
NY Commemorates Patriots Day With Trump Leading The Charge!

April 20, 2016 by Ann Coulter

So that you won’t be fooled by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow claiming Second Amendment supporters were celebrating the Oklahoma City bombing this week — as she has on April 19 in years past — Tuesday was the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, a date all Americans used to know.

This year, New Yorkers celebrated by voting to keep the country that was christened in blood at Lexington and Concord.

Until Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem, most Americans knew as little about Paul Revere’s ride as Rachel Maddow does today.

Listen my children and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;

Hardly a man is now alive

Who remembers that famous day and year.

Suspecting that the British would soon be mobilizing to crush the brewing rebellion, American patriots had been watching and waiting. When rebel leader Dr. Joseph Warren received a secret message that the British were planning to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock in Lexington that night, he immediately alerted Paul Revere and two others in their clandestine group.

By pre-arrangement, each rider took a different route to Lexington. If any two were captured by the British, the message would still be delivered. The fate of a nation was riding that night.

The most famous of the three — except to Rachel Maddow — was Paul Revere, who later wrote a detailed account of his momentous ride.

Revere had instructed the sexton of a Boston church to climb to the top of the steeple — unobserved by the church’s Loyalist minister — and signal the patriots of Charlestown with lanterns to indicate which route the British were taking: One if by land, and two if by sea. (Please tell me most American schoolchildren still know that line.)

Revere crossed the Charles River, sneaking past a British warship, to the Charlestown patriots waiting for him. For such an important mission, they had chosen a surefooted horse named Brown Beauty. Revere saddled Brown Beauty and took off for Lexington, alerting rebel leaders — and evading British patrols — along the way.

As planned, these town leaders spread the message to the local militias, a communication network that proceeded with “astonishing speed,” in the words of historian David Hackett Fischer, author of the book, Paul Revere’s Ride.

At around midnight, when Revere arrived at the Lexington home where Hancock and Adams were in hiding, the guard chastised Revere, telling him to stop making so much noise. “Noise?” Revere replied. “You’ll have noise enough before long! The Regulars are coming!”

The second rider, William Dawes, arrived soon thereafter, and the third man, lost to history, never made it.

Wondering why the British were mobilizing so many troops for a simple arrest, the men realized that the British were planning to seize the rebels’ artillery, stored in Concord.

So Revere and Dawes headed to Concord, again setting off the alarm throughout the countryside. On their way, they met a young, wealthy doctor, Samuel Prescott, who was returning from a late evening with his fiancee. Prescott, a “High Son of Liberty,” offered to ride with them since he knew the terrain and knew the people.

Halfway to Concord, they were captured by the British, but Dr. Prescott managed to escape and ride on, alerting the towns all around Concord. In the wee hours of the morning, he stopped at his home in Concord to wake his father and brother, also doctors, whereupon his brother, Abel, saddled up and took the warning south.

The Battle of Lexington at sunrise next morning, April 19, would not have given Americans much hope. British troops made short work of the disorganized and massively outnumbered militiamen.

But Concord was a different story. This was the shot heard “round the world.”

By the time the British reached Concord, militias from dozens of towns had received the call and were ready for battle. The town’s minister, William Emerson — grandfather of Ralph Waldo Emerson — urged on the rebels, slapping one terrified young solider on the back and saying, “Stand your ground, Harry! Your cause is just and God will bless you!”

Although still outnumbered, the Americans hit the British so hard, they retreated all the way back to Boston, with the militias bird-dogging them the whole way.

Having seen the Americans fight, the leader of the British forces, Lord Hugh Percy, who had taken a dim view of the Colonists until then, concluded, “[w]hoever looks upon them as an irregular mob, will find himself very much mistaken.”

Hancock and Adams were safe, the rebels’ ordnance secure, and the war that gave birth to the greatest country in human history had begun.

But today, the comfortable inheritors of that country would rather allow it to become a dumping ground for the Third World than risk being called “racist.”

In all, about 50 Americans were killed in the Battle of Concord. By population, that’s the equivalent of more than 6,000 Americans dying in a single military action today.

But today, Republican political consultants would rather throw away the country those brave patriots died for, than risk their cozy salaries, jobs and status.

Following the Battle of Concord, Dr. Prescott left his fiancee, his family and his wealth to fight for the revolution. A few years into the war, his ship was captured by the British. No one ever heard from him again. His fiancee waited for him for eight years, until finally, a returning soldier reported that Prescott had died in a Nova Scotia prison. His fiancee married, then died young.

But today, most pundits would rather promote open borders and watch our country disappear than lose their TV gigs.

Dr. Prescott’s brother, Abel, was badly injured by the British at the Battle of Concord. He died from his wounds a few months later — nearly a year before the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

But today, rich ranchers and farmers would rather see the country Abel died for overwhelmed with foreign cultures than give up their cheap foreign labor.

So far, seven of the 13 Colonies have spoken: Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia — and, on the anniversary of Lexington and Concord, New York. All seven held elections, not party-rigged conferences or caucuses. All of them have gone for Trump. It looks like the 13 Colonies are trying to save America, once again.

Original here

Fox News States That Trump Should Be the GOP Nominee

April 21, 2016 by Dave Hodges

It is clear that the Fox News “B Team” is throwing their support behind Donald Trump.

A funny thing happened on the way to writing this morning’s article, a monumental shift in Fox News coverage has occurred with regard to their treatment of Trump and his campaign.

As I was watching Fox News’ recap of the New York Republican Primary, I had the most stunned response to a Fox News piece that I have ever experienced.  As Trump enjoyed a major primary victory in which he garnered 60% of the vote, Sean Hannity interviewed former New York mayor, Rudolph Giuliani in what I will refer to as the set up piece.


“The GOP Primary should be over and Donald is the winner:”

The former mayor declared that the Republican primary should be over and that Donald Trump should be the clear winner. I checked my channel guide to determine if I was really watching the “master’s propaganda spin at Fox?” Giuliani went on a 10 minute tirade talking about how the future of the GOP was at risk. He felt that the people had spoken and he cited an exit poll in which 70% of voters believed that the candidate with the most votes should be the nominee..

I checked the calendar, this was not an April Fools joke as April 1st had come and gone. But wait minute, isn’t this the same Fox News that hosted a President debate in which it was Kasich, Rubio, and Lyin’ Ted, plus the top three Fox News personalities of Megyn Kelly, Chris Wallace and Bret Baier vs Donald Trump, in which the debate moderators were in league with Trump’s opponents against him. The debate was a sham and Fox was exposed for the spin doctors that are truly are.

In the Fox Debate of two months ago, there were three forbidden topics where were never asked about and they were:

The million American jobs lost to the so-called free-trade agreements.

The American jobs lost to illegal immigration.

The overrunning of America by unscreened refugees with unknown intentions.

The Fox News Revolution

Two months ago, this was the top rated Fox News “A-Team” and they cam to the GOP debate to bury Donald Trump in the most disgusting pretense for a debate ever witnessed in the history of American politics.

On April 19th, Fox News brought in the B-Team, Hannity and Ingraham, to do damage control. As the American people rebelled against Fox, they felt the pinch in the pocket book. The B-Team reflected the belief that discretion was the better part of valor.

Why would Fox News bring in the B-Team and ignore the A-Team following the New York Primary? Simple, the answer is as old mankind itself, greed. Fox News and the “big three” have been taking a beating in the ratings. Trump supporters, having grown by the millions, have jumped off the Fox News ship as they saw the blatant propaganda for what it really was.

Not since the 1980 GOP contest between Pappy Bush, who was accused on national television, by Ronald Reagan, that Bush was in the elitist Trilateral Commission, have I been as stunned as I was until last night.  With the overt agreement of Hannity, Ingraham proceeded to make the following comments:

“I am not offering my opinion, this is a critical analysis. If it were anyone but Donald Trump. they GOP leadership would be holding a coronation and declaring Trump the winner.

The establishment behind the GOP, should at least be willing to meet the “people” half-way and acknowledge that will make changes in our policies with regard to free trade agreements, executive decree driven immigration policies and limiting the hordes of refugees streaming into our country (ed note-formerly forbidden topics).

The GOP leadership does not think they are accountable to the people. And when the Republican Party stops representing the membership, there is no Republican Party. (Hannity added the party is self-destructing). I am shocked at Mitch McConnell as he said he is looking forward to a second ballot. This flies in the face with regard to the will of the people.

The Republican voters are feeling disenfranchised and this will destroy the GOP….”

The Fox News Flip Flop

With A-Team ratings, of Wallace, Baier and Kelly, lying in ruins, the B-Team of Hannity and Ingraham was brought into clean up the mess.  Although Fox will likely continue with a toned-down mantra against Trump, but clearly Fox felt compelled to at least acknowledge the silent majority.

This is reminiscent of when Doug Hagmann and I criticized GOP spokesperson, Curly Haugland when he said that the people don’t choose the candidate, the GOP leadership does. Within six hours, Darlene Haugland, wife of Curly, wrote a three page, well-crafted email to myself stating that the people have never chosen the candidate and that her husband and the other GOP leadership (Achtung!), were just following orders.

What Lessons Can Be Learned About the Fox News Flip-Flop?

When America, as a collective mentality, recognized that propaganda, not news, was Fox’s main mission, they withdrew their patronage. Less than two months after the sham of a GOP debate held on Fox which targeted Trump, Fox news personnel are now calling for the GOP to declare Trump to be the winner.

The collective will and collective action of the people still matters. If we Americans collectively decided to stop flying because of the sexual molestation perpetrated upon the American people by the TSA, the policy would change.

If Americans began to store their money in their home safes, the banks would become more customer friendly.

If American would vote out every incumbent in November, the next group of politicians would have to at least pretend to listen to the people.

If Donald Trump and his legions of followers were to leave the Republican Party today, as I recommend they do, and run as a third party, the GOP will collapse. We have failed to recognize our collective power. We may not be able to stem the tide of the New World Order, but we can sure make it difficult for them to continue to implement their Satanic agenda.

You may be wondering what I was going to write about today before becoming distracted by the Fox News Flip-Flop? I have come across new information which strengthens my belief that GOP convention is in grave danger of experiencing a false-flag attack and this will be the topic of tomorrow’s story.

Original here

Exclusive: Woman Mugged By Cruz Operatives Speaks Out

Apr 20, 2016

Alex Jones talks to Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle Forum about the dirty tricks used by the Cruz campaign against the organization after Schlafly backed Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Releases Video: An EMERGENCY Warning To The American People

Apr 21, 2016

Reciting lyrics from the 1968 song “The Snake” by Al Wilson, based off Aesop’s fable of The Farmer and the Viper, the business mogul explains how Europe is being slowly overtaken by radical jihadists.





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