
Norway Joins the Dark Side As 666 Is Coming to America

Jan 26, 2016 by Dave Hodges

He has his own TV show on Fox and he is slowly taking over the world’s money supply. Who is he? Let’s just say that Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled in our time.

Norway Is Forsaking Cash: The Mark of the Beast Is Near

Norway’s largest bank, DNB, has said that cash is the byproduct of drug dealers and money launderers. In order to eliminate everyday Norwegians from participating the black market and being engaged in money laundering schemes, it is important to stop using cash as a medium of exchange all together.

Bank executive Trond Bentestuen told VG the following:

“Today, there is approximately 50 billion kroner in circulation and [central bank] Norges Bank can only account for 40 percent of its use. That means that 60 percent of money usage is outside of any control. We believe that is due to under-the-table money and laundering.”

This is such a dangerous precedent because the Norwegian banks can say your money is worth what they say. By changing the value of the digitized currency, both bail-ins and bail-outs could in effect be executed and the average Norwegian would be none the wiser. Such a practice gives the bankers exactly what they want.

These beliefs are present in America and the same fate could be in store for the dollar. And by the way, when cash disappears from the market place, what you had in the bank is worth whatever “they” say its worth. It is a safe bet to conclude that the value of the Norwegian money is not going to go up. The anti-Christ has invaded Norway as the average Norwegian will not be able to buy and sell without using the Devil’s currency.

America Is Ripe for a Currency Devaluation

When something is secret and kept from you, it is usually very bad for you.

Very soon, America will lose 448,000 jobs when the TPP takes effect, says various researchers. Sold as an economic stimulant, TPP proponents have told the public that the trade deal would be a boon to the economy. When nearly five million jobs are lost in the first few weeks of the TPP,  the crippled economy will demand extreme reaction by TPTB. Every austerity rule will be on the table including the Mark of the of the Beast.

Americans Are Already Reeling

The second Pew brief found that “More than half of households (54%) could not replace one month’s income using their liquid savings,” concludes . “Over a quarter of households do not have enough liquid savings to replace even one week of income.”

The news is even more dire as the Pew Center’s research indicates that 25% of high-income households have “less than 13 days’ worth of income in liquid savings.” Further, a full 25% of households making less than $25,000 a year have no liquid savings at all. In these instances, the typical household in this income bracket has only six days’ worth of income in liquid savings.

Below is a telling video from an economic expert. He clearly tells the viewers that they should be buying previous metals. However, people are not buying because the prices are flat. Instead, they are letting their cash waster away as the value tremendously decreases. There are none so blind as those that will not see.

Recently, a friend asked me what would I recommend his daughter major in as she begins college this fall.  I thought for a moment and answered “welfare”.  The father was quite taken back as I took out my IPAD and forwarded him some of my files which contains our recent economic statistics.

There are 35 states in this country in which it is better to accept welfare than work at an entry level job. Much like crack cocaine or heroin addicts, much of our nation is hopelessly addicted to living in the welfare state. This has real implications for the emotional and even spiritual health of our nation. The most distressing aspect of the present economic conditions we find ourselves mired in, is the fact that we are allowing our young people to have their dreams and their very sense of hope stolen away from them. Fear monger, naysayer, doomsday profit are terms ascribed to people who dare to criticize the existing economic system and speak about the real implications for our people. I dare the most liberal of you to read the following facts, engage in your own fact checking and then not to be able to conclude that the American dream, for most of our people, is dead and buried.

The Average American Is Taking a Beating

It is not just our nation that is taking a beating, our individual financial situations in this country have grown to a crisis level. America is no longer just in a depression. We have entered third world status, a kind of permanent depression, if you will. Yes, we have skyscrapers and modern technology, but only the elite control these resources and the average Americana’ standard of living is in a state of economic free fall.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 million Americans are either “poor” or “low income”. Stunningly, more than 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government, not including the massive entitlement programs of Social Security or Medicare. The number of people on food stamps has grown to 47.79 million Americans. In 2008, when Obama first took office, only 32 million Americans were on food stamps. Approximately, 20.2 million Americans spend more than half of their incomes on housing, which represents a 46% increase from 2001. Parents under the age of 30 experience poverty rates consisting of 37 percent. The number of Americans living in poverty has grown to one out of every six US citizens. Can you say “turn out the lights, the party is over.”

It No Longer Pays To Go To Work

Of all the facts that serve to describe the economic chaos, there is one fact that stands out among all others.


Ninety million unemployed Americans are no longer even looking for work. The next time you go into DMV, please realize that you are subsidizing a driver’s license for about a third of the people. You are also paying for their health care, food stamps and shelter. And many of these lower class, poverty-stricken “Americans” are living a higher standard of living than you are and this is by design courtesy of Obama’s policies of Marxian social justice and wealth redistribution. If you are a liberal, you are probably fine with giving away your paycheck to people who will not work. If you are over 40, possess common sense, have an IQ higher than room temperature, then you realize that this is national suicide to keep doing what we are doing.

The Numbers Do Not Lie

Wayne Emmerich found that the family breadwinner who works only one week a month at minimum wage makes 92% as much as the breadwinner  grossing $60,000 a year.Emmerich’s stats demonstrate that by working only one week a month  can save a lot of money in child care expense. But topping the list is Medicaid, which is accessible to minimum wage earners and the program has very low deductibles and co-pays. In short, by working only one week a month at a minimum wage job, a minimum wage earner is able to get total medical coverage for next to nothing courtesy of you and me.

The middle class is not as  lucky as the $60,000 breadwinner pays out approximately $12,000 per year in health insurance costs with an addition $4,500 in co-pays. And if anyone in the part-time minimum wage earning family is disabled, SSI pays out an additional $8,088 per year. When one begins to calculate the expenses incurred by a typical breadwinner making $60,000 per year, compared to the part time minimum wage worker, coupled with minimum wage earners tax supported federal bailouts for these freeloaders, the poor have more discretionary income than those who pay the taxes that run the country. And if the part time minimum wage worker is willing to cheat and participate in the underground economy, they will have significantly more discretionary income than their hard-working $60,000 per year counterpart who actually works for a living. In short, if you are a full-time employee making above minimum wage, you paying for your own economic demise. The numbers here suggest that we’d be better off staying home and living off of the labors of what’s left of the middle class.

America is no longer the land of opportunity as the United States is not even in the top ten. In fact, the United States only ranks 20th in terms of overall gross pay! Yet, what we do have is a plethora of young people hopelessly mired in student loan debt when they graduate and a federal government that is more than happy to garnish their wages and, in some cases, even SWAT team them for nonpayment.

Good vs. Evil

I have a question for all liberals who are still drinking from the Obama Kool-Aid; do you really think the banksters are ever going to allow the people to repudiate these debts without a war or the implementation of some  extreme form of martial law crackdown against resistance to the present status quo?

Consistently, this column has proven its dedication to reform and change through nonviolent means. However, the small group of central bankers who have enslaved nearly every country on this planet with insurmountable debt will never let go of this control without a fight.This is why I am advocating for not participating in their bankster controlled institutions (e.g. Bank of America, WalMart, etc.). However, at the end of the day, the obvious bankster counter would be the well known, much anticipated practice of accepting the mark and you will not be able to buy and sell without it. Ultimately, at its root, this is a spiritual war between good and evil. If you do not think that Satan does not have his hand on this situation, then you are not paying attention. The Mark of the Beast is here. It is only a matter of time.



Every Economic Indicator Says We Are In Economic Free Fall

Jan 25, 2016 by Dave Hodges

Things are much worse that they appear. We are entering a time of unparalleled peril. Economic collapse is here and is underway in many parts of the economy.

“Europe is on the verge of collapse”

George Soros

Look who Soros, the architect of national destruction supports for President.

The architect of the Arab Spring has made a stunning proclamation. In an exclusive interview with a German magazine, George Soros recently stated that the European Union will soon be no more. The EU is imploding before our very eyes. This proclamation comes on the heels of Germany’s answer to President Obama, Angela Merkel, correctly predicted that the EU would be crushed under the weight of Middle Eastern immigration. Merkel, at the same time, has declared de facto martial law in Germany.

In Germany, people have been evicted from their apartments to make way for the rush of immigrants. In Germany, if people speak out against Muslim immigration on venues, like Facebook, they are subject to fines and arrest.

In contrast, in the United States, Attorney General, Loretta Lynch told journalists from the Independent Media that they would be subject to fines and arrest for discussing Muslim extremism one day after the San Bernardino massacre. As Steve Quayle says, we might have defeated Germany in World War II, but the reality is that the Nazi’s now run both countries, and they are running both countries into the ground.

This is the face of a domestic terrorist. She will jail all talk show hosts who speak out against Muslim extremism in the form of ISIS coming into the U.S and carry out acts of terror (eg San Bernardino), but she won’t prosecute those who make threats against Presidential Candidates who are not in line with her version of unscreened Muslim immigrants being let into the country. Isn’t it interesting that Merkel, Obama and Lynch are destroying their respective countries along the same lines? The United States is only a few months behind the Germans.

“The situation is worse than it was in 2007.”

William White, Swiss economist

William White recently stated that the global financial system faces “an avalanche of bankruptcies” that will test social and political stability. Let’s put that very polite statement into plain English: “There is going to be massive civil unrest”. The projections are so bad, that national authorities are worried the local law enforcement will join in with the people.

Could this have anything to do with why it has been announced that NATO is heading up an international martial law force. This fact was reported by both Infowars and The Common Sense Show this past weekend.

Economist Joseph Meyer

“The collapse could come tomorrow, next week…I do not see it going much beyond March…”

In a recent interview on The Common Sense Show, Joseph Meyer, from Straight Money Analysis, said he sees a “major readjustment” taking place before the Spring. Will this be America’s Spring.

The Baltic Dry Index

The BDI indicates that global shipping is running aground.

No matter when you write these words  “The Baltic Dry Index has hit another record low today….”, your statement will be outdated by midnight of the day that you print these words.

“In the last 13 sessions alone, the BDI has hit a new all-time low every day, for each of those 13 days.”

“Overnight, drybulk shipping rates, as measured by the Baltic Dry Index, hit a new all-time low, falling 5 pts to 358″.

This is particularly disturbing because the BDI is generally considered to the best economic indicator of global health. The last six months would indicate that the global economy is coming to a complete standstill. How long will food be shipped? How long will life-saving medicine be shipped? Nobody knows for sure, but very few economists are ignoring the inevitable.

Even the mainstream media is beginning to print these dire predictions.

The IMF Is On the Verge of Imposing New Austerity Rules

The ultimate “gold-digger”, IMF Director, Christine Lagarde.

As first reported in Forbes Magazine, the director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine LaGarde, dropped a nuclear bomb in its October Fiscal Monitor Report. The report paints a dire picture for high-debt nations that fail to aggressively “mobilize domestic revenue,” which is banker-speak code for “taxing its citizens into oblivion.” This is often a prelude to civil unrest and even civil war.

LaGarde went on to say that private assets will have to be used to monetize the staggering debts faced by the West. Does this mean that more MERS events, in which homes were allowed to be stolen by the Banks, are going to take place? Does this mean the end of all private property?And the very bankers which created this mess, what are they contributing?

The IMF is clearly advocating for a tax on your private savings to pay down government debts after assuming the private debts of the bankers. The IMF also wants to take 10% of your private savings in addition to the outrageous taxes that citizens in the West are paying.

Finally, there will never be a payoff of the debt. Forbes Magazine went on to say the following:

Such a repudiation of private property will not pay off Western governments’ debts or fund budgets going forward. It will merely “restore debt sustainability,” allowing free-spending sovereigns to keep tapping the bond markets until the next crisis comes along—for which stronger measures will be required, of course.”

Can you grasp the meaning of what is being said here? The globalists are telling you that we can never pay off the debt. All we can hope to do is to maintain a debt based economy that will not come crashing down on the next morning.

Five Questions

Do you have two years of survival food available?

Do you have seeds to replace the food?

Do you have an adequate supply of water and water filters?

Do you have firearms and do you know how to use and maintain them?

Have you converted your soon-t0-be worthless cash to previous metals?c

I am no longer writing about what’s coming, what’s coming is here.


Another Corporate Giant Is Leaving the U.S. – What This Means for You

by Nick Giambruno, Senior Editor

Try getting in shape for a marathon on an all-McDonald’s diet…

You wouldn’t be surprised to come in dead last. After all, you didn’t put in much effort. Actually, you went out of your way to make yourself less competitive. So you would expect to lose.

It’s just common sense.

But this is exactly what U.S. politicians have been doing for years: passing tax laws that sabotage the country’s global economic competitiveness.

As you can see in the chart below, the U.S. has the highest effective corporate income tax rate in the developed world. This is a major reason why the U.S. is lagging behind in the global economic marathon.

These “worst in the developed world” tax laws are clearly hurting the global competitiveness of U.S. companies.

Oppressive U.S. corporate tax liabilities make doing business similar to trying to swim in a lead jacket. So it’s no surprise that an increasing number of productive people and companies are trying to rip off that lead jacket so they can stay afloat.

At this point, it’s more than just a trickle. It’s an increasing trend.

Putting the Beast on a Diet

Over the past couple of years, dozens of high-profile U.S. companies have moved abroad to lower their corporate income tax rate. No surprise, this makes them more globally competitive.

Medical manufacturer Medtronic moved to Ireland.

Telecommunications giant Liberty Global moved to the UK.

DE Master Blenders—the tea and coffee arm of Sara Lee—moved to the Netherlands.

Omnicom Group, the largest U.S. advertising firm, also moved to the Netherlands.

Burger King moved to Canada.

And these are just a few of the most prominent companies breaking the shackles.

The strategy these companies use is called an inversion. It’s where a U.S. company merges with a foreign company in a country with lower corporate taxes and reincorporates there.

Meddling politicians and the mainstream media like to howl and shriek about inversions. They say the practice is “unpatriotic” or “un-American.” That’s nonsense. The fact is, inversions are perfectly legal. Nothing in the current incarnation of the U.S. Tax Code prohibits them.

Chuck Grassley, a Republican senator from Iowa has said, “These expatriations aren’t illegal. But they’re sure immoral.”

I beg to differ.

Why would anyone give the thieving bureaucrats in DC a penny more than they legally have to?

As far as I’m concerned, there is nothing ethically or morally wrong with inversions. Moreover, they are vital for starving the Beast.

I say, the less money available to politicians and bureaucrats, the better. It means they have less to spend on mischief like provoking wars or bribing voters with more welfare.

Johnson Controls is the latest high-profile company to put the Beast on a diet.

Johnson Controls is a Milwaukee-based $23-billion manufacturing giant. On Monday, the company announced plans to merge with Tyco International and reincorporate in Ireland.

The move will save the company over $150 million in taxes every year.

It’s really a no-brainer.

Neither Johnson Controls nor any other U.S. company has an obligation to fill government coffers. But they do have an obligation to their shareholders to avoid waste. That’s why they’re moving to Ireland, away from the worst corporate tax environment in the world.

What Comes Next…

Contrary to government propaganda, the companies trying to stay competitive aren’t the villains in this story.

The villains are the wasteful politicians who passed the “worst in the developed world” tax laws in the first place.

Right now, it is highly unlikely politicians will reduce the onerous U.S. corporate tax burden. Given the current political dynamics—ramped-up spending on welfare and warfare policies, as well as an “eat the rich” mood—taxes have nowhere to go but up. This means the corporate exodus will continue.

It’s never good when a country drives away its most productive companies and people. It’s making the U.S. economy even more fragile.

These foolish policies will actually make the U.S. government more financially desperate. That’s because they will ultimately result in fewer tax dollars.

Like most governments that get into financial trouble, I think the U.S. will keep choosing the easy “solution”…money printing on a massive scale.

This has frightening implications for your financial security. These politicians are playing with fire and inviting a currency catastrophe. This is a big reason why I think everyone should own some gold.

Gold is the ultimate form of wealth insurance. It has preserved wealth for millennia through every kind of crisis imaginable. It will preserve wealth during the next crisis, too.

But, if you want to be truly “crisis-proof”, there is more you can do…

Most people have no idea how bad things can get when an economy collapses, let alone how to prepare…

How will you protect yourself in the event of a crisis? Our just-released guide, Surviving and Thriving During an Economic Collapse, will show you how. Click here to download the PDF now.


Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, Ebola, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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