
 – Sweden Bans Use Of Word “Immigrant” On TV When Talking About Muslim Immigration, Says Must Use “Economically Deprived Area” Instead

– Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense To Protect Themselves Against Runaway Muslim Crimes

December 22, 2015  by Keith Davies

Frank Luntz a pollster and TV Focus group guru interviewed about 20 Muslims and asked them the question: “What is your position on Israel?” The answers he got was the usual brain washed propaganda, hatred and lies that we are so used to hearing on our media.

Watch the video here

If you would like to read and study the truth about why Israel exists, you can acquire the most incredible book written on the subject by Pierre Van Paassen called “The Forgotten Ally” and acquire it here



Fat, Ugly, Loser Michael Moore Gets Puerto Rican Beauty Suspended From Miss America Organization For Telling Truth About Islam

December 22, 2015   by Andrew Bieszad

Destiny Velez, suspended for telling the truth

Miss Puerto Rico 2015 Destiny Velez was suspended indefinitely from the Miss American Organization for telling the truth about Islam. She gave an apology and she closed access to her Twitter account. The following are the tweets she posted in order on December 17th, courtesy of Twitchy:

(Note: @MMFlint is Michael Moore)

@MMFlint hold a sign that says “We are all believers in Christ.” Why are u defending Muslims that haven’t done nothing for the USA

@MMFlint all what Muslims have done is provided oil & terrorize this country & many others!!!!!!

@MMFlint there’s NO comparison between Jews, Christians & Muslims. Jews nor Christians have terrorizing agendas in their sacred books

@MMFlint Muslims use our constitution to terrorize USA & plant gas stations

@MMFlint Islamic god is NOT the same God of the Christians & the Jews

@MMFlint Stop fighting a Godly war that doesn’t belong to u for u are a proclaimed atheist. This is a matter of faith NOT economics

@MMFlint Mexicans, Arabs, Jews & anything in between aren’t the same thing

@MMFlint all they do is build their mosques, feel offended by American values and terrorize innocent Americans and plant gas stations

@wattpadmendes @MMFlint and get guns and kills innocent ppl and destroy precious artifacts

@wattpadmendes @MMFlint Same religion same ppl

@MMFlint I’ll believe that Muslims & Christians are the same when I hear them sing in their mosques “I love Jesus yes I do!”

Michael Moore

@Elevenxvi @MMFlint NO the God of Abraham is NOT allah

@Elevenxvi Ishmael was a bastard kid who came from a servant not the chosen woman

@Elevenxvi @MMFlint every religion has a name for god. Doesn’t mean they’re all the same god.

@Elevenxvi @MMFlint NOPE Jews don’t believe in Jihad and the Muslim religion is a bad copy of Judaism m

@Elevenxvi @MMFlint get your facts straight. Ishmael was a bad product of a messed up 1 night stand Abraham had with a servant

@Elevenxvi @MMFlint there’s a reason why he was kicked out from Abrahams immediate family

@Elevenxvi @MMFlint Abraham must have seen the terrorist within him Ishmael

@Crayz9000 @justdavidnye @MMFlint why do ppl want to separate Muslims from Isis when ISIS is a group of Muslim fanatics

@Crayz9000 @MMFlint and tell that to the families of the soldiers who were killed by other Muslims soldiers on military bases

@TalkImam @MMFlint Not everyone sees Jesus as a prophet they see Jesus as a God. Prophets are mere men playing god

@secjr112 @wattpadmendes @MMFlint yes the includes the bipolar terrorism groups

@Elevenxvi I don’t believe in religion so can’t be #Islamaphobic

@Crayz9000 @justdavidnye @MMFlint when someone has cancer in their body it has to be removed. The body itself has self immunization

@TalkImam @MMFlint Muslim religion is a copy cat of Judaism. Muslims copied Jews beards

@TalkImam @MMFlint I repeat Muslim is an imitation of Judaism

@TalkImam @MMFlint According to historical text Jesus was a Jew

@TalkImam @MMFlint Many pull out the card of Muslims serving in our military. Are they in the military cuz they love our nation or to acquire benefits

@TalkImam @MMFlint explain to me pilgrimages to go in circles around a rock

@Crayz9000 In Every religion has an end to this world and not by the hands of humans but God that is returningMost terrorist attacks have had a religion & a name associated with them & they have been from Islam religion

@MMFlint@elyse4design @dmorgan175 idiot my family has been in the military since WWI what about yours?

@FactsVsOpinion @TwitchyTeam @MMFlint Muslims cover their women so I don’t think they worship pageants

Michael Moore’s picture of a beauty pageant winner

The only area where I will say Ms. Velez erred was apologizing. You never have to apologize for telling the truth.



Sweden Bans Use Of Word “Immigrant” On TV When Talking About Muslim Immigration, Says Must Use “Economically Deprived Area” Instead

December 22, 2015    by Andrew Bieszad

It looks like something out of a comedy sketch, or maybe a headline from The Onion, but It’s no joke. Sweden’s top broadcaster says that “Immigrant” and “African origin” cannot be used in a negative context, but “white” and “fair skinned” may be used in a negative context.

Sweden’s new “refugees”

Via Swedish SVT’s New Language Manual (translation courtesy of Google Translate):

Tips and language advice when you are working with to reflect Sweden General starting points: Being Swedish today includes people with many different looks, experiences and cultures. It is part of SVT’s mission to monitor everyone’s daily life. It is it is important that we express ourselves inclusive and does not describe any of the offensive manner.

Generalizing not around communities, regions or religions. Avoid it vague and often wrong to use the term immigrants or use it as a prefix such as “migrant families”, as many as considered Immigrants today are born in Sweden.

Swedish Television News uses the concept of Swedish for anyone who has Swedish citizenship. We prefer to use Swedish than Swedish nationals not to separate the Swedes. If you want to specify further, for example in cases involving terrorism, can formulations similar to that used: “Swedish had dealings with violent / Islamic militants”. In situations where there is about a wider group than then phrases like “those who live in Sweden” should be used.

The starting point is always that we should ask whom it may concern how the hen wants to be described. When it is not possible, use the words that matches it with the person appearance: White, light-skinned, ruddy, East Asian appearance, dark-skinned, black.Remember the descriptions of skin color are sensitive and aware that the concepts of black and dark skin can arouse criticism.

Formulations we’ll never use, “people from ethnic minorities” (all have ethnic background). Avoid terms such as colored / African origin / off a different skin color. Do not use police parlance outright (no TT does).

Vulnerable areas are described from time to time as the immigrant population, ie national background used as explanation for something, but it gives no help in understanding what it we want to communicate. Moreover, many of those who live in the so-called immigrant-dense areas Swedes. In terms of areas was as concrete as possible about what you want to describe. If the area has high unemployment among its citizens and those not participating in the elections, it is more practical to say “X is a area of high unemployment and low participation in elections. “

The only reason that Sweden’s is going to such lengths to avoid talking about these issues are because it does not want to face reality:

Caution language



Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense

December 21, 2015     by Soeren Kern

The scramble to acquire weapons comes amid an indisputable nationwide spike in migrant-driven crime, including rapes of German women and girls on a shocking scale, as well as physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies and burglaries — in cities and towns throughout the country.

German authorities, however, are going to great lengths to argue that the German citizenry’s sudden interest in self-defense has nothing whatsoever to do with mass migration into the country, despite ample evidence to the contrary.

The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a leaked confidential police report, which reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

“Anyone who asks for the reasons for the surge in weapons purchases encounters silence.” — Süddeutsche Zeitung

Germans, facing an influx of more than one million asylum seekers from Africa, Asia and the Middle East, are rushing to arm themselves.

All across Germany, a country with some of the most stringent gun-control laws in Europe, demand is skyrocketing for non-lethal self-defense weapons, including pepper sprays, gas pistols, flare guns, electroshock weapons and animal repellants. Germans are also applying for weapons permits in record numbers.

The scramble to acquire weapons comes amid a migrant-driven surge in violent crimes — including rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults — in cities and towns throughout the country.

German authorities, however, are going to great lengths to argue that the German citizenry’s sudden interest in self-defense has nothing whatsoever to do with mass migration into the country, despite ample evidence to the contrary.

In recent weeks, German newspapers have published dozens of stories with headlines such as: “Germany is Afraid — And Grabs for the Weapon,” “Germans are Arming Themselves: The Demand for Weapons Explodes,” “More and More People are Buying a Weapon,” “Security: Hands Up!” “The Need for Security Increases,” “Boom in Weapons Stores,” and “Bavarians are Arming Themselves— Afraid of Refugees?”

The German daily newspaper Die Welt recently produced a video report about Germany’s surge in sales of self-defense weapons, which was titled “The Weapons Business is Profiting from the Refugee Crisis.” (Image source: Die Welt video screenshot)

Since Germany’s migration crisis exploded in August 2015, nationwide sales of pepper spray have jumped by 600%, according to the German newsmagazine, Focus. Supplies of the product are now completely sold out in many parts of the country and additional stocks will not become available until 2016. “Manufacturers and distributors say the huge influx of foreigners in recent weeks has apparently frightened many people,” Focus reports.

According to KH Security, a German manufacturer of self-defense products, demand is up by a factor of five, and sales in September 2015 — the month when the implications of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door migration policy began to dawn on many Germans — were the highest since the company was founded 25 years ago. The company says there is an increased demand not only for self-defense weapons, but also for home alarm systems.

Another manufacturer of self-defense products, the Frankfurt-based company DEF-TEC Defense Technology, has reported a 600% increase in sales this fall. According to CEO Kai Prase:

“Things took off beginning in September. Since then, our dealers have been totally overrun. We have never experienced anything like this in the 21 years of our corporate history. Fear: This is not rational. The important term is: ‘refugee crisis.'”

The same story is being repeated across Germany. According to the public broadcaster,Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, citizens in Saxony can regularly be seen queuing up in large numbers waiting for gun shops to open.

A store owner in the Saxon town of Pirna said he is now selling up to 200 cans of pepper spray each day, compared to five cans a week before the migrant crisis began. He said he is seeing many new customers who are not the typical clientele, including women of all ages and men who are buying weapons for their wives.

Günter Fritz, the owner of a gun shop in Ebersbach, another town in Saxony, told RTL News, “Since September, all over Germany, also at my shop, sales of self-defense products have exploded.” He added that his clients come from all walks of life, ranging “from the professor to the retired lady. All are afraid.”

Andreas Reinhardt, a gun shop owner in the northern German town of Eutin, said he now sells four to five self-defense weapons each day, compared to around two per month before the recent influx of asylum seekers. “The current social upheaval is clearly driving the current rush to self-defense,” he said. “I never thought that fear would spread so quickly,” he added.

Eric Thiel, the owner of a gun shop in Flensburg, a city on the Baltic Sea coast, said that pepper spray is no longer available: “Everything is sold out. New supplies will not arrive until March. Everything that has to do with self-defense is booming enormously.”

Wolfgang Mayer, the owner of a gun shop in Nördlingen, a town in Bavaria, said he has an explanation for the surge in gun licenses: “I think with the influx of refugees, the rise in break-ins and the many tricksters, the people are demanding greater protection.”

Mayer added that there is a growing sense within German society that the state cannot adequately protect its citizens and therefore they have to better protect themselves. “Since the summer, sales of pepper spray have increased by 50%,” Mayer said, adding that buyers are mainly women, of all ages — from the student in the city up to the widowed grandmother.

Pepper spray and other types of non-lethal self-defense weapons are legal in Germany, but a permit is required to carry and use some categories of them. Officials in all of Germany’s 16 federal states are reporting a spike in applications for such permits, known as the small weapons license (kleinen Waffenschein).

In the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein, nearly 10,000 people now hold a small weapons license, an “all-time record level,” according to the regional interior ministry. Retailers in the state are also reporting an “unprecedented surge” in sales of self-defense weapons, with supplies of pepper spray sold out until the spring of 2016.

In Saxony, retailers are reporting an unprecedented boom in sales of pepper spray, tear gas, gas pistols and even cross bows. Some stores are now selling more self-defense weapons in one day than they did in an entire month before the migrant crisis began.

Saxon officials are also reporting a jump in the number of people applying for the full-fledged firearms license (großen Waffenschein). The rush to arms can be attributed to a “subjective decline in the people’s sense of security,” Saxon Interior Minister Markus Ulbig said.

In Berlin, the number of people holding a small weapons license increased by 30% during the first ten months of 2015 compared to the same period in 2014, while the number of those holding the full-fledged firearms license jumped by some 50%, according to local police.

In Bavaria, more than 45,000 people now hold a small weapons license, 3,000 more than in 2014. This represents a “significant increase,” according to the regional interior ministry. As in other parts of Germany, Bavarian retailers are also reporting a boom in sales of self-defense weapons, including gas pistols, flare guns and pepper spray.

In Stuttgart, the capital city of Baden-Württemberg, local gun shops are reporting a four-fold increase in sales of self-defense weapons since August. One shop owner said she now sells more weapons in one week than she normally sells in one month. She added that she has never seen such high demand.

In Heilbronn, another city in Baden-Württemberg, local officials report that sales of pepper spray have doubled in 2015. According to one shopkeeper, the demand for pepper spray began surging in August, when many mothers started purchasing the product for their school-aged daughters. “Our clients are extremely afraid,” the shopkeeper said. “We are seeing this everywhere.”

In Gera, a city in Thuringia, local media reported that at one store, the entire inventory of 120 cans of pepper spray was sold out within three hours. The store, which subsequently sold out of another batch of 144 cans, is now on a waiting list to obtain more because of supplier shortfalls.

A woman in Gera who bought pepper spray for her 16-year-old daughter said:

“I think it is fundamentally proper for me to protect my daughter. She is at that age where she is out alone in the evening. If she says she needs this for protection, I think this is not unjustified. Of course, due to the current situation that we now have in Germany. We just do not know who is here. There are quite a lot of people who are not registered.”

The same trend toward self-defense is being repeated in the German states of Brandenburg,Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony-Anhalt and North Rhine-Westphalia, where spiraling levels of violent crime perpetrated by migrants is turning some neighborhoods into no-go zones.

Apologists for mass migration are accusing German citizens of overreacting. Some point to recent studies — commissioned by pro-migration groups — which claim, implausibly, that the number of crimes committed by migrants is decreasing, not increasing.

Others deny that the rush to self-defense has anything to do with migrants at all. They blame a variety of different factors, including the early darkness associated with the end of daylight savings time, the jihadist attacks in Paris (which occurred in November, three months aftersales of self-defense weapons began to spike), and the need for protection from wild wolves in parts of northern Germany.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung described the deception this way:

“Anyone who asks for the reasons for the surge in weapons purchases encounters silence. Officially, the regulatory agencies say that anyone who applies for the small weapons license does not need to provide a justification and therefore the government offices have no explanation. ‘But it is true that sometimes we clearly get the message that they are afraid because of the refugees,’ says one, on condition that his name and office will not be mentioned in the newspaper. ‘People have already told me: I want to protect my family.’ We have reported this to the Ministry…

“The retailers also say nothing officially about the reasons for the increase in sales. Call a small gun shop. Many refugees arrived at the end of August, and since September the numbers are up, can there not be a connection? ‘If you do not use my name: Sure, what else?’ Says the man on the phone. The people who come to the store are afraid. They believe that among the refugees there are ‘black sheep.’ Some customers openly admit it.”

Empirical evidence shows an indisputable nationwide spike in migrant-driven crime, includingrapes of German women and girls on a shocking scale, as well as sexual and physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies, burglaries and drug trafficking.

The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a confidential police report leaked to a German newspaper. The document reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

Not surprisingly, a new poll shows that 55% of Germans are pessimistic about the future, up from 31% in 2014 and 28% in 2013. The poll shows that 42% of those between the ages of 14 and 34 believe their future will be bleak; this is more than double the number of those (19%) who felt this way in 2013. At the same time, 64% of those aged 55 and above are fearful about the future.

The poll also shows that four-fifths (79%) of the German population believe the economy will deteriorate in 2016 due to the financial burdens created by the migration crisis, and 70% believe that member states of the European Union will drift further apart in the coming year. The most predictable finding of all: 87% of Germans believe their politicians will experience a decline in public support during 2016.

Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. He is also Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook and on Twitter. His first book, Global Fire, will be out in early 2016.

Follow Soeren Kern on Twitter and Facebook




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