Colorado Republicans Passed Around “Resolution to Deny Trump Delegates” Back on March 22
RNC member STUNNING prediction about Trump winning the nomination
April 13, 2016 by Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief
So this will be music to some folks’ ears and a disaster to others, but this morning Republican National Committee member Randy Evans made a stunning prediction about Donald Trump’s chance to win the Republican nomination if he falls short of the required 1,237 delegates.
The Washington Examiner reports Republican National Committee member Randy Evans said Wednesday that Donald Trump would likely be able to secure the Republican nomination if he captures anything more than 1,100 delegates, short of the 1,237 delegates needed for a simple majority.
“If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237,” Evans said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
RNC Rules Cmte. Member Randy Evans: If @realDonaldTrump exceeds 1100 votes, he will become the nominee
— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) April 13, 2016
Evans’ comment is good news for Trump if it’s a sentiment shared by other RNC members, since Trump is at risk of falling short of a majority of delegates by the time of the convention in July. But Evans also warned that if Trump slips much more, the nomination would likely fall to someone else.
“If he gets less than 1,000 delegates, then I think we’re looking at a contested convention that could go on for many, many days,” Evans said.
“And then in the middle, there’s that grey area between 1,000 and 1,100, and that’s where the unbound delegates or the delegates that have been released by other candidates come into play to see if there are enough of those to get either Cruz or Trump over the finish line,” he added.
If the convention goes beyond two votes, it will turn into one heckuva fight. As we’ve reported here, RNC chair Reince Priebus – and even yesterday, Paul Ryan – have been reluctant to rule out anyone other than Cruz or Trump for the nomination. Priebus told Sean Hannity he thought it would be “one of the three currently running” and Paul Ryan went one step further, saying it should be someone who participated in the primary process – which in effect could be Chris Christie or Marco Rubio or Rick Santorum even?
But if Trump continues his momentum and wins New York “big league” (as predicted) he may well pull this off.
Colorado Republicans Passed Around “Resolution to Deny Trump Delegates” Back on March 22
April 12, 2016 by Jim Hoft
On Saturday Ted Cruz supporters took all 13 of the delegates up for grabs at the Colorado GOP Convention to complete a clean sweep of the state.
But it was not without controversy.
There never was a vote – Party elites decided on who got the delegates.
The anti-Trump politicians were passing around a “Resolution to Forbid Colorado Delegates from Voting for Trump” for weeks before the convention.
After Cruz swept the Colorado delegates the Colorado Republican Party tweeted this out:
Robert Zubrin from Colorado Republicans for Liberty wrote about the anti-Trump resolution at American Thinker back on March 22, 2016:
In the caucuses March 1, I was elected an alternate delegate to the Colorado State GOP convention, which on April 9 will select and instruct our delegates to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this summer.
Accordingly, I have drawn up a resolution that is now being circulated that will forbid Colorado delegates to the national convention from voting for Donald Trump for president or vice president on any ballot. Such a resolution is necessary, because Trump has publicly stated that his methods of operation include buying or renting the services of politicians for cash.
As the text of the resolution provides a succinct and forceful summary of the reasons why Donald Trump is unacceptable as a Republican candidate for president, I thought I would share it with the readers of American Thinker. Here it is:
Resolution to Forbid Colorado Delegates from Voting for Donald Trump
Whereas Donald Trump is not a Republican; and
Whereas Donald Trump is a demagogue who is using fear, hate, and lies to assemble a mob in support of an agenda of socialist policy, unlimited government, and strongman rule; and
Whereas Donald Trump would destroy the Western alliance which is the basis of American security; and
Whereas Donald Trump would destroy the system of international trade which is the basis of American prosperity; and
Whereas Donald Trump would destroy the freedom of the press that is the basis of American liberty; and
Whereas Donald Trump would destroy the rule of law which is the basis of American civil society; and
Whereas Donald Trump has mocked those who risked their lives to fight for America when he avoided doing so; and
Whereas Donald Trump has acted as an apologist for America’s enemy Vladimir Putin and other brutal anti-American foreign tyrants; and
Whereas Donald Trump has set himself forth as an open exponent of lust, greed, and other vices antithetical to Judeo-Christian ethics and the moral fiber necessary to sustain a republic; and
Whereas Donald Trump has demonstrated that he has no respect for the truth, and
Whereas Donald Trump has defrauded thousands of ordinary Americans of their life savings; and
Whereas Donald Trump has, in the course of the present campaign, committed acts potential prosecutable as incitement to riot, a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison; and
Whereas Donald Trump has knowingly acted to degrade the Republican presidential nominating process to a vile level that can only serve to drive people of talent and integrity out of the party and assist in the election of the party’s opponents; and
Whereas the nomination of Donald Trump for president would insure a landslide defeat for the Republican Party nationwide in the fall, and deeply damage the Republican Party and the conservative movement for years, and possibly decades to come; and
Whereas a vote for Donald Trump by any member of the Colorado delegation to the Republican National Convention would dishonor and disgrace the Colorado Republican Party;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The Colorado Republican Party forbids any of its delegates to the Republican National Convention to vote for Donald Trump for president or vice president on the first ballot or any other ballot, and
The Colorado Republican Party asks its delegates to national convention to pledge on their honor to do everything in their power to help secure the presidential nomination for someone other than Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has threatened the Republican Party with mob violence. Let’s tell him where to go!
Colorado Republicans for Liberty
The anti-Trump officials handed out this same resolution at the state convention on Saturday.
Here’s the resolution passed around at the convention that instructed Colorado Republicans to not vote for Trump.
— Gayle Hall05 (@GayleHall05) April 10, 2016
The resolution was created by Colorado Republicans for Liberty – a Cruz offshoot group.
Original here
CNN’s Trump Family Town Hall (Video)…
April 13, 2016 by sundance
Candidate Donald Trump appeared together with his family for a CNN Town Hall event on Tuesday 4/12/16. Here’s the full video of the interview and audience questions:
Original here
Andrea Tantaros: Trump’s kids aren’t in jail and don’t do drugs, ‘you’ve got to give him that’
Maryland Poll – Donald Trump Positioned For Clean Sweep…
April 13, 2016 by sundance
The latest Maryland Poll (full pdf below) shows candidate Donald Trump leading in all congressional districts and well positioned for a clean sweep of the state’s 38 republican delegates. Maryland Primary April 26th.
Donald Trump with 47% support, Governor John Kasich 27%, and the polarizing Senator Ted Cruz rejected by 81% of Maryland voters holding a mere 19% support.
(Via Politico) […] Trump leads in all congressional districts, though by larger margins in the two eastern districts bordering the Chesapeake Bay, where he leads Kasich 54 percent to 24 percent and just 11 percent for Cruz, and in two western districts, where he holds a 44 percent to 25 percent advantage over the Ohio governor and 23 percent for Cruz. In the remaining districts along the Baltimore-Washington corridor, Trump’s lead is smaller, with 43 percent to Kasich’s 31 percent and Cruz’s 20 percent.
Comments from Maryland’s Republican Gov. Larry Hogan that he would not like to see Trump as the party’s nominee also appear to have held little sway among respondents. Just 53 percent said they had heard of those remarks, and of those who had heard, 83 percent said it would have no impact on whom they would support in the primary. (more)
West Long Branch, NJ – Donald Trump’s sizable lead in Maryland’s GOP primary puts him on track to claim all 38 delegates available.
The Monmouth University Poll finds that concerns about Trump’s suitability for office expressed by the state’s Republican governor hold little sway with voters there. Currently, 47% of likely Republican primary voters in Maryland support Trump compared to 27% who support John Kasich and 19% who intend to vote for Ted Cruz.
Trump’s strongest area of support is in congressional districts 1 and 5, the eastern part of the state bordering the Chesapeake Bay, where he earns 54% support to 24% for Kasich and 11% for Cruz.
Trump also does well in districts 6 and 8, which encompass the western part of the state, with 44% of the vote to 25% for Kasich and 23% for Cruz. Trump leads by a smaller margin in the state’s remaining four congressional districts that run along the I-95 corridor from Baltimore to the DC suburbs, getting 43% of the vote there to 31% for Kasich and 20% for Cruz.
“If Trump’s current level of support translates to each of Maryland’s eight congressional districts, he may be able to run the table in the all-important delegate contest,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.
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Maryland Poll – Donald Trump Positioned For Clean Sweep…
Donald Trump Supporters Have Good Reason to Be Mad
13 Apr 2016 by PETER MORICI
Men supporting Donald Trump have reason to be mad as hell. The economy has turned against them, and policies advocated by Democrats and tolerated by mainstream Republicans make their circumstances worse.
Trump does best with voters having less education, and the shift away from manufacturing toward service activities decidedly disadvantages them.
At the turn of the century, factories employed more workers than education and health care combined or professional and business services. Nowadays the latter two groups of industries both employ millions more Americans than those making things.
While many positions in education, health care and professional and business services pay well, those often require a college or advanced degree or expensive specialized training beyond high school, and nowadays girls do better in school than boys. And while the grimy environment of many factories was appealing to men, a lot of jobs in the aforementioned sectors are as attractive or even more appealing to women.
Hence it is no surprise that the fortunes of women have been improving—the feminist revolution and rise in female labor force participation notwithstanding—and the nation now confronts a crisis of despondent men.
Nearly 7 million men, between the ages of 25 and 54, are neither employed nor looking for work.
Manufacturing has been a victim of its own success—productivity growth in manufacturing has outstripped other sectors of the economy creating a natural migration of job opportunities from factories to service—but international and domestic policies pursued by presidents dating back to Kennedy have exacerbated the plight of men without a college degree.
Free trade agreements have been advertised as jobs creators, but the facts simply belie that claim. Whereas exports create jobs, imports destroy even more of them. The United States has a trade deficit on goods and services combined exceeding $500 billion. That kills 4 million jobs directly and at least another 2 million including from lost spending of workers initially displaced.
Manufacturing accounts for the lion’s share of the trade gap—especially goods from China and elsewhere in Asia that are often subsidized by national governments and benefit from artificially undervalued currencies. Presidents Bush and Obama have talked about fixing those practices, but the trade agreements they bring home make matters worse.
The South Korea Free Trade Agreement implemented on Obama’s watch has increased the trade deficit by more than $15 billion dollars and killed about 120,000 jobs—mostly in manufacturing.
Similarly, Washington has largely left assisting manufacturing to the states, which have fewer resources, while it has ramped up subsidies and shifted job opportunities to education and health care.
While Obama and Hillary Clinton indignantly campaign about a gender gap in pay—a phenomenon criticized as a statistical fraud—more boys are dropping out of high school than girls, and colleges grant about 60 percent of their degrees to women.
We never hear a word from Democrats about fixing the gender gap in education. Instead, they champion programs that would push males out of service jobs where they do well—such as computer coding—and stand by idly while liberal high-tech executives engineer programs to retrain unemployed women that are closed to men.
Mainstream Republicans, while leaning against activist Democratic prescriptions to intervene directly in the jobs market and wage setting, have said little about this discrimination or the crisis facing men.
No surprise, Trump rails against political correctness and barks misogynic slurs, but to men without a college education and the women whose fortunes are linked to them, Hillary Clinton’s endless chanting about gender are like a red flag to a bull. The complicity on trade and gender issues by Republican governors is the likely reason why they did so poorly as a group in the primaries.
To Trump supporters, Hillary or Kasich in 2016? Only if you hate your son!
Peter Morici is an economist and business professor at the University of Maryland, and a national columnist. He tweets @pmorici1
LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Pittsburgh, PA (4-13-16)
EXCLUSIVE: TRUMP DELEGATES SHOULD SIGN A LOYALTY PLEDGE SAYS ROGER STONE Voluntary pledge could hold delegates accountable and prevent a steal
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