
Pro-Life Group Supports Donald Trump: “There is No Bigger Threat” to Unborn Babies Than Hillary

Aug 1, 2016 by  STEVEN ERTELT

Another state pro-life has indicated it supports Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in this November’s presidential election. Ohio Right to Life tells LifeNews.com that Hillary is such a threat to unborn children it has determined that the best course of action ti mitigate her abortion agenda is to support Trump.

Ohio Right to Life announced support for the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump and his running mate, Governor Mike Pence of Indiana.

“Our mission is to protect the sanctity of human life, and right now there is no ticket more threatening to that mission than that of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine,” said Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life in an email to LifeNews.

He added: “This November, Ohio’s pro-life voters must come out in full force to shut down the rabidly pro-abortion candidacy of Hillary Clinton and undo the harms of Barack Obama’s eight years in office. Many times over, Mr. Trump has committed himself to appointing pro-life Supreme Court Justices, signing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and protecting religious liberty.”

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“Mr. Trump’s commitments provide a stark contrast to Hillary Clinton’s support for partial-birth abortion and late-term abortion, as well as her promised path to appoint pro-abortion Justices and to force taxpayers to pay for abortions. His choice of Mike Pence for Vice President is a solid pro-life pick. Governor Pence is a proven pro-life leader in our neighboring state of Indiana, an outstanding governor whose pro-life record contrasts sharply with the pro-abortion record of Tim Kaine,” Gonidakis continued.

Gonidakis said the urgency of supporting Trump over Clinton was highlighted by the fact that the Democratic Party adopted a pro-abortion platform that calls for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, the often cited federal provision that prevents federal taxpayer dollars from paying for abortions. He noted that Tim Kaine , who once supported the amendment,said recently that he will stand by Clinton’s proposal to repeal the longstanding bipartisan policy.

He said the Democratic Party platform stands in stark contrast with the will of the people in Ohio, where pro-life leadership in the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate led to the enactment of legislation de-funding Planned Parenthood this year.

“Sadly, the Democratic Party platform has betrayed its pro-life members by selling out to Big Abortion, requiring taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand,” said Gonidakis. “We welcome all Democrats and Independents fleeing this extremism to vote with Ohio Right to Life this election. Hillary Clinton must be stopped, and Donald Trump is the candidate to do it.”



James Dobson “Unleashes,” Stuns Christians With Statement on Trump

Aug 4, 2016

Christian author and evangelical leader James Dobson explained his position on GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, and claimed a Republican in the White house might restore some of the religious freedoms that have been stripped away from Christians over the years.

Dobson, who is on Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, responded to critics in a piece he wrote forWND and said he believed a Trump presidency would “unleash Christian activists to fight for their beliefs.”

Trump met with his Evangelical Executive Advisory Board in June and Dobson said he walked away from that meeting with a sense that Trump was sympathetic to his concerns. He added that Trump condemned decades-old legislation that limited freedom of religion, especially religious speech, by church leaders.

He noted that in recent years there has been a “growing assault” on religious rights liberty. He then went on to point out that the Supreme Court’s prohibition of reading the Bible, prayer, and displays of the Ten Commandments in schools are severe limitations on religious freedoms that should worry Christians.

He expressed concern for further limitations under an administration that has moved from using the phrase “freedom of religion” to “freedom of worship,” a strategic move that could possibly prohibit Christians from worshipping in the public square in the near future.

The founder of Focus on the Family spoke at the Republican National Convention last month, where he endorsed Trump, saying he was “the most capable candidate to lead the United States of America in this complicated hour,” and expressed a “great concern about Hillary Clinton,” according to WND.

Dobson, a former supporter of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, has faced his own criticism for backing Trump, to which he said “life is filled with inconsequential little challenges.”

It’s not hard to see  Dobson’s perspective on this. He understands that Trump’s attitude toward protecting the religious freedoms of Christians is significant, especially when the opposition has been determined to destroy Christian values for years.

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