
There Has Never Been a Movie Like Amerigeddon: Amerika’s Future Foretold In One Movie

May 8, 2016 by Dave Hodges

It is as thrilling and informative as it is terrifying. No movie has captured the essence of the dangers which presently confront the American people with the clarity and detail that Amerigeddon brings to movie audiences.

— Dave Hodges // The Common Sense Show

There has never been another movie like it. The accurate portrayal of the threats to America are so stunningly detailed and accurate that even the most aware of current events will be shocked as to the totality of the revelations.

The Plot of the Movie “Amerigeddon”

The backdrop of the movie is situated among an increasingly angry citizenry at home, while America is being turned into a corporation, a corporation primed for a hostile takeover.

The antagonist in the movie is the United Nations, from which the movie makes clear is in charge of the take down and final take over the both the United States government and the American people. Many scenes in the movie are surreal as the viewer will witness realistic scenes involving forcible gun confiscation being conducted by American soldiers under United Nations control. This reviewer was stunned about how many threats to America, were actually revealed to the movie audience in such a short amount of time. Visit the Amerigeddon website for more details on the plot and related stories connected to the release of this movie.  Here is the official trailer to the movie.

Notable Contributors

The movie has no shortage of creative and active talent behind it.

The co-Director is Mike Norris, son of the legendary actor, Chuck Norris.

Gary Haevin, the CEO of Jenny Craig, Founder Curves, is the Executive Director.

The movie, Amerigeddon is co-written by Norris and Haevin.

Actor Marshall Teague, whose credits include Babylon 5, Road House, The Rock.

Actress, Diane Ladd, a four-time Oscar nominee, who has starred in Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, Wild At Heart Rambling Rose, Joy.

Actor, Director, Producer, Mike Norris who starred in Walker, Texas Ranger

Actress Dina Meyer who appeared in Starship Trooper and Saw

Actress Annalynn McCord starred in Nip/Tuck, 90201

Actor Spencer Neville who starred in Days of Our Lives

And finally, India Eisley who appeared in The Secret Life of the American Teenager

Both thee realism and special effects are on a par with the expectations associated with any other major movie release.

The movie debuts in selected theaters around the country on May 13. There is an extended set of release dates that will also occur in June. Find a theater near you.

Dave Hodges and The Common Sense highly recommends Amerigeddon.

Bonus Coverage

On May 1, I interviewed Gary Haevin about his motivation behind the making the movie and what he was trying to accomplish. This is a very insightful interview in which the listener will see how very much awake are the creators and staff of the movie.

Original here


London’s New Muslim Mayor Planned Cathedral Swearing In Ceremony In Break With City Hall Tradition

8 May 2016 by Raheem Kassam

London’s new mayor Sadiq Khan personally chose Southwark Cathedral as a venue for his swearing in ceremony on Saturday, claiming that he wanted to be “surrounded by Londoners of all backgrounds”.

The mayor – who has been dogged by claims that he is an Islamist sympathiser – took to the 1000-year-old Christian venue yesterday to declare: “We are here in Southwark Cathedral because I want to start this mayoralty as I intend to go on.

“I am determined to lead the most transparent, engaged and accessible administration that London has ever seen – and to represent every single community and every single part of our city – as Mayor for all Londoners.

“So I wanted to do this signing-in ceremony here, in the heart of London, surrounded by Londoners of all backgrounds.”

But the choice of location is strange to say the least, especially considering the ceremony – supposedly a secular one – is usually held at City Hall.

A member of the London Mayor’s press team told Breitbart London that the venue was chosen by Mr. Khan and his team, and was never the default venue for the event.

They said that had Mr. Goldsmith won, the process would have taken place at wherever his team chose – likely City Hall.

And the guest list – which included actor Sir Ian McKellen, and the mother of a murdered black teenager, Baroness Lawrence – was also handpicked by Mr. Khan and his team.

The use of Southwark Cathedral has prompted anger and confusion from both those convinced that Mr. Khan is an Islamist himself, and from those who wish to keep religion out of politics.

Mr. Khan was joined at the ceremony by his wife and other, hijab-clad, female family members.

He was joined on stage by representatives of Britain’s Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities.

The Dean of Southwark, the Very Revd Andrew Nunn, said he had been “delighted” to receive a phone call asking whether the Cathedral could host the event.


London’s Iconic Red Buses To Declare ‘Glory To Allah’

8 May 2016 by Raheem Kassam and Oliver Lane

Britain’s largest Islamic charity says it wants to “break down barriers” and portray Islam positively by launching a new advertising campaign which will slap the phrase “glory to Allah” on the side of London buses.

The new campaign by Islamic Relief is, ostensibly, targeted at raising donations for their Ramadan aid to Syria, but is attracting attention for the “hundreds” of buses which will be decorated with the phrase “Subhan’Allah”, or ‘Glory to Allah’.

Muslims reading the advert are told that to “gather the rewards of Ramadan”, they must to donate to Islamic Relief, and organisation which had its accounts with banking giant HSBC closed due to “concerns that cash for aid could end up with terrorist groups abroad”.

Public transport has been chosen for the Islamic re-branding in London, Manchester, Leicester, Birmingham, and Bradford – all UK locations with high and growing Muslim populations, reports the Sunday Times.

That the announcement of the new campaign came the day after London crowned its first Muslim leader, Mayor Sadiq Khan. Islamic Relief called it a “nice irony” that the two events coincided.

Imran Madden, a British convert to Islam and director of Islamic Relief’s United Kingdom Branch said: “There is a lot of negativity around Muslims at the moment involving things such as counterterrorism issues.

“We want to change for the better the perception of Islam. The bus campaign is about breaking down barriers and challenging misconceptions”.

Mr. Madden, a former geography teacher, said he hoped the posters would help start a “conversation” in Britain but made no reference to the evidently supremacist nature of the phrase “Glory to Allah” – often mistranslated as “Glory to God” by Western media outlets, in the same tradition as “Allah hu Akbar”, which rather than meaning “God is Great” actually means “[Our] God (Allah) is greater [than yours]”.

And while the Times omits the background of Islamic Relief in their reporting, they do admit the posters may “raise eyebrows” among Christians in Britain.

A major 2008 controversy was the purchasing tens of thousands of pounds worth of advertising space on the sides of London buses to promote the message “there is probably no God”.

Rejecting the message, the Russian Orthodox Church booked bus adverts in London in response, declaring “There IS a God, BELIEVE. Don’t worry and enjoy your life”, reportedthe Guardian at the time.

Other Christian groups have fared less well with London buses. Then-mayor Boris Johnson stepped in to ban a message by a Christian group in response to a pro-gay advertising campaign. After Stonewall told Londoners “Some People are gay. Get Over It!” Core Issues Trust, a group which promotes the curing of homosexuals sought to write on the side of buses: “Not gay, ex-gay, post-gay and Proud. Get over it”.

The decision was challenged, but not ultimately found to be unlawful, although Mr. Johnson was accused of having made the move to win over gay voters to the Conservatives.

Breitbart Londonreported in November on a snubbed campaign launched by the Church of England, which featured the Lord’s Prayer. England’s state church had sought to screen the 60-second slot, which featured  a farmer, a weightlifter, gospel singers, children, and the Archbishop of Canterbury praying before the new Star Wars film but were banned by cinemas.

Although it was passed for publication by the British Board of Film Classification and the Cinema Advertising Authority, it was blocked by the Digital Cinema Media (DCM) agency which controls advertising for Britain’s biggest cinema chains including Odeon, Vue and Cineworld. The company claimed they didn’t want to offend non-Christians.

The Church of England called the decision “chilling in terms of free speech”.


Breitbart News Sunday: Nehlen at the Border; Allah Comes to London



May 8, 2016  By Daniel Greenfield

Give it a few years and the police will be telling women attacked by Muslims to wear hijabs and then burqas. This is how Islamic law happened originally. It’s happening all over again in countries being invaded by Islam.

The incident happened when the young woman, identified only by her first name Sabina, who lives in the capital Vienna had been waiting for a train on the S6 line at the city’s main Westbahnhof station.

The 20-year-old, who was hospitalised after the attack by four men in which she was beaten and robbed, told Heute newspaper: “I felt so helpless.”

“I had been standing on the platform waiting for the train when a man came up to me and spoke to me in a foreign language. He then started putting his hands through my hair and made it clear that in his cultural background there were hardly any blonde women. I told him to go away, and for a short while he really did go away.”

“But it was only to get his pals and a bit later he came back with three others. They stole my handbag and my cards.”

And if that was not enough, she said that the four had then attacked her, bashing her to the ground in a rage before running off.

She said that from what they had said she understood they were from Afghanistan and that as she lay on the floor in agony nobody on the platform had helped.

After being treated at hospital for bruising to her head, shoulder and elbow as well as her spine and hips, she went to police.

And her distress had turned to anger when police had told her that she should change her hair colour and should not have been travelling alone after 8pm on public transport.

And yes, with mass Muslim migration, this is the new normal.

She said: “The police told me that attacks are now a daily routine. And it’s going to get worse.”

But can you blame Muslims when they constantly face Islamophobic outrages such as this?

One of the three teenage asylum seekers accused of the brutal rape of a young student has been floored in jail after attacking a female warden who was a martial arts expert.

The 16-year-old asylum seeker had attacked the female prison warden but chose the wrong target because she was an experienced martial arts expert and swiftly put the aggressive young man out of action.

He was then carried back to his cell by her colleagues.

The teenager is one of three who accused of the brutal sex attack in a public toilet in Vienna’s Praterstern station.

The trio were arrested after they had followed a 21-year-old student into the women’s toilets, and then used a coin to open the door lock while she was inside. They are accused of then pinning her down and raping her.

Thankfully, our government has made sure that 9/11 terrorists have no contact with female guards because that would violate their racist, sexist religion of peace.




‘NO MUSLIMS ON GERMAN SOIL’ Thousands of right-wing extremists rally outside Berlin train station against city’s influx of refugees.

Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, Ebola, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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