Pat Caddell: Establishment Can’t Stop Trump’s Populist Candidacy Because They Can’t Recognize Legitimate Concerns Motivating His Voters
Can the GOP elites take out Trump
Morgan Brittany paints scenario that would spell end of Republican Party
March 2, 2016
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and there is palpable panic in the Republican ranks right now. The juggernaut that is Donald Trump has done what the establishment Republicans thought could never happen; and it looks like he has steamrolled his way to the Republican presidential nomination.
Just to make things clear, I am not declaring loyalty to any candidate; I am just objectively looking at where we are, and the wind is definitely at Trump’s back. No matter what he does, what he says or how he acts, nothing seems to deter the 40-plus percent of the American people who are solidly locked and loaded for “The Donald.”
The big question hanging in the air right now after the last debate when Rubio and Cruz finally took off the gloves and pummeled Trump is: “What took you so long?” And now, it looks like it is too little, too late. The bottom line is that the arrogance and narcissism of the GOP elites has backfired this time, and what they thought could never, ever happen has (gulp) happened.
How could they not see it coming? What was it that kept them blindly thinking that they could control the narrative and push their chosen establishment candidate over the finish line? They are not stupid; they are just arrogant and entitled, with a superior attitude that says just because they hold the power and control, things will naturally go their way. After all, it almost always has, hasn’t it?
The elites turned a blind eye and ignored the (pardon the pun) big elephant in the room: the discontented American people who were screaming at the top of their lungs, running to the ballot box, starting the tea party movement and throwing out establishment candidates like Sen. Bob Bennett who made way for Sen. Mike Lee. They kept living in denial year after year and still were delusional when Donald Trump entered the race in 2015 to overwhelming support from the American people. I was in many a backstage “green room” listening to the elites laughing and joking about Trump. “He’s a joke”; “he can never win”; “just wait, you’ll see, he will implode tomorrow.” They just couldn’t see his appeal. They couldn’t see the people’s anger, and they couldn’t see their own demise.
For the past few years, Ann-Marie Murrell, Dr. Gina Loudon and I have traveled across this country, spoken to countless groups of fed-up Americans and had a conversation with “real folks” about what the average American wants. The overwhelming comments we heard were about the Republican leadership and representatives not hearing them and refusing to have a backbone when it came to crucial issues that concerned them. The anger and disgust was brewing years ago, and it continued to fester and boil when time and time again they were dismissed and ignored as though they didn’t matter at all. With each cave by the Republicans on Obamacare, immigration, Planned Parenthood and countless other issues, the anger grew and grew until it boiled over so that when the politically incorrect Trump took the stage they saw a political “savior.”
Morgan Brittany teams up with the other PolitiChicks, Ann-Marie Murrell and Dr. Gina Loudon, in their first blockbuster, “What Women Really Want” — revealing the truth about the “War on Women”
So now, at the 11th hour, the GOP establishment and big donors are scrambling. They have finally awakened from their arrogant stupor and realized that Trump is sweeping the floor with them. They can’t understand how their golden boy Bush never got any traction, and now they can’t seem to pump Rubio up enough to even win his own state of Florida where Trump is trouncing him. They have no choice but to start the dirty tricks and smear campaigning to take Trump out – but it might be too late.
There is talk of a brokered convention, also rumors of Mitt Romney possibly jumping in. Mitch McConnell is gathering together his Senate members and telling them that if Trump secures the nomination they can “drop him like a hot rock.” They believe that Trump doesn’t stand a chance against Hillary, so they would rather destroy Trump and hold the Senate rather than stand behind their candidate. Once again, they are stupid and arrogant. They can’t see that Trump is winning with many union and blue collar workers, and he now has Chris Christie by his side. They also fail to notice that the Republican turnout in the primaries is far greater than the Democrats – and with Bernie Sanders out, the apathy for Hillary will grow. Those “feeling the Bern” will probably stay home or go and vote for Trump. Sure, there will be people who absolutely will not vote for Trump, but there are many, many more who absolutely will.
Will Bush’s super PAC Right to Rise go all out and use their leftover money to try and demolish Trump? They could, but it would probably backfire on them. The establishment is frantically trying to figure out a way to derail Trump, but their problem is that they only have Cruz and Rubio as viable alternatives. They hate Cruz maybe more than Trump, and Rubio just isn’t cutting it. They seem to think that if and when Kasich drops out Rubio will rise. I highly doubt it. I think it is clear to the American people that Rubio is all-in with the establishment, and he has probably reached his ceiling.
It will be interesting to see the Republican Party try to take down its own candidate, thus assuring the Democrats a victory. If that indeed does happen, I predict that the history books will cite this election as the end of the GOP.
Media wishing to interview Morgan Brittany, please contact
Kristol Lays Out Strategy to Give White House to Hillary: Trump ‘Shouldn’t Win’
2 Mar 2016 by JOHN NOLTE
In order to defeat Donald Trump, The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol admits he is prepared to hand Hillary Clinton the Oval Office. On Wednesday’s “Morning Joe,” the Republican Establishment leader laid out his plot to deprive Trump of the 50% of delegates necessary to secure the nomination. From there, the idea is to go into a brokered convention and cut a kamikaze deal that awards enough delegates to an “acceptable” candidate (who will have won far fewer votes, states, and delegates than Trump).
The problem with the Establishment brokering a behind-closed-door deal that hands the nomination to a Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 79% , is that the backlash against the Republican Party is almost certain to hand Hillary Clinton the presidency.
If a bunch of rich, angry GOP elites rob Trump supporters of their victory, the blowback will result in so many voters staying home in November, Hillary wins. As NBC’s Chuck Todd pointed out last night, at this point the delegate math is such that the only way to stop Trump is through this scheme at the convention.
As you’ll see below, that outcome is preferable to Kristol, and by extension it is safe to assume that outcome is also fine with the rest of the Republican Establishment.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: The fact of the matter is that you know there is no historical precedent with someone doing as well as Candidate Trump did yesterday — winning New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, [losing the nomination] has never happened before, and as you know there is a momentum, a forward progress–
BILL KRISTOL: Right, so we have to stop the momentum, I totally agree.
SCARBOROUGH: So that’s my question. There’s no cheering here. I am looking at facts.
KRISTOL: To your credit, you have correctly seen that this was not going to be the historically normal year, and it’s not, so maybe we go–
SCARBOROUGH: So how do you beat him?
KRISTOL: You have to beat him in Florida and Ohio, the first two winner-take-all states, which means there has to be a de facto agreement between the opposition candidates — between the resistance to Trump, which I am proud to be a part of, because I think he’d be a terrible nominee and a terrible president…
SCARBOROUGH: You have the authority to broker that deal right now?
KRISTOL: Well, they need to. They need to defer to Rubio in Florida and probably to Kasich in Ohio, and say, or imply, that if you are a Cruz voter in Ohio, and if you look up the day before the primary and it’s Trump 42%, Kasich 35% — vote for Kasich. And the truth is if Trump doesn’t win Florida and Ohio, it remains very much of an open race. …
Donald Trump [so far] has 35% of the popular vote and 47% of the delegates. That’s a lot better than having 24% of the popular vote and 25% of the delegates, granted. …
JOHN HEILEMANN: Just to go a little further on this topic of what Bill’s advocating: As you talk more and more to Republicans, who will say to you privately and sometimes publicly, that they would rather vote for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump, [these are the] people who are going to try to stop him — their attitude is: We know that would happen at a contested convention if we took the nomination away from a Donald Trump [who has won through] a plurality of delegates.
What would happen is that we would likely alienate his supporters and we would likely lose the presidential election. But their position is that it would be better for us to lose the [general] election than to have Donald Trump tear the Party in half as the nominee.
Now you can say that’s suicidal, but that is the posture of people [worried] about the negative effects down ballot.
KRISTOL: And [Trump] would still lose the election. And shouldn’t win the election, So, yeah, I agree.
This is a good time to ask where this scorch-earthed mentality was when America needed it most to stop Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC
Brokaw: Rubio Looked Like the Guy Running for Student Council President Without a Date for Prom
2 Mar 2016 by JEFF POOR
Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” former NBC’s “Nightly News” anchor Tom Brokaw expressed his pessimism about Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 79% ’s (R-FL) chance going forward in this Republican presidential nominating contest.
Brokaw said he didn’t foresee a path forward for Rubio and that his performance Tuesday as the Super Tuesday results were coming in left much to be desired.
“It was, and I don’t see where he goes from here,” Brokaw said. “I don’t know if we have the video when he first appeared last night. Right after, it was pretty clear he had a dismal night. He looked like the guy who was running for student council president who found out he didn’t have a date for the prom. He was frozen in place at the point. Very hard to see how he puts something together in which he can stay in place throughout. I think Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 97% obviously has a shot at staying in the hunt.”
Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor
Pat Caddell: Establishment Can’t Stop Trump’s Populist Candidacy Because They Can’t Recognize Legitimate Concerns Motivating His Voters
Veteran pollster Pat Caddell thinks the nation is at “the tipping point” of political “revolution” in the 2016 election because the Washington establishment doesn’t understand the legitimate concerns motivating ordinary Americans. Caddell believes the establishment “empire is trying to strike back” against the populist movement challenging their power, but the American people have “left the building.”
Caddell explained to Breitbart News Daily host and Breitbart Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that the rise of candidates like Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) 16% reflects the sentiment of the majority of Americans “who feel the country is in decline, who feel that they are getting screwed, their children’s futures are at stake, and nobody gives a damn about it in Washington, which they’re correct [about], and the things that they believe in are mocked and ignored. This is the makings of a Jacksonian Revolution.”
Caddell said the establishment is not going to “give up power easily.” However, “for the establishment to understand how to take Trump seriously, they would have to understand what his voters are about, and since they cannot recognize the legitimacy of those claims… it’s impossible for them to calculate the figure of the threat coming. Now they see it, and now the empire is trying to strike back.”
The political establishment of both parties “have a mistaken view that the American people are here to serve them… as opposed to their job is to be the servants of the people,” Caddell said. “They’ve got this relationship backwards, and they’ve been running Washington and politics and corruption of unimaginable proportions to their benefit. And what’s happening is the American people want their sovereignty back.”
“This country will not go gently into that good night of decline,” Caddell asserted.
“I listened to the debate that Trump wasn’t at, and even with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 97% and [Ben] Carson, all the sudden they were all back talking about establishment things,” Caddell noting, adding that the role of the American people in that debate was “to shut up, vote our way, and don’t get in our way.”
Bannon interjected in agreement, saying, “This is why people have dialed out of politics. It’s the dryness and thinness of the political dialogue. They talk about all these issues that, yes, are all important, but they’re not vital. But when you talk about building a wall to stop illegal immigration, when you talk about bringing ten million jobs back from China, which is emblematic of how we’ve gutted this country with these trade deals, when you talk about a temporary ban on Muslims — [Trump’s] basic themes have been to drive the narrative back to things that matter to working class people in this country.”
Caddell said that whether you agree with Trump’s positions or not, he is raising “the most vital questions.”
“And it’s not that immigration may be the most vital, but nonetheless, his argument about it is: You either have a country or you don’t,” Caddell said. “Even if you don’t like what he’s saying… or agree with his solutions, for most Americans that’s a pretty hard thing not to agree with.”
“Same thing on the [temporary] Muslim ban,” Caddell added. “I don’t agree with that. But he is touching a cord and saying, ‘We have no security, we don’t know how to control this, we’re so PC, and we are making our country vulnerable.’ And that issue of security in America is really high.”
Caddell noted that when Trump says, “Nobody owns me; I’m paying for this campaign,” he is addressing the “unspoken” issue of corruption in American politics, which, along with the economy and national security, is one of the top three issues for voters.
“You’ve got 70-some percent of the American people who believe flat out that both political parties have failed economically and that we need a different approach,” Caddell said. “We have had this pantomime – this kabuki theater of politics for too long, and now people are worried. And they’ve been worried, but now they’ve decided to do something about it.”
Bannon asked, “Do you believe we are at a tipping point of revolutionary times?”
Caddell said, “Yes, we are, and that tipping point is the American people being willing to overthrow their leadership through the democratic process. And then if that doesn’t work and they manage to be screwed out of that, then that will not go over well.”
“There is a warning here and it’s from 1860,” he said, referencing the 1860 presidential election when multiple political parties ran candidates.
Caddell closed by saying, “All of what I’m saying summed up is this country is in revolution,” and “the establishment will not deal with the fact or give credibility [to the concerns]. When they attack Trump the way they do with the personal viciousness and stuff… what they’re saying to the American people is: ‘This is you. Get back in your box.’ And they have left the building, folks.”
“All of you – you people have left the building,” Caddell said to Bannon and the Breitbart News Daily audience. “Your audience – ask them today. You have left the building.”
Listen to Caddell’s full interview below:
Breitbart News Daily airs from 6 am EST to 9 am EST every weekday morning on SiriusXM Patriot 125.
Christie on Trump: This ‘Is Not a Campaign, It’s A Movement
2 Mar 2016 by PAM KEY
Tuesday night after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump won several states in the Super Tuesday, Republican primary his supporter and former opponent Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) introduced him and declared Trump’s presidential bid not to be “a campaign,” but instead “a movement.”
Christie said, “Tonight Donald Trump has won Georgia and Massachusetts, Alabama and Virginia. He’s also won the great state of Tennessee. Tonight, is the beginning of Donald Trump bringing the Republican party together for a big victory this November. Tonight, is the beginning of Donald Trump bringing the people of our nation together to help America win again. Tonight in all those states that supported Mr. Trump today, all the ones who voted across this country, our message is to begin to get ready for the fight that’s coming this fall. The fight this fall is to make sure that a united Republican party and united American people make sure that Hillary Rodham Clinton never gets back in the White House.”
“Since June 16 when Mr. Trump declared his candidacy he’s shown himself to be tough and strong and bold,” he continued. “He’s shown himself to be a fighter. A leader who speaks plainly to the American people. He’s listened to the American people. The American people are listening to him. He’s bringing the country together. That, ladies and gentlemen, is not a campaign, it’s a movement. America wants to come together. America wants to be strong and successful again, but they know that to do that they need to have a strong, bold, tough, decisive leader back in the oval office. They have that man after tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the next president of the united states, Donald Trump.”
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
Trump Speaks On Super Tuesday
Latest Delegate Count
1,237 needed for nomination
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