
-The War Against Trump–London, NYC, Arizona, AIPAC
-The Ten Ideologies of America: As Donald Trump Overthrows the Old Order, a Look at the New

Does God Have His Hand On the Trump Miracle?

March 19, 2016 by Dave Hodges

We are witnessing a seeming miracle in America with the rise of Donald Trump’s movement which is exposing the extreme exploitation of the middle class and the ongoing attempt to make America go extinct.

On the way to America’s Armageddon, someone through a monkey wrench into the political fracas and America started paying attention, in big, very big numbers. And that monkey wrench is named Donald Trump. The Trump phenomenon is beginning to spread across the planet. Did you see that 3.5 million protesters are taking to the streets in Brazil?

The Rising Consciousness of the Oppressed Is No Surprise to Social Psychologists

As I have pointed out before, it is a well-established fact that when 10% of the people take hold of an idea, the idea spreads like wildfire.

Scientists from the prestigious Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have determined that if just 10% of any given population holds to an unshakable idea, that the idea will become adopted by the majority of the country. However, the scientists who belong to the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) found that if the ideas are shared by less than 10% of the population, the idea will not progress and will eventually die out. The research was first published in a peer reviewed E Journal in an article entitled “Social consensus through the influence of committed minorities.”The finding has dramatic implications for those of us trying to wake up the sheep in this country. The SNARC scientists found that the 10% figure was applicable whether they were talking about the spread of innovations or to advance an ideal.

The Manifestations of SNARC

The poll of New York state, conducted by Boston’s Emerson College, has Trump enjoying a commanding lead. Trump’s only two remaining competitors in New York, shows that Trump is no longer a plurality but an overwhelming majority with 65% backing the beleaguered Republican candidate.  Interestingly, the poll was conducted, March 14- March 16, BEFORE Rubio dropped out. Rubio’s continued candidacy would have clearly served to dilute Trump’s majority and this serves to make Trump’s numbers even more impressive.

What is impressive about these numbers is that they following the elite’s $400 million dollars of dirt ads designed to discredit Trump. During this period, the entire leadership of the GOP has turned on Trump, yet his numbers continue to climb beyond all reason. This is due to the fact that Trump has smashed through the 10% figure and his movement, not his campaign, has taken on a life of its own as his movement is reaching tsunami proportions.

This social psychological phenomenon is negating all negative politics. The yellow journalism of Fox, the contrived riots and all the lies are a waste of time. They are only serving to increase Trump’s popularity due to all the attention that is being given to the man and his message.

Given my academic background, I understand the psychology at work, I am awestruck at the implications.

The manifestations of the elite’s frustration is made very clear in the following video.

Trump vs. the World

Even globalist, Newt Gingrich, has called Trump a “natural ally of conservatism“. All purveyors of power are lining up against Trump. Is he made of Teflon, or is this a case of divine intervention? Look at the followingtwo videos and you decide.

Three Ways to Stop Donald Trump

Conventional wisdom would suggest that there are three ways to stop Donald Trump:

Sponsor a brokered convention where the nomination is stolen from Trump.

Assassinate Trump.

Bankrupt the country and start World War III.

Either way, which ever side side prevails, there will be a very violent push back from th other side, particularly from the globalists.

A Brokered Convention Means DC Establishment Retains Control of Free Trade and Illegal Immigration

A brokered convention will be the main point of initial attack by the globalists. This is a warning that all Americans need to heed.  The American people are caught in the middle of a “winner-take-all” high stake poker game. There is no middle ground. There will be no election results which could conceivable clean up the mess of the coming election if it goes the way of the globalists who desperately want to collapse the country in order to usher in a Satanic New World Order. How can I be so sure?Over the past week, The Common Sense Show and several other Independent Media outlets are scratching their heads in amazement as we watch the GOP leadership destroy the future of their party. Fox News with the extreme brand of Megyn Kelly’s yellow journalism is destroying the credibility of not only Fox News but of NewsCorp as a whole. What exactly have these entities done with regard to committing institutional suicide?The answer is so simply and so obvious, it should not bear repeating. The overriding two issues that have caught the eye of the American voter, and newly awakened millions of American who know they they have future so long as the status quo remains in place consist of the following:

1. The one-sided free trade agreements have unemployed millions of Americans and have brought untold misery, while the elite take advantage of cheap foreign labor and the “gift” to be able to ship their foreign produced products back into the country, duty free, while underselling and bankrupting even more American businesses.

2. The continued of a cultural debasement of the United States by continuing wholesale immigration which severely suppresses wages while “stealing” millions of jobs from Americans.

There is a third issue that is beginning to rear its ugly head and that is th topic of corporate campaign donations. So long as we have corporate bribery of Congress, there will be no Republican form of democracy. Internationally, these strategies, through the implementation nation state central banks, have destroyed nations through back-breaking debt and have served to elevate the corporations above national interests. Does anyone really believe that the globalists are going to willingly give up the stranglehold that these bankster criminals have enjoyed for so long. The elite have two primary options which include to force a brokered convention while continuing to bash Trump in the media and instigate riots at Trump’s rallies.


As compelling as the social data is, there is much more at work here than the forces of man. This movement is resilient because of divine intervention. Your prayers are working America.

In my lifetime, I have never witnessed a movement, operating against such severe odds, succeed with such vigor. I am coming to the opinion that God has his hand on this movement. Why do I believe that? Because there are too many people praying for Trump for this not to be a factor, perhaps the deciding factor. In the meantime, freedom lovers have a rare opportunity. The door is open and we need to seize this opportunity. What can you do? Pray, Pray, Pray and then act.

Please take note that Steve Quayle will be my guest on The Common Sense Show which airs every Sunday evening from 8-11pm EASTERN. Steve will be on the show during the first two hours. Listeners can listen to te show by clicking on the “Listen to Dave Live” button on the top right hand margin of the website.


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Using The Constitution to Defeat Donald Trump?

March 19, 2016 by  Charles Scaliger

Included in a very long list of Things We Never Expect to See in American Politics is any scenario in which the leftist establishment Washington Post becomes a champion of the Constitution and the Founders’ original intent in framing it. Yet that is precisely what we find in a March 17 article by Pepperdine University School of Law professor Derek Muller, in which we are exhorted to restore the Electoral College system to some semblance of its original form — to prevent Donald Trump (shown on right) from becoming president.

The bipartisan political establishment, be it remembered, has been subverting the Electoral College system for decades, and in recent years, calls for its outright abolition have reached a fever pitch. In August 2013, Newsweek’s Keith Wagstaff noted with approval that Rhode Island had just signed the National Interstate Popular Vote Compact, hastening the time when a majority of electoral votes will be guaranteed by state laws to go to the winner of the popular vote in those states. The aim of this project is the end of the Electoral College system, a goal polls show most Americans support, according to Newsweek. Only one year ago, Chris Walker, writing in the aptly named Elitedaily.com, called for the abolition of the Electoral College, calling it an “archaic system” and ruing the fact that it had led to George W. Bush’s victory over Al Gore in 2000, despite the latter’s having won the popular vote tally.

What a difference a year makes. While the sentiments of the likes of Walker and Wagstaff certainly represented a growing consensus among America’s political elites, the Trump phenomenon — if the Washington Post is any indicator — is causing second thoughts.

“If they choose, state legislators can appoint presidential electors themselves this November, rather than leaving the matter of apportioning Electoral College votes by popular vote,” writes Muller, adding that “via their chosen electors, legislatures could [then] elect any presidential candidate they prefer.”

And he’s absolutely correct. According to the wording of the Constitution, the states are empowered to select the electors for the Electoral College “in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct.” In other words, how the electors are appointed and how they vote is a matter to be decided by the individual states; there is no constitutional requirement binding the electors to respect the popular will of voters in their states, either proportionally or as winner-take-all. In point of fact, there was no popular vote at all for president in the early years of the Republic, since it was widely understood that presidents were elected by electors from the separate states, who had been in turn been typically appointed by state legislatures. The Founders were justifiably leery of populism and direct democracy, which is why they reserved the election of representatives for a biennial popular vote, but provided for an Electoral College to elect the president and for state legislatures to appoint senators.

The modern drive to abolish the Electoral College began with the so-called Bayh-Celler constitutional amendment campaign during the 91st Congress in 1969-1971. Exploiting popular anger at the disparity between the comparatively close popular presidential election between Richard Nixon (43.5 percent) and Hubert Humphrey (42.9 percent), and the Electoral College margin of victory for Nixon (56 percent to 35.5 percent), Representative Emmanuel Celler and Senator Birch Bayh, both Democrats, launched a congressional initiative to amend the Constitution to provide for the election of presidents by a similar majority popular vote. The measure received the support of President Nixon, but ultimately failed to win over enough lawmakers to make any progress.

More recently, the “Every Votes Counts” proposal for a constitutional amendment was introduced by Representative Gene Green (D-Texas) in 2005 and 2009, while the aforementioned National Popular Vote Interstate Compact has so far attracted the support of 10 states and the District of Columbia (a total of 165 electoral votes).

The Electoral College has long been an impediment to would-be demagogues who rely for their appeal on heat-of-the-moment rhetoric to stampede people into supporting measures that sober reflection would reveal to be harmful to liberty and the health of the body politic. The Founders lived centuries before the appalling demagoguery of the 20th century gave rise to the likes of Hitler, Lenin, and Castro, but they had ample historical evidence from classical civilization of the dangers of allowing the mob too much power in determining political leadership. It was clever demagogues such as the Gracchi brothers, Sulla, Pompey, and Julius Caesar, who brought about the destruction of the Roman Republic — to hearty popular acclaim.

For the most part, demagoguery in modern American history has been the province of the radical Left (as embodied, for example, in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals), and hence of keen interest to the Democratic Party, where most of America’s leftists have made their home. The campaign against the Electoral College has found far more favor among Democrats than Republicans — until now.

The Washington Post’s sudden rehabilitation of the Electoral College arises not out of any genuine solicitude for our faltering constitutional system, of course. It’s driven by terror (not entirely unfounded) among the elites of both parties that populist Donald Trump could win the presidential election. Writes Muller:

Trump hasn’t won yet. But it is increasingly likely that we will reach precisely the kind of scenario that the founders worried about — divisive political discourse threatens to thrust a dangerous candidate into office who appears inclined to govern more like a monarch than a president. Opportunities remain for cooler heads to prevail in our presidential election.

Again, his characterization of the Founders’ fears is right on target. Muller correctly observes, in prose that might have emanated from the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia himself, that “some founders worried that rash decision-making by the collective body politic would be ‘radically vicious’ or ‘liable to deceptions’ if they directly elected the president, for the people would lack the ‘capacity to judge’ candidates.”

Precisely, which is why the Founders included many checks in the original Constitution, including both the Electoral College and the appointment of senators by state legislatures, to counterbalance the pernicious potential of unchecked popular passions at the ballot-box. It is sad only that it has taken the Trump campaign, whose populist fervor is matched only by the ferocity of its leader’s rhetoric and quixotic campaign promises, to rekindle enthusiasm for the Electoral College.

Muller’s article furnishes instances when state governments changed the rules regarding the selection and use of electors to suit their political ends. In 1876, for example, Colorado chose not to hold a popular election to determine electors, and allowed the legislature to do so. Muller speculates that they were motivated by fear that “the people would vote for three Democratic electors and move to end Reconstruction in a closely contested election.” In 1892, when Democrats took control of the Michigan state legislature, they changed the state’s manner of choosing electors from the winner-take-all system that had favored Republicans to a district-by-district apportionment that all but guaranteed that some of the electors would be Democrats. When this action was challenged in the Supreme Court in McPherson v. Blacker, the court ruled in favor of the Michigan lawmakers, finding that the way in which electors were chosen was exclusively to be determined by the states under the Constitution.

Following this unassailable legal logic, Muller argues that the 31 state legislatures controlled by Republicans could take back the power to appoint electors in 2016 and deny Trump the presidency no matter what happens in the popular vote. Should Trump launch a third-party run in response and no candidate (including Hillary Clinton) get the requisite 270 electoral votes to win the election outright, the power to choose the next president would devolve upon the House of Representatives, who presumably would choose Ted Cruz or some other candidate instead of Trump, while the Senate, also controlled by Republicans, would choose the vice president.

Such has happened before, although not recently. In the election of 1824, John Quincy Adams was elected president by the House of Representatives over rivals Andrew Jackson and William H. Crawford. Jackson had received more electoral votes than Adams in the general election, but was unsuccessful in persuading a majority of representatives to support his candidacy.

No election since has been decided by a House vote, but given the mounting prospects for electoral chaos (Candidate Trump has suggested his supporters might resort to rioting if denied the nomination in Cleveland), the House option is not an implausible outcome.

And it would be perfectly constitutional and not necessarily constitute a violation of the popular will, as Muller points out:

Clearly, Trump supporters and, potentially, anyone who sees this sort of procedural move as a dirty trick, would object to this as antidemocratic. But voters’ preferences would still be reflected — albeit indirectly — in the decisions made by the state legislatures, whose members are elected by the people. And the existence of the Electoral College, no matter how electors are chosen, means that the people, technically, have already been indirectly selecting their presidents.

In an electoral free-for-all, with at least 60 percent of Republicans supporting someone other than Trump and large numbers of Sanders supporters feeling stymied by the Democratic Party’s super-delegate system, the “will of the people” in this fall’s elections is far from clear. Perhaps recourse to an electoral constitutional backstop will end up deciding the issue.


Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Donald Trump Vs The GOP Establishment


Soros and Obama Activate Terror Cells For Race War

Soros and Obama Activate Terror Cells For Race War

Soros and Obama Activate Terror Cells For Race War


FULL: Donald Trump Interview at “ABC This Week” March 20, 2016: Lewandowski ‘Didn’t Touch’ Protester


Violence and Pepper Spray At Anti Donald Trump Rally


Soros and Obama Activate Terror Cells For Race War


True! Thank you to law enforcement all across the U.S! They do an amazing job and should be thanked much more often! https://t.co/UY14q5BRf3

— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) March 20, 2016

No other presidential candidate admires & respects law enforcement officers- like @realDonaldTrump. #LESM #Trump2016 pic.twitter.com/tM1wlZMztk

— Dan Scavino (@DanScavino) March 20, 2016


Arizona Police Officer: I Felt Safe with Trump Supporters, but Protesters Were Profane, Dangerous



The Ten Ideologies of America: As Donald Trump Overthrows the Old Order, a Look at the New

20 Mar 2016 by  VIRGIL

We all know that the old ideological labels, such as “conservative” and “liberal,” are worn out. Okay, so what are the new labels? What are the new ideologies?

Let’s get right to it: These, below, are the belief systems of most Americans. We will examine them in alphabetical order. But first, for reference, here’s the full list:



Green Malthusianism








Read the rest here


The War Against Trump–London, NYC, Arizona, AIPAC

20 Mar 2016

On Breitbart News Sunday host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon  will be talking about the protests against the mere “idea” of a Donald Trump candidacy — from the streets of London and New York to the rallies in Arizona — and the proposed walk-out during Trump’s American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Conference on Monday in DC.

Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief of Breitbart News, will appear on the program.

Tom Rose will discuss the key issue that overhangs this week’s AIPAC conference featuring all the presidential candidates (except for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) 16% who turned down their invitation): can AIPAC recover from its failure to defeat the Iran nuclear deal.

Other special guests include: David Webb, Breitbart California’s Joel Pollak, as well as Lee Stranahan, Dan Fleuette, and Brandon Darby who will discuss the anti-Trump rallies over the weekend.

Breitbart News Sunday broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 7PM to 10PM EST.

Follow Breitbart News on Twitter for live updates during the show. Listeners may call into the show at: 866-957-2874.




Fox’s ‘extreme sick obsession’ with The Donald









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Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, Ebola, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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