patterns in their leaders until it is too late. In this case, it might be a healthy decision for Secretary Clinton to step back from the limelight, and instead seek some testing or therapy to determine her mental fitness before endangering more lives.
In light of the growing questions regarding her mental health and ability to handle the responsibility of the presidency, I challenge Hillary Clinton to prove to the American people that she is mentally fit for the job. Mental illness and brain damage are serious issues.
Hillary should release any and all records regarding her fainting spells, falls, memory loss, “short circuits,” brain damage and other mental health matters that could impact the American people before they are asked to vote on Nov. 8.
Aug 8, 2016 by Jon Rappoport
The rat poison problem
Major media are rushing to do damage control on Hillary’s health. They’re trying to lay down the concrete of a fake consensus that she’s fine, because her doctor issued a positive report in 2015.
But one of the bottom lines is: she’s suffered from dangerous blood clots. And the treatment is blood-thinners, which are given to reduce the possibility of a fatal clot.
Hillary is taking Coumadin, also known as Warfarin.
It’s a rat poison. It kills rats by causing them to bleed out internally. This is a fact.
Therefore, the prescribing doctor and the patient walk a tightrope. How much Coumadin is too much? How little is too little? Too much, and life-threatening bleeding can occur. Too little and fatal blood clots can occur.
Therefore, Hillary is being monitored VERY closely, on a weekly basis, with tests. But the tests aren’t mathematically precise. The monitoring isn’t ironclad science.
And since Coumadin is highly toxic, serious liver damage is a consequence, especially when the drug is given long-term, which is the case here.
Media outlets are going with, “Well, her doctors know what they’re doing. They’re issuing positive reports. They’re giving her a clean bill of health.”
You put someone on Coumadin, long-term, and you’re rolling the dice. In her case, this treatment is back-against-the-wall, last-line-of-defense.
If her past blood clots were somehow interpreted as minor or incidental, long-term Coumadin would never be the treatment of choice.
This patient, Hillary Clinton, is very high-risk.
The last thing you would want this patient to do is engage in day-to-day, high-stress activity. You would definitely not want the patient to fly in airplanes, because that activity can exacerbate her condition. Lethally.
Her major media allies (and they are, of course, many) have no genuine interest in her health risks. They would be able to handle her as President, even she turned out to be dead on arrival.
Her closest aides, and her husband, are aware of all these facts. They’re shrugging them off and pressing for a victory in the election this fall. That’s the game plan, come hell or high water.
But the blood clot problem and rat poison problem aren’t going to go away.
Any honest doctor will tell you that.
Whether Hillary has Parkinson’s, whether she has trouble maintaining her balance, whether she has “brain-freezes”…yes, these are all subjects for discussion. But either way, the blood clots and the Coumadin are putting her on a cliff’s edge.
Politics aside, the refusal of major media to bring this into the light on a serious basis is insane.
This article first appeared at NoMoreFakeNews.com.
original here
WATCH: @MartinShkreli on #HillarysHealthhttps://t.co/iDIUT2wpG4
— G (@1080p) August 7, 2016
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