
 Urgent CIWARS Alert Climate Change Migrants Massing at US Mexico Border for Europe-Style Push

June 12, 2016 by William Church

According to CIWARS sources at the San Ysidro Border crossing (California-Mexico) thousands of migrants are building for a Europe-style rush at the border.

Just two weeks ago, hundreds of migrants flooded into the walk-in vestibule area of the border crossing in an attempt to pressure their way across the border.  All of the shelters in Tijuana are filled to capacity with migrants lacking housing, food, and security.  In addition, sources deep inside Mexico have observed thousands of migrants on the way to the border in the same type of rush that overwhelmed Hungary last year.

To support that claim, our sources reveal that in all of last year nearly 190,000 migrants were detained at the border and that is double from 2012. In addition, the United States Customs and Border patrol report that the number of detained families has risen 122 percent this year alone.  In total terms some 2,216 were detained crossing the border last year but this year only in the first four months of the year that number has already swollen to 2,216.

It is estimated that 65 percent of the migrants are Mexican, but the remaining have come from all over the world after Europe closed its doors.  Ghana, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Armenia, and other Latin American countries have joined the migrant rush to the US border.  With drought in Latin America and war ravaging the Middle East the flow of migrants is only expected to increase.

IMPACT Statement

Beyond insecurity at the border and the suffering of migrants without housing, water, and food, this is also an election year in the United States with one political candidate making Mexican illegal immigration a major campaign issue.  He has pledged to build a wall to stop all immigration and bar all Muslims from entering the United States. This type of disruption could become fodder for the American political arena and affect the election.

Original here

Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor

Orlando nightclub terrorist worked for major DHS contractor that secures “90 percent of U.S. nuclear facilities.”

June 12, 2016  by Paul Sperry

The Orlando nightclub terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS worked almost a decade for a major Department of Homeland Security contractor, raising alarms that ISIS sympathizers and agents have infiltrated the federal agency set up after 9/11 to combat terrorists.

Officials say Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an Afghan-American who held two firearms licenses and a security officer license, was employed by the security firm G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. since Sept. 10, 2007. The Jupiter, Fla.-based company merged with the Wackenhut Corp. after 9/11 and assumed federal contracts.

“G4S supports the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CPB), with its operations at the U.S. ­ Mexico border and with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transport illegal immigrants in selected urban areas,” the company says in a brochure, titled “Providing Manpower Solutions for Government Services.”

The DHS contract with G4S is worth more than $234 million. The contract states that one of the “performance requirements” is helping identify “suspected terrorists” trying to enter the U.S.

The security contractor also provides security guards and other security services for “90 percent of U.S. nuclear facilities.”

G4S uses fortified buses to transport “hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants” from city to city and from cities to the U.S.-Mexican border. But earlier this month, Judicial Watch revealed G4S has been quietly moving and releasing van loads of illegal aliens away from the border to interior American cities.

The immigrants were classified as OTMs — Other Than Mexican — and included mostly Central American illegals but possibly also foreign border-crossers from the Middle East and Pakistan.

“A security company contracted by the U.S. government is driving the OTMs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, where they were in custody, to Phoenix,” the Washington-based government watchdog group said. “The firm is called G4S and claims to be the world’s leading security solutions group with operations in more than 100 countries and 610,000 employees.”

It’s not clear if the 29-year-old Mateen worked on any federal contracts or dealt with federal inmates. One of his jobs was to help transport and guard state and local prisoner youths in Florida. The subsidiary he worked for — G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. — is based in Jupiter, Fla., which is located just south of Mateen’s home in Fort Pierce, Fla.

It’s also not immediately known if he had federal security clearances, or what kind of security background check G4S administered before hiring Mateen.

But he continued to guard prisoners despite reports he openly praised ISIS in conversations with co-workers, and even though he had been under federal investigation for terrorism ties since at least 2013.

In a 2012 company newsletter, G4S congratulated Mateen for five years of service.

Attempts to reach G4S representatives Sunday were unsuccessful. But the same company brochure says security officers “are subjected to a stringent background investigation” that includes psychological, background and criminal screening.” Testing for jihadist sympathies is not listed.

“From our superior recruiting, training and education to our background checks and screening, our manned security will exceed your expectations,” the contractor assures federal clients.

G4S, which was the first contract security company to received designation and certification by DHS, also helps the federal government with emergency security responses to “terror threats.”

Employing more than 50,000 Americans, G4S provides security support for several other federal agencies, as well, including the departments of State, Interior, Labor, Justice and Energy, and the IRS and Drug Enforcement Administration. The security firm also partners with the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force and NASA.

Through the U.S. General Services Administration, the company supplies guards, detention officers, court security officers, baggage handlers, security clerks, and prisoner bus and van drivers in contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

It’s not the first time a federal contractor has employed a major Islamic terrorist.

In 2008, Charlotte, N.C.-based Convergys Corp. came under fire for employing a Muslim computer operator who openly maintained a jihadist website featuring grisly images of American soldiers blown up by al-Qaida terrorists overseas which he said “bring great happiness to me.” Convergys at the time had landed a $2.5 billion federal contract to set up emergency communications centers in the event to terrorist attacks and other disasters.

The employee, 22-year-old Sami Khan, turned out to be an al-Qaida operative. He was killed in 2011 in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen.

Paul Sperry is a Hoover Institution media fellow and author of INFILTRATION: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.


#Orlando terrorist was linked to American ISIS suicide bomber https://t.co/URoTbn1XC1 pic.twitter.com/gCTxkcpxQq

— Warrior Huntress (@daeshhun) June 13, 2016

Orlando Killer Worked For Company Transporting Illegal Immigrants Inside US; Was Interviewed By FBI 3 Times

Jun 12, 2016 by Tyler Durden

In a surprising discovery, the Palm Beach Post first reported that according to state records, Orlando shooter Omar Mateen – who as we reported earlier was licensed as a security guard and also holds a firearms license – was employed by the US subsidiary of G4S plc, a British multinational security services company, whose US-headquarters are located in Jupiter, Fla, and which also happens to bethe world’s largest security company by revenue.

Shortly thereafter, G4S confirmed that Omar Mateen has worked for the company since 2007. This is the statement released from G4S:

“We are shocked and saddened by the tragic event that occurred at the Orlando nightclub. We can confirm that Omar Mateen had been employed with G4S since September 10, 2007. We are cooperating fully with all law enforcement authorities, including the FBI, as they conduct their investigation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the friends, families and people affected by this unspeakable tragedy.”

In other words, Mateen who according to preliminary reports, had been on a terrorist watchlist, and who still managed to obtain weapons thanks to his various licenses and permits just last week, was employed by one of the world’s largest security companies, where he may have had extensive clearances well above his pay grade, not to mention access to sophisticated military weapons and equipment.

But where it gets more disturbing is that as Judicial Watch reported several days ago, in a post titled, “DHS Quietly Moving, Releasing Vanloads Of Illegal Aliens Away From Border“, border patrol sources said that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents. As a reminder, the government classifies them as Other Than Mexican (OTM) and this week around 35 were transferred 116 miles north from Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they went their separate way. Judicial Watch was present when one of the white vans carrying a group of OTMs arrived at the Phoenix Greyhound station on Buckeye Road.

And this is where the Mateen-G4S link emerges: as JW reported previously, a security company contracted by the U.S. government is driving the OTMs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix, sources said. The firm is the abovementioned G4S, the world’s leading security solutions group with operations in more than 100 countries and 610,000 employees. G4S has more than 50,000 employees in the U.S. and its domestic headquarters is in Jupiter, Florida.

Judicial Watch noted that it had filed a number of public records requests to get more information involving the arrangement between G4S and the government, specifically the transport of illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to other parts of the country. The photo below shows the uniformed G4S guard that transported the OTMs this week from Tucson to Phoenix.

Outraged Border Patrol agents and supervisors on the front lines say illegal immigrants are being released in droves because there’s no room to keep them in detention. “They’re telling us to put them on a bus and let them go,” said one law enforcement official in Arizona. “Just move those bodies across the country.” Officially, DHS denies this is occurring and in fact earlier this year U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske blasted Border Patrol union officials for denouncing this dangerous catch-and-release policy. Kerlikowske’s scolding came in response to the congressional testimony of Bandon Judd, chief of the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union that represents line agents. Judd told lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee that illegal immigrants without serious criminal convictions can be released immediately and disappear into the shadows. Kerlikowske shot back, telling a separate congressional committee: “I would not stand by if the Border Patrol was — releasing people without going through all of the formalities.

* * *

Meanwhile, the Hill reported that Mateen’s employment, and gun licenses, were untouched even though the FBI confirmed it had interviewed the 29-year-old three times before the shooting took place early Sunday morning.  An official said that the FBI first became aware of the suspect, Omar Mateen, 29, in 2013 when he made “inflammatory comments to coworkers alleging possible terrorist ties.”

In the course of that investigation, Mateen was interviewed twice, but the FBI was unable to verify the substance of his comments.

Then, one year later, in 2014 the FBI conducted an investigation into possible ties between Mateen and an American suicide bomber. The FBI conducted another investigation, which included an interview with Mateen, but determined that the contact did not constitute a threat at that time. Which may be an overstatement: the FBI’s 2014 probe allegedly found that the  Orlando shooter had “minimal” contact with Florida al-Nusra fighter Moner Abusalha who blew himself up in Syria.

In 2015, after Moner Abusalha became the first American suicide bomber in Syria, the FBI investigated Omar Mateen’s connection to Abu-Salha. Abu-Salha went to the Middle East, trained, and returned to the Treasure Coast, specifically Vero and fort Pierce, to recruit. The FBI says he didn’t recruit anyone, but it’s possible he did have contact with Mateen.

The FBI said it is looking into any and all connections, both domestic and international to the shooting. It appears to have found nothing despite it all being laid out in front of its face.

The agent at Sunday afternoon’s press briefing also confirmed reports that the shooter called 911 before the massacre, and said his remarks had general connections to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terror group. The content of those calls is now federal evidence.

* * *

It gets even more bizarre: despite his chequered history and his numerous FBI encounters, the Orlando Police just reported that he had managed to purchase firearms in just this past week.

A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives spokesperson confirmed that Mateen legally purchased 2 firearms — a handgun and a long gun, “within the past few days.”

* * *

Armed with all this information, the big question, now that it has emerged that Mateen worked for the same company that has been tasked – under questionable circumstances – to transport illegals into the US, is whether or not this individual who swore allegiance to ISIS moments before the worst mass shooting and who was also employed by G4S for almost a decade, and who had been interviewed by the FBI three times and yet still managed to buy guns just last week, was also tasked in any way in facilitating the transport of illegal immigrants across the border, and if so, whether he helped other like-minded radical islamists enter the country.

We are confident all these questions will be addressed by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the government, and that the media – liberal or otherwise – will promptly follow up on these key questions.


Obama Administration Surge Agenda Threatening U.S. With 100 Syrian Refugees Per Day

11 June 2016 by Lana Shadwick

The Obama administration has created a “resettlement surge center” which has produced a pouring of 100 Syrian refugees in the U.S. per day. The very real risk to Americans – the lack of proper vetting of these individuals by the quick processing that is being done, almost all of them reported to be Muslims.

Over 100 Syrian refugees have been admitted every day in June according to the federal government’s own database from the Refugee Processing Center. More than 1,000 were admitted in May. The rate of those admitted has sky-rocketed when compared to the 3,755 accepted in fiscal year 2016.

The Conservative Review reported these numbers, and that approximately 100-250 were admitted during the first six months of fiscal year 2016. It noted that the Associated Press reported in April that the federal government set up a “resettlement surge center” in Amman, Jordan in February. The center is now interviewing approximately 600 people a day.

The “vetting” process, already questioned by leaders in the country, has been fast-tracked from 18-24 months to just three months. The “refugee mill” can now go through thousands of applications every month.

The Center for Immigration Studiespublished concerns raised by the comments of Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary of the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, when he certified that 12,000 applicants were interviewed in February, March, and April. He wrote:

So the fact that 225 Syrian refugees were admitted into the United States in a new single-day record for Syrian refugee approvals is beside the point. What is of importance here is that 12,000 were interviewed in such a short time driven by the urgency to meet the September deadline.

Henshaw made these statements during a meeting on the “Refugee Crisis in the Middle East,” organized by the Center for Migration Studies (CMS) in May.

Obama promised and the U.S. Congress has acquiesced to 10,000 Syrians being admitted by September 30 when the fiscal year ends. In September 2015, President Obama directedthe U.S. government to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country. Now, according tothe regional refugee coordinator at the U.S. Embassy in Anman in April, “The 10,000 [number] is a floor and not a ceiling, and it is possible to increase the number.”

A video excerpt from an October 2015 House Homeland Security Committee hearing reveals exactly why U.S. and state leaders have called for “a screeching halt” to Syrian resettlement in the country, as reported by Breitbart Texas.

Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) asked federal security and crime directors whether terrorists would use federal programs to gain access to this country in order to commit terrorist acts. The Director of the National Counterterrorism Center answered, “We have certainly seen terrorist groups talk about, think about, exactly what you are describing, Mr. Smith. Trying to use available programs to get people not only into the United States, but into western European countries as well. So we know that they aspire to do that.”

Rep. Smith asked about the vetting process and noted that terrorist organizations would most likely have individuals come into the country who have not yet committed a crime or had “a public background,” or committed a terrorist act. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson answered the vetting question by saying that every alleged refugee is interviewed, and that they complete an application. Smith responded saying that you are then essentially relying upon the refugee who is filling out the application, and “you can’t go beyond that, so you are sorta having to take their word for it.”

At the time Smith added, “As I say, both the profile and the motive of terrorist organizations, and your admission that there is some risk involved, to me would persuade the administration to go slow, rather than fast, when it comes to admitting individuals who might do us harm.” Smith noted that both FBI Director James B. Comey and Homeland Security Secretary Johnson admitted they do not currently have the ability to properly screen and conduct sufficient background checks on these refugees.

Besides the risk of terrorist attacks in the U.S., there is also a huge financial cost to the U.S.

Senator Jeff Sessions for one, has chastised U.S. representatives for their response to President Obama’s refugee plan. As reported by Breitbart News, admitting 10,000 refugees into the United States “presents a net lifetime cost to taxpayers of $6.5 billion, meaning that under the current plan to admit 85,000 refugees this fiscal year, taxpayers will be on the hook for $55 billion,” he said.

Moreover, Americans would be wise to take heed of what has happened to citizens in Europe. Europeans have suffered intense economic, social, and criminal consequences (theft, murder, rape, and other violence), for the refugee policies and the invasion of these migrants in European countries.

Germany alone has been flooded with more than 1.1 million migrants in 2015, as reportedby Breitbart London. It also reported  that a famous German social worker broke his silence on sexual abuse and theft committed by migrants in Germany, and said that what happened in Cologne on New Year’s Eve is happening in German towns every day.

Migrants burned down an asylum centre just a few days ago in Dusseldorf, Germany. They were reported to be upset because they allegedly did not receive a wake-up call in time for their Ramadan breakfast. They have also protested by smearing blood, vomit and feces all over the wall of asylum homes. Migrants screamed “Allah hu Akbar” and tried to break down a border fence in Greece, reported Breitbart London in April.

An anti-migrant video went viral across Europe in November. Drone footage showed the crisis created by these migrant men, dubbed by those fearful of their intentions, as a “Trojan Horse” of fighting men infiltrating the countries. It was reported that “Only a fraction of them are Syrian, as they enter unfiltered, without any documents and without any legitimate right to claim asylum. Women and children are rarely seen, except in the cherry-picked sob stories of the media.”

As Breitbart Londonreported at the time, a tearful woman told a news crew: “We are in danger, every day, every minute. We need someone to protect us. They come into our houses. I want to go to work, but I can’t. Our children want to go to school, but they can’t. They have stolen our lives!”

Even the Dalai Lama has warned that there are too many migrants pouring into Europe. He said the solution to problems is the repatriation of migrants, reported Raheem Kassam, Editor in Chief of Breitbart London.

The left-of-center media in Europe and in the United States have gone overboard to down-play and editorialize about the crime caused by migrants in Europe, including in Cologne, Germany’s, mass migrant rape on New Year’s Eve, as exposed by Breitbart London.

The Paris terrorist attack mastermind posed as a Syrian refugee to enter Europe. After the attacks in November, Breitbart London reported that at least two of the attackers were thought to have “slipped in among the hundreds of thousands of migrants making their way across the continent, prompting a senior French security official to comment that Europe’s borders are ‘like a sieve.’”

Five of the wealthiest Muslim countries have refused to take even a single Syrian because of the risk of terrorism, reported Breitbart London in September 2015.

In mid-May, Breitbart London reported  that the Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva admitted that most of the migrants from Syria are not fleeing persecution or war.

Lana Shadwick is a writer and legal analyst for Breitbart Texas. She has served as a prosecutor and associate judge in Texas. Follow her on Twitter @LanaShadwick2.


Obama Administration Surge Agenda Threatening U.S. With 100 Syrian Refugees Per Day


Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Trump, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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